• Published 2nd May 2015
  • 9,547 Views, 181 Comments

For the Mare Who Has Everything - Justice3442

Every day Celestia shares light and love with all the ponies of Equestria. In turn, they share their love with her. Still, the princess senses there is something missing. Something her heart longs for.

  • ...

Chapter 9

For the Mare Who has Everything

Chapter 9


A mixture of orange and purple light bathed Celestia as she sat on her haunches and looked out her balcony, a fixture of the castle that had luckily been far, far away from the area that had been destroyed in the fights with Chrysalis or during her own outpouring of power. Her horn glowed dully as far off in the distance the sun fell behind cloud cover, a ritual that Celestia had repeated so often it came almost as instinctive as breathing. Soon the sunlight would be blocked fully and her sister would raise the moon in a ritual that was no longer Celestia’s. Usually Celestia would wholly celebrate this fact, but the idea that she’d soon run out of things to occupy her time felt like a looming shadow that was slowly reaching to swallow her whole. Even the usual tiresome ‘celebrations’ with nobles and slew of expensive, but ultimately not particular useful gifts was a welcome distraction from pretty much everything else that had transpired today.

Celestia felt a sudden pain in her heart as memories of a time that never happened washed over her. With a heavy sigh as she clenched her eyelids down hard, Celestia attempted to steer her thoughts onto literally anything else. She began by reminding herself how lucky it was that nopony was killed in the destruction she caused. Likewise, only the nurse pony that Twilight had hastily left to care for Chrysalis was directly affected by the Changeling Queen, said pony having some or her love drained. Though, the damage was slight as it seemed Chrysalis was keen on putting some distance between herself and Canterlot. Cadance also was quick to restore any lost love.

Shining Armor was, of course, summoned to ensure any changelings present would be evicted quite forcefully, but it was likely such actions would do little more than assure ponies what Celestia already knew. Chrysalis and any of her ilk that may have assisted her in this plot were long gone. Perhaps Chrysalis was planning her next attack, or her revenge, or maybe… just maybe the queen felt she was ‘square’ after the physical and mental trauma she had inflicted despite her own considerable injuries. Either way, Celestia quite doubted she had seen the last of Chrysalis, even if she felt it would be quite a while before she even heard from the Queen or her hive again.

It was… good… that Celestia didn’t have the burden of murder on her conscious, even if it would be an entity so easy to justify as Chrysalis. Good… though it was still something of a burden that the Changeling Queen roamed free. Oh well, Chrysalis was perhaps even older than Celestia herself and had already spent many of her days attempting to conquer pony kind time and time again with mixed results. Though, this return to status quo was not at all satisfying, it at least didn’t leave Celestia with any pains of self-doubt over if she had done the right thing. And it was quite doubtful she would have simply stopped with the elimination of Chrysalis.

Celestia sighed as she remembered the words her sister had said to her. She once again reminded herself she had dodged a preverbal arrow, or rather that she had somehow BECOME the proverbial arrow and thankfully only managed to inflect healable injuries on those she cared about as she thrashed around and her loved ones returned her to her quiver…

Celestia frowned. It was a good things metaphors and similes weren’t really things she needed to master as part of her duties. She focused her vision out again.

The sun was now almost completely lowered, and soon the little part of Celestia’s attention focused on the last of her duties would be done for the day. Celestia did not look forward to simply being alone with her thoughts.

She felt tired… No… not tired… Fatigued. Fatigued to such a degree that let her know that very few days in her long life truly compared to what she had gone through today. The… vision… That dream… That world inside her… No matter what simple label she gave it thoughts of the joy she held there and thoughts of her family remained. The thoughts would not leave as if it was a simple dream she had woken up from… No matter how many times she told herself that her memories of that ‘place’ where faulty, or false, she couldn’t shake them. To her, it had been as real as the balcony she now sat on. At least the ponies in her dreams were not complete fakes… Though the life that had been constructed there was not real, all the ponies there directly or somewhat indirectly represented real ponies that still lived…

…Ponies she still loved.

Once again, Celestia felt the full weight of her responsibilities, her regrets, and the absence of the perfect joy and contentment that world had given her. The last item on the list made the first two burdens feel fresh and new despite the fact that most such things she had learned to carry with her with relative ease over the centuries.

It was going to be a long night and the days and nights that followed would likely feel long as well.


Thankfully Celestia didn’t have to face them alone.

Celestia turned and smiled as Cadance stood in the castle doorway. “Yes, Cadance?”

Cadance smiled warmly and, for a brief moment, Celestia felt her emotional and mental weights abate… but it was only a moment.

“Can I talk to you for a little bit,” Cadance asked tentatively, “or would you rather be alone?”

Celestia shook her head. “Actually, I was rather hoping some pony would seek me out and keep me company.”

Cadance smiled once more and nodded.

Celestia continued, “In fact, I was hoping to talk to you in private.”

“Of course, auntie!” Cadance said. “What did you want to talk about?”

Celestia stared directly into Cadance’s eyes. “I’m sorry,” she said in a serious tone. “I’m sorry about that other place… And…” Celestia sighed. “I’m sorry, but it might be some time before I fully express how grateful I am that you…that you got me to see that world as false so I might get out to—” Celestia put on a chagrined expression and cleared her throat “–defeat Chrysalis… but…” Celestia trailed off and stared upwards, as if searching the darkened sky for words that could help her properly convey her feelings.

“There’s a hole in your heart, auntie” Cadance said.

Celestia’s eyes widened and she lowered her head to stare at Cadance once more. “I… I beg your pardon?”

It was Cadance’s turn to speak in a serious tone. She took a few steps forwards, placed a forehoof on Celestia’s chest, then looked down where her hoof was resting. “Ever since we met, I could tell there was a hole in your heart… Sometimes it grows larger and every so often, something wonderful happens and it closes a bit… But it’s always there. Cadance looked up into Celestia’s eyes. “When I went into your world to find you, the hole was gone… but when you came back, the hole had returned… bigger than it had ever been before…” Cadance closed her eyes. “It was as if every emotional wound that had ever been inflicted on you suddenly reopened all at once.”

Celestia felt the pressure of tears build up behind her eyes as she stared down at Cadance. Again she felt fatigued, but somehow looking down at her niece she found the strength to remain upright.

Cadance continued, “I don’t need to tell you I had my reasons, but I went down into your world and did all that I could to pull you out of it.” She opened her eyes. “Auntie, I can’t say I understand fully what it is that you gave up, but I know it pains you like possibly nothing ever has before… Regardless of why I did it, I’m partially responsible for that.” Cadance smiled weakly. “You don’t have to be grateful for that. I’ll settle for not being hated.”

“Oooh…” Celestia tearfully leaned forward and took Cadance into her forelegs and wings. “I could never hate you, my gentle little song… You helped bring me back twice today… But I’m still sorry…”

Cadance giggled and nuzzled Celestia. “It’s fine, you’ve apologized like crazy for all the threats and injuries you almost inflicted.”

“No… Not for that,” Celestia clarified. She leaned back from Cadance slightly. “I mean… YES. I am sorry for that but… In my dream world…” Celestia sighed. “As you know in my dream world you were Luna’s adopted niece, not my own… and I feel you deserve an apology for that. I don’t want you to think that means I don’t love or appreciate you, Cadance.”

Cadance just smiled and shook her head. “Your family was there to fill the hole in your heart.”

Celestia winced slightly as she felt Cadance’s words struck a hard cord of truth within her.

“If anything, I guess I’m relieved that I’m not a cause for regret in your life.” Cadance shook her head again. “There’s a hole in your heart, Auntie… But I guess I’m actually glad you never tried to fill it with me…”

“No, but…” Celestia paused and stared up into her eyelids briefly before she thought of Twilight and sighed. “No, but I did try to fill it.”

Speaking of that…” Cadance began tentatively.

Celestia swallowed, she doubted she was going to enjoy what came next. “Yes, my gentle little song?” she asked in an uncertain voice.

Cadance slowly and cautiously even let go of her embrace and parted from Celestia. “Maybe… I shouldn’t say this… At least… not so soon after—”

Celestia raised a forehoof. “Please say what is on your mind, Cadance.” Celestia sighed sadly but still smiled. “What’s one more weight to bear?”

Cadance gave Celestia a sideways look. “It’s not a new weight auntie… I know it’s not nearly as old some of the sadness you carry with you… but…”

“It’s quite alright, Cadance. I’m sure whatever it is we can discuss it together.”

Cadance straitened her head and focused her lilac eyes squarely on Celestia’s similarly colored eyes. “I think given everything that’s happened you should finally reach out to Sunset Shimmer.”

Celestia felt her entire body go rigid and her heart start to thump rapidly in her chest. Her statement about being able to discuss this was in error… Quite in error.

Cadance pursed her lips into a small frown. “Auntie?”

“Is it okay to interrupt?!”

Celestia plastered on a wide grin and turned. “Of course Twilight, Luna! Please join us.”

Internally Celestia recoiled as she felt judgemental eyes start to bore a hole in the back of her head courtesy of Cadance. It was a look Celestia didn’t even need to turn to confirm it was there and a look that never failed to make her feel just a little bit guilty about whatever she had done or didn’t do. Cadance almost never used that look, but when she did it meant Cadance was inevitably right about something and Celestia knew it.

Still, despite all that had happened today or maybe because of such events, these was one thing she just wasn’t ready to face just yet, and besides… Twilight and Luna looked to be an absolute mess! Certainly she needed to make amends with them and set things right now before she considered tackling a sticking issue of her past… right?

Her sides bandaged and a brace around her neck, Twilight tried to canter over to Celestia, but only managed a discordant trot that made it look like the princess was doing her best to move despite being a few steps away from unconsciousness. Still, she made her way up to Celestia and nuzzled a leg gently as Celestia lowered her head and returned the nuzzle.

Luna looked even worse. Her sides were likewise bandaged and she sported a wrap around the top of her head that allowed her ears and horn to poke out. Myriads of assorted bandages covered her limbs as she walked with a limp over to Celestia, keeping her weight off her left back leg as much as possible.

Celestia looked down at the small princess at her legs then up to her sister. “I’m glad you two came up to see me, but shouldn’t you both get some rest? For perhaps… a week at least?”

Luna looked at Celestia in bemusement “I could ask you the same thing.”

Celestia returned the look with a sad smile. “Honestly, I think keeping myself busy is what’s helping the most.”

Luna limped past Celestia and towards the edge of the balcony. “Yes, that does sound to be your way,” she said with a wry smile. Her horn began to glow a dull, deep blue as she stared out into the darkened sky.

Twilight backed up slightly and glanced up as best she could with the brace around her neck. “Don’t worry, I’ll get some rest soon.” Twilight let out a heavy sigh. “With the Heart’s Desire pollen making me push myself as hard as I could, I think I overworked every muscle in my body.” Twilight’s horn glowed purple for a moment, shot out a few errant sparks, and went dull again. “As well as my magic.”

Cadance wordlessly trotted up to Twilight and sat close to her, allowing Twilight to lean her body against hers.

Celestia gave all three princess present apologetic looks in turn. “Once again, I’m truly sorry for any grief or injury I caused.” She shook her head. “I dare not think what would have happened if all three of you weren’t there to pull me back.”

Luna turned and chuckled. “You have apologized enough for one day, sister. We’re not here for you to tell us how sorry you are again.”

Celestia smiled. “Well, if you’re here to keep me company, I appreciate the thought, but maybe you all really should rest.”

Luna shook her head as her horn continued to glow and the moon began to rise lazily in the distance. “I have my duties to attend to.” Luna glanced at the moon. “Or at least the one. Forgive me if I am a tad lax on my other duties for the next few days.”

Celestia let out a mirthful chuckle. “But of course.”

Twilight gave Celestia a tired smile. “Also, we didn’t get to have our ‘princesses only celebration’ today.”

Celestia smiled in surprise. “Oh, is that what this is about. I guess in the mayhem of today I did miss my favorite part about my birthday. Spending it with my family.”

Cadance gave Celestia a warm smile as Luna looked over her shoulder to give a small smile and nod to Celestia. Twilight was positively beaming despite the tired look in her eyes and the fact she was having to lean against Cadance to stay upright.

Cadance spoke up, “Shame your presents were destroyed in the fight auntie.”

Twilight grinned widely as Luna’s horn glowed a bit brighter. Surrounded by a midnight blue glow, Twilight’s gift in teal wrapping paper with a pink ribbon floated in from the castle door, though the wrapping paper was clearly blackened in places and the ribbon barely recognizable after much of it had been scorched, torn, or otherwise obliterated. It clung to the gift by the barest of threads. Cadance’s gift followed, the rectangular gift box was also barely recognizable. The light purple wrapping paper had turned mostly black-and-brown and the box itself had clearly seen better days.

Despite the shape of the two packages, Cadance looked at them in disbelief. “No… They couldn’t have possibly survived! Most of Celestia’s quarters were either blasted by magic or set on fire or both at least once!”

Luna shook her head. “That is what I thought, but Princess Twilight...” Luna smiled. “Perhaps it is better if she explains it herself.”

Twilight grinned. “Well, while I was figuring out my plan to fight Chrysalis I realized that the presents were still around and would likely get destroyed-er- further. So when I had Chrysalis on the ropes I quickly teleported them into a closet.” Twilight frowned. “Though, even the closet door was barely standing after all the fighting… it’s pretty much just a burnt cinder barely attached to the wall by half-melted hinges now.”

Cadance shifted her disbelieving look to Twilight, “You took time to move presents in the middle of a life or death fight?”

Twilight gave Cadance a sheepish grin. “It seemed like the right thing to do at the time… but just about every idea I had seemed like the right thing to do at the time, so…”

Celestia’s face blossomed into a huge grin. “Well, whatever the reason, I’m happy your gifts will not go to waste.”

Cadance giggled nervously. “Don’t get too excited. Given the condition of that box, I seriously doubt there’s much of my gift left.”

Celestia laughed happily as she took both gifts in a yellow glow. “Well, it’s the thought that counts…” With a soft smile, the aura around Cadance’s gift shifted slightly and the wrapping paper fell away or practically disintegrated into ashes, revealing a slightly less singed but still battered box with a now ill fitting, once-rectangular lid that was all likely white before being exposed to some rather serious heat. Removing the lid revealed a very dry looking semi-translucent sunflower in a small, utterly crushed pot.

Cadance looked up at her gift. “It’s a new species of sunflower that only grows within the borders of the Crystal Empire. It’s named the ‘Crystal Sunrise.’”

Celestia’s eyes went wide as she stared at the flower and she felt her heart begin to beat faster within her chest. She closed her eyes hard as images of a small orange filly filled her head and tears began to sprint to her eyes. “It’s… It’s beautiful…” she murmured.

Twilight and Cadance stared up at Celestia in concern then looked at each other, their expressions mirroring that neither seemed to know what they should do or respond given this display of barely contained emotion.

Luna turned and glanced at Celestia blankly. “I am afraid my present is far less material than those two. I was going to agree to take over some of your duties for the next couple days… The gift still stands, but I would appreciate it if you waited until after most my bones have mended to collect.”

Celestia suddenly let out a short, happy laugh. “Oh, that would be most welcome, Luna. I’ll definitely be taking advantage of that.”

Twilight and Cadance exchanged relieved smiles seeing that Celestia’s temperament had quickly changed.

Celestia looked at the flower again, smile still on her face. She turned towards Cadance. “Thank you, Cadance. Perhaps you can bring me live specimen next time you return to Canterlot.”

Cadance grinned and nodded. “Of course, auntie!”

Twilight grinned widely and giddily shifted her weight from one side to the other despite the obvious fatigue of her body.

Cadance raised an eyebrow. “This must be some book.”

Twilight gave Cadance a sour look. “Spoilers!” she hissed out.

Celestia let out a mirthful chuckle a she returned the flower to its box and gently lowered it to the ground as she slowly raised and lowered Twilight’s gift as if magically feeling the weight of the item. “Sorry, Twilight but you are a tad predictable when it comes to gift giving.”

Much to Celestia’s surprise Twilight grinned cheerily. “Oh, but this is a very special book.”

Celestia paused and glanced at Twilight’s gift curiously. With a slight purse of her lips, she removed the tattered and burned ribbon and wrapping paper then lifted the singed box top. Peering inside, Celestia’s eyes widened and her breath caught in her throat.

Cadance looked up at Celestia curiously as Luna peered behind her again and took note of her sister’s reaction. Twilight’s grin only grew wider as Celestia pulled out a leather bound book with golden plates stamped on the corners of the cover and a pair of golden profiles of horned individual on the center.

Luna’s eyes also went wide, “Is that…”

Celestia nodded. “It’s our journal from when we first moved into the Castle of Two sisters,” she said as she opened the book to a random page, her lips parting and their ends raising as her eyes traversed the words within.

Twilight’s cheeks turned slightly pinkish. “I hope it’s okay that I read it.”

Both Luna and Celestia let out slightly embarrassed laughs.

“That’s fine,” Celestia said. “Though, I doubt you gleamed much sagely wisdom from this particular tome.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Luna interjected with a wry grin as she limped over. “She has her own castle now, a hidden doorway or a dozen certainly wouldn’t hurt.”

Twilight smiled sleepily at Luna.

Celestia closed the book, and gentle placed it back in its box as she lowered that to the ground. She looked at Twilight. “Thank you Twilight, this is a most welcome gift.” She leaned down and took Twilight and Cadance into a feathery embrace. Leaning her head next to Twilight’s, she whispered, “But perhaps now would be a good time to get some sleep.”

Cadance glanced at Luna then back at Celestia. “Good idea,” she said with a smile. “I’ll get Twilight to her quarters.”

Luna favored Cadance with a small smile. “How kind of you.”

“Of course!” Cadance replied. “Twilight fought very hard today and my little sister here can barely stand up.”

Twilight shot Cadance a bleary-eyed irritated look and attempted to shift her weight so she was no longer leaning on Cadance, but quickly found out her body was going to help her very little in this regard. Instead she decided to let out a yawn. “Maybe I should get some sleep,” She said sleepily. “Goodnight Princess Luna, Goodnight Princess Celestia.”

“Good night, Eventide, I lo…” Celestia’s eyes suddenly shot open wide as she stopped herself. Cadance and Luna turned to look at Celestia in concern.

Her eyes now barely open, Twilight seemingly took no notice of the reply from Celestia.

Cadance let an unsure smile slip onto her face. “Goodnight Princess Luna. Goodnight auntie.”

Celestia smiled reassuringly at Cadance. “Goodnight, my gentle little song.”

Luna couldn’t help but grin, “Sweet dreams, Princess Twilight Saprkle, Princess Cadance.”

Cadane let out a titter as she wrapped a wing around Twilight. The two mares trotted back into the castle.

Luna glanced at her sister. “Perhaps you should get some rest as well.”

Celestia shook her head. “Later…” She gave Luna a small, hopeful smile. “I was rather hoping I could keep you company for a bit.”

Luna smiled. “I would enjoy that.” She motioned with her head towards the edge of the balcony and began trotting that direction. Celestia followed and soon both mares were staring out into the night sky as the full moon slowly raised over the mountains in the distance and stars twinkled amidst the dark blue canvas of the sky.

For a while, neither sister said anything. Both simple stared out into the peaceful night.

Celestia opted to break the silence, “So… If it’s not too painful to talk about… What was your heart’s desire?”

Luna grimaced slightly. “Well… I didn’t experience it for very long, but…”

Celestia’s ears perked up in interest. “Yes?”

“… I was ruler of Equestria… Loved and adored by ponies everywhere” Luna said sheepishly. “Somewhat in your stead…”

Celestia simply nodded. “And did you happen to be er… in that state long enough to know what I was doing?”

Luna nodded. “I had banished you to the sun a millennium ago.”


Luna let out a short burst of laughter. “Sorry! I couldn’t resist… No… You were content to raise a family.”

Against all odds, Celestia’s eyes widened further. “… Oh…” she said in an oddly sobering tone.

Luna tilted her head slightly. “Was that not an accurate guess of what would make you happy?”

Celestia shook her head. “On the contrary… My heart’s desire was remarkably similar to your own.”

Luna pursed her lips and dropped her eyelids slightly. “How similar?”

Celestia clenched her teeth slightly. “Basically exactly the same with you ruling and me spending time with my family.”

“… Oh…” Luna said, echoing her sister’s tone from before.

Again, the sisters turned to stare at the rising moon. Neither one speaking.

This time, Luna broke the silence. “So… What do we do? Do we…?

Celestia shook her head. “If it were that simple, I would happily hand over my crown and duties to you but…” Celestia sighed. “I think this would take some careful thought and planning to do without causing a slight panic amongst the ponies. Plus my family was not entirely made up…” Celestia frowned. “I still have demons of my past I have yet to face, or one's fate has conspired to keep me from.” Celestia stared upwards. “I could not simply stop being ruler of Eqestria and settle down at this time.”

Luna stood motionless for a bit, then nodded. “Perhaps an option for the future, then.”

Celestia slowly lowered her head to look at Luna once more. “Perhaps.”

The pair returned to staring out into the sky and after another bout of silence, Luna spoke, “Sister… I am… sorry…”

Celestia turned looked at her sister quizzically. “About… about your heart’s desire?”

Luna shook her head. “No… That I was not able to reach you when you were… Well, you know…”

Celestia’s eyes once again opened widely. “Luna… You… You… Okay, maybe I wasn’t ready right that second to come back to my senses but…” Celestia smiled. “But your words and your love at least let me see that something was very, very off about me…”

Luna gave Celestia a half smile. “Well, I am glad for that. Still…” She shook her head. “Although I am elated to have you back, I do wish I could have pulled you back from that nightmare of fire you became.”

Celestia paused for a moment and stared at the moon before turning to Luna and gently placing a forehoof under her chin.

Luna said nothing, but looked into her sister’s intent eyes.

Celestia began to speak, “Do not think for a moment your presence or your words were wasted on me. If it weren’t for your past experience or your reminder that I had somepony who cared deeply about me and the pony I am… truthfully am, I could have easily destroyed Cadance or Twilight and done any number of things to my beloved ponies.” Celestia smiled. “Luna, today your actions saved the lives of possibly everypony in Equestria. For all the regrets I harbor at not acting sooner over a millennium ago, I’m overjoyed that my sister was able to help bring me back. I could not ask for a better pony to rule by my side or help protect Equestria. I hope you know that not a single day goes by that the thought that you’re once again here brings joy to my life.”

Luna’s dark turquoise eyes suddenly turned glassy as she continued to look at Celestia. She suddenly threw herself at Celestia, wrapping both forelegs and wings around her.

Although momentarily surprised, Celestia soon returned the hug, likewise wrapping forelegs and wings around her younger sister.

At first, neither sister made a sound, both content to hold the other. After a short time, both broke down into tears and gentle cries that filled the night.

After a somewhat lengthy emotional display, Luna slowly parted slightly from Celestia, looking up at her with tear filled eyes but a smile on her face nonetheless. “Thank you…” Luna murmured. “Thank you for finally bringing meaning to my transformation oh so long ago.”

Celestia’s eyes widened. “I… I… Well, I don’t think I can quite take credit for that,” Celestia smiled, “but I’m happy there is a silver lining to all this.”

Still smiling, Luna nodded. “Good.” She glanced at the moon, her horn glowing slightly as continued to slowly climb the night’s sky. “Well, perhaps it is finally time you get some well-deserved rest.”

Celestia glanced again at the moon. “Later… Seeing the moon bright and empty always makes me feel better…”

Luna smirked.

Celestia shifted her position to face forward but kept her body pressed against her sister's and her left wing wrapped around Luna. “Forgive me Luna, but I lost a family tonight. If it’s alright with you, I’d like to spend this time reminding myself of the family I still have.”

Luna said nothing, but leaned closer into her sister's embrace as the two sat and stared out at the twinkling stars and the slowly rising, bright white moon.

And the two sisters stayed like that until the dawn.

The End.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading everyone.

Sorry to... disappoint?... those that thought I might end this by suggesting the "end" was just the vision of either Luna or Cadance. :twilightsheepish: I did expect a few to suggest that's maybe how it'd end as soon as Celestia started passing the pollen around.

Well, I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did. Those hoping to finally see a reunion of Celestia and Sunset should check out Sunset Shimmer is MAD about Everything! Quite a different tone from this story here, but Celestia and Sunset have already had some pretty dramatic moments and that's not going away right away.

Again! Thank you all for reading. See ya around! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 41 )

No disappointment here. I will carry warm fuzzies with me through work thanks to this! Night!

I don't really have much to say about this. I truly enjoyed the story, especially the real world scenes of it; the hearts-desire hallucination moments just didn't feel as great (although most of the hearts-desire chapters where written a while ago so it could just be that you're that much better at writing now) and as always I love how you portray the characters in your stories.

My only issue with this story is that it feels a bit superfluous; I guess? Don't get me wrong I think it deals with it's subject matter very well but I don't feel like it adds much to the overarching plot that you have going here (not that I'm complaining good writing is still good writing).
I mean while the fact that she has issues with Sunset have been highlighted but the story doesn't contribute to the greater narrative much more than that. We still don't know what caused such a huge breakup between the two (although I do enjoy just leaving that to my imagination)*


I hope you know that not a single day goes by that the thought that you’re once again here brings joy to my life.”

I believe you need a double negative here so it should be: "I hope you know that not a single day goes by that the thought that you're once again here doesn't bring joy to my life."

*No, this totally isn't some evil scheme to get you to write more. W-why would you even say that? I mean what even is a scheme? N-never seen one before, y-you're just imagining things:trollestia:

Nice ending to a complete story.

Still wish we got a bit between Sunset and Celestia. Sunset is likely as scared and broken inside over what happened as her mother.

Pass the pollen 'round! puff, puff, pass.

Absolutely fantastic. This was really enjoyable--and I can't help feel a lingering sadness for Celestia. I understand the longing for a family.

Only thing that would have made it even more perfect is if Sunset was Twilight's present

This was a nice story. I'm glad I read it. :twilightsmile:



I'm okay with that. What this ending is missing for me is having Chrysalis reduced to the same state Mongul was in at the end, simply because I've always loved that "Whatever (he's seeing), it's too good for him" line.

For a second there, I thought Twi's present was going to be Sunset's diary so Celestia could touch base again. The Diary of Two Sisters was a good call though. :pinkiehappy:

Great ending Justice, that sibling hug session was great! Much daww.

Definitely differs from the original's ending, to be sure.

I do wish we'd seen some babysteps towards seeing Sunset again - but the rest was lovely sweet.

I'm with the rest in thinking Twilight's gift would be a happy birthday message from Sunset in the journal but even without that I think this ending is about as perfect as an ending could be. Great work and I look forward to more. :twilightsmile:


Because that, while it would be impossibly satisfying, that would sink the vengee to the enemy's level.

awww...so sweet. Kinda wish there was more of Sunset there though. You laid out such an interesting hook with Sunrise.

I half expect for the book to open up and sunset was within it to surprise the princess then at the end, she and twilight tell everyone they been date since twilight went though the portal and both teleport away before anyone could react


I finished this at about the same time I was hitting the Sunset/Celestia reunion in stuff in Sunset Shimmer is MAD About Everything, so that's where to look if you want to see my take on Sunset's return.

I want to say that I'm not sure what it is, but I am entirely sure about what made me dislike this story. First, there are THREE other princesses, and Twilight could easily take over for Celestia, with some training from Luna, and that training is to raise and lower the sun. For the story that this was based on, NO ONE could take Superman's place, because of how powerful he is. That first point, and there was NO reason for Celestia to destroy that gift. For those two reasons, I have decided to dislike this story. Perhaps, if there was a sequel where she trains one of the other princesses to take her place, and gets Queen Chrysalis to make that gift for her again, I'd like it better, but as it stands, my two points are perfectly valid.


... I don't know why it took me so long to notice this comment. :rainbowlaugh:

Celestia, carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, you silly overgrown filly... *sigh* May your happiness one day be more complete.
I love the way you have crafted this story. The writing is fluid and smooth, and the plot makes clear sense. Having never read the comic that inspired this but otherwise well-informed on what occured, I feel you did true justice to the concept. I give you my heartfelt thanks for letting those of us who have grown to love this series a chance to read such a beautiful story. Thank you.

I have to say, I like your more serious stories then your comedic ones. You should make more of them!


Hehehe. Technically both things would have been written before those other things where...things... Oddly enough, though I have seen the Spongebob movie, the inspiration for this line IS Vegeta. It's just from a piece of fan-art that's stuck with me.


AHA! A sad one i havent read that promises Sunny and Shine! Reading i get to!

Well. Im actually shocked. I do believe MAD actually made me cry a lot more. The hallucinations, while depressing as absolutely possible, where still just that, hallucinations. And while i know to Celi they were so much more, as a reader that knew For the Man who has Everything plot, it was less of an impact.

Nonetheless, still a fantastic story.

Also quick question, is this story considered ‘canon’ in this Venn-diagram of a plot of yours? I would hedge a bet saying it isnt, but if it was it would make Celi and Sunny in MAD that much more depressing, in a good way mind you.

It absolutely is canon to MAD, which does, in fact, make Celestia's lack of action that much more egregious there.

Sombra was never evil in this timeline, never took over the Crystal Empire so Cadence was never orphaned.

Huh. Just read that chapter and Luna adopted Cadence? Maybe Celestia wants Luna to have a chance at having a child and thinks Cadence and Luna would be a good match? It's like Luna and Celestia completely switched places.

The reason Cadence wasn't there makes sense.

I just realized. The case Applejack is looking at contains the Golden Gun.

This story is beautiful, but I can't appreciate it fully. Despite the tags and the clear author intent to make this sad and moving, I spent more time laughing then crying.

Do not take this as a criticism however as I have always found sadness the hardest emotion to embrace, and the fact I wish I was crying more in this story is a sign of how masterfully done the sad bits are.

A bit to much humor for me for a sad story, but a beautiful tale none the less, that kept me up way past when I should have gone to sleep. I hope to read more and I was glad I finally got the time to read this.

Except, since it's canon that Sunset Shimmer is, in fact, her adopted daughter, and yet, Sunset Shimmer BETRAYED her, by being a power-hungry little *****, and leaving Equestria forever, (at least as of the time that this story is published, that is...), she kinda doesn't have everything.

A faithful and moving adaptation, and one that doesn't drown out the ponies in it.

Good catch that it's Cadance using the line and not Twilight. Although since in this continuity Twilight still hasn't figured out the differences between her relationship with Celestia and Sunset's I can believe Cadance has specifically chosen to avoid cluing her in. And this Twilight tends to assume everypony's just like her until there's evidence to prove otherwise.

This does add a bit to the history between Celestia and Sunset in that it makes clear as much as the latter was running on constant irritation and temper flares, she still kept having the wrong fights with Celestia, because they're enough alike she wasn't willing to hit the buttons which would have hurt Celestia the most - but might also have led to some progress. Showing Celestia behaves when outside of her constant role and can worry less about risks and consequences is a nicely different approach to showing what they have in common.

Cadance shifted her disbelieving look to Twilight, “You took time to move presents in the middle of a life or death fight?”

Twilight has her priorities straight

Celestia: The angsty feels
Luna: The fighter
Cadance: the Mastermind

And last but not least at all
Twilight: the comedic relief in this bleak world of fire and wishes

I love the cover art, Sunset looking after a younger Twilight is such a cool concept.

Cadance shifted her disbelieving look to Twilight, “You took time to move presents in the middle of a life or death fight?”

Twilight gave Cadance a sheepish grin. “It seemed like the right thing to do at the time… but just about every idea I had seemed like the right thing to do at the time, so…”

I'm glad you have your priorities straight, Twilight. Even when the evildoer, Chrysalis is wreaking havoc and Celestia-slash-Daybreaker-but-not-Daybreaker is running amok threatening your family, you didn't falter from your priorities. Truly, a mare we should all strive to emulate.

Anyway, a beautiful story, it was a sad one, true. But it also has its funny moments, after all we all need some laughter to lift our spirits even by just a little. I especially loved Twilight in this context and the sound effects like Phhoooom! or ZorrrtPooochchw! It was so funny attempting doing that by mouth.

Think that it is my 3rd of 4th read, it is simply a really great story

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