• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 16,224 Views, 653 Comments

Fortresshy 1.5: For(t) Pony - Tatsurou

Fluttershy and Team RED MOON adjust to life in Equestria as the events of Season 4 pass.

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Fluttershy smiled happily as she helped her Daddies, Mommy, and Big Brother put the finishing touches on the new Fortress. While Equestrian masons had built the basic shape of the fort, the team had been customizing it to their specifications, along with setting up the respawner.

The main body of the Fortress was wood, surrounding stone, surrounding magically reinforced steel. The idea behind the design was to make the Fortress seem less sturdy than it actually was. Luna had said the only reason she'd stopped there was because none of the masons could figure out how to build an outermost layer made of straw. Fluttershy and Heavy had found that hilarious.

The walls themselves were 80 feet high, surrounding an inner courtyard of 64000 square feet, with a main building in the center of the compound that rose 80 feet over the top of the walls. The upper floors of the structure were taken up entirely by sniper points and ballistae, however, for shooting over the walls at any assaulting force. The lower floors included bedrooms, the dining hall, Medic's lab, Demoman's explosive lab, an armory, the respawner chamber, and the game room.

Sentry points and other sheltered positions surmounted the outer wall, providing plenty of room to run back and forth along it for proper defense. Dispensers had been built and stabilized all along the wall and throughout the courtyard. The garage held several vehicles Engineer had designed, built by unicorn smiths from Canterlot. A corral for Chompy was in one corner of the grounds, and a shooting range and obstacle course filled the other two corners. Enchanted steel gates were solidly barred, discouraging entry.

All in all, the Fortress - dubbed Fort Pony by Soldier - was prepared for anything Equestria could throw at it...except for a polite knock at the door.

Being nearest to the door, Spy decided to answer. Sliding the view panel to the side, he glanced out. "Yes?" he asked politely.

On the other side of the door were two middle aged pegasi. One was massive - at least as big as Big Mac, which was pretty massive for a pegasus - with a golden coat and blood red mane, battle scarred and missing an eye. The other was smaller, pure white, and with a pink mane and tail.

"Can I help you?" Spy asked politely.

"You can start by opening the bloody door!" the large male barked, showing a plain military bearing.

Spy frowned. "Do you have clearance?" he demanded bluntly.

The pegasus reached through the view port and yanked Spy out by his mask until he was hanging half on one side of the door, half on the other. "How much clearance do you think I'll get ripping you in half and punting the lighter half over the walls?" he demanded.

"Quick!" the mare scolded, her voice quiet but stern. As the stallion released Spy, the mare turned a familiarly sweet smile on Spy. "You'll have to forgive my life mate. I'm sure you know how military types can be."

Spy chuckled. "Indeed. I know such types quite well." He frowned, recognizing that smile as he made a few connections. "You are Fluttershy's mother, aren't you?"

The mare smiled. "Indeed. I'm Wind Blossom, and this is my life mate, Quickhoof."

"Then you do have clearance," Spy replied. "We've been looking forward to meeting you. I'll let you in." Spy squirmed. "Err...just as soon as I get unstuck."

"Is your respawner thing hooked up?" Quickhoof demanded.

"Yes," Spy replied. "Why-"

Quickhoof's hoof crushed Spy's skull.

Quickhoof Punch Spy

Spy's body was collected by the respawner, restoring him using the only available inanimate material from his dimension. He then returned to the gate and opened it with a smile. "You'll fit right in," he said happily, beckoning them in.

As Spy led them in, Fluttershy spotted them. "Mother! Father!" she yelled happily, rushing up to them.

Quickhoof's face rapidly dissolved from stern to almost goofy. "Who's my little shy one who sets my heart aflutter?" he sing-songed. Lunging forward, he started tickling her. "It's my Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy giggled happily as the three of them embraced. "Everyone else is inside! I can't wait to introduce you to everyone! You've already met Poof Daddy!" She gestured to Spy.

"Celestia's briefed us somewhat on...what happened to you," Quickhoof explained. "But...Poof Daddy?"

"Because I vanish," Spy explained. "Like...poof. You may call me Spy, if you prefer."

"I happen to like Poof Daddy myself," Wind Blossom replied with a smile.

Word that Fluttershy's Equestrian parents had come for a visit spread through the Fortress like wildfire, and everyone had gathered in the main dining hall just off the kitchen. They had their uniforms on, and Soldier had made certain that everyone was clean to a spit-shine polish. Fluttershy had mentioned that her Father was a military pegasus, and Soldier had concluded that military discipline was the proper approach.

While Soldier was the only one standing ramrod straight as Spy led the trio of pegasi in, all were on their feet hoping to make a good impression. However, as Quickhoof's single eye scanned them, Soldier swallowed convulsively. In that gaze he saw the disapproving look of every recruiting officer who had ever denied his application, telling him he was unfit to serve. While he had shrugged off their assertions that he was unfit to serve in the past, this was the stallion who had sired his little Fluttershy, who had given him his star. If he disapproved, Soldier wasn't sure what he would do.

"This is the Team Leader," Fluttershy gestured to Soldier.

Soldier instinctively saluted. "General Daddy Sir reporting for duty!" he barked out without thinking.

Quickhoof raised an eyebrow as Fluttershy giggled. Quickhoof then approached Soldier. "That's Admiral," he hissed softly.

"Yes sir, Admiral sir!" Soldier replied quickly.

"I can smell your fear, soldier boy," Quickhoof hissed, flapping up to eye level with the helmeted mercenary. He then snarled in his face. "Show me your war face!" he bellowed.

Soldier let off his loudest war cry, yanking his rocket launcher out without thinking and firing.

Quickhoof uppercut the rocket into the ceiling where it sputtered, the explosive circuitry broken from the force of his punch. He then stared at Soldier for a time. "...passable," he allowed after a time.

Soldier swelled with pride. A superior officer had evaluated him...and he passed!

Fluttershy then gestured to Medic. "This is Daddiem."

Wind Blossom smiled widely. "Ah, a doctor," she said softly. "I'm glad to see a man of medicine played a part in Fluttershy's second childhood. I was a MASH nurse myself."

"Mobile Army Surgical Hospital?" Soldier asked, surprised.

"Aerial, actually," Wind Blossom replied. "But I imagine the roles are similar."

"Fluttershy was an excellent student of medicine," Medic replied with a bow.

"And this is Big Daddy," Fluttershy continued, gesturing to Heavy, who bent down to pet her.

"Little malyutka Fluttershy made us all so happy!" Heavy beamed.

Quickhoof gave Heavy an appraising look. "I take it you're the tank of this team?"

"Heavy smash!" Heavy said proudly, eliciting a giggle from Fluttershy.

"This is Boom Daddy," she continued.

"Pleased ta meetcha!" Demoman replied. "Demoman, explosives expert and brewery specialist."

Quickhoof raised an eyebrow. "We'll talk about that." He then turned to the next member of the team.

"I'm Engineer," Engineer said easily. "I maintain all the tech around here. Though Fluttershy calls me Dadenji."

"Finally, someone with a brain," Quickhoof grunted.

"And this is Bang Daddy!" Fluttershy said quickly before anyone could take offense.

"A sniper?" Quickhoof asked, his eyes on Sniper's rifle.

The Australian tipped his hat. "Yup, that's me. Long range is where I work best...though my Jarate works well close up."

"Jarate?" Wind Blossom asked.

"You don't want to know," Fluttershy said quickly. "And this is Mama."

Pyro grunted happily, taking a hoof each from Quickhoof and Wind Blossom in his hands and shaking happily.

"He's very pleased to meet you," Fluttershy translated.

"He?" Quickhoof asked. "Mama?"

Wind Blossom, however, was focused on the apron and chef's hat Pyro was wearing. "We should trade recipes sometime," she said softly. Pyro nodded enthusiastically in confirmation.

"And this is big brother!" Fluttershy finished, gesturing to Scout.

Quickhoof smirked as Wind Blossom facehoofed. "Get me a drink, sonny!" he barked.

Scout bridled. "Now hang on-"

Quickhoof had long ago perfected the Drill Sergeant bellow to the point it rivaled the force of the Royal Canterlot Voice, and he unleashed it now. "Show me the respect I am due, boy! You go get me that drink or I'll kick you in the dick so hard you taste your own balls!"

"Sir yes sir!" Scout replied almost instinctively, dashing off to where the drinks were kept.

Around the dining hall, several smiles graced chiseled faces. It seemed they would get along just fine.

Once the drinks were brought, most of the group had relaxed to share in the companionable activity. Wind Blossom and Pyro were in the kitchen, preparing snacks and other things. The 'menfolk' were gathered around the table with their drinks, engaging in the most logical activity for the situation at hand.

Exchanging embarrassing stories about each of their experiences rearing Fluttershy...whose face was rapidly turning pinker than her mane.

"You shoulda been there for her first kill!" Scout laughed. "There she was, standing over the BLU spy, and she brought that frying pan down on his head so hard it splattered like a watermelon as she shouted, 'Not the Mama!'"

"Not the Mama?" Quickhoof asked, confused.

"He was disguised as Pyro at the time!" Scout explained before hiccuping.

"And then when she slaughtered the entire BLU Team single hoofed while shouting about nobody hurting her family?" Engineer replied. "And then she looked around at the mess and was all, 'Did I do that?'"

"You should have been there on her first day of flight school!" Quickhoof laughed. "She shaped her cloud pillow into her exact shape, even managing to get the coloring right, and stuck it under her covers while she hid under the bed, hoping I'd take the cloud instead of her!"

"Really?" Heavy asked, shocked.

"On the second day when she did it again," Wind Blossom added, "I felt so sorry for her I actually did take the cloud." More laughter greeted this.

"Doctor!" Heavy bellowed. "Remember anatomy lessons with teeny pony crawling in my open belly?"

"I'm not sure which is my favorite story," Spy added. "Playing peek-a-boo that turned into hide and seek, or when she was so proud after helping Scout get laid that she looked up at Heavy and I and said, 'I'm a pimp!'"

"I didn't teach her that!" Scout countered as the table erupted in laughter.

"Let me tell you about how she got Chompy!" Soldier bellowed.

"Or about this picture!" Sniper added, gesturing to a colored picture of Fluttershy surrounded by birds.

"Oh, I have stories of Fluttershy and her birds!" Quickhoof replied.

Fluttershy hid behind her mane in embarrassment, but also to hide her smile. As embarrassing as these stories were, she was so happy to see her two families meshing so well.

Author's Note:

For those interested...

The original bio for Fluttershy's parents. Made a long time ago.