• Published 17th Apr 2015
  • 1,102 Views, 14 Comments

Death Equals Life - Basic Information

Light Breeze, one of Starlight's most devote followers start to develop opinions about the world around him. Effectively causing him to partake in a journey that most would take care to avoid.

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This Can't Be Life

Today is the day we celebrate. Another one of our members has passed on to the great equalizer and it is time to pay our respects. But unlike most communities, we don’t mourn over the ones who pass. No, it is a happy and joyous occasion for all who attends. As we’ve been taught, Only true equality exists outside of this world and while we're here, our only job is to make sure we enlighten ourselves until it is our time to pass over.

The entire community will attend the ceremonies for the day, however there won’t be a tear to shed. Afterwards everypony will give their blessings and move on to help re-equalize our positions in our community since we have lost another to the equalizer. Yet as I have awoken for the day itself, I couldn’t help but to feel a slight pain knowing that she wouldn’t be beside me. But I’ll be able to see her one more time, I’ll be able to give my blessings and look forward to a future where we will be equal together in the life after. I’d know no greater pleasure than to see her smile again.

Within my small one room home, I go about my daily chores before convening with the rest of the members outside of Starlight’s home. Living in the community isn’t hard, it might even be the easiest thing to do in Equestria. My morning routine consists of nothing more than fixing my mane in the traditional style that promotes our sameness. Which within itself is a easy feat considering my dark blue coarse hair can be managed perfectly with a few hoof strokes from a small hair comb. After that, there really isn’t a need to brush or manage my pink coat. For all I need to do is through my brown cloak over my back to fulfill the necessities for the day. The old rucksack that the cloak is made out of use to be a little itchy and uncomfortable, but I soon got over it just as everypony else has.

Glancing around my small empty home one more time. I sigh with light satisfaction at the fact that it’s no different than anypony elses home. We all have the same dressers, beds, and drapes all put in the same fashion. Somepony from the outside might consider it plain or bland, but I know just like everypony else that this is the greatest possible design for the all of us. I’ve never been in a home as calm…


Manehatten, a large and bustling city. The metropolis of Equestria and the pinnacle of success and opportunity. For most ponies that is, far off deep in the suburbs of the massive metropolis is the home of a young colt. A colt who could wish he was anywhere else than where he was now.

“What did I tell you about playing with your toys in the living room boy!” A aggravated stallion hissed.

Sitting before him was a guilty looking pink colt who was innocently playing with his toy trains. That was until he bumped a portrait that was sitting on top of a small counter that he was now trying his best to hide underneath. The angry old stallion, picked up the picture and held it in his hoofs. It almost seemed as though his anger vanished for the briefest moments as he looked deeply into the picture.

The photo was taken in front of a rather modest sized house that was recently purchased by two ponies that were holding a little colt tightly in their hoofs. A tear was getting ready to slip past the stallions cheek as he looked at the Earth Pony mare in the picture. She had a vibrant pink coat with a long flowing alabaster mane that just slightly hung over her shoulders. It all was a vast contrast to the stallion just adjacent to her in the photo, the stallions figure hardened once more as he looked at what he was holding. The very object of his wife's death, the only thing left of her painful memories. With rage once again vibrating his very being, the stallion flung the already shattered portrait against the wall. Forcing the shivering colt the coward away even further under the counter to no avail.

It only took a second of the strong Earth Pony to pull the small Pegasus out from under the counter. It was then, when the colt begun to wail loudly. Crying for his father to stop, begging and pleading for mercy, calling to Celestia to save his blank flank. But his prayers would go unanswered, no pony would hear his screams of pain or cries of betrayal. For when his fathers hoofs hit his flank with the force of a bat, he knew no pony would save him.

Over and over again, the beating never ceased. “I TOLD YA BOY! I TOLD YA!”

At that point it was unclear at who was crying the hardest. Both father and son were shedding tears of pain, one of loss and the other of fear. But things had to be that way, somepony had to pay. Somepony had to be different.


Blinking a few times, I just realized I had been standing in front of my door for at least a minute, and I have no idea why. Shaking my head a bit and putting on my brightest smile, I walk out into the sunlight. I’m instantly greeted with a wall of warmth as I cross the threshold out into our single street, I notice everypony heading to the same destination, Starlight’s house. I also fall in line as well, that was until Sugar Belle started trotting up next to me with the strangest expression on her face. It was slightly unsettling seeing anything besides happiness on the faces of everypony here.

“H-hey…” Sugar Belle’s greeting was slightly staggered, but I chose to ignore it.

“Hello, are you prepared to pay your respects today!” I cheerfully say, hoping that I can banish whatever is plaguing her before Starlight or Double Diamond can notice.

“Oh, I’m fine… I’m just thinking of what it’s like to be with the great equalizer. It must be amazing right!” There we go, now I can see her smile. Even if it seems a little forced.

“If it’s anything like our mayor describes, then it must be.” I wishfully say.

The purple Unicorn grew silent as we approached Starlights house. There were plenty of chairs and tables that offered a slightly different variety of snacks than that of what we're use to. It still feels a little strange to attend the passing ceremony, It is not often that we see so much color in one place. I take one more glance at the purple mare beside me to see her smiling as brightly as I am now. Satisfied, I take my leave from her company and find a spot closest to our mayor and the rather decorated casket that we all will inscribe our passing words into it at the end of the process. The mayor is sitting atop of her pestle, preparing her speech. Looking around once more, I am glad to see everypony in town here for the occasion. After all it is the passing for my first friend, but I mustn’t say that, because then I would be treating everypony else unfairly.

“Hello everypony, and thank you all for coming. Today we remember our dearest Iron equally as much today as we will tomorrow. So let’s not forget what she has contributed to the foundation of our community and the equality she spurred inside every last one of us. So I’m glad to tell you all that she has chose to take her own life and shed the mortal shell she was cursed with, the mortal shell that we are all cursed with,” Starlight paused in her speech for a moment to see everyponies smiling faces looking back up at her. Although mines might have wavered for the slightest second at the realization that Iron had taken her own life and left me behind.


“Hey Breeze, buddy, don’t worry about those idiots ok… We got each other and nopony else can tell us what our Cutie Marks mean!” Iron boastfully said, trying her best to console her crying friend.

“I-I-I Know, but it really hurts! I’m not a coltcuddler!” A distraught Breeze wailed in the arms of his Earth Pony friend.

Iron just sat there, silently holding her pegasus friend. Clearly out of consoling words to say to him, she simply gritted her teeth and stood up. Completely appalled by her actions, Breezes water works quickly subsided as he looked up at his now infuriated friend.

“They aren’t gonna get away with this, WHERE ARE THOSE BULLIES!” Iron angrily stomped a hoof at no pony in particularly as she yelled to the skies.

As if on cue, one of said bullies voice ranged out from across the park. “Oh if it isn’t that cry baby Light Breeze and his… Stallion friend I presume?”

Light Breeze flinched at the mentioning of his name, but on the other hoof Iron whipped around to face the bully that decided to speak up. The two friends were faced with three rather lanky unicorns of all the same complexion. Each of them looked as if some nobles just threw all their wealth into a pile to create the three of those unholy offsprings. But the worst of them was the ring leader, a brown unicorn with a slick backed mane and a rather glistening coat. He was the one that threw the derogatory insult and was the first to receive Irons fury.

“YOU TAKE THAT BACK!” Iron shot back with the fury of Celestias sun. It effectively caused both of the Unicorns cronies to take a step back from the burning mare, however the main stallion was undeterred.

“Erm, I’m afraid my business is not with you my good sir… So if you would kindly step aside so we can clearly see your colt cuddling friend there.” The stallion lazily gestured to the trembling form behind the Earth Pony.


Then like that, the mare charged head first into the stallion. Yet before she could even lay a hoof on the poor sod. She was flung of by a barrier that was instantly erected around the Unicorn. She hit the ground with enough force to almost leave an impact crater. Even being an Earth Pony, she knew his magic completely reflected or even amplified the damage right back to her. Shakingly getting up, she spat out a mouthful of blood and was ready to attempt another mock charge. No matter what damage she would receive, she had no interest in giving up. That was until she felt a hoof over her shoulder.

She shot the most menacing glare in the direction of the owner of the hoof thinking it was none other than the Unicorns that were antagonizing them. But her feature instantly softened to see none other than her only friends soft purple eyes peering into her own.

“Please don’t…”


“PLEASE!” Breeze wailed into her coat, gripping her with new found strength to protect her the only way he knew how.

Off in the distance the three Unicorns were simultaneously laughing there horns off as they watched the sappy scene that was transpiring before them. It probably would have never ended if it wasn’t for some adults who heard the commotion and was quickly encroaching onto the scene. That was all it took for the three bullies to take there exit without another word.


“Now she joins the great equalizer, now she will be able to be at peace and achieve perfect equality. Again, lets not forget her sameness, as we all equate to each other and we will always have each other. Everypony may pay their final respects now and enjoy in the celebration to come for another life successfully lived.” Again I must have zoned out, I missed the majority of our leaders great speech because of my mind wandering. Starlight has given so much to bring us this far, and I mustn’t sully that.

She has lead us to the greatest points of our lives, now we sit upon our destinies together. With no pony feeling left out or different. But why do I feel alone all of the sudden, why did Iron leave me alone. I want to be happy for her, I want to smile as brightly as everypony else. Just as I have been. But I only wanted to smile with Iron, she promised me we would be together until the great equalizer called us both. So why did she commit early, why would she take her life before everypony else… Maybe she was still unequal, her and Starlight would always have strange conversations together. It almost looked like they were disagreeing sometimes.

But as Starlight has taught us, we don’t need to fret over the past, because we are all equal. Yet that’s all I see now, even as everypony smiles as they pass her engraved wooden casket. I can’t help but to remember her azure eyes, those perfect blue orbs would send me swimming with joy every time I would make contact with them. They perfectly matched with her brilliant light gray coat, most would think it as a dull color. No, her coat was soft and rustic, nopony could describe her true color as I. Even her mane, which was a jet black was one of the most beautiful things to ever be blessed upon a mares head.


Even now, while here light gray coat is duller than the land around us and her once beautiful pools of ocean blue are now closed. Peacefully unaware of my pain and everypony else’s happiness. Her short jet black hair however still looked like it had life, the way Starlight loved to style everyponies mane even carried over to death. But the death, that’s the part that catches me. Why is it Iron laid perfectly in the engraved casket with her forehooves crossed like a peaceful angel… Why not anypony else...

I can’t give in to the temptation, Starlight said feelings like those only lead to pain, and shes right. Look at me now, I’m standing in front of her casket looking simply pitiful… There is no excuse, I won’t let you down Iron, I’ll be happy for you. Today is your day and I won’t put a damper on it, because I’ll see you soon. We all will see you soon.

Finally coaxing myself back to my cheery old self, I give Iron one last look before I retreat to the back of the line. Even after surrounding myself with those equal to me, I can’t help but to shed a silent tear for her. Simply because she has found true peace without me, and now I’m alone again. However I don’t know why I feel as though, maybe I should tell Starlight. I could really use her advice right now, I just wish I knew more about the great equalizer.

Sitting and waiting for the end of our mayors speech about equality, I can’t help to remember what got us here. Exactly what has brought everypony here to this point….


“I hate working at the iron foundry!” A grey coated mare huffed while stomping her way down the street.

“I know I know, I also hate working for the weather team as well… But you know we can’t get work that isn’t related to our talents.” A smaller pink coated stallion tried to reason.

“Just because of my stupid SPECIAL TALENT! I can’t do anything else than smelt iron, I mean I’m even named after the hunk of metal…” At that point the mare’s notorious temper was at it’s end. “I got my Cutie Mark digging up an old ore vein and it was fun then… But now that everypony thinks that’s the only thing I can do! What’s the point anymore…

Breeze immediately stopped trotting and glanced frightenedly at his angry friend. The look in his eyes betrayed any confidence he had in her, and she instantly took notice. It was unclear at whether or not it made her calm down, but it did make her stop as well. For the longest moment the both of them stood at an impasse in the middle of the road. Neither one of them would speak for the seconds past would meld the wounds opened by there depressing conversation. It was until the adsorbent orbs of blue found there way to Breeze’s purple eyes as well. The moment deceived them.

“Do you think I would do something like that, huh, do you think I’m that stupid?!” Before Breeze could even blink the pegasus found himself nose to nose with the furious mare.


“Then why would you look at me like that!” She never cried, and she wasn’t going to do it at that point either. “Idiot, I’ll never leave alone… You got that, you're stuck with me forever!”

Somehow the tension was immediately released and shot in a direction of least destruction. Because the entire situation deteriorated to a fit of laughter as both friends found themselves embracing either other as if nothing ever happened. That was until a mysterious figure watching them from the side of the road decided to make her presentation.

“Why hello ther-” She was rudely interrupted by a unamused Iron.

“Go away.” The grey mare dead-panned.

If the lavender mare was the slightest of offended, she did well of not showing it because
she continued on as if she hadn’t said a word. “I just couldn’t help but to hear your little conversation… And you see, I’ve suffered from the same problem.”

Iron didn’t even bat an eyelash to the strange looking mare, but Breeze showed much more interest. If anything he had his eyes planted directly on the mares flank, and that was something that didn’t go unseen by his now flustered friend.

Earning a swift strike to the back of the head and a stern scolding. The two friends completely ignored the mares presence as they went back and forth in arguing mute points. The mare may have been strange, however she was far from stupid. Interrupting them now would possibly result in battle wounds for her, and if avoidable… She would avoid it.

“I was just looking at her CUTIE MARE! Not her flanks you rock head!” Iron retorted to an unheard statement.

“You are you calling a rock head! You.. you… ROCK HEAD!”

Original . Breeze managed to mutter under his breath, only to regret it all when his friend caught on to what he said.

“Oh, I’ll give you original!” Breeze tried to cower under his wings to escape the grey mare’s predatory smile. Luckily for him however, Iron still noticed the mare off in the corner of the street watching with strange interest.

“Will you go away already…”

“I will, but please, could you possible listen to what I have to say.” All of the sudden it seemed like the purple Unicorn was pleading for their ears. Iron groaned audibly, but the true attention was paid by none other than the cowering Pegasus.

“I’ve been wandering Equestria quite sometime and I’ve learned why other ponies are treated so differently… Our Cutie Marks… They separate everypony, they make us feel different and alone,” The mare was selling it, and she was selling it well, because now even the more cautious of the two were leaning in with anticipation. “I-I can get rid of inequality, I can erase your pain!”


Thinking back to when it all started, I can honestly say it was the best decision of our lives. We’d spent the rest of our time in that divided city recruiting and bolstering our ranks for the village. At first she was suspicious, but Iron grew to the idea soon enough and I never saw her more happy when our leader used the staff to cleanse us of our marks. It was then when we truly felt equal, it was then when we could live together forever. But even with all the equality and unity...

She would still always protected me, keep me safe, and gave me strenght to do more. So why, why must I celebrate your passing now. You told me about all the dreams you had when we were building our new home. You say this place would be perfect, we told ourselves we could start over her and become anew. But now your happy and I’m still here.

“Breeze, dear, Are… you unhappy?” That voice was enough to snap me out of my trance.

Looking up from my saddened stupor I could see our leader giving me a worried look. Not only that, but everypony else had already left, except for the two ponies that were tasked to lower Iron into her unmarked grave. Even attempting to resurrect my smile seemed fruitless, I needed to talk. Starlight draped her lavender hoof over my shoulder and guided me to her house without a single word spoken. If anything there was little to say, besides the fact that I’m disappointing our entire community with my negative behavior. I needed to speak…

“Yes… I am, you see I just don’t understand?”

“Understand what dear, iron has passed on to the great equalizer now. There is nothing more to worry about,” There was something in her voice, something I couldn’t place. “First we shed our Cutie Marks, then we shed our mortal shells, that’s all there is too pure equality.”

“Yes I k-know, But she use to talk… Talk about her cutie mark.” It was true despite me trailing off as if I were lying.

But as soon as I spoke those words the mayors form stiffened, and without even turning around she asked me a single question. “Darling would you join me for a drink.”


“To help clear your head and all…” It wasn’t a question.

Following close behind Starlight, it’s hard to say exactly what I’m feeling at the moment. It’s clearly not friendship nor the happiness were so use to. It feels wrong, I feel lost. Even with our mayor guiding me to her home, I don’t feel like I’m walking in the right direction. Despite my smile, my manically growing smile, there is just something wrong…

With Starlight holding the door open to her dimly lit house, I slowly step inside. I never thought about it before, but she has the only unique house in our community.


“Starlight?” I hesitantly say her name, completely unaware of her current mood.

“Yes dear…”

“Why don’t we all just pass on… You know, to achieve full equality....”

She didn’t even turn to meet my question, it was almost like she refused to acknowledge it completely as she begun to prepare two drinks. I didn’t bother to watch what she was doing, all I wanted to do was dispel the awkwardness that started to fill the air. With my smile threatening to split my face, I look down to my hooves. Surprisingly finding nothing interesting down there, I just continue to let my eyes to wonder her rather simple abode. Yet before I could take in any details, I was jolted back to reality by Starlight taking a few steps in my direction.

I look up to see a tray in the cusp of her magical aura, and on the tray sat a rather colorless drink. The better part of me know it was more than water considering she took time to prepare it. Still even a bigger part of me knew better than to question whatever our mayor gives us, I’m still indebted to her to this day. Sitting down on my haunches, I grab the glass from the tray with relative ease considering I’m only using hooves.

Bringing the glass to my lips I catch a quick whiff of whatever is mixed in the glass. It didn’t smell right, there wasn’t many words to describe the scent… Except for one, poisonous.

Slowly raising my head to catch Starlight looking at me critically. That was then I realized what she wanted, what she was trying to do. She only wants to help me, just as she always has. This is the only way I’ll be able to see Iron, and it will be the only way to achieve true equality. I must do it now, I’ll thank her in the other life for this gracious opportunity.

Getting a firmer grip on the glass, I bring it back up to my begging lips and greedily down the entire glass of poison without even a true taste. The entire time Starlight’s eyes never left my shaking form, she even raised a brow at my eagerness to take up her offer without even a second word.

“Sleep well darling.”

Those words, that was the last thing I could hear before my knees started to grow week. As if the bones were being extracted from my body, my vision was blurring and my mind was closing. But it wasn’t painful, no, It felt true. It was suppose to happen this way, I was suppose to be beside her in that casket… NOT ALONE!

With the last of this world disappearing around me, I am comforted with darkness, a stillness that only encompassed one thing. Death was waiting for me, at it wasn’t patient, for I doubt my heart was even beating yet. However my smile remained, I made the right choice, I want to be free….


“Hey, what did I tell you about sleeping on the floor.”

I can’t feel anything, not even my presence and that’s the strangest thing about the darkness. Or am I the darkness, because this isn’t what… This isn’t anything like what… what was her name…

“Are you even listening to me?”

What was her name, I knew her name. How, how could I forget it. What was her name again, how could she have helped my this far and forgotten her name?


My panic was instantly broken by a harsh burning pain that enveloped the cheek that I didn’t know existed. Bringing up my bright pink hoof I start to rub the bruise that was starting to form as the darkness around me begun to materialize. The darkness soon converted into walls and the walls grew furniture and from the furniture spouted assortment of trinkets and other strange items. There was a lot of pictures and such, but they all were blurry. Leaving me unable to see the faces within. None of that mattered however, because my attention was brought up to a vaguely dark figure relining in a comfort chair right before me. How I missed him before I’ll never know.

“How about it boy… what are you doing here.” It was clearly a stallions voice, and a rather irritable one at that.

“Uh.. um… I’m here for a friend…” I couldn’t help but to stutter.

“A friend, huh. Well what’s her name?” His irritable voice transformed it one that was rather sarcastic and taunting.

“I-I forgot her name.”

“You what boy? Speak up!” He slammed his dark shadowy hoof on the arm of the chair, causing me to flinch back in a unhealthy fear.

“I FORGOT HER NAME!” I yell at the top of my lungs.

“THAT’S BECAUSE YOU'RE DEAD YOU FOOL!!!” He yells back, all while laughing darkly at the top of his lungs.

Dead… What was I doing, why am I dead. Turning my attention to the other side of the room, I see a portrait. A very old portrait, and it was the most colorful thing in the entire room that I was in. It begged for my attention, it wanted me to recognize it’s still and stoic form. But as soon as I found peace in it’s presence, the entire thing shattered in mere seconds. Shards of the glass protecting the picture covered the floor. However that wasn’t the part that wanted to make me yell or scream. It was the fact that it kept happening over and over again. The picture seemingly kept replacing itself only to repeat it’s vicious cycle, systematically spreading more shards across the dark floor.

“Look at what you done now boy!”

I turn franticly to the dark figure sitting in the chair with a wide eyed expression. I couldn't understand why he was blaming me for whatever was happening. I don’t even know what I’m doing here. However justification was not something the dark figure needed, instead he found himself getting up from his position in his chair to loom over me with a manic smile on his face. A smile that I recognized as it was the only destinquisable feature present upon his empty face.


Unimaginable scenes flashed before my eyes. I could see a young colt writhing in pain, being constantly beaten and broken. The scenes kept playing over and over in my head, I could feel it all, every scar, every bruise that covered that pink colts body. It never stopped, my newly found body was swollen with accumulated pain, pain that I didn’t deserve. Still I could hear his darkened laughs looming over me, crushing me with inhibitions and doubt. For all that pain was real, I could feel it… I could see the darkness returning and a whispering sound blowing through my ears.

What is that sound?

Opening my eyes once again, I find that the crippling pain still hasn’t left my body. The the scene before has changed suddenly, for I was no longer in the confines of that damnable room with that shadowy figure. Still I feel like I’m in a familiar cage, A park to be exact. Looking around beyond the park, I can only see darkness. Attempting valiantly to raise back up to hooves, I nearly find it impossible. For all the internal bruises and scars were raging inside of me like an unchecked fire. Tears were streaming down my face as I found myself finally standing… Only to be pushed right back down into the new dirt.

“What do you think you're doing you stupid bird…” The voice wasn’t the same as before, but it was just as menacing. This time however I didn’t even bother responding, I couldn’t. The pain was too great.

“You could have honored my presence with a response you fool.” The shadowy figure dead-panned.

As he stepped closer to my crippled form, two more shadowy figures arose to flank the manically smiling shadow. I don’t know what I did to deserve none of this, I just want to go home. I want to leave! The three figures begun to size me up, trotting circles around me. I could just feel it, more pain was coming. More hurt and there was nothing to stop it… Nothing to stop it, wait, where is she… She’s suppose to be here! WHAT WAS HER NAME!

“No, she isn’t here you pathetic pony.”

Anger flashed instantaneously in my eyes, overriding and feelings of pain I previously had. “WHERE IS SHE!”

He didn’t respond, instead his smile managed to grow to a size that could have managed to break his face in two. It was in that instant that I felt it, the pain again. Coursing through my mind and body, a unrelentless force destroying every fabric of my being.


I couldn’t stop screaming, nor could I stop my body from spasming with pain. It was just all too much and I couldn’t take a second more of it. Constantly screaming for it to stop, begging and pleading for peace… For mercy, but it never came. Why does it never come, WHY CAN’T I REMEMBER HER NAME!

The manic shadow just gazed upon me with it’s featureless face, clearly amused with my reaction. Bathing in my pain, it was almost like I could see ecstasy in that broken smile. That familiar smile.

“You feel it don’t you, and isn’t it just great!” The shadowy stallion lifted my head from up of the ground just to get his mute point across. “You're dead!”

As soon as he said that, all of the shadows begun to laugh. It was that same laugh that has haunted me since I came here, and there is nothing I can do about it. Besides feel the pain, and watch another live, sharing in the colts depression. Just from that mysterious hoof touching me, I see that same pink colt. Just a bit older this time, but still suffering none the less. But there was something wrong, there was supposed to be another, where was she. Through out every memory, where ever she was there was only darkness… I’ll never remember her name.

The shadow disappeared again, leaving me in the darkness that brought me here. I let my head fall in defeat. Not moving, completely paralyzed with fear and desolation, I’ll just lay here. I can’t take it anymore, not knowing why I’m here, not knowing her name. They keep saying I’m dead, but why do I keep feeling pain, why do I still hurt. Is there a reason for me to be here, who have I wronged or hurt to deserve this torture?

“SAVE ME!” Wailing out loud, tears now freely staining my bruised cheek. I find myself again only greeted with the crippling darkness. “PLEASE, I’M NOT SUPPOSE TO BE HERE!”

“No, no you're not darling.” That voice… It’s different.

“Who, where are you?!”

“I’m here for you, I’ll guide you.” That voice, so motherly, so reassuring.


Off in the distance, while I was still down in defeat. Another shadow, but this one was different. This shadow was in the form of a mare, and she had an entire army of manicly grinning shadows behind her. A whole community of evil flanking both of her sides, but there was nothing I could do. With the darkness still gripping me, I’m stuck, unable to move. All I can do is watch her silently approach with that same grin on her face.

“I won’t let you suffer, I’ll pluck you from the darkness,” Her voice, it’s so soothing. “You can be one of us.”

But before I could answer her call, the same whispering sound from before started calling again. It was a weightless sound, one that could bring me to ease, even with all my pain. Looking at the shadows that were approaching me with a critical eye… I could see her, the one who stood out… THOSE BLUE EYES!

She was off on the far right corner, she didn’t have the same venomous smile. No, there wasn’t a smile at all. But there was eyes, and they were piercing right through me. Deviating from the crowd, telling me to stand. Telling me to not trust her….


“Wha-” I don’t need to hear anything else.


There was nothing I could say, I had to stand. I need to spread my wings. I got to hear that sound, that beautiful sound. Oh what is that called, I can almost feel it brushing against my pink coat and flowing through my matted white mane.

A Breeze

A Light Breeze

I… I see now, that was my life. Those were my misgivings and my pains, I am just a byproduct of failure. Nothing more or nothing less, just a broken colt afraid of his own shadow. But it took me so long to hear it like this, the breeze. Apparently sensing my confidence, the smirking shadow immediately adopted the same manic grin as everypony else. Now instead of a tentative trot, the shadowy mare came at me in a full gallop. All the other shadows followed suit, all except for one. The one with the ocean blue eyes, that one said behind, not moving. It’s eyes never left me for a second. She was my destination, she was my goal.

Pain was shooting through every fiber of my being, and there was nothing I could do about it. Yet the darkness couldn’t hold it’s grip forever, I could force myself to stand. Not even the pain was a enough to ground me. Flaring my wings in aggression. I charge forward, matching the shadows speed, matching the shadows ferocity. Galloping at full speed, ignoring every throbbing muscle and joint. I would run through every single one of those demons if necessary.

“My name is Light Breeze, I am a Pegasus from Manehatten. I was raised in a broken household, and I grew up bullied and abused. I had a job as a minimum wage weather worker and I hated every minute of it, I wanted release and I found it the wrong way. I died from my mistake, and lost the only thing I ever loved… BUT I WON’T END NOT REMEMBERING HER NAME!”

My charge was met head on with the shadowy figure. Literally, we both clashed together head first, neither one of us giving an inch. There was a dull crack that reverberated through the darkness as I met the manic smile face to face, blood was trickling down my forehead as gritted my teeth in frustration. Everyone of the other shadows ran into the back of it’s ring leader, disappearing as they did so. As each one of them got absorbed, the force behind the shadowy mare increased exponentially. She slowly begun to start gaining ground as she kept taking steps forward and there was nothing I could do to prevent my losing state. Putting all my force forward, my body protested in burning pain.

I’m going to fail.

Managing to look past the enemy before me, I could still see her blue eyes. I could still make out her grey coat, and her perfect jet black mane. But there was something else on her flank. Something that sparked so many memories, so many warm memories. I could see them all, my first friend, my first lover… I KNOW HER NAME!

“IRON!!!” Shouting her name at the top of my lungs, I knew who she was. She was my strength, she was my world.

“NO!” The shadow before me shook at the might of my voice, she started to back pedal and I was gaining ground.

Her power was steadily receding and my will was coming back ten fold. There was nothing she could do, there was nothing left to stop me. I knew her name, and now I’ll see this through. I’ve failed my entire life, now I can’t fail… Not in death!

I could hear the breeze again, there was a light this time. It was coming from behind me, but I didn’t care. I could see that manic smile being wiped clean, I could see it disappearing for good. With one final push that matched the intensity of the light, I yelled.

“I WILL NOT FAIL!” That was it, that was all I need it. With the light completely banishing the darkness, the shadowy figure screamed while it withered away from the intense light. But satisfaction couldn’t take hold of my bloodied face yet...

She still has to be here.

As the light faded, everything changed. It almost looked like there were clouds as far as the eye could see. Yet there was only one thing that stood out, still off in the distance. There she was, the mare I fought for, the mare I died for.


Apparently my whisper was enough to garner her attention. Even though I was well beyond my limit at this point, I could feel her warmth. Her energy was enough to make me crack a smile for the first time… Not that, that false smile I had clung to for so long. No, she force a genuine smile of compassion and happiness upon my face, despite all my injures. As she grew closer I could feel the breeze as well, it was picking up the entire time, slowly starting to sweep me away with it as if I was dust in the wind.

But I have to, I gotta see her a little closer, she is so close. I can now make out every little tuft in her marble grey coat, and her surprisingly long jet black hair was blowing in the wind also. Yet she wasn’t disappearing, not as of now. My life may have ended because of my foolish mistakes, however this one has just begun, and if I get swept away to be a part of the breeze. I will want to be a part of the breeze with you.

Now with her figure standing over my partially faded body, she looks down at me with those perfect orbs of azure. The same eyes that got me to this point, they told me to fight my entire life despite my ignorance, and now I’ve finally listened. I no longer see darkness because of those eyes, and now they are looking down on me.

Waiting for something.

I don’t know if she is real or just another figment of this warped world. Still I have to say it, I have to do it. I may never have this opportunity again, and I will not waste it. I will no longer cry for my pain, for it is my own to bear, not for others to witness. I shall show her my strength, I will be here now and forever cusping her grace. I’ll show her why I threw away my life, and chose to remember it all over again.

“I love you!” With the last of my strength, I used my wings to push myself up to her muzzle because my lower half has already dissipated.

Emotions, I could see them in her eyes as I made contact. Her lips were firm and solid, they were giving no ground at first. They were the embodiment of true power and control, still my passion seeped in. I could feel her begin to return the feelings, she was caressing the back of my head as I poured all my fleeting emotions into her lips. This was the kiss of true love, our bodies mimicked each other and meddled together for my last seconds of existence, before I could blow away and be apart of the wind.

That was when I swore I heard it… She said it…

I love you to.” There was no mistaking her voice, she returned the feelings. I can leave happy now, I know I’m fulfilled. Everything I have just experienced was now just justified a thousand times over, and I would make it a thousand and one times for you.


A Year Later

“Aww, can’t we stay a while longer?” A pink pony pleaded.

“Well, you know what. I don’t see why not.” A slightly taller lavender Alicorn responded with a shrug of her shoulders.

Watching her pink friend victoriously bounce back into the now bustling community, the Alicorn couldn’t help but to ponder the existence of several unmarked graves she saw far off away from the town. No pony else might not have noticed it, but she could clearly tell that the grounds around the town were far from natural. The princess was getting ready to put much more thought into the situation, that was until a surprisingly cool breeze brushed past her wings. The breeze was comforting, almost as if it was telling her everything was alright now. There was no need to worry. Being quite stunned by her sudden realization, her vigor for answers was almost renewed. But the pink pony from before was calling out to her to join the party, and well there was no way she could refuse. She could always come back later.

Yet off in the distance sat two ponies, watching the inquisitive pony with a proud gaze. One grey and the other pink, they both looked at the small community with warm smiles on their faces. Until the same breeze from before swept them away like dancing dust in wind.

Author's Note:

I had that song on loop for like ever while writing this story...

Oh, and yea yea I know... I need editors and all that good jazz,

Comments ( 11 )

This story is really beautiful, wonderfully written!

5876894 Yo thanks for that comment, I'm glad it came out half way decent.:twilightsmile:

5878913 Erm... What?:rainbowhuh:

Well, I won't stop ya my friend, I'm just a little surprised someone thinks this is worth a reading. Oh and thanks for that, ya made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.:pinkiesmile:

Aww, that ending:raritycry:

Did I ever tell you that i really, ... really, ... REALLY hate you, when you do something like this? :rainbowhuh:
You write such a beautiful story, with an incredible fullfilling romance, almost too much sadness to bear and yet a so heart wrenching ending that it feels just soooooooooooooo right to almost cry. I'm at work, sitting at my desk right now. I just read this beauty and would really love to just sit down in a corner and cry, mainly because of this unbelievable mix of emotions you stirred up inside me.
I'm a man celestia damn it, men aren't supposed to cry because of imaginary, candy colored little horses. :raritycry:

Ok, all fun aside for a moment :twilightsheepish:
This story is so right in so many ways, I simple can't discribe how good it felt.
You did a mangificent job putting this together and I'm terribly sorry that it took me so long to read it. I applaud you, great work :yay:

And now, if you would please excuse me dear sir. I have to restore my inner manlyness by either smashing some furntiture with my bare hands, with a primal roar, or at least by excessive farting and burping, while consuming anhealthy amounts of beer. :eeyup:

5889395 yo, ya comment was funny and enduring all at the same time. But seriously, thanks for that.

I kinda like to think my style of writing caters more to the emotional needs and wants of a reader and I write with scarce dialogue and heavy descriptive elements. However my weakness is my lack of diverse wordplay and my tendencies to completely skip editing...

With all that said, I could stand to see some improvements. But ya words granted me relief none the less.

Hey, I wrote a review for this story! It can be found here.

What a devastating story. While I think it could do with some additional editing, it is overall a very effective and terribly dark story.

Author Interviewer

I wish this story had been more consistent. The opening scene was phenomenal, but it's like the flashbacks were written by an entirely different person. I can't figure out what Starlight's motivation was, and while I see what you were getting at with this story...

I hate to say "I wouldn't have written it this way", but there are just so many roads you opened up with the death cult stuff that you never explored. :/

6047453 Eh, cults and starlight weren't really any motivation for me... This was written raw in about a total of two straight hours and it's sole purpose was to entail the ideology that some people aren't destined to succeed at life. Everything isn't rainbows and sunshine, cause they say work hard and you'll achieve your goal. But they don't tell you that ya can work hard in the wrong direction and this story was a prime example of that. The ending can be interpreted many different ways... Morbid, bittersweet, or just down right depressing.

The truth is cults and people like starlight exist, but what makes them different is the stories of those who make them what they are. That was the only point of this. Oh and as far as how this was written, I kinda get that alot, since I never edit and tend to put a little spin on story structure I either amaze or turn away most potential readers. But hey, it's a hobby lol.

Thanks for checkin' this thing out, I really appreciate it.:twilightsmile:

This is a really nice idea, and I think it could go very far with a good polishing.

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