• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 4,647 Views, 52 Comments

Duel of the Millennium - RoyalStar709

Celestia belives that peace can be done if we all become friends, I believe it can be done through power. She thinks harmony can be done if we are able to express our thoughts, I know that can never work. And one way or another she will see it my way

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Ch.3- The Displaced?

“Mr. Pegasus, where are we going?”

The man, known as Maximilian Pegasus turned to the small filly besides him. “Starlight, we are going to the temple of the shadows. It’s not to far from here.” Looking at the duel disk on his wrist, he grimaced. “There is one located on the bottom of this stronghold.” Taking out three monster cards, he sacrificed all of his summoning points, “Star, I like to introduce you to your guards/guide!” Slamming the cards into the duel disk, he summoned out three ‘Toon’ monsters. The Toon Masked Sorcerer, The Toon Cannon Soldier, and Toon Alligator.

Starlight panicked when she saw the three ‘Toons’, but calmed down when she realized that they weren’t going to attack her. “Ummm… Hi?” She said hesitantly. The young filly became tense when she saw the trio move closer, and to her astonishment, they spoke.

“Ah! Hello young filly!” The sorcerer said, shaking her hoof.

“You can talk?!” Starlight yelled, astonished.

The alligator nodded, “Yup! We’re the Toon Trio.”

“We’re Pegasus’ right hand monsters!” The cannon toon explained. “And now-!” The three Toons huddled together all of them seaming to prepare for something, “Weeee areeee-”

“YOUR NEW GUIDES/BODYGUARDS!!” The three yelled, the cannon soldier fired confetti at her.

Pegasus rolled his eyes at his monster’s display. Then again, what could he expect from a bunch of Toons? He continued walking, not caring much if he left them behind. After all, the Toons are there to protect her if anything bad were to happen. “Toons!” He said, grabbing the three’s attention. “I want you to guard this filly. If anything were to happen to her, then it’ll be on your heads!” The Toons nodded and gave a mock salute. The trio, along with Starlight started to shuffle their way into the stronghold, making sure to not disturb Pegasus in anyway.

After walking for several minutes, a shining object near the side of the wall caught his attention. “My my, what is this?” He walked to the object to get a closer look. The Object looked a lot like a stone that would fit the palm of his hand (Or Starlight’s hoof for that matter) and had a strange marking on it. Like some sort of symbol. Not like an egyptian hieroglyph, but more like the inscriptions of most common spellbooks. “My my, Starlight?” He called the filly over. “Does this symbol mean anything to you?”

Hearing the human’s question, Starlight looked at it. “I-i’m not sure. It looks kind of… Dim. Maybe if I rub it a little, I can see it better.”

Turns out, the filly’s hoof rubbing it caused the stone to warmly glow in the filly’s hoof. Startled by the reaction, the unicorn dropped the stone. But seconds later, a flash of light went off, followed by a new presence exiting a dark overhang he ended up in.

“Hmm? A filly? That’s… New.” It said. The filly was now looking at a figure similar to Pegasus, but different in appearance as it stood up straight. It wore a long red coat with a black sleeveless undershirt and pants. It had a sword strapped to it’s back and also had silver plated shoes.

Pegasus looked at the new arrival, shocked! This being was another human, he thought that only Alice and Jack (If he can even be considered human) were the only humans left. He grabbed five cards from his deck and stood ready. “Step away from the filly.”

The New figure turned to see Pegasus, a little surprised himself. “Easy there my friend. I don’t mean any harm. You did summon me after all.”

Pegasus blinked, a bit surprised about what the boy said. Looking at his duel disk, he panicked seeing that there wasn’t a card with his picture on it. “If I did summon you, then tell me…” He showed his duel disk to the new arrival. “Why is it that your card isn’t here!”

“Card?” He asked. “No, I don’t mean that kind of summoning. I mean using my token.”

“Token?” Pegasus looked at the object Starlight had picked up. “You mean that?"

“Thats right.” Nicko said. He then thought something… This guy was like Bryce back in his world. “I’m assuming that you’re a Displaced?”

“Displaced?” He asked, letting himself relax; but still ready for an attack. “Tell me, what’s a Displaced?”

“It’s short for Dimensionally Misplaced. I’ve met others who ended up in different versions of Equestria because of different circumstances. But to make it simple, The Multiverse Theory allows for the possibility of Multiple different versions of Equestria to exist. Which also allows for other people to become Displaced as well. Plus, Displaced have what is called a “Summoning Token”. Something that is based off of the character or person that they are. For you two, you found my Rune Slayer Mark.”

Pegasus put a hand over his Millenium Eye, deactivating it. He had scanned his mind for any lies or for any malicious intentions, and so far found none. “So there are other Displaced around the multiverse?”

The Rune Slayer nodded his head. “Yes. I’ve met four of them so far. Two of them being dragons. You would be considered number five. My name is Nicko, by the way. Nicko Nocte.”

“Pegasus. Maximilian Pegasus.”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Pegasus.” Nicko said, now looking at the young filly that was with him. “What’s your name, Miss?”

Starlight hid herself behind Pegasus’ leg. “It’s Starlight. Starlight Glimmer.”

Now that caught Nicko by surprise. Deathwing had told him that a mare by that same name could steal somepony’s Cutie Mark. But, this was not like anything he expected. She was way younger. It almost reminded him of Fluttershy based on how timid she was. Maybe he could befriend her so she wouldn’t go down whatever path would lead her to wanting to steal other’s cutie marks. A little kindness can go a long way.

“Pleased to meet you, Ms. Starlight. It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you.”

“I wouldn’t be to sure of that young miss.” The Toon Sorcerer said, floating in front of her. “After all we don’t know much about him.” The two other Toons ran towards her, and stood defensively.

Playing along with what the toons said, Nicko spoke again. “Well, I’m human. Twenty five years old, got imprisoned in stone for seven years in an act to protect my brother from a psychotic esper and I woke up to find out that I have a Twelve year old Niece. Plus, I’m capable of Rune Magic.” The last part, Nicko demonstrated with a snap of his fingers and a small Ice Rune appearing in his hands. The center of the rune showing a snowflake.

“I don’t mean to be frightening. I just want to be friends with you guys.” The Rune Slayer commented, focusing it on Starlight and trying to comfort her.

Starlight poked her head out of Pegasus’ leg, looking at Nicko, she hid herself away, still feeling shy. “Umm….”

At Starlight’s hesitance, the Toon Sorcerer flew in front of him. “There you see! She rather be with us! And doesn’t need another human to be with her!” He finished, crossing his arms.

“Yes, but there’s something that I can relate to. I was once in a position like her. Scared, Shy and Alone. My brother and I both. We were in a orphanage from when we were six for about twelve years because our parents disappeared. Many people picked on me and teased me for not just being the kid without a father or mother, but because of other things like how tall I am and other things. But, I learned that if you stand up for yourself and have someone there to support you, you can be able to overcome anything. My friend Leo taught me that. He was there since Day 1 and I feel like he still has my back even though he’s back home and I’m here.”

Starlight hesitantly walked over to Nicko and tried to hug him. “Well I could be your friend, I was picked on too!” She looked back at her cutie mark. “They picked on me because they were jealous of my cutie mark.” She instantly brighten up. “And Pegasus is trying to teach me about true harmony!”

Nicko returned the hug the filly was trying to give him. “See? There’s always a reason for you to be proud of yourself. If you can get this far with him, you can accomplish anything.”

Pegasus cleared his throat, catching the attention of the group, “Yes while I’d hate to disrupt such a heartwarming scene, we do have a temple to be in.” He looked at Starlight. “Starlight, could I borrow the Millenium Ring you have?”

The filly pulled out the ring from her saddle bags, and hand it to him. “Here you go Mr. Pegasus!” Grabbing the Millenium Ring, the ring started to glow, the needles started pointing to a specific direction.

Turning to Nicko, Pegasus addressed him. “You are welcomed to come with us if you’d like, but I must get to the temple to replenish my life points.”

“I would, but I need to return to my niece.” Nicko told both Pegasus and Starlight. “Though, Displaced do have summoning tokens to call upon each other in times of need. Would you happen to have one so I can call upon you two if I need to? It’ll be great to see you too again.”

“Unfortunately no, but I can create one!” Searching his deck for a specific card, he took out his Toon World card. “A token could be anything, correct?”

“Yes.” Nicko responded. “My Elder Dragon teacher Ryu gave me this for himself.” To show what he meant, the Rune Slayer held out a golden insignia of a dragon with a tear like jewel in the center. “If I remember correctly, your toon monsters are based off of the Toon World spellbook, correct?”

“That is correct.” He answered, “Their power comes from the book, without it they’re doomed.”

“Well, why don’t you create a replica of the book? It can be pocket sized, like a small notebook. But when you put your magic into it, it can grow into it’s full size. Additionally, putting a little more energy could allow me to summon both of you.”

The Rune Slayer had a very valid point. Pegasus looked at the card, slamming it onto the duel disk. The book was summoned, a very familiar melody came out of it. “Well, here goes nothing.” Pouring his magic into the book, the pop-up book closed and landed in front of him. “Is there something I’m supposed to say?”

“Anything you believe that the other Displaced who find it would want to hear. For me, I have this.” Nicko said as both the filly and the human heard an echo.

I am Nicko. The Rune Slayer with a kind heart. The power that's in my grasp and that you control will become the power that the darkness will fear. May there be light on the roads that you travel.

“See? Simple as that.”

Pegasus looked on, intrigued. Perhaps this could prove to help him in the future! “Alright, let’s begin!” Grabbing the Toon World book, he opened it and gave a small speech. "True peace can only be achieved through power, true harmony can only be achieved if all are united under one single banner. If you are ever in need of assistance or if you are a fellow warrior of Harmony, summon us and we will come to you. I am Pegasus, Spirit of Harmony, and the wielder of the Millennium Items."

Closing the book, he looked at Nicko. “Now, how do I send it?”

“Just have your Toon Sorcerer open a small tear in space and toss it in, I guess. Mind sparing me a copy though before you do so?”

Nodding, he pulled out another card and summoned it. “Doppelganger! Come on out!” Slamming the card down, the Toon World theme played again. A long blue cat-like creature appeared and flew next to Pegasus. “Doppelganger, please be a dear and make a Toon World copy for our dear friend.” The cat saluted, glowing white, he transformed himself into a copy of the Toon World token. “There you are, my good friend.”

“Thank you, Pegasus. Oh and Starlight? Go ahead and keep my token. Call upon anytime you need my help.” The Rune Slayer said, before creating a return portal to his world and waving goodbye. Before stepping through though, Nicko left behind a small parting gift. A small frozen sculpture of Pegasus and Starlight that was actually created through the Ice Rune he conjured earlier. It Sparkled in the minimal light that shined in the corridor.

Starlight gasped, looking at the sculpture as she smiled. “Thank you. It’s beautiful.”

Pegasus looked at the sculpture and grinned. “Well now, Sorcerer!” The Toon perked up. “I need you to send this across the multiverse.” He said, passing the Toon World token to his Toon. The Masked Sorcerer pulled out a pair of scissors, and literally started to cut a hole in the space.

Looking at the token, he threw it and waved. “Bye bye now!”

Turning his back from the portal, Pegasus started walking towards the temple entrance, "Come on Starlight! We need to start your training!"

Starlight picked up the frozen sculpture and carefully set it on her saddlebags, "Coming Mr. Pegasus!" The filly ran towards her teacher, the Toons following closely behind.

Author's Note:

This is a crossover with FrostTheWolf's story Of magic and machines. As always tell me what you think.