• Published 12th Apr 2015
  • 27,465 Views, 1,827 Comments

Principal of Equestria - MareDoVVell

Why is Celestia laying on the floor in Twilight's library? Why does she seem so confused? Why does she look different? WHY IS THE PORTAL MIRROR STILL ON?

  • ...

18: Friends and Family


Cadance shot up out of bed with an ear piercing shriek, leaving her gasping for air and covered in a cold sweat.

Shining Armor's eyes popped open as the sound of his wife in distress immediately startled him out of what had been a very peaceful night's sleep and he began flailing his head back and forth, trying to figure out what was wrong. "Huh, whuh, buh?" Was all he managed as panic mixed with lethargy clouded his mind.

Cadance immediately wrapped her hooves around him in response, shivering and clinging for dear life. "Oh Shiney it was so horrible!"

"Wh-what's wrong sweetheart?" Shining asked sympathetically, wrapping her up in a comforting hug of his own.

"I had this awful nightmare!" Cadance blubbered into his chest. "Both Twilight and Auntie Celestia found a special somepony all in the same night, AND I WASN'T THERE TO WATCH!"

Shining made sure she still had her face buried in his fur before cautiously rolling his eyes, rubbing her back gently regardless. "Shhh, shhh, it's ok sweetie, somehow I seriously doubt two princesses found romance in one night without you knowing, it was just a bad dream. I mean what are the odds, not to mention you've never found a pony that shares in the same...peculiar tastes as the Princess."


Princess Celestia and Queen Chrysalis laid side by side on a plush cushion, pressed against each other as they peered into an old wooden chest while Princess Celestia gestured to various objects with a hoof.

"And that one is my absolute favorite, though I almost never get to use it." the alicorn explained wistfully.

Chrysalis arched a brow as she stared in awe at the object in question. "I can see why, I don't know how it could possibly fit, especially in my case!"

Princess Celestia gave the changeling a wicked grin. "Well my dear, half the fun is making it fit."

"You're sick." Chrysalis cooed, returning the look with a smitten smile before leaning up and kissing the Princess's cheek.


"And you have even less to worry about with Twiley." Shining continued, "She's so introverted and dorky that the only kind of pony she'd ever take an interest in would have to somehow be essentially a high school bully and a huge nerd all at the same time, and that's just impossible! Oh and a mare, because we both know that filly is stuck deeper in the closet than next year's Hearthswarming presents."


"And that's how I once used the theory of relativity to trick Bon Bon into giving me her lunch money!" Sunset explained animatedly, gesturing to the chalkboard next to her, which was filled top to bottom with complicated equations.

"Take me NOW!" Twilight yelled as she leapt off her bed and tackled Sunset to the floor.


Cadance nodded, trying to find reassurance in her husband's words, but she still couldn't quite shake off the horrible nightmare, causing her to sniffle a few times as she blinked tears from eyes.

"If it'll make you feel better, why don't we take a trip to visit them in the morning?" Shining offered, slowly easing her back down under the covers. "You'll see it was all just a bad dream, and we can spend some time with both of them."

"Y-yeah, that'd be nice..." Cadance whispered, finally letting herself calm down a little as she tried to get comfortable.

"Good night dear, you'll see, it'll all be just fine in the morning." Shining said as he reached to turn off a bedside lamp.

"Shiney..." Cadance said meekly, "can you leave the light on?"

"Yes love."


Celestia awoke with a feeble groan, quickly bringing up a hoof to massage her forehead as she was assaulted by a skull splitting headache. Trying to open her eyes as slowly as possible, the first thing she saw was a kaleidoscope of rainbow colors. She blinked a few times to try and dispel the image, but eventually realized the cause and tried to sweep her hair out of her face.

"I guess my regular hair is back." she mumbled to herself, examining her whereabouts now that she could see properly.

She found herself on a large and admittedly comfortable couch parked in the corner of a dark bedroom, filled with paintings of the night sky and other astral imagery. As she tried to remember how she had gotten there, a door in the other wall swung open, revealing Luna, carrying with her a glass vial filled with some sort of pink liquid.

"Ah, perfect timing, I was just coming to wake you." Luna said jovially as she crossed to the couch and levitated the vial near Celestia's mouth. "Here, drink this, I imagine you really need it right about now."

Celestia eyed the bottle warily, but then realized just how dry her throat felt. Deciding she had little to lose, she picked it up in her own magic before popping off the cork and guzzling down the colorful liquid. Almost immediately, the pain in her head ebbed away, as did many other pains she hadn't even realized she was experiencing, completely dissolving what would have surely been a brutal hangover.

"Wow, what was that?" Celestia asked, suddenly feeling much more awake than a moment ago.

"A simple hangover potion from the local apothecary." Luna said with a shrug, "I figured you'd need it after all that wine, you had more than I did and you're practically half my size"

Celestia rolled her eyes at yet again being reminded of the difference in stature between herself and her not-sister. Sitting up, she took a moment to stretch her still rather unfamiliar limbs. "So what happened last night? I don't remember much after we left the restaurant."

Luna shrugged again. "Nothing particularly interesting, we talked, played drinking games, eventually you cried on my shoulder, first about how much you missed your sister, then about how you'd never find a paramour of your own, pretty standard night of drinking."

Celestia grimaced at that before noticing the various empty bottles lying around the couch. "Yeesh, I really should know better by now to avoid a lot of red wine, sorry about that."

Luna simply grinned. "No need to apologize, it's nothing I haven't seen before, it was very reminiscent of when my sister gets into a case of wine herself, I'd say it was almost nostalgic." She gave a chuckle at the embarrassed look on the unicorn's face before turning back towards the door and gesturing for Celestia to follow. "Come on, if we hurry we'll be just in time for breakfast, which should perk you right up."

Deciding a royal breakfast sounded much nicer than stewing in mortification, Celestia hopped off the couch and jogged to catch up, happy to find the dining hall apparently wasn't too far from Luna's quarters.

As the pair entered, both were surprised to see a second chair placed uncomfortably close to Princess Celestia's own at the head of the table, currently being occupied by a familiar Changeling Queen who was levitating a forkful of pancake towards the Princess.

"Well this is unexpected..." Luna mumbled, giving her sister an inquisitive expression.

Celestia just glanced back and forth between the two royals before offering a knowing smile. "Called it! Hi again Chrysi."

Chrysalis responded with a somewhat embarrassed wave, trying to ignore the enormous smile that suddenly appeared on her new marefriend's face.

"Chrysi huh? Ooh I like the sound of that..." Princess Celestia purred, giving Chrysalis a playful prod with her wing.

"Damnit Celestias..." Chrysalis mumbled under her breath, cursing how easily red showed against her dark muzzle.

"Sister, I would very much like to know who this...I'm sorry is bug-pony the right term? Genuinely curious, not trying to be rude...anyways, who this mare is that seems to be attached to you at the hip?" Luna asked, strangely unsure if she should feel happy or apprehensive at this turn of events.

"Well, Luna, last night, due to various happenings, I became aware of..." Princess Celestia began, hoping to recap the events Luna had missed when she had disappeared from their table at the restaurant, but she was interrupted, as a wisp of pink magic blew in through an open window before dropping a tightly wound scroll on the table in front of her.

Curiously, Princess Celestia picked the missive up in her magic and popped the wax seal, quickly scanning through the contents of the letter, her eyes growing wider and more fearful with every line of text. Reaching the end, she blinked a few times, before fervently attempting to read it again, hoping she had somehow imagined the whole thing and was reading something else entirely.

Picking up on her sister's mood, Luna too began to fret. "Tia? What's wrong, what's it say?"

Princess Celestia let the letter drop, her face locked in a shell shocked expression. As the letter fell, the other three occupants of the room all leaned in to try and get a look, but the scroll only unfurled enough to reveal stationary header that proudly bore a blue crystalline heart, which apparently was enough to elicit a terrified gasp from Luna while Chrysalis and Celestia gave each other questioning shrugs.

Still staring off vacantly, Princess Celestia finally spoke. "It's from Cadance..."

At the mention of that particular name, Chrysalis too began to adopt of look of pure horror.

"She's coming to Canterlot for a visit...apparently she was worried Twilight and I would get romantically involved without involving her..." The Princess's voice wavered as if she was suppressing a scream.

Meanwhile Celestia just tapped a hoof to her chin while wracking her brain. "Cadance, Cadance...why does that name sound so familiar..."

"WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" Screamed Luna.

"T-t-this is no time for panic!" Princess Celestia stuttered, trying to pull herself together. "Luna, go tell the guard to prepare the fallout shelter while I write a warning to Twilight, we can just lock ourselves in and wait for all of this to blow over!"


Finally deciding they should leave the bedroom, Sunset and Twilight found themselves enjoying a small breakfast in the kitchen, each floating pieces of fresh fruit into their mouths while holding hooves under the table the entire time.

It was enough to make Spike gag every time he walked past while preparing his own breakfast. "You two are the worst, Trixie and Starlight aren't even this bad when they think no one is looking!"

The pair dutifully ignored the little dragon and focused on their meal, at least until said dragon violently hacked up a scroll of parchment onto the table in front of them

"Huh, a letter from the princess? I wonder what's the occasion?" Twilight scooped up the letter and opened it in front of her, making sure Sunset could get a good look as well.

My Faithful Student,

Cadance is coming.


Princess Celestia

"What in Equestria does that mean?" Sunset muttered to herself as she doubled checked the letter, making sure she wasn't missing something, at least until the letter was incinerated in a roaring purple flame.

"HAVE TO GET RID OF THE EVIDENCE, HAVE TO HIDE!" Twilight shouted before yanking Sunset and Spike up in her magic and fleeing towards a nearby stairwell. "TO THE DUNGEONS!"


Shining crinkled his muzzle in displeasure as he yet again pulled the rope that served as the doorbell to Twilight's castle, scratching the back of his neck while looking up at the towering crystal structure. "I can't figure out why nobody's coming to the door, you told the Princess to let Twilight know we were coming right?"

Instead of answering, Cadance spun around and gave the door a mighty buck that would have made any member of the Apple family proud, immediately shattering the wooden barrier.

"Cadance, what in Equestria are you doing?" Shining asked with a tired sigh.

Cadance stalked into the foyer like an angry jungle cat. "I can smell it Shiney...young love...and it's close..." she growled.

Shining just slapped a hoof to his face as his wife sniffed the air a few times before practically diving down a trap door she had somehow uncovered.

"Found you!"


Author's Note:

This story is 1 like away from hitting 2k, and that is awesome! Here's hoping this chapter can push it over the edge, thanks again to everyone who has taken the time to read this nonsense!

Also, shameless self-promotion, anyone who wants more Sunset Shimmer shipping should check out my latest work in progress, This Can't Be Legal.