• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 1,789 Views, 17 Comments

Castle Sweet Castle - Pump It Up

[WARNING: S5E3 episode synopsis spoilers!] The ponies try to make Princess Twilight's castle feel more like home after finding out she's been avoiding it.

  • ...

Much different than the show


Applejack led the five-pack of ponies into the castle. When Twilight didn't reply to her, she yelled again, "Twilight!"

That also yielded no reply. "Dang, where is that girl?" Applejack said, furrowing her brow.

"That's a really good question 'cuuuuz I haven't seen her for a while!" Pinkie Pie commented, bouncing over to her throne marked with her cutie mark.

"Yes, ever since that 'incident' with Starlight Glimmer, she has been nowhere to be found," Rarity added.

Rainbow Dash flapped over to her throne and descended to sit on it. "It's only been a couple of days; where could she have gone? It's not like the moment we came back she just flew off to—" She blinked. "Waaaaait."

"Ah really doubt she'd split that quickly," Applejack said, trotting to the circle of thrones. "It's not like her to shirk her duties."

"I-is everything okay in there?" a small voice called out quietly.

"Yes, Fluttershy, no map's gonna pop on out an' scare ya, okay?"

Fluttershy slowly put her head into the room, flicking her eyes around.

"Fluttershy..." Applejack facehooved.

"C'mon!" Rainbow Dash said. "Hurry up!"

"Okay." As slow as a baby snail, Fluttershy crept into the room.

"See? That wasn't so hard." Applejack plopped down on her throne. But she had spoken too soon, because Fluttershy hid behind Applejack's throne. Applejack sighed.

Castle Sweet Castle

By Pump It Up

All five ponies turned their heads when they heard a yawn and the footsteps of a certain baby dragon straggling towards them.

"Oh, hey guys," said a groggy Spike, punctuating the end of his sentence with another yawn. "Do you guys know where the kitchen is? I can't seem to find it. Again."

"Only if you tell us where Twilight is," Rainbow said.

"Y'know, where she usually is," Spike mumbled.

"Where she usually is? What kind of answer is that?!" Rainbow flapped her wings once angrily.

"The library!"


Princess Twilight Sparkle stared blankly where Golden Oaks Library—her home—once stood. Nothing was left of the hundreds-of-years-old tree but ashes and scraps of paper. She did not cry because she had no more tears to cry, not after crying for at least one day and one night. She couldn't recall falling asleep at any point.


Twilight jumped as Pinkie Pie gave her a hug from behind, and the rest of the gang followed behind her.

“Oh, Twilight We were so scared, we didn’t know where you were!” Pinkie babbled after she let go. “Applejack was like ‘huh’ Dashie was like ‘whuh’ Rarity was like ‘hm’ I was like ‘oh my gosh where did she go?!’ and Fluttershy was like—” Pinkie curled herself into a ball and bounced when she hit the ground.

“I was not that scared,” Fluttershy said defensively, albeit quietly.

“Were too!”

"Was not!"

"Were too!"

“Girls!” Rarity chastised in a whisper, nodding her head towards Twilight.

Spike slowly approached Twilight and wrung his hands together. "Twilight—"

She held up her hoof.

"Okay, geez." He walked backwards quickly and downtrodden to stand beside Rarity.

"Y'know what, maybe we should all just get back t' th' castle and have some Apple Family cider." Applejack slung her foreleg around Twilight's shoulders. Twilight shook her off.

"Applejack, dear, you can't always solve problems with cider!" Rarity trotted to stand on Twilight’s other side. “Everypony knows that some rest will solve more! Now come on, dear,” she said to Twilight, “Let’s get you home.” She led the catatonic pony to the castle, and everyone else followed behind them.

When they all arrived back at the castle, Rarity navigated Twilight to her room. “Now be a good girl and rest."

"But Rarity," Twilight said, "I don't need any sleep! It's the middle of the day!"

"Well, just sit in your room while we make you some food," Rarity said, pushing Twilight into her room and closing the door.

"I'm not hungry!" Twilight whined. Rarity walked back to the others, who were at the entrance to the throne room.

Rainbow Dash snorted. "Who died and left you her mom?"

Rarity glared at Rainbow, who cowered. "Sometimes somepony needs to be mature," she said, looking pointedly at Pinkie Pie, who was making silly faces at Fluttershy, causing her to giggle. "Why was she at the library, anyway, Spike?"

"She's been avoiding this castle as often as she can," Spike said, "and that's where she goes. I think it's because this place isn't homey enough. It is kinda made out of crystal. And big. And empty."

“Ah think that what we need t’ do is t’ cheer her up,” Applejack said.

“That is a marvelous idea, Applejack!” said Rarity.

“Applejaaaack!” Pinkie popped up from behind Applejack. “Cheering ponies up is my thing!”

“Just because it’s your ‘thing’ doesn’t mean nopony else can do it," Rarity said. "Now, I propose that we all come up with something that will get her out of her…‘funk.’”

“Ah have an idea!”

“Um, Twilight?” a voice called.

Twilight lifted her head from underneath her pillow. "What is it?" she snapped.

"You can come out now."

"Alright, Fluttershy." Twilight waited until her friend's hoofsteps faded away before mumbling, "I am a child, apparently."

Everyone was, of course, waiting in the throne room. "You do realize we have other rooms in this castle we can meet in?" Twilight said bemusedly.

"Well, Fluttershy wanted to show you something and thought it would be best if everypony was present," Rarity said.

"That still doesn't answer my question."

Fluttershy began walking out of the throne room, and Twilight had no choice but to follow. She didn’t notice the others leaving the room as well.

"I think what you need are some cute, cuddly animals to keep you company!" Fluttershy said. She took a bag of food out from her saddlebags.

Twilight's stomach grumbled. "Wasn't I promised food?" she asked.

"Here you go, Twilight." Fluttershy gave her friend a slice of bread that had yet to be broken down, and Twilight devoured it.

While Fluttershy didn't intend it, the bread distracted Twilight from noticing they were walking outside. She looked and blinked around once she heard a chorus of birds chirping “Für Elise” by Beethooven. There were rabbits, deer, rabbits, a goat, rabbits, ferrets, rabbits, and some mice. There were also quite a few rabbits.

“Why are we outside?” Twilight asked.

“I felt that you needed fresh air!” Fluttershy said. “I was thinking of bringing some of my animal friends inside, but Larry didn’t want to cooperate.”

Larry the Bear growled apologetically.

Twilight simply looked confused. “You were going to bring them inside why?

“To make your castle feel more like home!”

“To make…” Twilight groaned. “I didn’t have animals at home, so how is this going to help?!”

“It’ll feel more cozy!”

Twilight growled and stomped back inside.

“I don’t think she liked it.”

Twilight stopped stomping shortly after re-entering the castle, mostly because her hooves hurt, but also because Fluttershy was no longer in sight. Her stomach growled, reminding her that she only had one measly slice of bread, so she headed to the kitchen. The smell of various apple products filled the air, and she was literally floating on the smell, using her wings to carry her to the kitchen. She was brought back down to earth, however, when she saw who was making the food.

“Applejack, what are you doing in my kitchen?”

“Oh, hey, Twi!” Applejack closed the oven door. “I was jus’ preparing food for when your folks arrive!”

“I didn’t send out any invitations.”

“You don’ have t’ worry about that! I’ve got the invites all written out!” Applejack pointed to the table in the kitchen. “I jus’ need their addresses.”

Twilight lifted an invitation up with her magic. “Applejack, these are covered in apple juice.”

“It’ll be fine.”

“But that’s beside the point, Applejack. I’m not inviting my family over!”

“Why not?”

“Why not? Why not?! Do I need a reason!”

“Uh, maybe?”

Twilight started to leave, but Applejack raced in front of her. “Now, Twi—”

“No!” Twilight forced her way past Applejack and stomped towards her room.

“Twilight, all I need are—!" Twilight slammed her bedroom door in Applejack's face. She sighed and turned around, and then immediately jumped back. "Rainbow Dash!"

"Hm?" A groggy Rainbow said, lifting her head from the cloud, a foot or two above the ground, she was laying on.

"Why are you in my room?!"

Rainbow blinked her sleepy eyes as she looked around the room, which was indeed Twilight and Spike's bedroom, if the sizable bookcase and basket were any indication. Those and her bed and desk were the only things in the room. "Well, I wanted to bring you a housewarming present."

"A present."

"Yeah, a present!" Rainbow perked up. "Rarity said something about being a good guest in a new home or something like that a while back."

"I'm surprised you even remembered," Twilight said sarcastically.

"Me too," Rainbow Dash said, either not hearing the sarcasm or just ignoring it. "Anyway, this is your gift!" She flew up and pointed at the cloud.

Twilight sighed and put her hoof to her forehead. "Rainbow Dash, that's a cloud."

"Yeah, but not just any cloud! It's a cloud for sleeping!"

"Rainbow, I have a perfectly good bed right there!" Twilight said, pointing at her very tidy and covered-up bed.

“But it’s a cloud! Bed!”

“I have! A bed!”


Twilight spun around and ran out of her room.

"Oh, come on!"

Outside the room, Twilight breathed deeply. "Why do ponies have to be so crazy sometimes?" Twilight mumbled after she was done. She wandered into a random room of the castle and walked right into a bolt of sparkly fabric." What the—?!

"Sorry, dear! I forgot I left that silly thing there." A blue glow enveloped the bolt and moved it out of the way, revealing Rarity, glasses perched on her muzzle. "Why hello there, Twilight! Are you done seeing everypony else already?"

"No. I haven't seen Pinkie Pie yet. And come to think of it, I haven't seen Spike, either. I would have thought he was with you."

"I'm sure he's around somewhere in your house. Anyway, come in, come in!" Rarity trotted off to the side.

"It's my castle," Twilight said flatly.

"See, that's part of the issue," Rarity said, setting down the bolt. "I call it a house, you call it a castle. You have to get into the right mindset."

"What do you want to show me, Rarity?" Twilight said, skipping what might have been a ten or twenty minute conversation.

"I was thinking about adding some banners and ribbons onto the walls all around the your home. This room is just a test subject." Rarity lifted up a pink ribbon and inspected it. "I was also thinking about adding some jewels. I don't think this ribbon matches your cutie mark." She laid the ribbon on Twilight's cutie mark. "Hm, yes, your cutie mark is more fuchsia."

"The banners I have are fine, Rarity. Why don't you take them down and alter them?"

"They simply do not work with what I have in mind."

Twilight groaned and ran out of the room towards the throne room.

"Twilight, darling! Where are you going?!"

Twilight was about to give what she felt was a blistering retort when she stopped dead in her tracks, mouth open.

"What in the name of Celestia...?"

The throne room walls were filled with banners and streamers all the way to the top, and confetti was strewn about on the floor. Pinkie Pie bounced through the drifts of confetti to wrap streamers around the thrones themselves. Spike was on hand with bundles of streamers when she ran out of the one she had, and he beamed at Rarity and Twilight (Rarity especially). A table was set up on the side for food, with a stack of plates at the corner; it already had a couple desserts on it.

Pinkie noticed the pair of ponies. "Hey! Get out you two! You're not supposed to see this! It's a surprise!"

"Pinkie Pie! Why, this is positively dreadful! I was planning on decorating this room next!" Rarity complained. "You should ask before decorating somewhere when you know someone else is going to do so!”

“But I didn’t know, Rarity!”

"Hey, has anyone seen th' apple platters Ah put out fer when Twi's folks get here?" Applejack asked as she walked into the room.

"Oh, I put them over there," Pinkie said, pointing to the half-eaten pastries.

"Pinkie Pie! Those weren't for you!"

"Oh, Larry, come back! I'm sure Louise didn't meant to insult your den!" Fluttershy chased after Larry the Bear, who was bawling.

While Twilight was trying to wrap her head around what was going on, Rainbow Dash flew in, yawning. "Hey, could you guys keep it down? I'm trying to sleep on Twi's housewarming gift!"

"Ah would keep it down if Pinkie wouldn't eat ev'ry pastry she sees!"

"Not true! " Pinkie said. "Only sometimes!"

"How are we ever going to pick up all these streamers?" Rarity complained, picking one up with her magic. "It's all simply horrid!"

"It's not horrible!"

"It is, Pinkie Pie! I had a plan! It was beautiful, marvelous!"

"Larry!" Fluttershy chased Larry, who now had a tissue in his paw, around the thrones.

Twilight stood there with her mouth gaping open and her wings flared in surprise as arguing escalated and got louder and louder. Her left eye began to twitch, and then she snapped and screamed:


Everyone jumped and stared at Twilight in disbelief, and Fluttershy hid behind Rainbow Dash.

"Just stop, okay?! This place is not my home and never will be!" Barely able to contain her tears, Twilight galloped out of the room, putting extra force into every hoof that met the ground. The other ponies and Spike exchanged worried glances, but no one moved to run after her.

"She needs a little alone time," Spike said while guiding them away. The sounds of conversation and Fluttershy resuming her chase followed Twilight out.

This was the balcony she visited most often. It faced west, where the library once stood, and where the sun was setting. Ropes of red and orange filled the sky, no blues left.

"Red in the morning..." Twilight murmured to herself. She heard the clip-clop of hooves but didn't look up, instead quickly wiping her tears from her eyes and off her cheeks.

Fluttershy took a few tentative steps forward and opened her mouth.

"Go away."

Fluttershy turned to go back in, but Applejack and Rainbow Dash waved her back out. She sighed and stayed where she was.


Twilight looked up, the tears stains evident on her fur. "What is it, Fluttershy? What do you want?" she said, her voice thick with mucus.

"We played Nose Goes. I lost." Fluttershy turned her gaze to the floor and scuffed the ground.

"So?" Twilight snorted. It was meant to sound condescending, but it just came out weak and pitiful. She turned back to the west quickly.

"So, um..." Fluttershy sat down next to Twilight. "T-the sunset is very, very wonderful toda— er, tonigh— er, this evening?"
"Get to the point."

Fluttershy didn't say anything at first, instead just staring forward. "Why don't you like your castle?" she finally said.
The purple alicorn sighed. "It's not that I don't like it, it’s that...the library was my home. I lived there, I ate there, I had fun there. And it was gone just like that.” She slammed her hoof on her crystalline floor. “And I hate change. I absolutely abhor it. Even when it’s something good like my wings—” Twilight spread her wings out carefully for emphasis “—I still find myself hating it. I always feel like everything will change for the worse, and I won’t be happy anymore.”

Fluttershy took her time in choosing her next words. "But it hasn't." When Twilight glared at her, she added, "Not yet."

"Not yet?!"

"W-well, when I fell from Cloudsdale, it was horrifying; I thought I was going to die, but then the butterflies saved me, and—"

"And you got your cutie mark,” Twilight finished, starting to get the idea.

“Right!” Fluttershy smiled.

“So by almost dying, you got your cutie mark!”

Fluttershy shrank back. “Well, when you put it like that—”

“And I almost died by fighting Tirek! And my tree—!” Twilight deflated. “My tree...my home...”

Fluttershy saw herself out.

The sun had left the sky hours ago by the time Twilight walked back inside, exhausted from just wallowing in her sadness, and she almost didn't look up as she entered the throne room, whose floor was surprisingly clean. Pinkie Pie’s giggling, however, provoked her into lifting her head. She gasped.

The walls of the throne room were covered in photos.

Twilight walked up to one and put her hoof on it in disbelief. All the photos were taken in the same place: the Golden Oaks Library. In each and everyone was an important event that occurred.

“This one is when I first arrived! And this one is when I got the tickets for the Grand Galloping Gala!” Twilight rushed around the room. “Oh, and this one is during my lessons with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo!” She turned and looked at her friends. “How…?”

“There are benefits to keeping a secret dragon horde,” Spike said, and quickly added, “A small dragon horde!” when Twilight glared at him.

“Oh, Spike!” She ran to him and wrapped him in a hug, tears once again starting to form.

“But Twilight, Twilight! There’s more!” Pinkie said and pointed. Twilight released Spike looked to where Pinkie was directing her attention: a wall with the same pictures, but with only ponies. Everypony looked so happy.

"Oh, girls—”

Everypony came in for a great big group hug.

“Thank you.”

Author's Note:

Yeah, quite different. The writers and I went on vastly different roads of thought.

Comments ( 17 )

Well written and good storyline. Could even see this as an episode. Well done!

Thank you! :pinkiehappy: I started writing this quite a few weeks before the episode came out, but a bunch of stuff got in the way. Oh well, better a little late than never!

5861467 Well good job on the final product!

Now I would've loved the episode much more if it was written this way, great job. :twilightsmile:

...I think I liked this better than the episode.

I could see this being a real episode! I honestly think this is just as good if not better than the real episode. Great work!

My only problem with this: Why wasn't it marked as AU? At first, I thought you just ripped the episode and put it to fanfiction.

Fluttershy said. “I was thinking of bringing some of my animal friends inside, but Larry didn’t want to cooperate.”

Smart bear.

Eh. Wasn't terrible, especially on the writing front, but the characters seemed a bit too... immature to be fully in character. Fluttershy was pretty one-dimensional, in particular.

Hm, guess you're right.

I was concerned that might happen. More Season 1 than Season 5, right? :facehoof:

Fluttershy didn't say anything at first, instead just staring forward. "Why don't you like your castle?" she finally said.
The purple alicorn sighed. "It's not that I don't like it, it’s that...the library was my home. I lived there, I ate there, I had fun there. And it was gone just like that.” She slammed her hoof on her crystalline floor. “And I hate change. I absolutely abhor it. Even when it’s something good like my wings—” Twilight spread her wings out carefully for emphasis “—I still find myself hating it. I always feel like everything will change for the worse, and I won’t be happy anymore.”

I can't blame Twilight for saying that; the Golden Oaks Library had been her longtime home spanning four seasons from the show's debut in 2010 until the Season 4 finale where Tirek destroyed it.

I really like your versión.

I felt like I was reading an early version of the actual episode's script...

And I love it. :heart: Especially the ending. :twilightsmile:

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