• Published 7th Apr 2015
  • 4,778 Views, 68 Comments

A Slow Sunset - MegatronsPen

The story continues several weeks after the Rainbooms’ crushing victory over the Dazzlings at the Battle of the Bands, with an emotionally ambivalent Sunset Shimmer uncertain on what to feel about her brief and yet heated affair with Adagio Dazzle.

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Just Friends?

What the hell am I doing?

How many times am I going to ask myself that question today?

Sunset Shimmer was not entirely sure why she was running through the halls, knowing full well doing so was against the rules, nor was she sure why a feeling of immense dread filled her chest at the news that her blonde rival had either participated in or instigated a fight against one of her own friends, and on school grounds no less.

A small part of her felt relieved that Adagio had returned to school. The unspoken worry of her well being due to her long absence along with the two other members of the Dazzlings was now suddenly quelled from her system and replaced with an entirely different emotion which again, she could not explain.

Am I… happy?

Just when she had thought she had purged her inner turmoil by confessing her feelings to Applejack, Adagio Dazzle’s sudden reappearance and the resulting ruckus she no doubt caused brought all the feelings she had expelled rushing back all over again in a matter of moments.

Sunset Shimmer was not sure if she happy, concerned, angry, or all of the above. It fueled her mad dash through the halls and to even go as far as to jump half way down staircases to the floor below to shave off as much distance and time as possible, startling other students as they jumped out of the way of the grim determination Sunset Shimmer displayed.

She moved like a girl possessed.

Eventually, she had bolted through the school’s main entrance to come to an abrupt stop in the courtyard and stumbled upon a scene of a slow dispersal of students heading towards her.

She started forward against the flow of the crowd, pausing momentarily as she noted a head of rainbow coloured hair just in the distance.

Rainbow Dash!” Sunset Shimmer called out, moving in between other students to make her way towards the tomboyish guitarist, further noting the timid Fluttershy standing next to her.

Both girls looked over to the approaching Sunset Shimmer upon hearing her voice, closing the gap towards their friend, each with very different expressions.

Fluttershy opted to keep very quiet for the most part while Rainbow Dash immediately looked upon Sunset Shimmer with utter disbelief and a certain excited twinkle to her wide eyes.

“You are so not going to believe what just happened,” Rainbow Dash spoke excitedly, “Aria Blaze just—”

“I heard from Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash,” Sunset Shimmer interjected, panting, though quick to catch her breath, being far more physically fit than Pinkie Pie ever was, having just ran the entire way here, “do you know what happened? All I know is that Aria attacked Adagio.”

Fluttershy spoke up, somewhat saddened by the prospect of violence occurring so close to her. “W-we don’t know exactly… everyone else was as shocked as we were to see the Dazzlings stroll into school as if they hadn't been absent from school for ages and then… well...” She drew her eyes down to the ground, nibbling on her lower lip. “Things just went really bad, really quickly.”

Rainbow Dash was more than eager to finish off the story, animatedly speaking with her hands in her hype. “Uh? Yeah! Me and Fluttershy just literally walked back into school. We had to go back to her house to go get some textbooks she forgot for class. When we got back there they were; right in the open, arguing about who knows what. But man, they were really going at each other. Some pretty harsh words were exchanged.”

“Adagio seemed really angry about something Aria said...” Fluttershy added softly. “But, then again, she always seems to be angry to me, so…”

“No kidding! Those three suddenly showing up was kind of shocking itself, but, we figured it was nothing to stick around for, so we decided to move around them and take no notice... but I think Adagio was shouting at Aria about something to do with incompetence or whatever, and then said something about Sonata; I couldn't quite hear, but then all of a sudden—BOOM!” Rainbow Dash punched an open palm with a fist, causing Fluttershy to meep and jump at her friend’s verbose explanation, “Aria just smacked Adagio straight in the face! I have never seen anybody drop to the ground so quick before in my life! If it wasn’t for Sonata I think Aria might have kicked her while she was down! It was nuts! I couldn't believe my eyes! I can't imagine what it was that sent Aria over the edge like that.”

Fluttershy shook her head, clasping her hands close to her chest as she inclined her head to hide behind her hair somewhat. “I was so shocked… I couldn't believe a friend would do that to another friend, even if they were arguing… Aria called her some pretty mean things, too. I do hope Adagio is alright, though. She seemed pretty shook up. I think she was crying, too. Her nose was bleeding quite badly.”

“Well, yeah, wouldn't you be shocked if one of your best friends suddenly bopped you on the nose with a right hook in front of half of the school? Besides! I am sure Adagio probably deserved it. I mean, she did try and take over the school with her freaky Siren magic, so she’s not going to get any sympathy from me. Not to mention she does not exactly treat her friends all that well by the looks of it, so it’s no surprise to me really that they finally ditched her the way they did.”

Sunset Shimmer frowned as she felt her own hands curl into her fists at her sides, her eyes glancing down to the ground then back towards the school ground’s entrance, which seemed to be void of either the Dazzlings or Principal Celestia at this point.

She must had just missed them by mere minutes.

I know Adagio can be quite bossy and is a little less than civilized in her mannerisms, but to go as far as to hit her? Was there really a need for such violence? I mean, they’re friends, right?

Come to think of it… are they?

Or are they just acquaintances of circumstance? After all, they were all sent here together from Equestria against their will, so, maybe they were not as united as we were all led to believe? Without their magic, maybe now there is no reason for them to be around one another and to tolerate each other’s company?

I’m speculating too much.

I need to get to the bottom of this for whatever reason I still can’t think an excuse for.

Shaking her head, Sunset Shimmer looked back to her friends. “Where are they now? Did you happen to see where they went?”

“Oh, um, I think Principal Celestia took Aria and Sonata away, so I suppose she’s at her office… I think I overheard that Vice-Principal Luna was going to talk to Adagio at the nurse’s office about what had happened... at least, I think I heard Principal Celestia say that.” She frowned sadly to Sunset. “I’m sorry, Sunset Shimmer, I wasn't close enough to really hear what it was they were saying properly.”

Sunset smiled softly to Fluttershy. “That’s okay; I’m sure I’ll find them. The school is big, but it’s not that big.”

Rainbow Dash tilted a brow as she quizzically leaned forward towards Sunset Shimmer. “Hey, you seem pretty concerned about them… what gives?”

Nothing,” Sunset Shimmer replied all too quickly for Rainbow Dash’s liking, further deepening the tomboyish girl’s curious expression, “I thought maybe I could help. You know,” she smiled sheepishly, “try and lend a helping hand and all that to redeem myself for my past sins?”

Fluttershy shook her head gently, smiling sweetly at her friend. “I think you've done more than enough to redeem yourself, Sunset Shimmer. If it wasn't for you, we would had been in so much trouble. The Dazzlings would have won the battle of the—”

“Yeah-yeah,” Rainbow Dash interrupted, “but as we all know if it wasn't for my awesome guitar solo—”

I am sorry, guys, but I have to go. I’ll catch you all during lunch, okay?” Although not wanting to be rude, Sunset Shimmer broke off into a jog nonetheless, waving back at the duo as she headed with the flow of students towards the school’s front entrance, leaving two very perplexed girls blinking on after the retreating Sunset Shimmer.

“Well… that happened.” Rainbow Dash looked to Fluttershy, who only replied with a shrug. “Yeah, I haven’t a clue what that was about either. She did look pretty peeved though.”

“I think it’s nice she’s worried about Adagio Dazzle.” Fluttershy responded with a subtle nod, “I feel bad for her too. She just lost both of her friends, you know? I would feel simply awful if one of my friends tried to hurt me.”

“Her only friends,” added Rainbow Dash with a sigh, “and why do I have a feeling I am going to be forced into a situation where I have to try and get along with Adagio?”

“I think it’d be for the best for everyone if we put our differences aside and try and be friends with the Dazzlings, just like what we did for Sunset Shimmer. Maybe if we give Adagio Dazzle a chance, she could become a close friend, too? That way, maybe we could help repair her relationship with the rest of the Dazzlings? Since... well, they’re not really on speaking terms right now, huh?” Fluttershy looked up at Rainbow Dash with a hopeful expression. “You would be willing to give Adagio a chance as well, right, Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash puffed her cheeks, pouting a little at the prospect as she turned her eyes away from Fluttershy’s pleading eyes. “Fine. But only if Sunset Shimmer makes the first move. I don’t see why I have to make an effort for someone that is clearly so far up herself she might as well marry her own reflection.”

Suddenly clapping her hands together, Rainbow Dash started off towards the school’s entrance, changing the subject entirely. “Right! Time to go to gym and show everyone how awesome I am!”

Fluttershy smiled to herself, giggling a little as she followed on after Rainbow Dash, holding back her remark about pots and kettles.


As the students gossiped amongst themselves while heading towards their next class, Sunset Shimmer chose to walk briskly towards the nurse’s office, her hands still balled into tightly clenched fists she could not quite relax.

In her mind, there was nothing she wanted to do more than to punch Aria Blaze right back in the face for attacking Adagio, however, considering how her rival often treated other people in her usual air of arrogance, another part of Sunset Shimmer suspected she deserved it to some degree.

Perhaps not as violently as it had occurred, but, enough to humble the blonde Siren into silence.

I wonder what she said to get Aria to hit her like that.

Spotting the nurse’s office down the other end of the hallway, her footsteps slowed as she noted Vice-Principal Luna depart from the room, looking none too pleased considering how the recent turn of events played out in the yard.

As the Vice-Principal walked towards Sunset Shimmer, she could tell the woman was attempting to keep her eyes from meeting with her own as they walked towards each other on opposite sides of the hallway.

An awkwardness filled Sunset Shimmer, including an apprehension that drew a sickly feeling in the back of her throat the closer they came, and considering that Vice-Principal Luna was the one who had discovered her and Adagio’s little foray of lust, such a feeling was far from unwarranted.

Just as both were about to pass the other, Sunset Shimmer stopped, swallowing hard as she just about barely managed to speak.

“Vice-Principal Luna, can I speak with you about something for a moment?”

The older woman stopped in her tracks, sighing quite openly at being called out. Turning, Luna looked down at Sunset Shimmer with an air of professionalism befitting an academic of her status and background. “Yes, Miss Shimmer, can I help you?”

“Y-yes,” Sunset Shimmer glanced nervously towards the nurse’s office, “it’s about what happened outside.”

Crossing her arms, Luna nodded gently to herself, an irritated expression taking over her once pleasant demeanour. “I figured as much,” she spoke as she glanced left and then right, confident no one was close enough to hear the conversation, “your girlfriend has caused quite a ruckus, Sunset Shimmer.”

A blush crept up Sunset Shimmer’s cheeks, her eyes wandering anywhere but the Vice-Principal’s piercing gazing. “We’re not like that… we’re just, friends…”

Well, we’re not even that, but… it is better than trying to explain just what it is our relationship is.

That is, if you can call what we have as a relationship.

Whether or not Luna noticed Sunset Shimmer’s embarrassment, she continued nonetheless. “Not only was she ditching school for almost four weeks along with Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk; which they will all be punished for I can assure you, but your ‘friend’ has also decided to start a confrontation not only with another student of mine, but with one of her own who seemingly punched her without any kind of physical provocation. Do you happen to know why?”

Shaking her head, Sunset Shimmer placed a hand to her chest, being sincere and honest as she spoke. “I don’t know why they started to fight, Vice-Principal Luna. I was in the music room with Applejack when it happened. I haven’t so much as talked to or even seen either of them since the battle of the bands event. But, from what I heard, they had some kind of disagreement and it just sort of escalated from there.”

Pondering for a moment, Luna slowly nodded her head. “That’s far more of the story than I managed to get from Adagio Dazzle. She refused to speak; whether or not she did so to protect her friends or just herself remains to be seen... Anyway, she seems to be in some kind of state of shock at present, so I will try asking her what happened again when she has calmed down a bit.”

“Is she going to be okay?” Sunset Shimmer tried her best to sound more curious than concerned, and failed miserably at it.

“Nurse Redheart is looking after her so I wouldn't worry too much, Sunset Shimmer. She’ll have a little bit of a bruise but it doesn't seem her nose is broken. The blood just makes it look a lot more serious than what it really is.”

“Vice-Principal Luna, how about if I talk to her? Being her—uh, friend, maybe I can find out what transpired? She might be more willing to talk to me about it compared to a member of the faculty?”

Alright, Sunset Shimmer. For now, I am going to go and see what my sister has gleaned from the other two perpetrators of this little scuffle, however,” Suddenly, Vice-Principal Luna bent down a little, leveling her eyes with Sunset Shimmer who retracted somewhat from the taller woman’s suspicious gaze, shifting nervously on the spot, “don’t do anything… untoward with your ‘friend’ in the nurse’s office; you were both very lucky there was no reprimand for the last time, so, you make sure you don’t let me catch you doing anything like that again on school grounds… do I make myself perfectly clear, Sunset Shimmer?”

Blushing brighter than a red heat lamp, Sunset Shimmer only managed to nod her head once; embarrassed beyond comprehension at the Vice-Principal’s insinuation while she watched the older woman walk briskly away after her ominous warning.

This day can’t possibly get any worse, thought Sunset Shimmer, pressing her back against the wall while heaving a sigh. But why have I suddenly got a feeling it is going to do just that?

Author's Note:

Next time, Adagio and Sunset Shimmer finally meet alone since the events of Sex On A Desk! Will Sunset confess her feelings? Probably not. Maybe?!

But, anyway, on a serious note, I have never done a sequel for a clop story before, or even tried to put any effort into one (if you know how I write my clops), so, thanks guys for the support. The reason why this was continued because of a certain person (Harmsy), begging me to do so.

Thumb up the story if you enjoyed it, or flame it! Your choice! Comment below to your heart's content, I always reply.