• Published 4th Apr 2015
  • 568 Views, 19 Comments

Sugar Belle's Hell - Ryuku the Creative

Sugar Belle is now one with the others. Unable to love and tolerate the proper way and it's eating her up on the inside.Now we get to see how she really feels about her new home.

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Season 5.1 Remastered by Lord of Nothing

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoy his edited version of the story ^ ^

I wish I could say that the story I'm bringing you started on a bright and sunny day, with birds chirping and ponies enjoying themselves, but I'm afraid that that would be a lie.

No, it all actually started at night, the same night that our new visitors spent locked up in the Reformation Room. I really felt for them, actually, as that was the same room I was forced to be in at one time. I can remember hearing that voice, that cold, uncaring voice for days on end as all my happiness and joy faded from me, it was way too much for me, so I had to fake my reformation just to escape. However, I knew that, if I ever voiced my opinion out loud, or decided to go against Starlight Glimmer in any way, I would be put in that horrible room again, and I can't even begin to think of what I'd do then.

So, in the end, I had no choice but to pretend to be loyal and bake muffins to make a living. They could have made even a hydra sick, and I know because I saw Pinkie Pie, probably the only honest pony in the whole village, hurl them back up after a single bite. Funnily enough, even the pigeons that would come out of nowhere would pick at any leftovers from a particular batch would simply ignore them. Can you believe that?

Most interesting about this group of characters that's wandered in to our village was the fact they still had their cutie marks, and that was just absolutely incredible in my opinion; I mean, the designs, colors, and details were simply overwhelming!

Interestingly enough, and for some reason that I still haven't been able to pinpoint, after seeing them all having fun with each other, I suddenly needed my cutie mark back, and I needed it fast. I had tried talking to Starlight before about giving me it back for a day, or, hell, just for an hour, but she repeatedly turned me down; she even threatened to put me back in to that damned room! I'd eventually just given up and walked off, utterly enraged, my false smile still somehow registering as normal to everypony else.

For awhile, I sat and plotted any and all ways to get my cutie mark back, but I knew some of her followers would attempt something each time and keep me from getting it. I was actually ready to give up completely, but then a brilliant idea came to mind; it was something I knew I would regret for the rest of my life, provided it worked, but I realized that, no matter what eventually came out of it, it had to better than living in this nightmare forever.

I returned to my home even later that same night, but instead of getting busy baking terrible muffins in advance for the next day, I would end everything once and for all, using the only weapon at my disposal: a somewhat small cooking knife, one I didn't normally use too much, but had just in case. I tucked it in to my saddle bag and hurried over to Starlight's house, fully ready to put my plan in to action.
I knocked on her door a couple of times, and then, after she still didn't mange to make some kind of response after a whole minute, I proceeded to bang until my hooves felt just about ready to bleed.

I stopped instantly, however, as soon as I heard the doorknob begin to turn. The hunk of wood swung open, and looked straight in to her angry eyes. Oh, how I'd wished to have ended this right then and there, but I wanted my plan to play exactly the way I'd envisioned it, so I remained calm.

"Starlight, we have an issue! I saw Fluttershy heading out towards the cave!" I stammered out. I'd have said that I played my role fairly well, but I still wouldn't have believed myself either way.

I knew that she wouldn't fall in to my trap so easily though; after all, she was smarter than most ponies here, and could call a bluff like a pro when she heard one. However, this time, I guess the threat of one of our visitors trying to make trouble was pertinent enough that she thought she couldn't leave anything to chance. I watched as she hurried off like a madpony towards the cave, and I knew this was my only opportunity to get my revenge; I refused to give up after making it this far, so I followed closely behind her.

"I can't believe that little...ugh!" I heard Starlight yell out angrily as she got closer and closer to the cave's mouth.

I sped up those last few feet to reach her, and finally found myself side-by-side with that horrible creature. My heart raced and my body sweat, so much so that the mere thought of finally ending her madness, at least for me, was enough to keep me going, so, in one swift move, I jumped and gave her a mighty shove towards a nearby boulder. She hit the large stone with enough force to knock a normal pony unconscious, but she was different.

I watched her get back up, but still refused to give her second wind. I lunged at her and bit down hard on her horn, trying my damnedest to gnaw it off as she tried desperately to push me off. I swung my hooves around wildly, desperately attempting to find purchase on anything, and actually caught her a few times in the face before she managed to knock me back.

"So this was all a little trick of yours?!" Starlight shouted while charging up her horn, a teal aura beginning to climb up from around its base. "What is this to you, a game? You're putting the safety of everyone here at risk, you insolent little bitch!"

I cowered, closing my eyes and preparing for the worse, but nothing came; instead, I was treated to her letting out a horrible scream. It definitely wasn't one of anger, no, or even an attempt at a battle cry. You see, the tone was one of intense anguish, and it sounded like the being it erupted from was in excruciating pain, so I opened both eyes slowly to be greeted to a delightful sight: Starlight, trying her hardest to charge up her horn, but a crack in it, a crack that I'd made, was preventing a charge from building up, and it was becoming too much for her to handle.

I quickly grabbed for the knife with my mouth and darted at her with all the energy I could muster up. She was so worried about whatever was wrong her horn that she didn't see the cool blade come down upon her neck.
Then I got to see it: I got to see some of her blood trickle down her chest. I didn't enjoy it, and I know it was beyond wrong but I couldn't take the chaos anymore.

Something intense and primal came over me, and before she could recover, I jumped and pinned her to the ground, then began to slash and stab wildly at anything that happened to be within my and the knife's reach. Nothing was safe from the maniac motions, not her mouth, her cheeks, her eyes, or her tongue.

I was shaking and sweating and I felt nothing but the longing to erase her completely from my mind and life forever, so I kept going, despite what a small part of me was screaming at me about stopping. Starlight had tried to fight back for a few brief moments, but the pain was eventually too much for her after awhile, and, within a minute or so, she'd finally, reluctantly, given in.
I finished things off the only way I could think that would make up for what she'd done: jamming the knife through her skull and cutting her sad, sadistic brain in to four.

And so it was that I stood over her for a moment while any remaining traces of Starlight fled from her body. The blade was still gripped tightly in my mouth, a steady trickle of single drops of blood dripping down off the tip. I looked down, directly at her freshly cracked skull and almost unrecognizable face, and felt nothing...except for free.

Finally free.

However, I fell sideways towards the ground, my whole body having tensed up to the point of total paralysis as the instantaneous realization of what I'd done washed over me. My stomach knotted itself over and over, getting tighter and tighter until I felt as if I'd pop. Hot tears streamed down my already warm face, making me feel as if each streak they left behind were boiling me alive. What I'd done was incredibly cruel, no doubt about it, but Starlight must've deserved it; after all, she was the one who had always told us that things happened to ponies for a reason, and I guess that brainwashing and oppressing a whole village was hers.
All I could do at that point was look around and force myself to breathe, to keep calm and try and think of a way out of this, as I was certain I'd eventually be tried, but I slowly realized that I just didn't care too terribly much. She'd gotten what she deserved, or must have deserved, and that's what really mattered most right then. My eyes rolled to the right and locked on to her lifeless, mutilated corpse as it looked up in to the night sky, gazing at the infinite starscape.

For some reason, I thought to myself as I looked back towards it, too, it was shining brighter.
My mind and body were finally ready to have their old cutie mark and talents back, but ironically, neither could bring themselves to move. Even better was that, at the same time, I heard hoofsteps not too far off, and from the sound of things, they were headed my way. I knew that when they saw the scene they would be more than shocked, but I didn't care anymore.
All I knew was that I was finally happy, and that's all that mattered.