• Published 8th Apr 2015
  • 3,626 Views, 65 Comments

The Ultimate Enemy - DJSkywalker

The ultimate ghost has returned to seek his revenge on the one defeated him, but circumstances arise that once again imprison him, but with horrifying results. Now with his heart and emotions restored, he must come to terms with his new life.

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Chapter Three

So… as I’ve recently discovered there is in fact a welcoming party to this town… And it comes in the form of a hyperactive, pink pony… with a party cannon.

I wish I was making that up.

I think the only comprehensive thing I got out of her was that her name was Pinkie Pie. I completely lost track of time as I was dragged all over. I think she was telling me every little detail about the town and trying to introduce me to everyone (‘everypony’ is just stupid). In the end, I found myself in a what appeared to be a bakery, in the midst of a party.

“...and then I said ‘Oatmeal?! Are you crazy?!” the pink pony said… completely unaware I hadn’t heard a single word she said. “Soooo~, enjoy the party! I know it’s not your ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party, but since I was throwing Nyx’s birthday party today, I might as well let you hang with ponies your own age! Have fun~!” She bounced off into the far kitchen, leaving me staring blankly into space.

“What… in the ex-Ghost King’s name… just happened?” I slowly said, trying to recuperate my mind after it was so messed up by that pony. Taking a few deep breaths, I decided to inspect my surroundings. There were foals all about, roughly the same size as me.

Definitely not the same age, I thought with a twinge of humor.

The main attraction seemed to be a black-as-night unicorn filly. I could tell because she was the one blowing out the candles. I assumed that was the ‘Nyx’ the pink menace mentioned. Four other fillies were with her. One was an orange furred, purple maned pegasus, the other a yellow earth pony with red hair. Another was a unicorn with a purple swirled mane and white fur and the final was a light grey earth pony with scarlet hair.

What an odd set of friends. Then again, who was I to speak? I used to be friends with an eco-goth and a techno geek.

Other foals ran around, playing the different party games or enjoying the snack assortments. I was the only one hanging off to the side, of course because I had no intention of partaking in such infantile attractions. I needed to get back to my priorities, specifically acquiring a base of operations within the town. But how? A foal couldn’t own a house or pay rent. I highly doubted there were any employment options for a colt like I was stuck as, not that I had any intention to work for a living.

“Hey there.” I was brought out of my thoughts upon those words. I looked and saw a unicorn mare standing next to me. Her coat was of the lighter lavender with a mane of straight purple, though a lighter variant striped through it as well. Even her eyes were purple. As if there weren’t enough purple already. “Not one for the party scene, huh?”

Finally someone with a straight mind. “Not really,” I told her. “I prefer to just… observe.”

“I’m more of an introvert myself, too.” She outstretched her hoof. “My name is Amethyst Star, but my friends call me Sparkler. What’s your name?”

Though I wasn’t too keen on ‘making friends’, I needed to keep up appearances. I put my hoof against hers. “Dan...ny. Danny. That’s my name.”

“Danny?” she asked, her eyebrow rose slightly. “That’s a strange name.”

I… I had no proper reply to that. Many had called my name odd over the years, but a pony calling it strange? That would hurt my pride if I had any… crap! Pride just came in… and boy does it sting!

She must have noticed my inner cringing because she apologized immediately. “Oh, sorry. Didn’t mean to be rude, just never heard a name like that.”

“No,” I said slowly, lifting up my hoof. “Just… it’s nothing. Believe me, I’ve heard it before.”

“Oh,” Sparkler replied simply. There was a few moments of silence between us before she spoke again. “Sorry about Pinkie Pie. She just gets so excited when meeting new ponies. Why don’t I show you around town? Slowly this time. It would get us both out of here.”

I thought that over for a few moments, deciding it would be to my best benefit to know my location’s secrets. I could calculate a town map in my mind and keep it for reference. “That sounds… nice,” I nearly had to force out. “Let’s go.”

“Allons-y,” Sparkler said as we trotted out the door.


“It’s Prench for ‘let’s go’. I studied it at school when I was little and it stuck with me. Not quite sure why, but it sure is fun to say.”

“Uh… huh, ok.” Don’t question it, Dan. Mortals have strange quirks.

It was a relatively pleasant jot through the town of Ponyville. Sparkler would point out certain spots or attractions as we walked, occasionally waving to some other ponies she knew or was friends with. There were many different stores and shops through the small town. A clothing store, a the remains library tree (arguably my favorite spot), and shop for quills and sofas? Is it possible to make a living off selling only two things? ... Nevermind, not worth the thought process.

Then it was time that we came upon the giant, crystal, tree castle. “And this is Castle Harmonious. This is where Princess Twilight and her Court of Friendship can be found. They meet here and spread the magic of friendship wherever it is needed!” Sparkler explained to me.

I, honestly and truly, felt like vomitting from what I had just heard. It was just so sickly sweet and disgusting that I felt physically ill. It took almost all I had to keep from losing my non-existent lunch in front of my tour guide.

“How… nice,” I forced out of myself. I looked around for the other castle and pointed at it. “What about that one?”

Sparkler turned around and saw where I was pointing. “Oh, that’s Night Stone Castle. It used to be the home of Nightmare Moon when she returned to curse Equestria into an endless night.” Is that what happened that week? “Thankfully, she was stopped and depowered. Now, it’s currently under development by Princess Twilight to become a school of higher learning.”

Well, at least that’s something, I suppose. I may have been an evil and heartless person, but I did have a certain aspect of respect for those of higher intellect. Of course, I kept some of the greatest minds alive to serve me in developing new abilities. The Ghostly Wail was one the greatest products of their research.

“I like that one,” I commented, getting a look from the ‘older’ mare.

“Well, I suppose a colt would go for the scarier castle.” Sexist much? “Come on, still a few things left to show you.” Our conversation of castle stopped there and we walked back into the town proper.

Sparkler pointed out a few other locations, such as the market, the way to the local farms, and we stopped at Town Hall. We walked up to a large wooden board off to the side of the government building. “And this is the Event Board. Since Ponyville is still a small town, we rely on this to get the word out about upcoming events. Stargazing club meetings, book clubs, local announcements, and even farm stocks show up on here.”

Well that would be handy with keeping up on current events. I was looking over the board when something caught my eye in the middle. I walked forward and lifted the few posters covering the one I was looking at and my eyes widened at the sight. It was a poster saying that a pony in town would be taking in observers for...

“A ghost portal?!” I did my very best not to shriek. I just couldn’t believe my eyes. There was a pony in this backwater town that had the parts to make a working ghost portal. It could have been my ticket to getting my powers back!

Sparkler groaned a little and took down the poster. “I can’t believe this was put up here.”

Wait, did she know? “Hey, I think we should go check that out. A ghost portal sounds...awesome!” Yes, I believe that was the common cool term used for something like this.

“I don’t think that would be a good idea, Danny. It really isn’t something that’s very important.”

Maybe not to you! “Aw come on, Sparkler. Let’s go check it out! I’m sure it would be fun!” Heh, this play acting is getting easier. Perhaps this would work to my advantage in the end.

It took a little more convincing, but Sparkler relented in the end and we ended up walking back through town. After about a half-hour of walking, we stopped at house in the outer areas of Ponyville. Sparkler didn’t even knock and walked right in.

I like her style, I thought wryly. I followed her inside and down a flight of steps to the basement. Immediately I was surprised by the interior. It looked eerily similar to the old Fenton lab. Different pieces of equipment and tools littered the floor… along with scraps of food on the counters. But there, in the back wall, was the familiar tunnel that could break into the world unseen by mortal eyes. A tried and true ghost portal was right in front of me. Sure, it wasn’t turned on, but just the sight was a glimmer of hope for me to get rid of emotions like hope again.

“Well, here it is,” Sparkler said, lacking any happy emotion. Perhaps she was worth my time, after all. “A ‘ghost portal’. Can we go now?”

“Are you kidding?! I want to see it work!” I started looking around, hoping to find the plug that would activate it.

“It doesn’t work,” Sparkler said.

I stopped and looked at her. “What?”

“It doesn’t work. It will never work because there is no such thing as the ghost zone. There’s no such things as ghosts.” Oh, how wrong you are on both accounts.

“Of course there are ghosts!” a familiar happy voice came from the top of the stairs. I noticed that it was Derpy walking down the steps, looking happy. “Well what do you know? You’re the colt from the forest!” She looked at Sparkler with a little bit of scolding. “Have you been going off about how ghosts don’t exist again? I keep telling you, Sparkler, that this ghost portal will work! I’m sure of it!”

“But Aunt Derpy!” Aunt? Well, that explains how we just barged in. “You don’t have anything to prove from your hobby! You need to give up this stupid obsession!”

“It’s not stupid! I’ll prove it to you once I get my ghost portal up and running,” Derpy asserted.

“I believe in her,” I spoke up. “I… I’ve seen ghosts! I know they exist.” Not lying, and everyone knows it.

Derpy gasped and flew towards me, picking my tiny body up in a hug as she twirled in the air. “I can’t believe it! A fellow believer!! Thank you so much… uh, I never got your name, actually.”

“Danny,” I wheezed from her tight hug. “Danny Fenton.”

“That’s a strange name,” she said happily, nuzzling my cheek. Is possible to be insulted when cuddled? ...I’m going to say yes. “Oh well, at least it’s good to have another ghost believer in the house! I know we’re going to be the best of friends!”

Did… did she say friends? I just made a friend…


Author's Note:

Dan's Friend Count: 1