• Member Since 21st Nov, 2013
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Chrome Masquerade

Dashing do-gooder dog? Accomplished, affable aeronaut? Big-time brony? Lazy lackluster lackwit? You decide!


A side story to Five Score Divided By Four.

My friends and I have been long-time fans of MLP. the characters, the storytelling, the lore, we loved it all. We almost wished it could be true! But sometimes, miracles do happen. Little did we know it happened long ago....

When we find out that we are beginning to change into ponies ourselves, it's a race to adjust to our new lives. However, there's a bit of a twist, one that will practically turn the world upside down! What will happen? Will the world adjust to the coming changes? Can we help at all? Only time will tell.

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 8 )

You know, writing a story about explaining all the cool powers you totally have because you're a special snowflake might not be the funnest thing for others to read. :trixieshiftright:

5857118 I'm having so much fun reading about Gary and his best friends the Stus!

7154674 i have a thing going that EVERY pony is OP in some way. Hay, just take a look at this. (you might have to zoom in a couple of times.)

now, that in mind, imagine what could happen if the ponies in Canterlot used that to their advantage when the changelings attacked.

Hey, if you are looking for ocs to use in the story you can use my ponysona Gargon.

That would be appreciated. As soon as I get over this case of writer's block regarding this story.

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