• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

David Silver

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Jake is a brony, and he's been sent to Equestria, and this is awesome! He gets to live with, and be tested on by, Twilight Sparkle, and meet all the ponies of Ponyville. But danger looms. Surely Jake can rise against it!

Part of the Silver Verse.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

You forgot to tag it Human.

As for the story it's uh... umm...

well... it's a story? :trollestia:

Joking aside, I really find this whole chapter lacking. It feels rushed and not of the same quality as other SilverVerse stories.

Edit: I know what it is. It seems like an omake. This would be the thing that comes after watching today's episode of The Silver Stars.

5801084 Yep, it's a.. thing. Short stories of this length are not my specialty, I confess readily.

yeah, Jake is definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed :rainbowlaugh:

5801203 But he had the sharpest tool in the shed!

Nice side story on Jake

Jake wielded the significantly more deadly looking tool with a grin.

The machete is significantly more "deadly-looking."

"Stop hurting my friends." she requested in a meek tone.

There should be a comma instead of a period after "friends."

Sylph sat up on her hind-legs, "They have to promise not to cut down my friends again, or I will send Steve and his friends after them."

There's no hyphen needed in "hind legs."

Pinkie bobbed her head, pointing at the still flaming cooking area, "You betcha, and there's plenty for everypony!"

The cooking area is "still-flaming."

5801840 All fixed! I hope this short tale didn't fry your brain with its insanity.

5801855 This story came across as "pure Jake." There's really no other way I can put it. There's so little to his character that it's like he's already fully-formed. After the very first scene of this story, I knew exactly who this character was, which is basically Ponyville's own version of Gilligan.

That is, I should note, a slightly different take on the character than we saw when he met Silver. There, he was arrogant and unable to empathize with others. Here, he's more of a laid-back bumbler, unable to muster up his insufferable nature largely because his ambition (such as it was) has withered away to nothing. Before, he had stuff he wanted to do, and couldn't seem to get it through his head that there were other people to consider when going about fulfilling that - now, he seems content to sit back and just be, in a quasi-zen-like way. Before, he had stuff he wanted to do, from meeting famous ponies to scoring with princesses and becoming a pegasus. Now, he seems happy just to go with the flow. It's enough to make me wonder if, having satisfied the ambitions that he could and having realized that the ones he couldn't are likely permanently out of reach, he simply doesn't know what to do with himself.

I am a little curious where the magic barrier around the minotaur cookout came from, though. Aren't unicorns the only spellcasters?

And a plant named "Steve"? :facehoof:

5801905 He's living with Twilight and in spitting distance of the rest of the mane six. Joining the CMC on a random adventure is now something he can do when they give the battle call. Yea, he's actually pretty satisfied with life. Celestia will get on that whole pegasus thing, eventually. As he wrote in the letter, the ponies seem to be fine with him having fingers, so why ruin a good thing?

All hail Steve!

"Well the way ah see it," said Apple, "You's a blank flank too, so we gotta stick together."

"You's" or "Youse" is more of a Brooklyn accent. I think AB would probably say "Yer"

"You'll just annoy a manticore with that! Here, use this." The minotaur went off to the large shed they had set up and fetched a machete,

You call that a knife? This is a knife.

Jake nodded, "Guess so. No reason you can't put some fish on a grill."

Regardless of where you fall on the environmentalist continuum, "save the plants and eat the fish" is an odd compromise.

Moral qualms aside, I don't think pony digestion would be happy with fish.

Jake seems to be a very child-like person. He goes along with whatever the nearest sentient being says and speaks his mind without considering the consequences. In spite of what the minotaur said, he's not really annoying, just very simple.

Fixes applied, for great justice. Jake isn't a bad guy. No rocket scientist, but not a bad guy.

5802059 Was this a fun experiment? Do you think you might do more shorts?

5802067 Can I say yes to both? I don't think I'm terribly good at shorts, but that doesn't stop me from trying anyway.

5802074 In that case, I'll continue to add suggestions to your short story blog post if I think of any good ones.

I really like this one and I like fish also.
just a little lime juice please.

Harts Fire

6102064 Short and sweet. It was a challenge to myself to make a story that isn't a sprawling mess.

5883692 A little vinegar & chips for me please, and some tartare sauce?
6102861 A bit odd for the CMC too leave Jake with the Minotaurs, that won't earn them cutie marks?

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