• Member Since 11th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


G'day. Aussie Brony here. I'm not very active in the comment threads of my stories, but I read and cherish every one. Thanks for reading.


Inspired by the stories of The Triptych Continuum.

On a field trip to Canterlot, Cheerilee's class encounter one of the most unusual members of the castle staff. A pony named Sizzler, who works at the meat station of the Lunar Kitchen. Responsible for cooking and serving the meals of visiting carnivores, he has a rare 'once in a generation' cutie mark. Persuaded to tell his tale, the CMC listen with rapt attention.

After all, they would do anything to get their cutie marks. But would they really be willing to work with meat?

While this story was inspired by A Total Eclipse Of The Fun and Naked Lunch it is not part of that continuity. All OCs created by Estee are used with permission. Initial idea discussed in this blog post.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

Technical Review: The writing is proficient on a technical level. I did not notice any mistakes in spelling or grammar. Upvoted for being well written.

Personal feelings: The voice is different than Estee, but not in a bad way. This feels like a more lighthearted take on the Continuum, for when readers want something more cheerful. I like it. Another! {Smashes coffee mug on floor}

Estee, if you are reading this response, I love the Continuum. I was not attempting to imply any deficiency on your side of things. I simply meant that this is a story that one might read when one wants to have a laugh while yours are read when the reader wants a more serious take on things.

Faved because Sizzler is awesome. Will read a bit later on.

Mmm. Esteelicious thus far. Same great pony taste, but with a bit more realism, a dash more cynicism, and the wonderful tang of impending disaster. Definitely looking forward to more.

It may not be Estee, but it was still fun. I'll be keeping an eye on this one...


If it helps, think of me as Estee-lite. The gluten free alternative.

You do a great job at capturing the feeling of the Continuum, definitely tracking.

“The Day Court? Night Court?”

There is only one court

In these stories "day court" is held during the day & presided over by Celestia. "Night court" is held at night & presided over by Luna. In Estee's world, each court has jurisdiction over different things. (Presumably, this was an old custom & revived when Luna returned)

Also, the Princesses "hold court", that is accept petitions from everybody that comes before them. IDK, but I'd bet it helps to bribe the door keeper if you want to get in. If this upsets you, think of it like tipping a headwaiter to get a table.

Come on, tell us the story Mister Sizzler!

That title and nobody in the comments has mentioned Milliways? Either it's bad luck or we've got some plebs in here that probably don't even know where their towels are.

Joking aside, readlatering this, will come back when it has more chapters.

neat set up here

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