• Published 9th Nov 2011
  • 5,755 Views, 72 Comments

A Midnight Stroll - Vargras

A bored Luna makes a brief visit to Ponyville, making friends and learning about herself.

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Sharing Shyness

It was one of the few times throughout Luna's long and storied life that she had actually felt nervous. Her first encounter with Fluttershy had been... less then stellar. Fluttershy, despite being known for her kindness, was also known throughout Ponyville as being one of the most timid and bashful ponies in all of Equestria - given Luna's previous reputation as Night Mare Moon, their first encounter on Night Mare Night had resulted in the Princess unwittingly frightening and intimidating the yellow pegasus to the point of being unable to speak. At the very least, she wanted to make amends for it and attempt to start off on the right hoof.

Even as she approached Fluttershy's cottage on the edge of the Everfree Forest though, it was as if the animals themselves knew what Luna used to be - most fled at the mere sight of her, and those few that stayed simply froze in terror. Luna hung her head in shame, the trot gradually turning into a slow walk, as she began to contemplate things. If the animals ran away in fear, what were the chances that Fluttershy would stay? Despondent, she wandered over to a pond and sat upon the grass. She stared into the waters, hoping to see a friendly face - yet all she saw was her.

"Night Mare Moon."

How she loathed that name: 'Night Mare Moon'. All she remembered was growing envious of her elder sister, and how the allure of forbidden arts offered her a chance to get what she wanted - she realized her mistake far too late, though. It was only after she had completely lost control and she buried away the old Luna that she realized what a monster she had become. She remembered how she looked on with horror as Celestia harnessed the Elements of Harmony, and with a heavy heart, banished her own sister into the moon. While Night Mare Moon had spat on and cursed Celestia's name, somewhere deep within the abomination, Luna silently wept. For a thousand years, she plotted her revenge - for a thousand years, Luna carried a burden most could not. Day after day, week after week, she had begun to hate her own immortality, and began to wish for death's embrace. A thousand years of regret, shame, and loneliness, however, is a fate worse than death itself. Through it all though, was a feeling somehow worse than all of those: she was completely powerless to stop it. She had taken over and plunged her into darkness, and all Luna could do was simply watch and wait, and hope for redemption. All she often had was hope.

"...um, excuse me. Princess..."


"...was wondering if, assuming you don't mind..."



Luna gasped and felt her whole body tense up as she frantically looked around. She wasn't anticipating what she saw, though - Fluttershy. "Are you alright, Princess? You look like you've seen a ghost... or worse... if that's even possible."

"I... I'm fine, Miss Fluttershy. I was just... thinking about something, is all." She didn't want to admit it, but she found herself horribly disturbed by the flashback she had.

"You looked positively awful, though! What were you even thinking about that made you react like that?"

"It's n-nothing, Fluttershy. I'm alright. Really."

Twilight Sparkle had been completely right about Fluttershy's voice, of course. She certainly did sound innocent and demure, yet it was also more soothing than she realized. Part of her simply wanted to let all her troubles out - the other part violently protested, believing such horrid things were better off locked away.

"Well if you ever want to talk about it, Princess Luna, I'm more than willing to listen for you... I mean, if that's okay with you, of course."

Luna found herself staring at the reflection once more, though she was no longer alone. Slowly, she nodded and looked directly at Fluttershy. "I-I'd like that. How did you manage to find me, though?"

"Oh that's easy. The animals told me! They all said how sad you were, so I thought I'd try to help. Now why don't you tell me what's bothering you?"

Luna nodded once more and began to tell her tale. "I still think back to my time as her."


"Night Mare Moon. I always try to avoid it so it doesn't bother me, but it always ends up eating away at me. The flashbacks I have are often vivid - horrifically so. I get stuck reliving it all. The atrocities she committed with my name and my body. I always get that same feeling of hopelessness, powerlessness, loneliness, and fear. But... I think the most maddening part of it all..."

"I know this is awful hard for you, Luna, but you've just gotta let it all out."

"...the most maddening part of it all, is that look on my sister's face. It's always frozen in my mind, staring back at me - that look as she realizes that her sister has turned into an abomination, and that there's no redemption for her."

Luna began to sob uncontrollably, her terrible burden finally lifted from her shoulders. For the first time in over a thousand years, she finally felt free of it. Fluttershy had her forelegs wrapped around the Princess' neck in a hug, and was quite literally the calm before the storm - were it not for her embrace, Luna's powers of weather manipulation would have feasted off her raw emotions. Luna felt Fluttershy give her an extra tight hug, and Luna managed to actually laugh while returning one of her own. Though tears still streaked down her face and her nose was horribly runny from all the sobbing, it was the happiest she had been in over a thousand years. Fluttershy looked up at the Princess and gave her a smile only a kind soul such as herself could ever give. "There, there. Don't you feel better now, Luna?"

"I... I do. T-Thank you, Fluttershy."

"Any time, Princess. That's what friends are for, right?"

Luna smiled and laughed once more, wiping her nose. "Yes, Fluttershy... yes they are."

The yellow pegasus smiled back and helped the Princess to her hooves. "It's so good that you're feeling better, Luna. Just come back with me and I'll make you a nice, hot meal."

The walk back to Fluttershy's cottage was uneventful. She made Luna one of her specialties, vegetable soup, which the Princess was gracious for. Considering how quickly and closely the two of them had bonded, they shared all manner of stories - Fluttershy got to hear about the antics she and Celestia often caused when they were fillies, and in return, Luna got to hear the stories of how Fluttershy and all her friends got their Cutie Marks from a young Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom. They likely would have talked all through the night, but Fluttershy had a few patients she had to take care of. Before Luna left, however, there was one last surprise waiting for her.

"Princess Luna, I want you to have my cloak... I mean, if you even want it, of course. You can say no."

Already, the Princess had been shown kindness beyond what most would consider - this last act had her at a loss for words. "Fluttershy, I... why are you giving this to me? Don't you need it?"

The yellow pegasus grinned sheepishly at her. "Well, it's starting to get awful chilly out, and I thought it would be simply terrible if you caught a cold. I can always make another one, you know. It's no big deal."

Luna could hardly refuse after that. She smiled and plucked the cloak off Fluttershy's coat rack with her magic, wrapping it around herself - for such a thin cloak, it was surprisingly warm. She didn't necessarily like the pink, of course, but she could hardly complain. Besides, it would surely grow on her. "Thank you... Fluttershy. I mean it."

"Don't worry, Luna. I know you do."

The two shared one last hug before going their separate ways. Luna had one last stop to make, and though her visit to Fluttershy had touched her greatly, she had the feeling the last one would affect her even more.