• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I like big ponies and I cannot lie.

Comments ( 42 )

....It's like fucking Freeza...

Fuck her right in the pussy

I don't wanna be harsh Bendy but...


I read this as a crackfic because that' the only way I could say its not so weird I had to not comment.

This was horribly painful to read, i commend you sir!

Like if u crai evereetiem

Whoa and I thought Viridi was worse.

I don't know what just happened...
But it was glorious...

what the BUCK did I just read?!

Is it just me, or was this even stranger than your usual stuff?

Nicolas Cage’s penis could not compare to your monster cock.

Well fuck just for that down vote! Nobody has a bigger penis than Nicolas Cage’s penis nobody.:trollestia:


Yeah, I needed to do a different pony.


You think its stranger than your usual? How so?


Zoidberg has a bigger penis than Nicolas Cage's penis.


Thank you?

Why do think its a masterpiece?

That's just extraordinary.

. . . No comment

dank as fuck 420/69 would alicorn again - IGN


May I ask how?


Did you like the story?

As is totally bizarre and yet, I couldn't look away. Well done.


Well, it is a parody of such stories. You know... the ones I mean.

I really should start checking who the author is before I read. I was all like:' What in the... hold on... *checks author*... oooh.'


Am I famous for this sort of thing?

5769269 I feel like you can't read one of your stories without immediately realizing who wrote it.

...what the hell...-reads authors note- ahhhh gotcha.

This story...is somehow sexy, sweet, funny, and confusing all at once, also:

HUMANS ARE ALL EVIL BASTARDS!" she screamed. "I hate you human and all your species! You are bad for the environment and are all greedy warlike savages who are destroying your world. Us ponies should just invade Earth to kill all you filthy shit eating monkeys! Though you would probably kill yourselves all off anyway without us even attacking."

Honestly, I am only half-kidding when I say, my sentiments exactly.


This story makes fun of what she just said. Since a lot these stories with overpowered ponies are mean jerks to humans.

6121026 I know, I still half-agree, have since I was 10...yeah I've had, and have, a messed up life.

Well, this was awkward.


How was it awkward?

I actually get a kick out of your stories

At least the bed wasn't themed with the portrait of alfonso ribeiro- moustache, cunning smile and bow tie and all.

Comment posted by The White devil deleted Jul 11th, 2021

"Us ponies are far superior to stupid soulless humans! We are the only good sapient species! All ponies are perfect moral beings! Every nonpony is a bastard! Us ponies are the immortal apex race of the multiverse! Thus, we can morally justify committing xenocide on lesser species like you, because we are superior to you in every way. We should burn your cities down, eat your babies as a delicacy, burn your Pokémon card collections and turn you all into mindless smiling pony slaves that worship our glorious sunburst princess!"

Yeah go ahead and try to take over a species that almost made a nuclear bomb half the power of the Krakatoa volcano explosion (200 megatons, although we did make a bomb with a quarter of the power. It was too big to fit in the airplane though nowadays it could be possible to build a warhead into a ballistic missile.) So have fun trying to do that miss xenocide. If God exists, then he'll give you guys hell too.

"Hah! Anon, I am invincible! You could drop a billion nuclear bombs on me, and there would not be so much as a scratch on me. I on the other hoof, could destroy your entire planet Earth or even your entire universe with a simple flick of my hoof if I wanted to. So powerful am I, that not even an army of overpowered alicorn Mary Sues could defeat me!"

Can you handle the extremely dangerous and ridiculously fatal (and brutal) interstellar cosmic rays that our sun can barely protect us against?

I hope you like having your body turn to f##king mush ms. Xeno

Relax. This story is making fun of anti-human fics. Like a lot of my stories did in the past.

Don't worry I can tell, Im just joking. Anyways though, rarity is an A-hole in this fic, good job on making her a piece of shit 👍

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