• Published 16th Mar 2015
  • 3,801 Views, 19 Comments

What May Come for Me - TwilightXLuna

Luna trusted Twilight to show her a world that loved her Night and how to be a part of this new world.

  • ...

Love on the Road (Edited on the 21/08/2017)

"Look Luna, A Nightingale!" Twilight squealed, dashing off into the forest after the small bird without a backwards glance.

Luna skidded out of her standing position and flew after her. Even though she'd been all alone on the moon, she felt scared when the mare wasn't with her. She didn't know if it was because it was a new Equestria, because she was afraid she would get lost, or even because she just didn't want to be away from her. All she knew was that now, the instant she was left on her own, she felt uneasy.

Her long legs easily matched her strides and before she knew it she had caught up to her, without even breaking a sweat.

The small filly was now on the forest floor, rolling around with the night bird who seemed overjoyed that it had found a playmate. It chirped a few times and Luna could almost see Twilight's heart melt. She knew what the bird had said of course. In all reality it was commenting that her hair smelled weird but Twilight had taken it as an open invitation to take the bird home.

"Would you like to come home with me" Twilight Said "You would like it I have an owl named Owlicious he would love you.

Luna cringed as the bird's eyes widened with surprise. She still didn't like it when she was with Twilight. Yes, Twilight had won their battle. Yes, she knew she should feel better about it since their battle had decided whose ideals were right. But somehow she still didn't.

Twilight pranced over to her side, a smile the size of Manhattan scrawled across her face.

"Wasn't she cute?" she asked, turning to the bird on her back.

"Uh," Luna grunted, forcing a smile onto her face. "Yeah, I guess so."

Twilight frowned, her eyes narrowing. "You still don't like it when I talk to you?"

Luna contemplated for a moment on whether or not to tell the truth. She knew all Twilight wanted was to show her the world at night and how other ponies loved it as well as show Luna she loved it and Luna could tell Twilight was getting more and more frustrated by the day when time after time she still protested against it.

"No," she said quietly, looking at the ground.

Twilight let out a loud sigh. "Oh come on, Luna! That's what this whole trip was supposed to be about. We said we'd go to Fillydelphia and then you'd be able to see other ponies coming out at night to thing the can only be done at night and realize that we all aren't just fire-breathing, night abusing, monsters."

Luna couldn't help but crack a grin. She really was on her last straw. She was cute when she was angry.

"I know you aren't a monster Twilight, it's just…" Luna trailed off, looking to the ground. "I just don't think she wanted to come with us, that's all."

Twilight glanced to her back where the bird was and look at her.

"Here," she said, Placing the bird in front of Luna.

It shook its feathers out, blinking a few times as it surveyed its surroundings before glancing up at Twilight. It was obvious the moment it realized that she was the one she wanted to go home with its . A wide smile broke out across its beak as it dashed up her leg and perched itself on her back again, rubbing on the side of her head with its cheek in glee.

Luna's eyes widened as she watched the blatant show of affection. It was a far cry from the expression on its face when it had been only a few moments ago.

The Nightingale settled down after a few moments and glanced at Luna in interest, its beady black eyes holding nothing but pure curiosity. It didn't hold an ounce of sadness in its stare, the emotion Luna had expected.

"See, look Luna. She's happy," Twilight said, reaching up and ruffling the nightingale's feathers lightly.

Luna nodded halfheartedly.

"Luna I love the night just like you Luna! I figured you would know that by now. Sure other ponies might be a little frightened when you walk up to them to say hello but give it time and they will love you." Twilight reached forward and placed her right hoof against her cheek.

Her eyes were trained on hers in an instant as a slight warmth coursed through her face. Throughout the week they had been in Fillydelphia she hadn't shown any signs of affection. She had been more than a little giddy in Ponyville, always running up to hug her and playing around as if they were a couple, but the minute they went on the trip to Fillydelphia she had changed. Luna could tell that she truly meant business. It was her new top priority to get her to see things her way. And so the small affectionate gesture took her by surprise.

"Luna, I know you've been on the moon for 1000 years but you have to believe me things are different now.

Luna frowned almost immediately, any hint of the blush she had now gone.

Twilight sighed and took her hoof away from Luna's face, glancing up at the sky. "Well, it's getting very late the sun will be up soon. I had hoped to make it to the next city tonight… but I guess that's not gonna happen."

Luna nodded, not exactly hearing what she had to say. Her mind was still on what she had said before. Things are different now? She could imagine it. The where a lot of ponies out late at night going to shops, stargazing, reading outside and doing many other things.

A small jab of pain raced through Luna's heart. She remembered the other side of the spectrum. The holiday made by somepony making her out to be a bogymare that ate small fillies and colts if the where bad.

She sighed, taking off her hood combing her hoof through the mass of hair. She knew Twilight was right, to a point anyway. She couldn't deny the happy looks on the ponies faces at that holiday but that didn't mean that they had to scream and run away from her because it was fun.

"Hey, Miss. Spaceout. How about some help?" Twilight asked as she struggled with a pole to their tent, a bit of humor in her voice.

Luna hadn't even noticed her move but quickly shuffled over to her side, whipping the tent together in less than a minute.

Twilight dropped to the forest floor the instant the tent was finished, the Nightingale still perched on her back squeaking out in surprise as it held on for dear life. The little filly scooted into the tent just as fast. Luna didn't see any remainder of her until a hoof poked out of the tent, motioning for her to come inside. The hoof then disappeared just as quickly.

Luna chuckled as she ducked into the tent. Twilight did always like her sleep and she didn't take kindly to anyone taking any of it away from her. Whether it meant waking her up early, going to bed late, or nudging her in the middle of the night; the result was always the same: A slap to the face.

Luna crawled in carefully, zipping it up behind her before plopping down next to Twilight who was already half asleep in her sleeping bag. The Nightingale was happily curled up on her bag, small and high-pitched snores squeaking out every few seconds.

Luna paused for a moment, watching her face. It was so peaceful, not a care in the world seen in her expression. In that moment everything they had been talking about escaped Luna, his mind now solely on her traveling partner and she decided to ask a question that had been bothering her since they had left Ponyville.

"Twilight," she whispered, gently shaking her shoulder.

Her hoof, as if guided by an otherworldly force, flew out and hurtled toward Luna's head. She ducked swiftly, expecting the movement ahead of time and Twilight's hoof kept moving until it was back where it had started, at her side, almost looking like a helicopter blade as it sliced through the air.

She grunted and opened one eye. "What?"

Luna grinned and stifled a few chuckles as she asked her question. "Why have you been acting so different since we left?" The question flew like a bullet and her confidence was gone just as quickly as her other eye opened and her head shot up.

"What do you mean?" she asked, her eyes wide.

"U-uh," Luna stuttered. "You know. You've been kinda serious lately, and we haven't gotten to, uh, do any of the stuff we normally do."

Twilight cocked an eyebrow, "What do we normally do apart from looking after a library and being a Princess?"

"I don't know," Luna muttered, her entire face heating up. She had no idea how to word it. "Here!" she said, snapping her hooves and pointing at the space between their sleeping bags. "This. This used to never be there."

Twilight looked down at the bottom of the tent and then back up to Luna. "The tent?"

Luna bit her lips. She could tell Twilight was making this difficult for her as a smile cracked across her face. "You know what I mean. We used to sleep so close you couldn't fit a piece of paper in between. And now… this," she said, gesturing to the one foot gap.

"If you wanted to sleep in the same sleeping bag all you had to do was ask," Twilight said in a deeply sarcastic tone as she began to crawl out of her bag.

Luna hadn't exactly meant for it to end like that but she had to admit she wasn't going to protest. She wanted an answer as to why Twilight had been so distant lately, but as she shimmied her way into the bag Luna didn't make a peep of a complaint.

"Better?" she asked, her eyes already drooping. She was smashed against Luna and she could already feel the body temperature heating up the tent just due to the close proximity.

"Yeah, I guess…" Luna trailed off, scooting down next to her and tentatively wrapping her hooves around the filly. "But it still doesn't answer my question."

"And what was that question again?" Twilight muttered against Luna's chest.

"Why have you been so serious lately?" Luna stated. She wanted to make it as clear as possible.

There was a long pause and Luna for a moment feared she wouldn't answer. But after a few minutes ticked by she felt her head move as she looked up to Luna's face.

"I just want to convince you, that's all."

Again, any playfulness she had somehow coaxed out of her instantly vanished.

"I just think you'd be so much happier if you believed the way I do. If you just let go of the past and focused on what's happening now, and what our battle proved."

Luna blinked, looking down at Twilight as she gazed up at Luna with sad eyes. She wanted to believe the way Twilight did as well. But she knew she just couldn't still condone that holiday. Sure during the week they had spent so far in Fillydelphia she had grown a lot. She had witnessed countless ponies in the night loving it and doing things at the time they where there. She had even pretty much gotten past the fact of that holiday But she just couldn't see a reason why ponies should like her night now and not back then.

"Hey, I know!" A sudden burst of loudness from Twilight made Luna jump and refocus her thoughts.

"What?" Luna said

Twilight grinned, "I have someplace to take you. I think you'll like it."

Luna felt a wave of hesitance wash over her as she grinned to herself. If it involved a library again she would just up and leave. Twilight had dragged her to countless libraries that she thought would be good for Luna. Manehattan library, Fillydelphia library, Crystal Empire library… the list went on and on and in each place it was always the same key aspect.

Luna knew Twilight saw the hesitant look on her face as she spoke up.

"Trust me, Luna. I think you'll really like this one."

She glanced back down at her again. Her Purple eyes were sparkling with anticipation and excitement and once again those orbs melted her heart.

She nodded in agreement. She'd go along with anything Twilight said, as long as she was the one saying it.

"Thank you!" Twilight squealed, springing upward and crushing her lips to Lunas. The small and jubilant kiss only lasted for a second and yet Luna felt lightheaded. Her lips were on fire, even after Twilight pulled away and settled back down to go to sleep, her arms and legs now wrapping around Lunas as well.

She glanced down at Twilight with a dazed expression and smiled.

"That's what I missed most," she said, a stray chuckle that sounded more like a giggle passing through her still parted lips.

Luna saw a smile stretch across Twilight's face and even though her eyes were closed she knew Twilight was very happy.

She settled down next to Twilight, her brain still on a high. Whatever she had planned the next day Luna would go along with without protest. She trusted Twilight and it was because she trusted her, and loved her, that she would open her mind to possibilities in the world around her she would have never considered before. She trusted Twilight to fix her.

Author's Note:

Hope You Like the Story

TwilightXLuna Out

Comments ( 19 )

So lovey dovey!!

TwiLuna cuteness I absolutely take that.
Just something to correct But she just couldn't see a reason why "Pokémon" should like her night now and not back then.

I like it!

Not only is it cute, but it feel like it should be a part of a longer story.

It's nice to see some cute Twiluna from you. You have left me looking forward to more.


MANE! THE PUNS HAVE TO BE THERE! Anyway great story:pinkiehappy:

Just want to say that you did an AMAZING job in writing this AWESOME story, I love this story about Luna and Twilight they are just the perfect couple.:twilightsmile:
p.s hope that there will be more stories like this in the future.:pinkiehappy:

5889734 Yes I will for my name is TwilightXLuna May the night Rule for ever

5889744 Great I can't wait for more stories like these:twilightsmile: and may the night be eternal!:yay:


I always thought it made sense with Twilight teaching Luna how to socialize a bit more, it takes an introvert to help an introvert.
I also loved the cute personality for the bird. :twilightsmile:

6078272 Thanks always love hearing comments on my stories:heart::twilightsmile:

Comment posted by alfaboy deleted Jun 16th, 2015


I was so happy that you have "Home" by Phillip Phillips' lyrics here!
Cute story. Super awesome.
Nice job!

6380791 Thanks for the feedback and yes I try to do something different with the stories I write and the song just fit in with
this story I was trying to write.

Comment posted by hyrushoten deleted Feb 20th, 2016

It was a cute fic, I like this ship :)

I reread this regularly along with a few others that I use as bed time stories

I do wish some of the typos got fixed though

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