• Published 24th Mar 2015
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Power Ponies: The Storm Unleashed - Darksonickiller

When Zapp mysteriously disappears after being grievously wounded while battling Mane-iac, the Power Ponies’ search for her eventually leads to a sinister plot that threatens all of Maretropolis.

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Calm Before The Storm

Power Ponies: The Storm Unleashed
Chapter 5: Calm Before The Storm
By Darksonickiller and Izangi

Roughly three and a half years after the final major apprehension of Mane-iac and the complete collapse of her criminal hair-care empire, the Power Ponies were still going about their routines as usual. Eat. Sleep. Crime-fight. Repeat.

Radiance, always the one most likely to volunteer for the desk work when it struck her fancy for a multitude of reasons she would be more than delighted to list down on paper, was currently in the Power Ponies HQ mission room. The stylish unicorn was keeping close watch on the many camera feeds that allowed the heroes to keep watch over Maretropolis, pausing only twice an hour to briefly work on her energy constructs, tinker with machinery, play a diverting game, or tweak her own sense of personal beauty in her suite upstairs.

Besides Radiance, another Power Pony was currently present in the HQ, while the others were out on daily patrol. Radiance heard his armored hooves against the floor, and greeted the newcomer whilst keeping her gaze glued to the screens. “Ah, good morning, Hum Drum.”

“Morning, Radiance,” Hum Drum greeted. “See anything unusual on the street feeds, yet?”

Radiance finally spun around in her chair to look at him and smiled, briefly appraising his choice of clothing and equipment with approval.

Of all the Power Ponies, to say that Hum Drum had changed the most would be an understatement. Once the somewhat bumbling and unsure sidekick of six super-powered and highly skilled mares, Hum Drum had grown quickly to become a true superhero in his own right. He had almost doubled in size thanks to a late growth spurt, and had spent much time honing his personal fighting skills and reflexes. Unsurprisingly, his voice had also deepened, an now carried a stronger edge of confidence and more than a little eagerness in its cadance.

“Not yet, I’m afraid. That’s quite a dashing ensemble you have today.”

This morning, Hum Drum had equipped himself in his set of blue and red semi-powered armor, Radiance’s own design. The suit was accompanied by four sophisticated rocket shoes that enabled flight almost as reliably as a pegasus’ wings, a holographic visor, Hum Drum’s trusty old red cape, and a diverse array of gadgets on his belt.

The young stallion chuckled. “I’d hope you would think so, seeing as how you made most of it.” The equipment rustled quietly as Hum Drum took a seat next to Radiance and smiled back, showing the whiskers of pale brown hair that were beginning to sprout above his upper lip and muzzle. “Hopefully some perps will get overly ambitious and try to rob a bank, I’ve been itching to try out my new stasis beam.”

Radiance shot him a slightly perturbed glance as she sipped a bit of cappuccino and passed an open box of delightfully-smelling doughnuts his way. “‘Hopefully,’ he says? Not getting too anxious now, are we? Always remember what Matter-Horn says about never letting our guard down.” she scolded.

Hum Drum flattened his ears as he frowned, biting into a chocolate-glaze with sprinkles. “Uh-huh, yeah, yeah. Guard and stuff.” The stallion paid a quick look at a framed glass stand not too far from where they sat. Inside the blue-gold velvet lined display, lay Zapp’s golden lightning bolt pendant. “Don’t worry, I got it.”

“That’s good to hear...hold up, well that’s out of the ordinary!” Radiance exclaimed. The other Power Pony snapped to attention as Radiance began tuning on the nearby police scanner.

“What is it?”

Radiance pointed a hoof at one of the screens. “Some pegasus nutter in a black and gold suit seems to be attacking downtown with lightning strikes.” Both she and Hum Drum shared a startled look before doing a double-take at the screen.

“A pegasus?” Hum Drum stated wide-eyed. “The others need to hear about this yesterday!”

Radiance was already fumbling for the radio microphone, nodding in agreement. “This is Radiance, calling all Power Ponies! An unidentified pegasus has been spotted downtown in the vicinity of Trottingham and 7th, attacking random targets with lightning. He or she is giving the police one hay of a bad day, approach with extreme caution!”

“Saddle Rager, here. I hear you, Radiance,” Saddle Rager answered back in a growl. “I’m a bit occupied with a gang of rogue mascots raiding a costume store at the moment, but Matter-Horn, Fili-Second, and Mistress Mare-velous should be able to respond.”

“Affirmative, we’re already enroute,” the Masked Matter-Horn. “Join us if you can, we’re catching this lunatic by the book, if possible!”

Radiance put on her mask, and Hum Drum lowered his holographic viser over his eyes. “We’re on our way,” Hum Drum replied.

The duo made their way out to the rooftop. Radiance summoned a small helicopter construct, and Hum Drum kicked his rocket pack shoes into action, soaring off and deeper into Maretropolis’ central business district.

“He-he’s gone, zoomed away just before you heroes showed up!” a police officer said while out of breath as they leaned against the door of their squad car.

“What? No!” Fili-Second exclaimed in frustration. “I thought we were gonna catch him for sure, how the heck could he evade us so easily?”

Fili-Second was joined by the Masked Matter-Horn, Mistress Mare-velous, Hum Drum, and Radiance at the intersection of Trottingham Boulevard and 7th Street, analyzing the damage wrought by the as of yet to be identified electricity-wielding pegasus. The area was full of police and emergency response teams.

Immediate viewing of the area seemed to indicate that at least three separate buildings had bore the brunt of the villain’s attack, as well as several fried street lights and a ruptured fire hydrant, a half dozen cars, as well as quite a few cops and some civilians who were covered in black soot and their manes standing completely on end, but otherwise not fatally hurt. A strange pile of charred scrap metal laid near one of the damaged police cars.

“Which way did they go? We don’t know if it’s a he yet, or not,” the Masked Matter-Horn inquired, turning to Radiance and Hum Drum. “You saw them first. Would you say it was a mare, or a stallion? If it’s a mare, then...” Matter-Horn paused. “Nevermind, we shouldn’t cut to conclusions so soon.”

“Not one hundred percent sure, but I would have to say it was a stallion that I saw,” Hum Drum said, scrunching his face in thought. He then looked to Radiance, who nodded in agreement.

“From what little of the pegasus I could make out, that would have to be one heavily-built mare.”

Mistress Mare-velous cursed. “If only we could have asked this loon in person, remove all the guesswork from the picture.”

Matter-Horn just shook her head in exasperation, and turned to the police pony, who had finally regained his breath. “He shot off eastward, in the general direction of the harbor. That was after he totalled that laboratory up there,” the pegasus gestured towards a five story building, which now had smoke billowing out of the windows on top two stories. Fireponies were already working to douse whatever flames were still burning within. “as well as that restaurant, and the doughnut shop at the corner.”

The officer pointed at a business marked ‘Tartarus’ Oven,’ and another with the sign, ‘Donut Joe’s’ respectively. One of his colleagues appeared beside him, nursing a wing of hers that had been zapped with lightning.

“Madstallion made off with something from that laboratory. Wasn’t alone, either, had some rohbutts with him, too.” Radiance fought back the urge to cringe at the mare’s thick Trotham City accent, as well as her pronunciation of ‘robot’. The policemare pointed at the charred heaps of metal. “Darn things were trying to make off with the soda fountains from the restaurant. Scared the patrons off to no end. Both of em’ self-destructed or the like when we nicked em’ and tried to bring em’ in for questionin’.”

A trio of police officers were either sorting through the twisted metal of the robot henchponies’ debris in confusion, or helping a group of civilians to cart the soda fountains back into their proper place at Tartarus’ Oven.

“Drat. We need to shadow the pegasus somehow and pinpoint where his base of operations must be,” Matter-Horn declared, rubbing at her chin thoughtfully.

“Base of operations?” the pegasus stallion inquired with confusion, raising his blue cap to scratch at his scraggly red mane, and idly fiddling with his baton in the other hoof.

“There’s always a base of operations,” Radiance told him. “It’s a thing endemic to almost all of these villainous types.”

“Forgive my friend here,” the policemare said. “He’s a wee bit new to the force, if you catch my drift. Not sure if the additional info helps, but uh, your mystery pegasus also made off with some donuts. Like, a lot of donuts.”

The Masked Matter-Horn raised an eyebrow beneath her large goggles. “Right…well, we have work to do. There’s a lightning-toting maniac psychopath on the loose. Thanks for the briefing...I guess.”

The policemare flared her wings and grinned. “Happy to be of help, Power Ponies!”

It was at that point that Saddle Rager appeared, looking flustered and worn out as she landed next to Fili-Second. “Phew...darn mascots. What is it with those costumed weirdos…” the other Power Ponies gave her weird looks. “Uhh...you know? So, where’s that lightning pegasus stallion I heard about?”

Hum Drum grunted. “That’s what we were just about to go find out.”

“Mystery stallion made a run for it before we got on the scene,” Mistress Mare-velous added.

“And now it’s time to find him, before he can cause any more mayhem around Maretropolis!” the Masked Matter-Horn stated firmly. “C’mon, team. Back to HQ!” As everyone moved to follow, Saddle Rager huffed with exhaustion before hurrying back home after them.

The Power Ponies began keeping track of the security cameras all day, and as chance would have it, the mystery pegasus in the gold-black suit attacked once again.

On the first couple of attacks, he was always able to get away before the Power Ponies could arrive, much to their ever mounting frustration. The pegasus managed to raid not one, but three other private laboratories across town, snatching unidentified devices or parts for an obscure intent, as well as attacking a seemingly random slew of additional business, making off not with cash, but everything from copper wiring, to silverware and magnets.

Eventually, however, the Power Ponies were finally able to catch up with the mystery villain in the late afternoon. He was in the middle of attacking a fifth laboratory in his daylong spree, and had yet to cart off with whatever it was he desired from the scientific establishment.

“Hold it right there, evildoer!” Mistress Mare-velous shouted, drawing the pegasus stallion’s attention to Power Ponies. The Masked Matter-Horn was next to her, and had her eyes narrowed as she studied the villain up close for the first time.

The villainous pegasus was still clad in his black bodysuit from earlier, and had vivid red eyes as he looked down at them studiously. There was no mistake in the Masked Matter-Horn’s mind, the villain’s eyes practically glowed with insanity that nearly rivaled Mane-iac’s. His wavy mane was a pale purple through his spiky headgear like his tail, and his wings and visible coat were a bright silver

“Stop, whoever you are!” Matter-Horn finally said. “Surrender to the MPD and this will go smoothly, or we’ll be forced to take you down the hard way. Which would you prefer?”

To Matter-Horn’s chagrin, the pegasus simply chuckled at her, before zooming off at full speed towards the east side of the city.

“Oh no you don’t!” Fili-Second shouted.

“Power Ponies, special pursuit formation!” the Masked Matter-Horn barked.

All six superheroes kicked into gear, breaking off into pairs of two. Hum Drum and Saddle Rager took to the skies and relayed their sight of the fleeing villain to the others by way of radio, Fili-Second and Radiance sped through streets below, and Mistress Mare-velous and the Masked Matter-Horn nimbly negotiated the city’s rooftops, spires, and fire escapes, all heading in a eastbound direction towards the Maretropolis Harbor.

The Power Ponies managed to track the pegasus all the way to the edge of the waterfront, stopping at the fenced-off perimeter of a run down “Ponyland Universal!” amusement park, which had been abandoned for at least a decade after falling victim to a mysterious real-estate bubble that had afflicted the entire eastern coastline.

“An old theme park?” Hum Drum remarked, touching down on cracked concrete and frowning at all the decrepit rides and empty stalls.

“That guy had the eyes of a lunatic,” the Masked Matter-Horn replied. “Can’t say I’m surprised.”

“Right, shall we get to it, then?” Radiance asked. “Finding the entrance to his secret base, that is. It’s bound to be around here somewhere.”

“Sounds like a plan, Radiance.” Mistress Mare-velous agreed.

“Alright, split up. If anypony finds so much as an odd looking button, call us over!” Matter-Horn instructed.

Everyone nodded and got to work scanning every nook and cranny of the grounds. Their search lead them through an odd little world separate from the rest of Maretropolis that was populated only by that of dust motes, cobwebs, mildewy plushies and stuffed animals that had been tragically left behind, and guarded by a widespread army of old popcorn buckets and candy wrappers.

It was only once they one of them had the idea to search the still intact house of mirrors that he Power Ponies finally yielded what it was they sought. Deep in the depths of the maze-like building was a false floor that slid away, revealing the metal door entrance to an entire bunker-like facility that must lay beneath the park.

Now standing inside the entrance hall to what she assumed was some kind of laboratory or military facility, the Masked Matter-Horn and her five companions studied their well lit surroundings, which clashed with the dilapidated park that lay above like night and day.

The floors and walls were clean and free of debris, with a white, somewhat futuristic design aesthetic. Radiance studied the polished and shiny surfaces with something bordering approval, while the others looked on in surprise.

“This guy must be loaded in the dollars department,” Filli-Second whistled, appraising the space-age corridors that surrounded them.

Mistress Mare-velous scoffed. “Sleek laboratories? Fancy computers? Nothing new to me. We should split up again, we’ll probably find this pegasus a bit quicker that way.”

Everyone nodded their heads. “Saddle Rager, you’re with me. Fili-Second, you’re with Hum Drum. Mistress Mare-velous, you watch Radiance’s back. Everypony keep in touch on the radio, go loud only if you see our target. In the meantime, try to dispatch any goons you come across as quietly as possible, let’s not tip off the entire base to our presence.”

The others nodded a second time, and wordlessly broke up into their three pairs, each taking one corridor for themselves deeper into the facility.

As they went along their chosen corridor, Radiance would occasionally pause to analyze every last bit of exotic looking machinery she came across, much to Mistress Mare-velous’ displeasure.

“Must you keep gawking and drooling over every last shiny bit of equipment in this blasted sci-fi fortress?”

Radiance looked up from something she had just been studying with a frown, her nose held high and her eyes closed dismissively.

“Anyone of these things could yield all sorts of fascinating intel on our newfound pegasus foe, including the possibility of weaknesses, both of the technical and physical variety.” She began rubbing her forehooves together in anticipation.

Mare-velous rolled her eyes in resignation, for she found little at fault in her companion's argument. “You know what? Since our searching methodology seems to be at odds so much, how about we split up, and each take our own routes.”

Radiance got off her haunches and back onto all fours. “Well, I suppose so, that way nopony will be tripping over the others’ hooves any longer. Fine, fine. Just radio if you see him.”

“Ditto,” Mare-velous replied, already making her way towards a branching corridor from their current position, which appeared to be a break room of sorts judging by the large number of doughnut dispensers and other vending machines accompanied by televisions. The lone occupant, a gangly pegasus stallion in a lab coat, was knocked out with a spilled soda next to him on the table.

Having finished her analysis of a maintenance terminal in the wall of the break room, Radiance sighed and prepared to exit the room and head back into the hall. “Nighty night,” she said to the stallion, who was snoring loudly.

Radiance found herself wondering how on earth such an expansive facility could operate for so long without having drawn notice from the city at large. From what she could make out, the laboratory seemed to illegally draw at least some of its electricity from the Maretropolis municipal grid, while the rest seemed to be massive electrical spikes generated by an entirely separate source that, for the moment, was yet to be determined.

“How very odd,” Radiance remarked, making her way further into the facility. The deeper she went, the more she started to hear a faint electrical crackling noise that was growing ever clearer and more pronounced as she went along.

The unicorn eventually found herself in the entryway to a massive chamber, the largest room she had yet seen. The area was full of heavy machinery, catwalks and platforms, piping, and a vast networked array of cables and electrical wires that lead to a single circular, reactor-like machine that dwarfed everything else in the room, Massive electrical discharges arced about its metallic coiled surfaces.

It sat underneath a heavy reinforced concrete dome that recessed into the ceiling and ended in an aperture opening, which lead straight up to ground level, if the single shaft of sunlight filtering straight down onto the center of the machine’s arrays was any indication.

It took only a cursory inspection of the entire setup for Radiance to gasp in absolute shock. Instinctively, she had activated her ear piece while still reeling back in the throes of her shock. “By the gods…”

Despite the machine’s nearly titanic proportions, it was not by any means what was so shocking to Radiance. Rather, it was the familiar pegasus that was suspended in the air near the machine, held aloft by a myriad of cables like some form of ghastly marionette that struck fear directly in her heart.

“Radiance? What is it? Radiance!” Mare-velous shouted through her comrade’s earpiece. When the unicorn failed to answer her after a couple of seconds, Mare-velous relayed herself to the others. “Guys, I think she found something! Our target maybe, I don’t know, but it must be big.”

Struggling to find her words, Radiance finally replied back. “M-Mare-velous? Team, I-I just....I found Zapp....."