• Published 6th Mar 2015
  • 31,251 Views, 863 Comments

Celestia's Prophet - Aegis Shield

Celestia visits a dangerous creature in the heart of Canterlot's dungeons, asking it to predict the future.

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My Little Pony

Celestia’s Prophet
Part 7: My Little Pony

When Celestia arrived at the Prophet’s cell, she left her guards behind as usual and closed the door behind her. All the furniture had been pushed to one side to expose the far wall. The maze of little tally marks meant to count the days had been painted over into an intricate mural. Mount Canterlot stood in the middle, and a quick survey told the Princess it was a map of Equestria. Most of it she recognized, a few things she didn’t. But she knew those places would be real now that she had put them there.

Lauren was sitting, one leg folded over the other, admiring her work. “Hey,” she said softly when she turned to look at Celestia. Not knowing what else to do, the Princess bowed her head. “Oh no no no honey, don’t do that,” she rose to her feet and crossed the room with a quick couple of steps. She took the alicorn’s head into her arms. “I know it’s overwhelming, I do, I just…” she paused as though in thought. “I just thought you deserved to know, here near the end.”

“The end?” Celestia asked, sitting on her haunches so Lauren could scratch behind one of her wings. Ohh, that did feel nice. “Are you leaving us… Faust?” she whispered the name softly.

“Just Lauren. Just Lauren, please,” the red-haired creature smiled kindly, stroking her mane over and over. “Calling me by my last name is so formal. And I know how much you crave informality sometimes.”

Celestia nodded that it was true. “Is this your completed work?” she asked, gesturing to the massive pained mural. Lauren nodded a little. “It’s so intricate,” she looked back and forth at all the little buildings, roads, beds of flowers and other things dotted throughout. “And you made all this?”

“There were others,” Lauren admitted. “But they wanted me to paint the pictures and work on the main design and aesthetic appeal.”

“They…?” Celestia wondered, but decided it was best not to ask. “Why did you do all this?”

“So full of questions!” Lauren chided, patting her nose a few times. “Come along, I’ll show you.” Turning with a smile, Lauren reached with a finger and drew a circle on the wall with the pad of it. Heaving for a moment, she pushed the wall in, the circular section falling like it weighed nothing. The light beyond blinded Celestia and she lifted a wing to shield herself. She felt Lauren gently take her shoulder, and she walked forward obediently.

The Princess of the Day stepped beyond the threshold and---


It felt like ages, walking on nothing. Lauren’s comforting humming was all she could hear for the world was too bright to look upon, even for she that brought the dawn. “Do you know why you’re so important, Celestia? I bet you don’t,” Lauren’s voice had a slight echo, for the white space they were travelling through was endless.

“Because I’m a Princess?” she allowed herself the vice.

“Heheh! Well I suppose so! Yes!” Lauren chuckled, patting her back. “But beyond that!” they came to a plain wooden door, and Lauren fitted the key before stepping beyond it. Celestia peered inside. It smelled of coffee cakes, and looked like a filthy office of some kind. She clip-clopped slowly beyond the threshold, feeling the sunlight on her fur from the near window. The curtains were plain, the carpet a little stained in places from a few too many coffees. The walls were a puzzling maze of pinned up pictures. The ponies they depicted seemed simple, almost cartoonish. All of them were smiling, laughing, playing. There was a sketched rendering of early Canterlot as well. Celestia remembered when it looked like that, before the palace proper was built. She wouldn’t allow her little ponies to build her a grand palace before they’d built absolutely everything else in the city. Why she’d lived with one of the workers for a few months and--!

“It’s a little messy,” Lauren admitted, shutting the door behind them and locking it carefully. She hung the ornate key a peg on the wall. “But its home.”

“This is where you live?” Celestia asked.

“This is where I came up with what is now Equestria,” Lauren nodded. “But I’ll ask again, do you know why you’re so important?” Celestia shook her head no, brow knitting in a rather worried way. “Because you are going to be one of the symbols of a new generation of little ponies.”

“New? I’m over a thousand years old…” Celestia said vaguely. Leaning, she found a picture of herself standing over a logo that read My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. “Friendship is magic?” she whispered. Lauren leaned and put an arm around her affectionately. The Celestia in the picture was a little stylized, perhaps too short compared to the real thing, but she could certainly tell who it was. Leaning, she plucked it from its peg with her magic. She looked at the date. She didn’t recognize the calendar it was referring to.

“You had the daintiest little ankles the first time I drew you, it was cute!” Lauren insisted on showing her several other designs. “But you went through a few changes before you ended up looking as good as you do.” Lauren winked, and Celestia felt a wave of flattery rise up in her chest. “Erm! Anyway! I wanted to show you all this for a reason, trust me.” She gestured to a nearby cushy-looking chair, but when Celestia tried to sit in it her rump got stuck. Clearly not meant for a pony. “Ooh, sorry,” Lauren winced, helping her up. Celestia sat on her haunches instead. Lauren finally leaned and sat on her legs before the Princess. “I made you so that you could inspire others.”

“Oh?” said Celestia, peering around the room and feeling like a distracted filly. Water paintings of Rainbow Falls, Diagrams of the Equestria Games Colloseum… was that a tree with windows and a door? How silly!

“Yes,” Lauren cupped her cheek, stroking it to help her pay close attention. “The sole ruler of Equestria for the longest time, and soon to be diarch,” she made a vague gesture to an inked lineart of a cartoonish-looking Nightmare Moon. The real thing had had more fangs. “When Luna returns, the real deal will start, I promise.”

“In fifteen years?” Celestia whispered. “When Twilight Sparkle comes of age and… does whatever she’s going to do?” the white alicorn leaned into the petting, feeling rather faint looking at the diagrams and art of her own world laid out before her.

“Yes,” Lauren said gently. “And though I can’t tell you how it will go exactly, I want you to know that it will always work out for the better.” She petted Celestia’s nose, then finally let go and leaned back a bit. “People from my world will look to you and your little ponies to inspire good in their hearts, through every trial and obstacle in your lives. You and others like you--!” she stopped to gesture to what was undoubtedly her sister. The Princess rose and went to see the drawing. There was a long silence.

Celestia reached and stroked the picture for just a moment. “Luna…” she mewled softly, getting soft in the eyes. Her gaze shifted to the side. A simplified version of Twilight Sparkle smiled dazzlingly out at her, surrounded by a group of ponies that Celestia didn’t recognize. Five mares and… was that Spike as well? They all beamed out at her, bright and colorful and full of life. “Who are they?”

“Twilight will find them, don’t worry,” Lauren said, smiling kindly. Coming to stand beside her, Lauren put a hand on her back. “I know I caused you a lot of stress, so I wanted to show you it was all for a good cause.”

“It’s lovely,” Celestia said softly, turning to look at her. “But please, why make all this?”

“You want me to tell you the meaning of life?” Lauren giggled aloud, leaning on a shelf. “That’s a hard one! But hmm, let me see,” she tapped her lips for a moment. Celestia perked her ears. “I suppose, if you had to put it to words it would be this,” she gestured to an early map of Equestria, one that lacked Apploosia and had Ponyville labelled as Fillydelphia. “It should be everyone’s, er, everypony’s, mission to put a little more joy into the world than they take out of it. That’s why I helped make Equestria.”

“To bring others joy?” Celestia whispered.

“That’s right,” Lauren nodded, grinning wide. “Stories about your little ponies will inspire little girls, er, our foals that is,” she gestured to a picture sitting on her desk. “To be themselves, to be strong, to love the world and be happy. I know it’s kind of a lofty goal, but if at the end of the day we make one child happy, then I think I did an okay job.”

“That’s very noble of you,” Celestia said, looking all about the room and feeling a little overwhelmed. “What happens now?” she asked in earnest.

“I just wanted to show you all this since you’ll be the only one to remember it,” Lauren said softly. “I went to Equestria to finish it from the inside out, to make sure it all worked properly,” she gestured to another logo’d picture, this time with Celestia and Luna standing side by side and smiling. Luna was wearing a curious little laurel of flowers.

“Why did you run? Why did you let me imprison you for so long?” Celestia asked, feeling rather guilty.

“I needed a secluded place to work, work, work!” Lauren chuckled. “It’s hard to craft worlds once you’re in them, y’know,” she hugged Celestia reassuringly. “I did lose some weight, so there’s that I suppose. Girl’s gotta watch her figure,” she gestured to Celestia’s flanks. The alicorn looked over her shoulder at herself, blinking twice.

“But all that time!” Celestia whispered, turning back about.

“Time to you, nothing to me. It’s all a matter of perspective.” Lauren shook her head a little, “Six years for you, six months for me, it’s all relative and world-crossing and junk,” she made a vague gesture. “Let’s just call it magic so I don’t have to explain it, huhm?” she grinned her usual tomboyish sort of grin, looking rather proud of herself.

Celestia shook her head, smiling incredulously. If she had to meet the creator of her own world, she supposed she was glad she was such a casual thing. “L… Lauren?” Celestia tried.


“Thank you for showing me all this,” Celestia said with a smile.

“Of course,” Lauren nodded. “Here, take this with you. Fifteen years is a long time to wait!” she snatched a piece of concept art off the wall. Luna and Celestia sitting together on the throne, beaming and with their arms around each other. Next to Luna was a long list of names such as ‘Discord’, ‘Selene’, ‘Moonestia’, and the like. All were scratched out and at the bottom was Luna’s name, circled. Celestia had a similar list next to herself, with her own name circled.

“Thank you,” Celestia took it gingerly in her magic and folded it into the feathers of her wing.

“I have to send you back now,” Lauren said, heaving a big sigh and putting her hands on her hips. “Anything else before you go? Are you sure you don’t want a Prince Consort or something?” she asked in earnest. Celestia chuckled and shook her head no. “I wonder if I made you gay…” she screwed up her eyes and leaned at the Princess as though it might be written on her face. The Princess tittered self-consciously, backing up a bit and laughing, her cheeks stained pink. “Ah well. Anyhoo! This door here will take you back to your chambers for the night,” Lauren went and took the key off the peg, turning it in the lock. As soon as she did it slowly dissolved into a silvery glitter and out of existence. Turning the knob she opened it. “It was great to meet you Princess,” leaning, she bent into an earnest bow.

Celestia bowed in return. “It was great to meet a goddess as well,” she said reverently.

Lauren straightened and hugged her with all her might about the neck. “Oh listen to you! Goddess! You’ll swell my head to bursting!” Her eyes were soft when she pulled away though. “I’m very proud of you, honey. Now go on, you have a nation to run in the morning. Just like always.”

“Yes,” Celestia turned, then paused in the doorway. She looked back at the messy office, all the drawings, all the everything that made Equestria how it was. “So that’s how Equestria was made,” she murmured. Lauren smiled kindly, hands folded at her waist. Unable to help herself, she waved a little. Celestia smiled in earnest, then stepped through the door and took wing. Lauren slowly shut it behind her.

My Little Pony…

I used to wonder what friendship could be…

Until you all shared its magic with me…

Celestia could hear a soft, sing-song voice in the endless white of the abyss around her. Running in mid-air and flapping her wings, she watched as the doors to her own chambers swam into view and opened to greet her. The Princess skidded into her own chambers and the doors closed behind her. She peeked at the keyhole, but the white abyss was gone. After a long silence of staring at the doorway, she unfolded a wing and took out the picture Lauren had given her. It had morphed into a full color photograph, eight inches by ten. "Ohhh…” Celestia whispered reverently. She turned and looked up at the Mare in the Moon, then slowly sat on her bed with a soft smile. “Wow…”


Comments ( 200 )

wow indeed.

a wonderful story, though far too short. :raritywink:

Good job sir. What a fantastic way to end this story.

i would love to see a sequel where lauren shows up later and tells her just how big of an impact they all had. She said just little girls now tell them it expends well beyond that.

Before I even read the chapter....

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! It's complete!!!!!?!?!?!!!

*sobs in corner*

I'd like to think she wasn't God or The Creator but more... Mom. Yes, Lauren was, is, and will be Mom.

Thanks, Mom. :twilightsmile:

Someone should make a spinoff where another human comes through and has to explain that humans aren't gods, you get powers if you are in a universe that you created...


That was pretty dang good.

... A shame that it ended so soon though. T_T

5756374 That's actually the exact word I was going for with the way she acted. Mom. Thank you. :)

Follow up story maybe?

Wonderful job, wonderful job.... :twilightsmile:



Brilliant story my good sir, simply fantastic.

All the people that said this was a "machinations in the dark" rip-off sure got to eat their words.

5756375 No, a comeback as Fausticorn.

And two years later, another human, this one a man in black suit, appears in front of Celestia´s throne and says: "Good evening, Princess Celestia. I´m here to inform you Mrs. Faust no longer works in the "My Little Pony Friendship is Magic" franchise. I´ll take it from here."
Celestia: "Who...who are you exactly?"
the man smiles "My name is Hasbro, for We are Many"

Sooo many questions, but an okay story I guess. I thought it was going to be longer.

One of the best stories I have read in a long time.

Damn the feels! Thanks for sharing.

Quite impressive there, quite impressive indeed.

I quite enjoined this short story, although I was hoping for an epilogue where she comes back after season 4 for vacation.

Then everything changed when the Hasbro nation attacked.

With the reveal I couldn't help but imagine a villain version of the same story where Hasbro comes in the merchandise everything lol. This was a fun read.

“That’s right,” Lauren nodded, grinning wide. “Stories about your little ponies will inspire little girls, er, our foals that is,”

I found that statement far too funny. :applejackunsure:

So if Hasbro is the Empire does that make DHX and the writers the Rebel Alliance?

That was simply beautiful. Short, Sweet, & Heartwarming. :fluttercry:

This was wonderful. I hoped there would be more, but I have to admit that this was a perfect length for the story.
Thank you, you did an amazing job :twilightsmile:

Marvelous. Just marvelous. I want more but it's over. :fluttercry:

I guess I'll be the first to say I was kind of disappointed. It wasn't written poorly, but I'm not a fan of the meta MLP direction this took. You hooked me with the concept but kind of lost me when it turned into Faust.

its saddens me to see it end, but I doubt it could have ended in a better way.
Thank you Aegis, you did it again.

Huh, one of the first stories I've read with faust in it that I actually enjoyed.

Such a nice story

What can I say other aaaaawwwww it's over?:fluttercry:
And I just realised that yhadgot 100 thumbs up by the time I was done reading this! :pinkiegasp:

This was well written, I must say. I guess it was going to be such a short story, but it was beautiful at the end and I thoroughly enjoyed this.

Also, in regards to Night Light...


That was nice.

I was half expecting another chapter where Lauren bursts in and starts shouting about what bronies have done to the fandom for irony, but this probably works better in the long run.

5756675 Yay. Jesus.
That's the part where the demons were cast into the swine and they drowned themselves :3
Then a bunch of pharisees accused Jesus of using devils to cast out devils.


In that universe, the show was not released yet.

This story was amazing but I almost wish there was an epilogue chapter immediately after Celestia left, with Lauren either saying "I'm sorry..." and looking at the logo/concept art/etc of the future G5 MLP or her looking at all the Fanfics that corrupt what MLP/Equestria/Celestia/etc stand for. Would give a melechony feel to the story and an uncertainty of the future of the MLP G4 franchise.

...and then Lauren discovered the emergence of the Bronzes and saw it was good and said it was good, therefor: it was good.

5756847 true, but it's going to be, so it'd have to have been a time skip bonus chapter thing.

I'd love to see the author's depiction of Lauren's and Celestia's reactions to bronies.

This was such a sweet story. Unlike the other one, that people seem to be insinuating that you ripped off, it really made me smile. I like stories like that :D.
Another masterpiece, Aegis. I've grown to expect nothing less from you :pinkiehappy:

cpg #46 · Mar 19th, 2015 · · ·

5756908 Not the author, but...

"Lauren...? You're back!"

"Just for a quick visit. So, you remember when I told you that I hoped we could make at least one child happy?"


"We overshot the mark. By a lot."

And everything was right with the world

Just. Plain. Perfect.
Perfect. Literally, I can't use any other word to describe this ending...
Author, you have my respect.

A shame she didn't get the chance to meet Granny Bonny...

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