• Published 8th Mar 2015
  • 6,673 Views, 77 Comments

Shut Up And Drive - Harmony Charmer

Sequel to "Bang, Bang". Now that Aria has come forward with her secret passion, she and Sonata find out that Adagio has found a hobby of her own. Only thing is, it's a little illegal... Actually, it's really illegal.

  • ...

I Hope To God You Had Insurance

"Hey, Nata! Over here!"

Sonata Dusk turned around, a smile spreading to her face as she caught sight of a familiar, eccentrically waving hand. With her tray in hand, she bound over to the lunch table with excitement. "Hi, Pinks! How's it going?"

Pinkie smiled and she waved her hands frantically. "Oh, great! I just found out that our plan for the senior party was cleared by Principal Celestia!"

Sonata gasped and her eyes sparkled with delight. "That's great! Did you also make sure that date didn't go against any school event schedules?"

"Oh, totally!" Pinkie replied.

"So, what are we going to do for decorations?" Rarity asked, leaning in as she put her hand down from her face. She had been spending some time examining her nails for any errors and she had just then decided to add into the conversation.

Pinkie giggled. "Oh, easy! We're gonna have glitter--"

"Confetti--" Sonata added.

"And streamers!" they said together, giggling in unison.

Rarity rolled her eyes in a playful manner. "I'm so elated to know that you're joining in school activities, Sonata."

A small scoff escaped Rainbow Dash. "Unlike some of us here."

"Yo, yo, yo, I got somethin' to say, got some cash 'cuz I just got paid!" Aria exclaimed, bobbing her head as her headphones blasted heavy bass and rhythms.

Sonata immediately frowned. "How long has she been jamming out this time?"

"Since first period," Rainbow Dash and Applejack said together, both wearing deadpan looks on their faces.

Sonata sighed. "Figures. Oh, well, at least she isn't starting anymore rap battles during school anymore!"

"Yeah, the principals shut that down 'cause it was causing a distraction to the students," Sunset Shimmer said, looking up from her salad. "Doesn't help that Snips and Snails were trying to 'hype it up'." She made air quotes to show how little she knew about the slang.

Sonata rolled her eyes and she turned to Aria, her finger tapping Aria's shoulder. "Hey, Ari? Your music is super loud and your freestyling."

"And I be slaying my enemies, throwin' shade to bring 'em to their knees. Ain't no one gon' be better than-- Ugh, Nata, would you stop tapping me on the shoulder?!" Aria snapped, turning to Sonata with a glare.

Sonata recoiled a bit, but she crossed her arms sternly and narrowed her eyes in disapproval. "I was trying to tell you that you were freestyling out loud." She sighed. "Again."

"Whoops. Sorry." Aria shut off of her iPod and slipped off her headphones, her eyes widening briefly. "Whoa, everything is so much quieter now..."

"Kinda what happens when you listen to super loud music," Applejack commented, a deadpan look on her face.

Aria scoffed a bit as she rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I'm just testin' out some jams to slam out at Friday night's battle." She smirked. "Hood Jams won't know what hit 'im, ya dig?"

"Huh?" Sunset blurted out, completely confused as she turned to the others for clarification.

"Um, she's asking if we understand what she's saying..." Fluttershy added timidly. When everyone gave her a surprised look, she put on a defensive posture. "What? I understand the Hoofrican vernacular and it's meaning."

"Yo, mad respect," Aria said, holding up a peace sign with her free hand as she prepared to shovel some food in her mouth.

"Word," Fluttershy replied, returning the signal.

Sonata frowned a bit, her eyes wandering around the cafeteria. "Does anyone know where Dagi is? I haven't seen her all day."

Aria shook her head. "Nah, she been flakin' out for a while, you dig? She ain't shown up."

"Again?" Sonata blinked in obliviousness. "That's the fifth time she's done in the past couple of weeks... Is something wrong?"

"Yeah, she was out th' otha night, too." Aria rolled her eyes a bit. "She be gone 'til the late a.m."

"I'm sure there's a reason for it," Sunset told her reassuringly, her hand going over Sonata's. "Besides, you know that she's had a hard time with the whole... you know." She looked off a bit guiltily, then returned her gaze with a smile. "I'm sure she just needs time, is all. I know I did."

"Oh, yeah!" Pinkie exclaimed. "You didn't show up to school for weeks!"

"Pinkie Pie!" Fluttershy protested, horrified at her proclamation.

Sunset smiled weakly. "It's fine, really." She frowned a bit disapprovingly. "But I thought we agreed not to mention my past..." She cleared her throat. "'Boo-boos,' as Rarity would say."

Rarity nodded. "Right you are." She turned to Sonata. "And as far as I'm concerned, Adagio seems to be doing fine. She's been more sociable and she's been extremely helpful at my shop." She smiled a bit. "That girl has got quite a range of fashion knowledge, if I do say so myself. I mean, she's even taking to designing some suits of her own!"

"Suits?" Aria and Sonata said at the same time, blinking in surprise.

Aria sent Sonata an annoyed glance, almost as if she were offended that Sonata would share the same thought as her. "Why suits? I mean, Adagio doesn't seem like she wants to go to any corporate firms or anything. She was never into that sort of thing, especially since she's not a big fan of the law." She sounded normal now that the vernacular had slipped from her voice.

Rarity's face briefly turned worried, but it faded a bit as she took to answering. "Well, they're not really formal suits or even work suits. They're more like... Rainbow, what are those suits that those car racers you watch wear?"

"Fire suits," Rainbow told her, her mouth full of pizza. "I always wanted one, but my dad won't let me get one."

Rarity rolled her eyes briefly before bringing them to Aria and Sonata. "Well, it's almost like that, though the designs aren't palstered with advertising, thank goodness. I always found brand shirts to be tacky."

"Hey!" Aria snapped, throwing her arms up. "Don't dis my clothes!"

"My statement still stands." Rarity let out a hum of thought. "Actually, I think I have some of her designs with me!" She reached down, her head disappearing beneath the table briefly before returning back with a smile on her face. "Found them!"

Sonata took the papers from her and held them in front of her, her eyes scanning it with precision. "Whoa, these are really pretty! I especially like the flames on this one!"

"Lemme see," Aria said, taking them into her hands. Her eyes widened and her brows rose. "Huh. Never thought she would be into that sort of style."

"Oh, let us see, let us see!" Pinkie cheered, clapping her hands excitedly.

Aria turned the paper around, letting the group see the design. It was a skin tight purple suit, orange and yellow flames going along the calves, thighs, and forearms of the flowery and sketchy looking model without a face or hair. It was in a leaning pose, a hip struck out as a hand laid down beside the dropped hip limply. It was a typical pose that Adagio would put on.

Applejack let out a long, loud whistle. "Dang, Ah never took 'Dagio to be the designin' type."

"Probably because you don't know anything about fashion, dear," Rarity said, gathering the design sheets.

"Hey! Ah know fashion!" Applejack flicked the brim of her hat. "'Sides, Ah'm just sayin' that 'cause Ah figured that since y'all have been around for a thousan' years or somethin' that y'all wouldn't know much about fashion."

"Uh, excuse you," Aria commented, looking AJ up and down. "At least I didn't wear a plaid shirt with another plaid shirt over it as a jacket."

"That was one time!" AJ argued. "Yeesh, y'all are like Rarity!"

Rarity rolled her eyes and took the top sheet and slipped it to the bottom of the pile. "There's also some other designs she created. Although the color schemes are rather similar, it's incredible how well she's able to manipulate them and make them work in cohesive ways." She smiled and nodded a bit to herself. "Absolutely impeccable, I must say."

Sonata looked at the next design with an arched brow. "Why was she so obsessed with fire suits, anyway? Is she helping you fill an order or something?"

Rarity shook her head, almost distastefully. "No, I don't do orders for athletic gear. I'm more of fashionable person than a practical person, to be honest. However, if you meet someone who can walk down a runway with one of those advertising fire suits like they're Sapphire Shores at the Grammy's, then you simple must let me meet them. Anyone with that sense of style and ability to pull it off forever will have my respect!"

Aria ignored her. "Nata, any clue why Adagio has been flaking out on school for the past couple of days? I mean, I get she's adjusting, but neither of us know where she is..."

Sonata shook her head. "I don't know what either of you guys do, to be honest. I mostly spend time in my room playing with my dolls or playing on the computer until you guys need me for something." She looked down and off to the side. "Not that you guys ever do..."

Aria didn't appear to hear her, or she merely decided to ignore it. "Well, I'm a bit worried. I mean, do you think it's 'cause of me? I mean, she didn't seem too keen on letting me rap..."

Sonata gasped. "No, it's not you!" She waved her hands a bit frantically before putting them down. "I bet she's acting weird 'cause, uh... Do you think maybe she got a job?"

Aria frowned. "We have enough money in our savings to last us for the rest of our lives. Remember that weekend we spent on going to the stock market?"


Aria groaned. "You are so the worst."

"Am not!" Sonata crossed her arms over her chest and puffed her cheeks out in anger as she turned away from Aria. "Meanie."


The girls looked up in simultaneous surprise, then let out small sighs as they gathered their trays and book bags. Sonata stepped over to Aria, her hand going to her shoulder. "Look, we'll talk when we get home, OK? Let's just ask her!"

Aria frowned and she shrugged it off. "I honestly doubt that'll get us the answer we want."

Sonata's face faltered, and as Aria walked out of the cafeteria, she let out a tiny sigh. "I just want us to be honest with each other..."

* * *

"It's not gonna work," Aria told her, crossing her arms resolutely over her chest.

Sonata let out an exasperated sigh and she pouted. "C'mon, Ari! She said that she was gonna try to be better, remember?" She looked over to the front door, then back to Aria, who was seated beside her on the couch. "She should be getting home from... whatever it is she's doing."

Aria rolled her eyes. "Yeah, well, she's not gonna tell us. I mean, it's not like it's our business."

"Hey! Just because you kept your rap battles a secret doesn't mean that everyone else is allowed to keep potentially life threatening secrets to themselves!"

"What makes you think anything Adagio is doing is life threatening?" Aria blinked. "Wait, how is rapping life threatening?!"

Sonata put on a tough face and she held up her hands, her fingers crossed into weird positions. "'Cause rappers be actin' like gangstas!"

"OK, no more rap albums for you." Aria sighed. "Besides, Adagio isn't into breaking the law." She paused, her eyes flicking upwards in thought, then returning back to Sonata. "Actually, that's a lie, she kinda gets a thrill off of it."

"Weird," Sonata commented. She jumped a bit as she heard a car door slam from outside. "OK, remember, we just ask her where she's been and then we press if she doesn't answer."

"Whatever," Aria replied, rolling her eyes.

The door opened, revealing a messy looking Adagio. Her curly, poofy hair was matted down with sweat and her clothes, a pair of simple blue jeans and a purple tank top, was covered in grease. She looked simple, something that would never be used to describe the audacious former Siren.

"Hi, Dagi!" Sonata greeted, waving a bit.

Adagio grunted and slipped off her bag. "Hi. You two getting along?"

"Uh-huh," Aria replied, annoyed and bored.

Adagio squinted at her, then shrugged. "Well, I'm off to shower and then I'm gonna head out." She waggled her fingers. "See you two later."

"Where are you going?" Sonata asked as Adagio made her way to the stairs.

"Out." Adagio's tone obviously meant for there not to be any response.

However, Sonata wasn't going to quit. "Out where?"

Adagio paused, her hand tightening around the railing. "Does it matter?"

"Well, yeah." Sonata's eyes flicked around the room anxiously before returning to Adagio. "Where are you going?"

Adagio sighed. "It's not important. I'm just gonna head out for a couple hours and I'll be back by midnight, no problem."

"Yeah, but where are you go--"

"It's not important!" Adagio whipped around to face her, her eyes narrowed and icy. "Just drop it, Sonata!"

Sonata flinched and she recoiled into her seat. "Sorry..."

Adagio sighed and she turned towards the stairs again. "I'll be out soon." She turned back a bit, a frown on her face. "And I better not hear anything about it. Same for you, Aria."

"What? I didn't even--" Aria began to protest, but she went silent when Adagio sent a glare her way. She crossed her arms sullenly. "Whatever..."

Adagio let out a small scoff and began her ascent up the stairs, her boots clomping on the steps as she did. As soon as the door from upstairs slammed shut, Aria smacked the back of her hand over Sonata's head.

"Ow!" Sonata grabbed her tender head with her hand gingerly. "What was that for?!"

"Told you not to ask her." Aria scoffed a bit and she shook her head. "She's not gonna tell us anything. She never tells us anything."

Sonata frowned. "Well, this isn't gonna stop me!" She pounded a fist onto an open palm. "We're gonna figure out what she's been doing, whether she likes it or not!"

"And how do you plan to do that?" Aria asked, rolling her eyes.

Sonata smiled. "Easy." She looked up at the stairs, making sure Adagio wasn't listening before turning back to Aria. "We're gonna follow her."

* * *

"Alright, I'm heading out," Adagio proclaimed, stepping into the living room. She was wearing her trademark spiked heels and her hair was up in it's spiked ponytail holder, unruly and curly as usual. She had on a purple sequin shirt with a black jacket over it and she was wearing black jeans that matched the jacket perfectly. She had on golden bangles and hoop earrings, each jangling with every step she took.

"'K," Sonata said, acting disinterested and preoccupied with her phone.

Adagio arched a brow. "What, no questions? You seemed rather adamant on asking them when I got home."

"Mmm, nope! See ya later, Dagi!" Sonata waved a bit, her eyes still looking at her phone.

Adagio waved, a perturbed look on her face. "Alright... I left money for you two to order takeout, if you want."

"Thanks," Aria replied, slouched in her chair.

Adagio rolled her eyes. "Bye, you two."

As soon as the door closed and Adagio's steps faded from hearing, Sonata put her phone down and turned to Aria. "You ready to go?"

Aria put her phone down as well, though not as enthusiastically. "I still think this plan is the worst."

Sonata pouted a bit, but she let Aria's comment slide as she heard the car start from outside. "C'mon, we gotta hurry up or we'll lose her!"

"How do you even plan on getting there?" Aria asked, annoyed. "She's taking the car, isn't she?"

"Well, duh!" Sonata held up her phone for Aria to see. "I brought in some reinforcements!"

Aria's eyes widened. "Oh, no, no,no, you did not ask her to come get us!"

"What's the matter with her? She's fun to hang out with!"

Aria cringed. "I know you think that, but she's just so-- so--"

"HEY, NATAAAAAAAAAA, I'M HEEEEEEERE," a voice called from outside.

"Loud," Aria finished, her hand going to her ear.

"Oh, Pinkie's here!" Sonata proclaimed, clapping her hands excitedly. She grabbed her bag and slid to the front door. "You coming or not?"

Aria put her hand down and sighed. "Yeah, sure, but I'm wearing my headphones the whole time."

"Deal!" Sonata replied, swinging the door open.

"Why, hello girls!" greeted Rarity, who was sitting in the back seat with a small cosmetic mirror in her hand and lipstick tube in the other. "Glad to see you made it, Aria."

Aria didn't reply, her hands sliding her headphones into her ears as she walked to the opposite side of the car. Sonata smiled apologetically at Rarity. "Sorry about her, she's just being Aria."

"Understandable," a voice from the backseat commented.

"Sunny!" Sonata cheered as she slipped into the front seat. "You're here, too?"

"I invited her!" Pinkie told her.

"Yeah, well, it was hard to say no." Sunset looked to Aria, who was bobbing her head to the beat of her music. "So, uh, is there anyone else we're gonna be picking up?"

"Nope!" Pinkie replied. "Dashie said she was gonna meet us there! She's behind us!"

As if on cue, a honk emitted from behind them, which prompted some of the passengers to turn and see a cyan blue car behind them, a hand sticking out the window in a wave.

"Hi, Dashie!" Pinkie waved her hand out the window in response. She turned to Sonata. "So, where are we going?"

"Follow Dagi's car!" Sonata proclaimed, pointing in front of them. "She left a couple minutes ago!"

"On it!" Pinkie gripped the steering wheel and she slammed her foot on the gas, causing everyone to reel back as she zoomed down the street.

"Pinkie, slow down!" Rarity called out, gripping the handle on the ceiling of the car. "You're going to crash the car!"

Pinkie didn't appear to hear her, and if anything, she seemed to have accelerated. "Hang on, girls! You should definitely never try this at home!" She giggled. "Good thing we're in the car, then!"

"Oh, God, I think I'm gonna get sick..." Sunset commented, her hand going to her greening face.

"Aw, hell nah!" Aria called out, her hand going to Sunset's head and turning it towards the window. "Stick your head out the window, Dimmer! I ain't lettin' you ruin this outfit!"

"Whoo-hoo! It's like a roller coaster!" Sonata cheered, her hands waving in the air.

"Oh, that looks fun!" Pinkie said, her eyes sparkling.

"Pinkie, if you take your hands off the wheel, I will kill you!" Rarity called out, her teeth gritted. "That is, if we survive this horrific car crash!"

"There she is!" Sonata called out, pointing to Adagio's car as it turned a corner into an abandoned street. "C'mon, we gotta make sure she doesn't see us!"

"On it!" Pinkie slammed her foot on the gas and brakes, causing the car to spin around in circles. Everyone let out screams, except for Sonata and Pinkie, who were too busy laughing and whooping in joy. Then, the car rounded the corner, spinning and sliding all the while, until it came close to the sidewalk.

Rarity screamed and she gripped the handle with both hands. "Oh sweet lord, this is it! Alright, I admit it! Sometimes I throw some of Sweetie's clothes away because I think they look bad and then I tell her that they're still in the wash, then replace them with new ones!"

"Oh my god, we're gonna diiiiiiie!" Sunset screamed, her hands going to her face. "OK, OK, I admit it! I'm bi! I've only dated guys, but I think girls are hot, too! And the reason I came on this trip is because I think Adagio is pretty and I wanted to hang out with her!"

"Oh, for god's sakes, if this is how I'm dying, then I am going to haunt Adagio until she freaking dies!" Aria snapped, more annoyed than terrified.

Then, the car came a screeching stop, sliding perfectly in place behind a car on the curb. Pinkie smirked. "Like a glove!"

Sonata cheered. "Whoo, that was fun!"

"Heh, yeah, fun..." Sunset said, moving awkwardly. "So, uh, no one's gonna say anything about what happened back there, right? I mean, it was probably so loud none of you could hear me, huh?"

Rarity took a deep breath and let out a sigh. "It would seem I owe Twilight 5 bucks. Remind me that next time she visits."

"Wait, what?"

"Nothing, dear." Rarity stepped out of the car, her legs wobbling a bit. "Oh, my legs feel like jello..."

"That sounds fun!" Pinkie said, stepping out of the driver's seat. "Look, Dashie's here, too!"

Rainbow's car slid in behind Pinkie's, a lot more safely than hers, of course. She stepped out, decked in jeans and racing T-shirt. "Wow, Pinks, that was some serious driving back there!"

"Yeah, she made Sunset come out and Rarity confess her deep, dark secrets," Aria commented, rubbing her neck.

Rainbow arched a brow, but then she smirked. "Ha, you owe Twilight five bucks!"

"Yes, dear, I know," Rarity muttered.

"So, what are we doing here? Pinkie wasn't really clear on the plan."

"Dagi's been disappearing in the middle of the night and showing up early in the morning," Sonata told her as she followed the group down the sidewalk. "She's also been missing school. We wanted to see what she was doing."

Rainbow blinked in surprise. "Wait, what's she doin' here, then? This is a bad place to be at night. I mean, the crime rates are insane, what with the gangbanging and muggings!"

"Gangbanging?" Sonata repeated, horrified at the thought. "What's Dagi doing in a gang?!"

"Oh, please, she's probably just going to a club or something," Aria told her, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

Suddenly, a series of loud growls came from down the street, deep, rumbly noises following shortly after. Then, lights flashed on, showering the street and sidewalks with brightness. The girls cringed and covered their eyes with their hands, then peeked through as they adjusted to the light.

"What the hell...?" Aria muttered, looking down the street with slit eyes.

Then, as their adjusted, they made out the shapes of several cars lined up, each one busting out loud growls and rumbles from the engine. After several seconds of no movement, a figure stepped out into the street, standing in the flood of lights without a care. It was feminine in figure, curvy and tall in a pair of high heels.

"Who is that?" Sonata asked, looking to the girls for an answer.

"Attention, you simpletons!" the figure called out. "The Great and Powerful Trixie announces this coming race!"

"I should have figured," Rarity commented. "Of course she'd be involved in this somehow."

"In this group, we got Thunderlane in his 1995 Honda Civic!" Trixie announced, pointing to a dark grey car on the end that bore several lightning bolts across the side of it.

"Next to him, we have Lightning Dust in her 2006 Nissan 350Z Tokyo Drift!" She pointed to a green car with a golden lightning bolt on the hood.

"Third, we have a newcomer by the name of Rover, a foreigner from the Diamond Districts in his 1970 Dodge Charger!" She pointed to a rusty looking, though it appeared to be covered in sparkling rhinestones on the rims of the fins.

"Fourth, we have Brawly Beats from our local school's band!" She pointed to an orange car that appeared to be blasting loud drum beats.

"And, lastly, we have our reigning champ, the one and only Adagio Dazzle, our Drag Queen in her 1995 Toyota Supra Turbo !" She pointed to a purple car that had orange rhinestones along the sides of it in swirling patterns. Trixie frowned a bit. "Wait, are we really calling her a Drag Queen?"

"Just start the race, you twit!" Adagio called out from the window.

"Wait, is Adagio..." Aria asked, her words fading as shock overtook her.

Trixie held up her hand, a handkerchief in it. Then, she dropped it with flourish, causing every car to rev up. Then, as it hit the ground, they sped past, leaving dust in their wake.

"Holy crap, Adagio is badass!" Rainbow Dash called out, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

Then, as the cars sped past them, Adagio turned to look at them through her open window. But, instead of frowning or glaring at them like Sonata and Aria expected, she smiled and waved. Then, she was around the corner in an instant, leaving the girls behind.

No one said anything for a brief moment, as everyone was too stunned to even think of anything to say. Then, Sunset broke the silence. "Holy crap, I think I'm in love."

"Gross," Aria commented, rolling her eyes. "I do not need to see you two sucking face when this is all over."

"C'mon, we have to go see her at the finish line!" Sonata called out, grabbing Aria. "I wanna see if she wins!"

The group rushed together, then skid to a stop at the corner where the race started. A crowd of people had accumulated, each one arguing over who was going to win due to statistics and car types. Sonata, too unfamiliar with any of the lingo, wasn't able to follow along. However, Rainbow was.

"Oh, come on! I mean, Adagio's car isn't the best, she obviously knows what she's doing!" Rainbow argued, getting in a boy's face.

"Tch, yeah right! She may have been on a luck streak, but she's going down when Lightning crosses that finish line!"

Pinkie frowned. "I don't even like Lightning, and I definitely don't like that she's drag racing, either. I mean, it's so dangerous!"

"You literally almost killed us a couple minutes ago when we were in your car," Sunset said with a deadpan expression.

"Yeah, but I know what I'm doing!"

Sunset sighed, then turned to Sonata. "How are you dealing with this? I mean, are you OK with this or anything?"

Sonata shrugged. "Dunno. I mean, it's hard to tell. I mean, Aria's into rap battles, so I guess it'd make sense for Dagi to want to have a hobby of her own."

"Yeah, well, at least mine isn't illegal!" Aria exclaimed. "Adagio could get arrested!"

"Yeah, but do you really care about that?" Sunset asked.

Aria shrugged. "Nah, not really. I just don't like cops, is all."

"Yeah, I guess I can relate..." Sunset rubbed her arm awkwardly. "Things have awkward between me and Flash's dad since the whole Fall Formal thing..."

"Look, here she comes!" Sonata called out, pointing her finger at the incoming headlights. "Wow, she's super ahead!"

"Whoa, awesome!" Rainbow whooped. "Told ya she'd win!"

Then, Adagio's car came zooming past the finish line, prompting cheers to emit from the crowd and a groan from the guy Rainbow had been arguing with. The car skidded to a stop, falling to an angle and leaving black marks in its wake. The front door opened, revealing a spiked high heel shoe.

"Hello, girls," Adagio greeted as she stepped out of the car. She was wearing a skintight, purple flame suit that was covered in orange and yellow sparkles that flared out in the shape of flames along her arms and legs, making each step she took look like fire dancing. Her hair was sweaty and matted to her forehead, though the rest of it was draped over her shoulders and behind her.

Sunset wobbled a bit and she grabbed onto Sonata's shoulder. "Oh, my knees are weak, my knees are weak."

"Good to see you, too, Sunset," Adagio said, smirking in her direction. It faded as her gaze came across Aria and Sonata. "Why are you two here? I thought I told you not to follow me."

"Noooo, you said not to ask anymore questions!" Sonata told her. "You never said anything about following you!"

Adagio sighed and crossed her arms. "So, what? Are you here to yell at me? Tell me that what I'm doing is dangerous? Go ahead, I figured that you'd figure it out sooner or later, so I suppose I knew this would be coming." She held her arms out. "Have at it, you two."

"Why?" Aria asked. "I mean, you were cool with me rapping, so I guess I'm cool with this."

"Really?" Adagio arched a brow and turned to Sonata. "What about you? Does this worry you, Nata?"

Sonata shifted a bit awkwardly. "Well, a little. I mean, it is illegal and it does look pretty dangerous..." She smiled. "But if it makes you happy, then you can expect me to be on the sidelines cheering you on!"

Adagio smiled. "Good to know." Her smile faded and her eyes widened a bit. "Uh, speaking of this being illegal, we should probably get going before they get here."

Everyone turned in collective to see a squadron of police cars come rolling in, lights flashing and sirens screaming. The crowd of spectators scattered and the drivers returned to their cars, their engines revving up as they screeched out of the area.

"Quick, get in the car!" Adagio said, grabbing Sonata and Aria.

"Oh, hell no!" Aria snapped, jerking away. "I was in the car with McCrazy over there and I think I'd rather risk it with her than with you!" She held up a peace sign. "Queen Ari out!"

Adagio rolled her eyes as Aria ran down the sidewalk with Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. "I just don't get that girl."

"Uh, hey, can I come with?" Sunset asked. "I think I'd rather sit with you than Pinkie. Seems less nauseating."

Adagio smiled. "That's quite the compliment, Sunset." She slid into the drivers seat. "Now, let's get going before we all get arrested!"

And with that, the girls stepped in the car, all of them laughing in glee as Adagio slammed her foot on the gas, leaving the police in dust.

Author's Note:

That's right, the story got a sequel! I figured, "OK, so we got Rapping Aria, now what about the other three?" I had originally planned on Dagi being a dancer, but then I listened to some songs from Disney movies and Shut Up And Drive from Wreck-It Ralph came on. Then, I stopped in the middle of typing a story and said, "DRAG RACING DAGI, OMG."

So, now we have Dagi and Aria's story! Now we just need Nata's! Expect it sometime soon, coming to a site near you! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find a pic of Dagi wearing a motorcycle suit or fire suit, so I'll just have to wait for someone to make fanart on their own accord.

"Fanart you say..."

NOPE. Nah, we aren't doin' Drawin' Dagi, even though you got a knack for designing. Nice try, though.

This song is something I suggest listening to so you get that epic feel I did when I wrote this.

Comments ( 76 )

I've been craving a fic like this ever since listening to Rollin' in the Rearview. :pinkiehappy:

is one about sonata coming soon? i love these!

~ Everybody's Super Dagi Racing, gotta keep your wheels right on the ground ~

Then, the car came a screeching stop, sliding perfectly in place behind a car on the curb. Pinkie smirked. "Like a glove!"

I remember this line from somewhere... Oh well I freaking love this and I can't wait for sonata's little hobby

5711223 that's what it was! :rainbowlaugh: I knew I heard that before

inb4 sonata run's a crack house for funzies

Sunset admitting her sexual preference during Pinkie's insane driving was pure gold! Same for Rarity's confession:rainbowlaugh:.

Well, it looks Adagio has the need. The need for speed.

Hahaha, I knew it had something to do with that song! :rainbowlaugh:

Now I'm trying to envision what this video would be like with Adagio instead of Rin, :rainbowdetermined2:

I really like your versions of the Dazzlings. Can't wait to see what you do with Nada. (Also that Adagio and Sunset shipping)

I think this story might've been a little funnier than the previous one, nicely done!
Also, Sundagio!

Though I think my first published ship is actually Adagio and someone else. Still...

"What? I understand the Hoofrican vernacular and it's meaning."

"Don't worry, I speak ghetto."

Many laughs were had at this story, well done.

Being a car nut, I can't stop myself from doing this, sorry.

>1995 Honda Civic



Fan art you say?

I'M ON IT!:rainbowdetermined2:
But it may take a few days:twilightoops:

Adagio can sure be glad Pinkie didn't participate. :pinkiehappy:

I think this fic just gave me an idea for a side story in a mash-up fic I'm writing for fun. Toy Chica and Adagio will have fun together when in a car. Anyways, fun story! Good sequel that may be better than the first in my opinion. I'm not a big fan of rap, so that may be why.

Oh, that would be great! Of course, you don't have to do it, but I still appreciate it either way!

1995 Honda Civic

Excuse me a sec, my inner car is coming through...


Sorry... no i'm not :trollestia:

I just reread this and the only thing I came up with for sonata was a stripper. Strippin' sonata or Naughty Nata:facehoof: my mind...

You wrote in this story that Sonata plays with dolls and sits behind her computer when not being asked to do something.
She is obvously a geek of sorts. Maybe that could be her thing?

Well, the next story is still in progress and I haven't gotten around to finishing it yet. Details aren't really ready to be made public yet...

Well this was awesome and fun! :pinkiehappy:

Freaking street racers

I had something witty to say to this, but then I lost it. I'll return to you later with a response.

How 'bout some Dagi x Sunset fanart? With or without the motorcycle/fire suit.

I could make you that pic if you want I am a artist, also you could use a base

"Um, she's asking if we understand what she's saying..." Fluttershy added timidly. When everyone gave her a surprised look, she put on a defensive posture. "What? I understand the Hoofrican vernacular and it's meaning."

Of course Fluttershy would know this.

Remember that weekend we spent on going to the stock market?"
Aria groaned. "You are so the worst."
"Am not!" Sonata crossed her arms over her chest and puffed her cheeks out in anger as she turned away from Aria. "Meanie."

That is why everyone loves Sonata.

Adagio waved, a perturbed look on her face. "Alright... I left money for you two to order takeout, if you want."

So is she Mom or something?

"Pinkie, slow down!" Rarity called out, gripping the handle on the ceiling of the car. "You're going to crash the car!"

Pinkie does what she wants, from ignoring tragic laws to car crashes.

Sunset screamed, her hands going to her face. "OK, OK, I admit it! I'm bi! I've only dated guys, but I think girls are hot, too! And the reason I came on this trip is because I think Adagio is pretty and I wanted to hang out with her!"

But...Sonata's there too...

Sonata told her as she followed the group down the sidewalk. "She's also been missing school. We wanted to see what she was doing."

So you are going to be sneaky and follow her with a group of six? All together? Maybe you should split up or something?

"C'mon, we have to go see her at the finish line!" Sonata called out, grabbing Aria. "I wanna see if she wins!"

I thought she was stealing cars. That would have been fun too. That would have been a lot more fun actually. And more illegal.

"Yeah, well, at least mine isn't illegal!" Aria exclaimed. "Adagio could get arrested!"
"Yeah, but do you really care about that?" Sunset asked.
Aria shrugged. "Nah, not really. I just don't like cops, is all."

Ahh. Good friends are good friends,
About Pinkie's parking job: 3:58.

It's not like Sonata will get a job that's hot.

5711438 this game was like one of my first games ever!!!! Along with Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3...ah, classics...

2006 Nissan 350Z Tokyo Drift!"

Hmm, never knew that car ever got that term...ah I guess I learned something new today.

Are you going to do Sonata next? :pinkiehappy:

Or will she?

"Pardon me dear, but could you repeat that? I don't think I heard correctly" Rarity said.
"Victoria's Secret. I work at Victoria's Secret" Sonata responded, not quite understanding what the fuss was all about.

We can dream...

Wow, I wasn't expecting so much, fast and furious ricer references from a fimfic. Please make more of these, I'm loving them!!!!!:heart:

I was kinda hoping her car was going to be a Toyota AE86 and then I could've been like "OMG, INITAL D!" It was still funny though.


to a rusty looking, though

I think you are missing the word car there.

Otherwise, great story. I can't wait for the next one.

Thank you Harmony Charmer, for this title now I remember this song.

Here, I'll leave you a thumb up for the story, gj

Okay, now I have to see what Sonata's going to do. I can totally see Aria as a rapper, and Adagio as a street racer should be canon.:rainbowdetermined2:

Let's see, Ari as a Rap Queen, Dagi as a Drag Queen, both really badass... I wonder... Is Sonata gonna be the leader of a Mafia group?! Hehehe, just kidding. Great story! I can't wait for Sonata's turn.

so what is sonata going to be? :applejackunsure: by the way keep up the good work

Dang, this was a pretty awesome fic, I thought it was great.:rainbowlaugh: My favorite part was probably the part where they were all going to die, that was worth a good chuckle.

hehe, better yet... Nata is the leader of the Saints (from Saints row)

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