• Published 2nd Mar 2015
  • 1,592 Views, 153 Comments

The Lazy-Eyed Klutz - FelineFluff

Derpy doesn't understand why ponies don't accept her. After losing everything she ever loved, only the power of friendship, and love, can she become understood, and accepted as normal.

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Hello, my name is Derpy...

Hello, my name is Derpy... and I am nobody. All I can do is dream that people can like me, and think I am someone. But most of these thoughts are just clouds to block what really goes on. I know what goes on, and I think those things as well. These thoughts are what have lived inside of my head day after day slowly eating away at my brain. "Oh she is a retard who knows absolutely nothing." people say. "Ignore her." they say whenever I try to make conversation.
It has become common in my life to be called a nobody. I am used to it. I have lived by it for many years, and will probably continue to live this way for the rest of my life. All I can do is think.

This morning I sat on my bed, crying. It has came as part of a daily routine. Wake up, cry my eyes out, and step out into a town of people who hate me. Even if people do act nice, I still know they hate me. I have very few friends, and the time I spend with them is the time I actually feel accepted in the world for what I am. I got out of bed and wiped my crossed eyes with a nearby cloth that was next to my bed as it always was in the morning. And now I get to go do my weather duties... Joy...

I walked outside of the house, and flew to go see my fellow workers. Today we had to work on moving clouds to Canterlot, as they haven't gotten any rain for about 3 weeks, due to a terrible cloud storm here in Ponyville. I flew up into the sky and headed towards a big heap of grey clouds that I would have to give to the cloud delivery pegasi. I don't know their actual names so that's just what I call them.

On my way, I saw my only two friends walking side by side. It was Octavia, and Vinyl Scratch, the two best musicians in town and roommates in a house just down the road from mine. They were carrying objects with their magic.

"Hey girls! Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked, as I flew down.

Octavia started, "Um, yes Ditzy, we are moving some of our musical instruments. Would you like to carry the drum? it's really weighing me down along with this big violin, and Vinyl here is too lazy to help me move the really big objects."

Octavia glared at Vinyl who responded. "Hey, I need to save all my strength so that I can move my bass cannon." Vinyl said with a sheepish grin.

"Sure I would be happy to help you guys out! I think the weather ponies can survive at least one period without me, or the entire day." I said as I took the drum in my hooves and walked with the duo to a building nearby.

As I continued to talk about my day, I walked through the door. The two musicians had moved some equipment into house earlier that day and Vinyl had left cords laying carelessly on the floor. As soon as I walked inside of the building I carelessly tripped over a cord that was inconveniently placed like a tripwire across the floor. I spun around and hit Vinyl full force in the windpipe with the heavy metal drum, causing her to fall over and cough up blood. She was still breathing but coughing up blood made that harder than it needed to be.

"Vinyl!" Octacvia screamed.

I went up to try and help her. "Vinyl, I am so sorry!" I cried. "Please forgive me, Vinyl I don't want you hate me forever because of this. I don't want you to die hating me like everyone else!"

Vinyl spoke in a gargled voice but it was still easily understandable. "Get away from me, all you do is make things worse, and if you are around I am probably going to die, because of you!" Vinyl spoke in a harsh voice tears streaming down her face.

I sat there motionless, tears streaming down my face. "I..."

"I said get away from me you dumb klutz! I never want to see your face again, you freak!" Vinyl yelled the best she could.

Octavia pushed me out the door, with a forceful hoof.

This has to be the worst day ever. I have lost my only friends, and now I have no one. I went into a full sprint back towards my house. As I entered the house I locked the door, and went to the living room where I took a book, and threw it at a wall where the edge of the hardcover book crumpled and bent the entire book. I started to scream to myself.

"I'm a worthless freak! I'm a worthless freak that destroys everything!" I kept screaming to myself, as I tossed all of my belongings around the house. Vases, pots, and various objects flew across the house as I threw objects around in a fit of rage and sadness.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door. "Derpy are you in there?" A voice from the outside asked. It was Rainbow Dash, my boss.
"You're late for your weather duties once again, and I told you one more time and you are fired! Now please open the door!"

What does it matter, I'm worthless anyway, and have no real values, right? It would probably be best if I was just gone. Right then, I thought the most terrible thing ever thought. Suicide. No one would notice. Rainbow Dash might just walk away because I haven't said anything. She'll think I am not home.

I went in the basement, and grabbed one of the ropes Applejack loaned me for lasso practice. I tied a few knots to make the rope in the shape of a noose. I grabbed a chair from my dining room, and hung the noose over the top of a nearby support beam where I latched it on an screw that was sticking out, and made sure it was secure enough to where the rope would not fall off of the screw. I heard a snapping sound, and somepony walking around my house yelling for my name. It was Rainbow Dash. She ran down the stairs to my basement and saw me in the noose.

"Rainbow Dash!" I screamed.

She was staring at me in horror. "Get out of my house, I want to die alone with the only person that cares about me, ME! I screamed, as I tightened the rope around my neck.

Rainbow Dash flew up to the ceiling, and loosened the noose with me still on the chair. As the noose fell to the floor, so did I. She rushed to my side and helped me up.

"Derpy what were you thinking?!" She yelled as she took the rope off my neck, flew me upstairs, and laid me on a couch.

I started crying. It is normal for me? I always cry for whatever I do because everything I do is a mistake. No one likes anymore, and now, neither do I.

I calmed down enough to speak to my boss. "I almost killed a friend today, and now I have no friends!" I sobbed. "They said I make everything worse, and it's true! nopony likes me, and I have no purpose in this world!" Rainbow Dash's coat was covered in my tears and was slowly getting wetter with each passing second as we hugged.

"Listen, you are not a lazy-eyed klutz and you do have purpose in this world." She said sweetly "Ponies need you, and you are one of the hardest workers on the weather team."

I looked into her caring eyes, and saw something that I have never seen before. Honesty. after a few seconds of silence, Rainbow Dash spoke. "If I had a choice between a tough but lazy pony, or you I would choose you! your what makes us a team, and we all care about you!"

We went into a deep hug, and after a few minutes I broke the silence. "Thank you Rainbow. thank you for everything!"

Rainbow Dash started to let out a tear, but then said "Great, now you got me acting all sappy!"

Rainbow tenderly let go of the hug, and after a few minutes of silence, she spoke. "Hey, Pinkie Pie is having a party at the town library. there's supposed to be some kind of 'Welcome to Ponyville party' for a new purple unicorn from Canterlot!" Rainbow Dash said with a smile. " I don't suppose you want to come to meet this pony with me do you?"

I smiled, and nearly jumped off of the couch in happiness. "I think it would a good idea to meet this new unicorn if she is going to stay for a while! I bet she would like to know everyone in town for future reference or something like that."

Rainbow Dash got off of the couch and spoke, "Alright, cool, see you then Derpy! The party is at 7:30 tonight sharp. See you there!"
Rainbow Dash walked to the door and left the house.

At 7:20 I put on my grey and yellow saddle bag, and headed for the library. The town was quiet, nopony around. They're all probably at the party. As I walked, I looked up and saw a star moving towards the moon. It was a beautiful night.

On my way there, I saw Rainbow Dash, and flew up to her. "Thank you for saving my life Rainbow Dash! I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble earlier."

"Hey, it's no problem! I would of done it for any of my friends, and I know you would do the same for me right?" Rainbow nudged me in the side, and winked. "I didn't hear you, and I saw you go inside your house crying. So I decided to go see what was up, being your boss and all."

"Why were you trying to find me anyway?" I asked, smiling.

"You were late for weather duties again. What boss would I be if I didn't come to see if you were okay? you never told anyone you were sick and taking a day off so, as your friendly boss, I was just trying to see what caused you to be so late! sorry for barging in though, If I didn't think it was an emergency, I wouldn't have done it." Rainbow Dash stated. "And good thing I did, huh?"

"Sorry, I completely forgot about work after my accident with Octavia and Vinyl. I kind of just ran off in rage." I said. "Speaking of work, I don't think cloud kicking is working out for me, I just can't get the hang of it, and I think I need something easier." I said with a bit of disappointment in myself asking for a new job.

Rainbow Dash grinned, and spoke. "Of course! you can be a mail-mare for the weather team!" Rainbow said with excitement. "my friend runs the mail department for the weather team. I'll put in a good word for you, okay?"

"I could deliver letters, and still be on the team?" I asked excitedly. "I always wanted to deliver mail as a little foal! Thank you Rainbow Dash!" I exclaimed, as I tried to hug the blue pegasus, almost causing us to fall out of the sky.

We continued on our way to the library. I was stopped before we reached the front door, and Rainbow Dash whispered. "This is a surprise party, and I have to give the password to get in without being mistaken as the new pony."

Rainbow Dash went up to the door, and tapped the door 5 times. A pink mare opened the door. I entered the building along with her.

Inside, there was ponies hiding all around, but it was too dark to see a hoof in front of my face! Rainbow Dash, and I hid in different

We heard a door slam, and a voice say "Now, where's the lights?"

"SURPRISE!!!!!!!" We all screamed, as the light turned on.

The purple unicorn screamed, and Pinkie Pie started to entertain her. Everypony in the room was talking to each other, and I was standing by the punch table.

From across the room I saw a handsome stallion walking towards me. I figured he probably didn't want to talk to me, so I turned around, and drank my punch. Suddenly I felt a cold hoof on my shoulder.

"Would you like a muffin?" I turned around, and the brown stallion, gave me a muffin, and gave me a cute smile.

I blushed, and took the muffin from his hoof. "I've never tried a muffin before! Thank you!"

"I've seen you around before, and never got the chance to say hi!" The stallion said with a British accent. "My name's Time Turner. But my friends call my Dr. Whooves!"

I blushed even redder, and took a bite of the muffin. With my mouth full, I spoke "My name's Derpy."

"Well I hope to catch up with you later, Derpy! I'm going to go and meet the new pony!" He said with an adorable grin.

At that moment I felt important. I felt normal. I felt loved! As a Rainbow-maned pegasus once said, "You aren't a lazy-eyed klutz, and you do have purpose!" And the party went on with ponies actually talking to me, laughing with me, and caring about me. I knew that she was right.


Author's Note:

HAPPY DERPY DAY!!!!:derpytongue2: I wrote this very late, so I'm sorry if it doesn't get up until March 2. This story is placed during episode 1, so Twilight's still a friend-less unicorn, that just moved in to a library.:rainbowlaugh: this story should be very up-lifting for some people, and I hope you enjoyed it!!! Please leave a comment below, describing what you think of Derpy. :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 147 )

5689360 Question. If you hate it... why bother reading it?

5689360 HISSSSS!! Leave my favorite pegasis alone! Wait... wait... can we not have a Crystal Lily argument again?

I absolutely love this story! Sequel, seauel, sequel! Plese? Pretty please? Pretty please with a derpy on top?

5689502 May I ask a favor of you? Can we never have a Crystal Lily argument again? (Ps, hi to you too)

Oh, my bad. I forgot to give a Sweetly Review! (Its to see if you get the sweetly approved) Oh, you came so close to getting it! The only problems were:
It could have been a bit longer,
What happened between Derpy and Time Turner? I like suspence, But not that much!

5689360 wow I wasn't expecting my very fist comment, to be a negative one :fluttercry: I like constructive criticism, but this was a little too much criticism, and not very constructive. But you can comment whatever you want, I'm just a beginner writer anyways...:ajsleepy:

5689494 oh your so sweet! I might make a sequel! But maybe not for a while, I have a bunch of stories lined up to write. That Chrystal Lily argument was very harsh, I'd prefer if it stayed off my story :rainbowlaugh: but thank you so much for supporting me!!!

5689426 thanks for commenting!

5689556 Oi! Enough of that sadness. Thats how the Crystal Lily argument started! So please cheer up!

5689527 I guess you'll have to find out what happened between them in the sequel! :raritywink: it was short, because I wanted to get it up ON Derpy Day. But I guess I failed sorry!:rainbowlaugh:

5689581 hey, it is an honor to be as close to getting it as u were! Not many people get it anyways!

5689579 IM CHEERED!!! :pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh: I don't want that argument on my story!!!! :twilightoops:

5689586 somehing tells me you are just catching up....

5689590 Yes, I was posting stuff on deviant art, and when I went back to fimfiction, I have like ten new notifications

5689602 is your deviantart avatar a pink unicorn mare?

5689618 I don't have a lot of my art uploaded yet, just some of my more recent stuff.

5689625 u have deviantart up too?
(as in another tab)

5689631 Yes I do. Are you going to tell me how to post my pictures? Lol

Thank you for commenting on my Derpy picture!!!:heart:

5689664 so, what did you mean, when you said 3 isn't an even number, and you only like even numbers? You said it on a Derpy picture, but I don't know what the number 3 has to do with my art... Lol sorry

5689679 Like I said on the comment... I have Oc- cdo.

5689674 I understand what your trying to say, but I think the only problem is lack of detail. Because when I was writing this, I saw the detail in my head, but I didn't bother writing it all down, because I figured the reader could see it too. I read your message, but I can respond to everything, because I don't write a whole story in one comment, sorry. But thanks for being a bit more... Constructive.:twilightsheepish:

5689706 perfect! Thank you. I'll do that!:twilightsmile:

I love it!:heart: It's so just i don't really know what to say

5689998 Awww!!, thank you so much!!!:heart: best comment iv'e gotten so far :pinkiehappy:

This is very rushed....
There are a lot of this kind of story...
Still, is it is a nice story...short and sweet.:pinkiehappy:

p.s. keep writing!

5690621 Thanks! But the reason it's so rushed, is I was trying to get it up before Derpy day was over. But I failed at that, so I'll have to edit it a bunch!!!!

This story! I like it! :raritystarry:

Stop it! This story was so sweet it's making me fat!


5691276 Aww thank you so much!!!!:heart:

The ending really caught my interest! cute story overall! Great job:scootangel:

5695121 Thank You so much!!:pinkiehappy:

5695129 I'm choking on the cuteness. *gak hack choke* :heart::derpytongue2:

5696033 Aww thanks!:twilightsmile: don't die!:rainbowlaugh:

5696052 tee hee! (p.s. that's was the girly-est laugh ever!) :raritywink:

5696062 Girly laughs are the best!!!:rainbowwild:

5696072 we have so much in common, It's scary! :pinkiecrazy: we should include Sweetiebelleluvsu.

5696161 What do you mean include her? IKR! I have a lot in common with a lot of pegasisters!!

5696162 idk, I just feel like she would be a nice edition to our conversation, know what I mean? And yes, It seems that pegasisters across the nation have the same things in common, it's like.... a MIND LINK!!! :pinkiegasp::rainbowderp:

5696173 It looks like she went to bed two hour ago :fluttershysad: IKR!!!! It's like we all like the same show or something!!!!!:pinkiegasp::rainbowlaugh::rainbowkiss:

5696183 like I said..... MIND LINKS!!! LOL

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