• Published 1st Mar 2015
  • 22,033 Views, 666 Comments

WatLP: Chamber of Secrets - Harry Leferts

Book Two of the Lonelyverse. Having gotten through Harry's first year with a lot of excitement, him and the alicorns thought they could unwind. Sadly, it was not to be. House elves, giant snakes, hidden chambers... Looks like another eventful year!

  • ...

Chapter 4

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Harry Potter is the property of JK Rowling.

"Hello"-Normal Speaking
"Interesting..."- Nightmare Moon speaking.
'Huh'- Normal Thoughts.
'All mine...'-Nightmare Moon's thoughts

Harry walked alongside Luna as they crossed the lunar surface. "Um, Luna? You said that you had planned something for tonight here along with Nightmare?"

With a soft expression, Luna nodded as she turned toward him. "We do have plans actually between the two of us..." The alicorn then tilted her head some and watched the stars high above the surface of the moon as they shone. "Harry, do you remember how Nightmare and myself stated that you are our Anam Chara? Our 'Soul friend'?"

Slowly, Harry nodded not quite sure where this conversation was heading, but more then willing to trust Luna and Nightmare. "Um, yeah? Just like how I said that you two are my Anam Chara... why?"

For several moments, Luna was silent before she turned her head back to him. "During the year while we were at Hogwarts, Nightmare decided to look up rituals. She found one similar to one that was sometimes used in Equestria during our time."

That caught Harry's attention big time. "Wait, rituals? Aren't most of those forbidden? I know that the familiar one isn't, but..."

A chuckle escaped from Luna as she laid a wing across his back, both of them enjoying the common gesture. "Almost all rituals are not forbidden besides the truly dark ones which require the sacrifice of a thinking being, Harry. And for the most part, rituals are not used simply because large, complicated and unwieldy rituals have been replaced by much simpler spells and potions. For example, once to levitate something akin to a large boulder would take three or four magic users chanting in a circle. Now, a normal wizard or witch can do it with a minimum of effort with the levitation spell. There's simply no need for most of them."

Thinking it over, Harry nodded. "Okay... I'm assuming that we're doing a ritual then?"

Luna smiled, once more thoughtful. "It's one that surprisingly enough has versions that are used in the non-magical world by those without magic and also has a version used in Equestria." She stared deep into his eyes as she walked alongside him. "It's often used to create a bond of sorts between two beings though sometimes more. It used to be used mainly between warriors who have been bloodied together to show themselves as equal to each other."

His eyes widening, Harry stopped and stared at Luna. "I... really?"

While she nodded, her smile widened some as they came to a crater's rim. "Really, and Nightmare and myself have decided to go through it with you." Suddenly, she stopped. "And we're here, Harry."

At the bottom of the crater, Nightmare opened her eyes and looked toward the rim with amusement on her face. "About time that you have arrived with him, Luna. I was getting a bit worried about the time."

With a scoff, Luna leapt over the crater's rim and drifted down with Harry's spirit form held in her magic. "We have plenty of time, Nightmare."

However there was a frown on Nightmare's muzzle as she looked upwards. "Not that much time, Luna. The witchery hour is nearly upon us and we need to be ready." The dark alicorn then turned toward a confused Harry. "Has she told you what we're going to do, Harry?" At his shaking head, she gave a frown toward Luna. "Of course... have you ever heard of blood brothers or blood sisters, Harry?"

Now that, Harry did know. "You mean where two people cut their fingers and press them together to share blood?" A moment later it clicked in his head. "Wait, that is actually a real ritual? I thought that you were kidding when you mentioned it at the end of the year along with how you wanted to perform it with me..."

The lighter of the two alicorns nodded. "We were not joking about any of it, Harry. It is actually a real ritual, though the wizarding version is a bit more complicated then what mundanes believe it to be." Seeing his interest, Luna continued. "For one thing, the people involved must cut themselves with a dagger made of a magical conductive substance such as silver within a simple circle carved into the ground. Then they press their wounds together to let the blood mix while making a simple vow to be eternal friends with the other."

Nightmare then took over. "While there is no real time given for the ritual, it is most effective when done during the hour halfway through the night when the old day has finished and the new is just beginning. Doing so symbolizes the beginning of a 'New day' as close friends."

Curious, Harry sat down on a rock and noticed a knife that glinted silver nearby. "Just a few questions... how can we even do this? I'm just a spirit right now after all."

Sitting down next to him, Luna shook her head as she answered his question. "If both Nightmare and myself channel our magic through you, it will make you much more solid and..." She shifted some where she sat. "Remember how last February, you were channeling magic through me while in your room and I flinched a bit?"

His eyes narrowed, Harry gave a nod. "Yes... what did you do?"

With a guilty look, Nightmare walked up and sat down. "We had need to test a theory at the time, so when you did so, I poked Luna with a sewing needle that I had gotten from the trunk. There was blood on it from her though within a minute it dissipated. So we know that this will work if we channel magic into you. And with you channeling magic into us." Already having guessed what his next question was, Nightmare shook her head. "We will get around the issue of you possessing us by making sure that we both channel magic into you as you channel magic into us and we do so with each other. By doing so, it will stabilize the flow and prevent that particular issue."

That answered, Harry looked toward the knife. "Okay... And the knife? Where did that come from?"

Leaning against him, Luna shook her head. "We forged it here on the moon." At his surprised look, her smile became a smirk. "There are some areas here on the moon where one can find silver. I have been so bored up here at times that I have located some deposits and we used some from them to forge a metal known as moonsilver and then make it into the blade. The hilt is meteoric iron and nickel as well forged into star metal. All told, it is just the blade that we needed."

Now that he felt much more at ease, Harry glanced between the two of them. "So... what exactly will this do?"

Both Nightmare and Luna shared a look before Nightmare turned to him. "Quite honestly, not much. If the ritual is successful, then it acts to give a bond between two people or beings. Not much of one, mind you. All it really does is give them a sense of understanding between them and an empathic bond. Though all that really translates into is a gut feeling as to what the other might be feeling or, if they're in danger, you'll be able to know that they are no matter how far away they are. You can even get an idea where they are in the stronger bonds."

The smaller alicorn nodded. "That was what attracted us to this, Harry. While the understanding bit is useful, the two of us will always know if you are in danger even if for some reason we were separated. In which case, we'll have a rough idea as to where you might be and head there right at that moment."

For almost a minute, Harry was silent as he thought about it. Then he spoke in a voice just barely above a whisper. "Y-you really do want to do this...?"

With identical smiles, both Luna and Nightmare walked up and nuzzled him softly as Luna spoke for the both of them. "Of course we do, Harry. And before you ask, it should not harm our bond with each other that is already there."

Once more there was silence before Harry looked at them both with a smile and nodded. "Okay then, let's do this."

It was only the work of moments for them to make a circle around them in the lunar dust as they described to him the vow that would need to be started off with. Then Luna lifted the knife over and held it. "Harry, if you're certain about this, then you need to know how this works." Confused, Harry nodded. "As neither myself nor Nightmare have fingers with which to cut, or palms for much the same thing, all three of us will need to make a cut on our lower forelimbs and then grasp them together in the old greeting."

All Harry did was shake his head. "I don't mind that."

He watched as Luna and Nim stretched out their wing tips to him and began to channel magic into him, which made him much more solid than normal. At the same time, he channeled magic back into them and could see that they were doing the same thing between them. With a soft sigh, Nim took the knife from Luna. "I came up with the idea, and so I shall go first."

Tossing her forelimb armor to the side, Nim made a slice along the bottom of the lower portion of her forelegs before she passed it to Luna who did much the same thing with barely a flinch herself. Harry then took it and with a grimace, made the cuts before he held out his forearms cuts facing upward before Nightmare and Luna reached out and grasped them with theirs. There was a slight heat where their cuts touched before the two alicorns then, much to his surprise, did the same with each other. After a moment, they began.

"We stand here in this circle of eternity upon the dying of one day and the beginning of a new day. To be united in friendship of the deepest form, bound in our blood together forever more. Three made one and one made three, the bonds of friendship never fade. Cast in iron and forged in blood, these bonds now shall be made unbreakable."

Both Harry and Luna turned to Nightmare who stared into Harry's eyes. "I, Nightmare Moon, hereby declare my undying friendship of the deepest and truest form to my Anam Chara, Harry James Potter. No matter the distance between or the time that may separate us, our friendship shall never fade forever more. This I swear. Do you, Harry James Potter, accept my undying bond of friendship now bound by the blood that flows twixt us and within us?"

Harry nodded and smiled as he felt a tingle. "I, Harry James Potter, accept Nightmare Moon's vow of the deepest and truest friendship, bound in blood that now flows twixt us and within us. I, Harry James Potter hereby declare my undying friendship of the deepest and truest form to my Anam Chara, Nightmare Moon. No matter the distance between or the time that may separate us, our friendship shall never fade forever more. This I swear. Do you, Nightmare Moon, accept my undying bond of friendship now bound by the blood that flows twixt us and within us?"

There was a smile on Nightmare's face as she nodded. "I do, now and forever more, so mote it be."

With a similar smile, Harry nodded. "So mote it be..." He then turned toward Luna. "I, Harry James Potter, hereby declare my undying friendship of the deepest and truest form to my Anam Chara, Luna Eveningstar. No matter the distance between or the time that may separate us, our friendship shall never fade forever more. This I swear. Do you, Luna Eveningstar, accept my undying bond of friendship now bound by the blood that flows twixt us and within us?"

Her eyes glistening, Luna took a breath as she felt the cuts between her and Harry tingle. "I, Luna Eveningstar, accept Harry James Potter's vow of the deepest and truest friendship, bound in blood that now flows twixt us and within us. I, Luna Eveningstar hereby declare my undying friendship of the deepest and truest form to my Anam Chara, Harry James Potter. No matter the distance between or the time that may separate us, our friendship shall never fade forever more. This I swear. Do you, Harry James Potter, accept my undying bond of friendship now bound by the blood that flows twixt us and within us?"

As his own eyes glistened, Harry nodded. "I do, now and forever more, so mote it be."

The Princess of the Night's smile widened. "So mote it be."

By this point, Harry was wondering if it was time to head to the next portion, only for his eyes to widen as Luna turned toward a surprised Nightmare. "I, Luna Eveningstar, hereby declare my undying friendship of the deepest and truest form to my blood sister, Nightmare Moon. No matter the distance between or the time that may separate us, our friendship shall never fade forever more. This I swear. Do you, Nightmare Moon, accept my undying bond of friendship now bound by the blood that flows twixt us and within us?"

For a few moments, Nightmare was speechless before she drew herself up some with emotions burning in her eyes as she blinked back tears. "I, Nightmare Moon, accept Luna Eveningstar's vow of the deepest and truest friendship, bound in blood that now flows twixt us and within us. I, Nightmare Moon hereby declare my undying friendship of the deepest and truest form to my Blood sister, Luna Eveningstar. No matter the distance between or the time that may separate us, our friendship shall never fade forever more. This I swear. Do you, Luna Eveningstar, accept my undying bond of friendship now bound by the blood that flows twixt us and within us?"

Luna let a tear slip out of her eye. "I do, now and forever more, so mote it be."

With a nod, Nightmare bowed her head. "So mote it be."

Then the three closed their eyes as a soft heat grew around their cuts and they leaned forward so that their foreheads touched. "Here we now stand here in this circle of eternity upon the dying of one day and the beginning of a new day. Finally united in friendship of the deepest form, now bound in our blood together forever more. Three made one and one made three, the bonds of our true friendship shall never fade. Now cast in iron and forged in blood, these bonds have now and forever more been made unbreakable."

None of the three noticed the glowing red bands that encompassed their forelimbs and then vanished in a flash of light as the glow faded from the circle as what seemed like a breeze flowed outward. They did however feel the heat around their cuts fade and being somewhat more drained. Finally, Harry cracked open one eye and looked around. "Um... is that it?"

Also cracking open one eye, Nightmare looked around. "I... think so?"

One of her own eyes open, Luna glanced around. "I do believe that was everything..."

Now with both eyes open, Harry looked into the eyes of his friends. "So... how do we know if it worked or not? Do we have to do any tests or such?"

However, the smaller of the two alicorns shook her head. "No, from the information we gathered if it worked, then the cuts on our forelimbs will be healed except for a small scar." Once more, they share a look and slowly unclasped their limbs and pulled away. Sure enough, all there was on Harry's arms at least was a thin, silver scar. "Well... seems that it was truly a success."

After he examined his arms, Harry looked around. "I was expecting, I don't know... something a bit more flashy?"

There was a shared look of amusement on both Nightmare's and Luna's faces as they shook their heads as the larger mare chuckled. "Not all magic is flashy and showy, Harry. Some are far more subtle..."

Harry just shrugged. "I know, still... I expected a bit more from this..."

Unknown to them, while they did not notice anything, others did...

Her horn jolted which caused Celestia to startle awake. For a few moments, the Sun Princess laid there in her bed as she tried to piece together what had just happened. Then her eyes widened as it all clicked and she rushed toward her balcony. "Luna!" However, her legs became entangled in the sheets and she smacked into the floor. It was only the work of a moment, but she got herself untangled and ran outside and stared at the moon. "What was that..."

A voice next to her nearly caused her to jump. "Your guess is as good as ours... we were in fact wondering if you could tell us."

One hoof against her barrel to calm her heart, Celestia turned a glare upon the ghostly draconic mare next to her. "I wish that you would not do that, Typhoon..." She then let out a breath. "As to your question... I do not know what it was... But it felt like the seal... shifted for a moment."

Typhoon took in Celestia's furrowed eyebrows before she also frowned. "That is because it did shift in some way, though not in a way to allow Our Lady and the Dark One to escape... Nor did it weaken it anymore then it has already..." For a moment, the old General considered not saying anything else, but then she shook her head. "Whatever it was, it somehow also affected the Elements..."

Now Celestia's mouth and throat went dry before she closed her eyes and examined the shredded and barely there link with the Elements of Harmony. What she found caused her to turn toward her former castle in the Everfree. "... You're right. For the briefest of moments, they activated. But... why and how? And what did it do?"

However, all the ghostly half-dragon did was shake her head. "Now that, I don't know... I can tell you though that while the... event involved Our Lady and Nightmare Moon, there was a third participant going by the magic."

That caused all thought to shutdown in Celestia's mind. "A third participant? You mean the Elements?"

With a frown, Typhoon shook her head. "No... it was some other being. We have sensed it from time to time, but it has been so weak that the signature was hard to find and until now we have never managed to get a clear reading. But that reading was only for a moment."

Intrigued, Celestia closed her eyes before she gently probed the connection she had with the moon. The moment after her consciousness and magic touched the magical field of the moon, she furrowed her eyebrows as she took in the rapidly dissipating magic. Many others who would have attempted such a feat would have failed, but due to her multi-millennia of experience, Celestia was able to pick out each of the three signatures and examine them. The first two were rather easy as she had spent the past thousand years keeping an eye on them and working to tell them apart despite their subtle differences. 'Hmm... Whatever happened involved Luna and the Nightmare... but how and why...'

When she began to examine the third magical signature, her frown became more pronounced. The signature was far weaker then the other two, though she could tell there were extremely faint traces across the moon which lit up briefly due to whatever had occurred. It took every single trick that she knew of, but she was able to disentangle it from the rest. 'Odd... something about this seems rather familiar... It's not a pony despite there being pony magic mixed in... Minotaur? No, no, too different. Somewhat chaotic in nature, so what am I reminded of...' Then, it came to her in a flash and her eyes flew open. 'It's almost... human!? But that's not right, it can't be! It's just not possible for there to be human magic there, especially as the last time that a human set foot in Equestria was just before...' For a moment, a barely healed scar on her heart tore open again and she was nearly overwhelmed by the emotional pain.

Before she could lock it away, the image unbidden of a ruined cottage with a pile of smouldering rubble where a crib once stood flashed across her mind. Almost taunting her with knowledge of her failure to keep a promise. Then, as swiftly as it came, the pain became a white hot anger. 'With the pony magic, this must be some sort of foul trick! Could she have somehow gotten the signature from... her? When she slept here? Or is there leakage... UGH! I hate this!' Promising herself to look more into the possibilities once she could think straight, Celestia turned her head back toward the moon as she held back a growl, almost imagining that Nightmare was mocking her and her pain as well as grief. Smoke began to drift from her mane as her gaze became a glare. 'I swear that I shall see you ended, Nightmare. Not just for what you have cost my sister and myself, but also for your attempt to tarnish their memories...'

A voice then started her out of her thoughts. "Your highness? Are you... okay?" Having noticed the expression of fury on Celestia's face, Typhoon frowned. "Your highness?"

The expression transformed into her usual mask she used to hide anger. "I am okay, Typhoon, there is no need to worry."

Her lips pulled down into a frown, the half-dragon only raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure, your highness? It seemed as if you recognized the signature..."

Celestia just let a breath escape her, though she glared up toward the moon. "No, I don't recognize the signature, most likely one of the Nightmare's tricks..."

Unsure, yet she was not willing to argue the point so Typhoon merely nodded before she returned to the other Stars...

Three cracks echoed down the lonely lane of Privet Drive before the lights along the street all went out. If there had been anyone out that night, they would have seen three people rushing down the street. But due to the thunderstorms earlier that evening, everyone was inside. For a moment, McGonagall looked around in slight nervousness. "Albus, has something happened to Mr. Potter?"

Scowling, Snape nodded from where he was attempting to keep up with the much older man. "Yes, Headmaster, has something happened to the Golden Boy?"

All the Headmaster did was frown. "I do not know, the device that I have used to monitor the protections around his relatives' house have began to react to something rather unusual." It was then that he heard a gasp as they got within sight of #4 and turned to see Snape clutch his arm in pain right where he knew the Dark Mark lay. "Severus?"

Pale-faced, the potion's professor moved back some. "It's the Dark Mark, Headmaster, it's reacting badly to something and..." He gasped for a moment. "I... I cannot stay here..."

While he watched Snape move back, Albus frowned for a moment. "Minerva, if you could check in on young Mister Potter using your animagus form. I do believe that you would be unharmed by this and I need to know how he is..."

Even though she was unsure, McGonagall nodded. "Of course."

A second later there was a tabby cat where she had stood which took off toward the house. Dumbledore, meanwhile, began to wave his wand in complicated patterns in front of him. "Curiouser and curiouser..."

It was several minutes later when McGonagall returned with a frown on her face as she took in the expression of interest and confusion on Dumbledore's face. "Albus?"

Jolted from his thoughts, the old wizard smiled. "Minerva, and how is Mister Potter?"

Raising an eyebrow, the cat animagus frowned. "He seems to be perfectly fine... despite his surroundings. I observed him sleeping in his room and returned as soon as I knew he was fine..." She then looked around in confusion. "What has happened here, Albus?"

For several moments, the Headmaster stood there silent and in contemplation before he gestured for her to follow him. They soon arrived where Snape was waiting for them and he took a breath. "It seems that something has happened to strengthen the protections around the Dursleys beyond what I had ever hoped for. What that something may be I do not currently know... But I believe that we can all breath a sigh of relief that Mister Potter is now far better protected then he had been before."

McGonagall shared a look with Snape as Dumbledore began to walk along an invisible line as he waved his wand, the two following him. "That is much better than what we had feared..."

There was a twinkle of curiosity in the old Headmaster's eyes as he encountered something new and strange. "Indeed... I do wonder what could have caused it though..." What he did not mention though was some of what he had found until he knew what he was dealing with. 'I wonder who the two other signatures were...? I could identify Harry's as well as what I believe to be Nightmare's, but the other... It seems so similar to the shade of Lily that has been following him around... hmm...'

Harry was jogging toward his evening Taekwondo class when he heard footsteps behind him. Before he could react, someone ruffled his hair before they stumbled into him. "Wotcher, Harry!"

For his part, much to Luna's amusement, Harry also stumbled forward before he managed to catch both himself and the woman next to him. A fond smile on his face, Harry rolled his eyes. "Hey there, Tonks."

The pink haired young woman grinned at him. "Been a bit!" She then frowned a bit as she rubbed the bottom of her chin. "You haven't answered any letters that we've sent you or sent us anything at all... we were getting worried."

Having blushed at the worry in her voice, Harry coughed into one hand. "Um, sorry about that.... but can I ask why none of you ever checked in on me?"

With a frown, Tonks opened her mouth to say something when she blinked and thought it over. "Actually... why didn't we ever come and check in on you... something isn't right here..."

Slowly, Harry nodded as he continued to jog next to her. "Well, I actually know why..." Knowing that he had caught her attention, he took a deep breath and explained things. "... And that was pretty much what happened."

Silence descended on them as Tonks digested what she had just been told as various things began to fit into place. "And all you know is that the house elf's name is 'Dobby'?" At his hesitant nod, she groaned and ran a hand through her shockingly pink hair. "Lovely, you just have all the luck, don't you Potter? I hope that you're going to tell someone about this soon. Even if the elf is nuttier then peanut butter, I wouldn't outright dismiss something like this."

All Harry did was shake his head. "I'm not, but I'm not doing anything until we get back at Hogwarts because I won't risk Hedwig just in case."

Tonks chuckled a bit and grinned over at him. "Don't worry about that, I can let someone know, maybe the Headmaster. Just check when you get back at Hogwarts to see if they got the message..." Her smile faded somewhat though as she realized that she would not be there that year before shaking it off. "Anyways, leaving that be for now, where are you running to?"

As he smiled at the subject change, Harry thought it over a bit before Luna leaned toward him. "Go ahead and tell her, Harry. Wouldn't hurt any."

For a moment, Tonks could have sworn that she saw his ear wiggle a bit before his untidy mop of hair covered it. Then he distracted her from the thoughts in her head as he shrugged. "Heading to one of my martial art lessons, pretty much."

Now that caused Tonks' eyebrows to raise in surprise. "Martial arts? You mean that muggle fighting stuff? Why would you need that?"

While he frowned, Harry slowed down and gave her a look. "At the end of the year when I faced Quirrel and Voldemort..." He licked his dry lips some as he was still not quite at peace for having taken a life. "He got my wand away from me and tried to choke me. So, being able to fight like a mundane would have been a pretty good help then..."

To his surprise, Tonks stopped in front of him and pulled the young wizard into a hug. "I'm sorry..." She then kissed him on the head before she pulled away some. "And you're right I guess, it would be useful in a situation like that. So..." Having seen his confusion, she smiled some. "Is your classes able to take anyone else on?"

Once more surprised, both Luna and Harry stared at her for a moment before he shook his head. "You want to join? It's not easy you know..."

As she chuckled, Tonks shrugged. "Well, there's only so much clubbing that a girl can do before she becomes bored. And it might help me when I go to become an Auror Cadet... besides, you do it, so how hard could it be?"

Harry stared at her for a moment before he began to darkly chuckle in a way that sent a shiver down Tonks' spine. "Go on and think that, Tonks... and I know who will be my sparring partner tonight if I get the chance..."

Several moments passed as Tonks stared at him before he began to jog again. "Harry? What was with that chuckle?" All she got was another dark chuckle before she began to run after him. "What was with that chuckle, Harry? Harry!?"