• Member Since 25th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


"I, dig a pony, well you can celebrate anything you want, yeah, you can celebrate anything you want..."

Comments ( 78 )

I like where you are going wtih this. It was well written and in my sleep addled mind I did not see any issues with the writing. (Not sure if that is a good thing... hopefully!) :pinkiehappy:

Although if you ever find time to write more that would be awesome! Now back to my writing cave! MUAHAHAHAHHA! :pinkiecrazy:

yea, ms princess know-it-all covered everything except, ya know, the whole sexuality thing! not so smart, are you!

Adorkable and erotic, always a fun combination! I look forward to seeing where this goes!


Thanks! You both forced me to write another chapter!! I have work to do you know! Both of your comments completely steered the story in a different direction. A far better one - thanks! Hope I haven't disappointed.

Don't expect another chapter for awhile. I really need to finish my the PMV from Something so I can link it in the next chapter and get it published. Unless you two make more comments and condemn me to write another chapter in this story that has suddenly taken over my LIFE!!
CONFOUND THESE PONY'S !! (I love them so...) :raritydespair:

She is so screwed!! Though I don't think she'll mind that...:twilightblush:


5782221 No problem on delays. Life can be hectic, and sometimes you really can't ignore it, even if it's to write about awkward pony lovin'. I have the same problem with my latest story. Probably gonna be at least a month before I can add a chapter to that thing. Go at whatever pace you can manage :twilightsmile:

5782298 we stand corrected....NOW she is screwed

Your clevernesses are making it very difficult for me to get back to Not So Quiet on the Set and Book 4 Carry That Weight (in pre-production)
I think this kind of says it...

Well this is going to make the episode "look before you sleep" interesting.
Good update as always. looking forward to more!

What's difficulter than waiting is knowing but not hinting. It's that way in all my tales. I so want to give hints of where we're going but I must bite my tongue.
I will say this - I've gotten better at spelling the word tongue. :twilightoops:

Only one thing to complain about: were are the last chapters!!!???
(shakes fist in the air, attempting to look threatening, but fails)


5874805 Fear not eL! For there are many chapters to come. In fact you have spurred me on get the next chapter finished and on line...
And... I know the whole story. I don't start stories and let them just go on until I figure out what to do, so I'm not stalled for lack of material. Sunny day tomorrow, but I will put some time in.

And thank you! Always love to hear the complaint that you want MORE... :twilightsmile:

yesssss, this is turning out to be very interesting. can't wait for all of twi's friends to admit their feelings in front of one another, and then start the group sex.

Yes, Twilight, go to Fluttershy's house. You've only inadvertently made Rarity, Pinkie, and Rainbow believe you want to have sex with them (at least), and you've discovered you're at least sexually attracted to Rarity, Rainbow and AJ. Why not go ahead and complete the set? No friend left behind on Twilight's sex train. How far will it take her? Either to the most erotic and sexually pleasurable night of Twilight's life...or all the way to the scene of the crash.

Plot twist - they all get to AJ's and everyone wants a piece of Twilight except for the one pony Twilight wants the most: Applejack

Huh. Shades of Are you there Celestia? It's me, Twilight. With porn.

Man this needs an update!
At least I'm hoping for one sooner or latter

The cover art for this story is broken. Please fix it. What was it a picture of, anyway?

6767708 I just read it for the first time since I wrote it.

You are right - I need to work on this one too

I think this actually sounds like them. Too much telling and not enough showing.

This will get an update by Mid March if not sooner. Working on the big story again...

Two years ago I read the last chapter you published:ajsleepy:... and then you went silent:pinkiesad2:, I was sad because I thought I would never know the end of this journey:raritycry:... but this morning when I saw the update before leaving to work, I genuinely smiled:pinkiehappy:... I can easily say that the wait was worth it:yay:... please, don't take another two years to finish this:twilightsmile:.

I promise I won't. I've already started the next chapter. Did you see "A Perfect Pair" yet? It's one of the best, if not the best episodes of the series (in my opinion)
Sorry for not keeping up - but feel free at ANY time to shoot me an email at idigapony@optonline.net to give me a kick in the butt! It's really encouraging to know that someone out there cares if I add to my work or not.
It's funny, I was just reading that chapter with Dash and Twilight before going into the woods. When you're away from something like that you forget you wrote it. I love their conversation but kind of from an outsider's point of view. I hope I can keep up that level of writing. When you get Dash's voice, she is so much fun to write for. Actually I have been working on Not So Quiet on the Set and Don't Pass Me By. I'm having a real struggle with Harmony waking up and the subsequent "dance" with Rainbow. I've been busting my butt trying to make it sound like the real Dashie and her approach to sex. You think you have it then you leave it and come back to it and think "WTF was I thinking?!!" Also moving ahead with the BIG one - Carry that Weight. Back at the Castle with AJ, Celestia and Luna. 1/2 through with that chapter. Much on many fronts...
But keep bugging me!!
It's really encouraging. :twilightsmile:

Oh - about this chapter and the mare and her cheerleader friend - that is an homage to Killryde and his brief comic Bridle Girls. A NSFW piece for sure, but really well done. A brilliant artist.

8249693 Good to read that you're re-taking your writing:yay:, I'll be expecting the nex chapter with eagerness:pinkiecrazy:, as for the question if I have seen the chapter you mention, the thruth is that I stopped seeing the show after Equestrian Games, the show kind of lost its magic for me on that point and haven't seen a chapter since that:ajsleepy:, I have read some good comments of the latest seasons, but I'm not that interested in the show anymore to try and jump back, don't get me wrong, now and then I see one or two chapters of the first and second season, but that's not enough to hook me again:unsuresweetie:, I blame life and kind of maturing for that, but... do you think I should give it a second chance:rainbowderp:?

I stay in this site because, same as you, some people are awaiting updates of my stories I have posted, and I know that just as I did with you, they'll be really happy when they see the notification of a new chapter. (And of course because here I can let my imagination fly away, the joys of being a fanfiction writer... of course... while it last.:raritywink:)

I guess part of it is what you get out of it. J D Salinger (Catcher In The Rye) wrote for years after he stopped publishing. He wrote for himself. It seemed to me like kind of a weird idea at first, but now I can understand. When I write, as when I read, I escape to wherever the author or story takes me. As I've said, when I write Pony I am with them, letting them speak. I could never come up with all this, I just tell their stories as they somehow tell me.

I have to believe in the Ponies to write about them, and I do. What does that mean? I don't know, I guess I feel like I'm channeling them. Very weird, I know, but it makes me happy in a world that lacks happiness - they give me refuge. As I fall asleep at night I think about what will be happening next in a chapter and I fall asleep.

Season 7? "A Perfect Pair" really blew me away. When you spend as much time getting into the heads of the ponies as most of the writers do I suspect, then you can't watch that episode and not be moved. Every time I see it there are tears in my eyes throughout the episode. That may be somewhat unique to me as a parent and someone who is more than grateful to continue living.

I have the next chapter finished except for editing it on this site (I work in Google Docs) The chapter after that is 75% done and the one after that is 45% done. Expect the 3 to roll out, soon.

Finally, with respect to maturing I would defer to the brilliant novelist C. S. Lewis:

“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence, they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”


I have to believe in the Ponies to write about them, and I do. What does that mean? I don't know, I guess I feel like I'm channeling them.

And that is how you made my day, those words were enough to make me understand why I write, why I feel joy for every notification I got on my stories, but overall, why I started to write about cute multicolor ponies and the adventures they live in my imagination.

Thanks for that :twilightsmile:.

Looks like I'm losing favor with my readers. I wonder why?

Any opinion on Helter Skelter?

Mistress Fluttershy,
Humina humina.

Goodness, AJ, don't be so blunt and forthcoming. A lady likes a little bit of mystery.

This is building up to either being the sexiest ending or the greatest train wreck. And either way I look forward to it all

I'm still leaning towards the train wreck.

This chapter for some reason made think about this song:moustache::

I don't know what to expect next... but this can just end very well:yay:... or in a very awkward and very wrong way:fluttercry:... I hope it's the first, I wouldn't like to see Twilight being hurt.:raritycry:






Thank you all. I was beginning to wonder if anyone was still interested. I saw my thumbs up go from 49 to 48 to 47. I figured it might be time to hang it up.
I've written a LOT more of this and expect to have the next chapter up by Monday. :trixieshiftright:

Don't let those missing votes deter your writing, there is still a lot of readers that will be with you till the end of this ride :twilightsmile:

You’re absolutely right. :rainbowderp::pinkiegasp::fluttershbad::applejackunsure::raritywink::twilightoops:

Cliffhangers... gotta love them, right? :rainbowderp: when the morning arrives, Applejack better have Twi in tight hug. :twilightsmile:


Fear not. I will NEVER leave a cliff hanger for very long. I’m fine polishing the next chapter and hope to have it online mid-week. :ajsmug:

What they don't know, is that Rarity is outside sharpening an ax.

:rainbowlaugh: Combined with your avatar, your comment is perfect.

Like Ozzy Osbourne said in that not so known game: "it's about damn time!" :twilightsheepish:

This was better than what I requested in the previous chapter, now, lets see how the others react. :twilightsmile:


Thanks!! It was a sweet chapter to write. :twilightsmile:

now, lets see how the others react.

“Oh, slowly, slowly! It’s too nice a job to rush...”

Rocky Horror Picture Show

Well then, this was rather beautiful to read, but makes me wonder just how everyone else is going to take it all.


How will everyone else take it - you both are wondering and probably other readers as well. There are two ponies, who in the back of their minds, are wondering the same thing.
They have tonight and they are alone and Twilight is persistent, persuasive, and very...:twilightblush:

So here is the genesis of the tale...
A couple of years ago I caught “Big Jim” Miller in the hallway of the Baltimare convention center. I was a AppleDash fan. A friend was a Twijack fan and insisted that there were all these very very subtle hints in the show that supported his ship. We’d had some “spirited” disagreements on the subject.

I told Jim that this Brony friend of mine had compiled this list which he insisted weren't just coincidences but were deliberate. Jim said no, that except for the ponies that are married, there are no other romantic relationships on the show. As I was about to declare victory he grinned, looked at me and said, “But I’m glad to hear your friend has been paying such close attention.” Then he winked. Before I could think of another question the guys he was with reminded him he had to get to another panel. My friend was ecstatic when I told him - I’m just glad he wasn’t there. It took me awhile to come around to the idea. Now I’ve seen the light and I love it.
That’s why I had Applejack wink at Twilight.
And that’s where this all started. Where will it end? I don’t know - they’re working on Season 8 now. As this goes forward it may well incorporate some of those subtle hints...

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