• Member Since 17th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Sunday


I'm 40% jokes, 30% serious, and 20% romance. The Last 10%? You tell me. Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/overlord_flinx



This story is a sequel to Celestia Makes Dinner.

One average afternoon, one average princess, one average town, and one average grocery list... Perhaps it would be best not to explore it.

An ordinary one-shot about innocent Cadance doing perhaps one of the most mundane things... Once more, perhaps it would be best not to explore it.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

Actually, if a store charges by weight, you can break off a single banana from a bunch. Same if a store charges by the banana.

Why in the world would bananas be charged by the bunch? Bunches are of different sizes, after all.

Still funny, though. Funnier still because I agree with Cadence here.

WHY do you keep on writing those?!?They are just too perfect!:rainbowlaugh:

Nice. . One just one.
She's a little high strung ain't she:applejackconfused:
Honey I just want a beer and a samich, The hoof ball games started,,,
That's why he's called shinning (Two black eyes and a skinned shinbone. latter):facehoof:

She never even got to the kitchen before losing her marbles... Oh this is marvelous.

Celestia in a banana suit was bad enough. If Cadence was in a banana suit... OH FAUST NO!!!

Remember, bronies: ALWAYS give Cadance a banana or she'll kill you.

There's a minor thing you may want to edit.

You just buy the bunch and taken them all.

That should be "take".

I demand a sequal entitled 'Luna makes breakfast'!

All of the chaos created just for a single banana. Oh my. :rainbowderp:

Cadence holding a clerk hostage, shouting about only wanting one banana, not the whole bunch. It is an image that will never leave me. I mean, why would I want it to? :pinkiehappy:

Please keep writing, I'll keep reading!

OH MY GOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODD!!! XD *grabs 200 boxes of tissues* Wow this is good!

...You know what, I take back what said about Tia and making food, If any villian wants to stir up trouble, just get any of the princesses to either get food or cook it and chaos is ensured. and the best part is Discord doesn't even have to be their to cause.:pinkiehappy:

And finally to complete the cycle, I hope you'll do one for Twilight. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner have been covered, so... midnight snack or brunch?

"I should have sent the letter to Twilight too..."

DO IT !!!

5909347 That was the first story he did.

I wonder what she would have done with all the other things she wanted... I'm picturing some sort of confusing glop burnt to a crisp, something in between meatloaf and fruitcake. Frankly, though, I think it's great as it is-- I like the new idea, going into Cadence's difficulty buying food instead of how she messed up what she bought. Make one about Twilight!!!

Take the banana. Chuck bits at cashier's face. Run away, cackling maniacally.

What? It's a valid solution.

I'm starting to think that Chryssie's mistake when impersonating Cadance was playing her as a sane person.


Can you do a sequel about Twilight? :pinkiehappy: Maybe something about her making a midnight snack?

Is this a European thing? Aren’t bananas sold by weight...?

This was so much better than just blowing up the castle :rainbowlaugh:

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