• Published 22nd Feb 2015
  • 55,612 Views, 2,774 Comments

Magical Mystery Oops - BookeCypher

Twilight manages to turn herself into a draconequus - now the only one who can help her learn to control her new chaos magic and change back is Discord. What could possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Wherever I Would Be (Epilogue)

Twilight grumbled in annoyance as the sunlight streamed through the window, finally finding just the right angle to burn through her eyelids and pull her out of her much needed slumber. Celestia knew she was prone to long late-night research binges. The least she could do was aim the sun elsewhere. Given how often she’d saved the world, Twilight figured she’d earned that.

Grumblings about solar mechanics was interrupted as a second and third thought entered her mind – one, why was she cold and two, what the blazes is that sound?

With a groan of annoyance, Twilight forced her eyes open, one hoof coming up to shield herself from the sun as the other levered her over to see what the sound was.

Discord was sprawled out across half her bed, somehow managing to both get himself wrapped up in all of her blankets and sprawl his limbs across the bed. And he was snoring like a pair of kazoo’s were shoved up his nostrils… which, all things considered, was a distinct possibility. “Why am I not surprised,” she grumbled as she flipped him over and freed some of her blankets.

Discord gave a snort as he grabbed blindly at the blankets, “I was using that,” he mumbled, still half asleep while stealing the blankets again.

“I thought you were moving back in with Fluttershy,” Twilight said, giving him a prod before giving up on the blankets and simply grabbing his wing and pulling it over herself, “What gives?”

“The bear took my hammock,” Discord said by way of response.

“Sure,” Twilight mumbled back as she snuggled back into her pillow, ready for another few hours of sweet, sweet-

“Rise and Shine, Twilight!” The voice of her young draconian assistant echoed through the room as he slammed the door open.

Twilight resisted the urge to groan again as she slowly pushed Discord’s wing off of her and sat up, “Spike, do you know what time it is?”

The purple dragon stepped back out into the hall, glancing down the hall before stepping back in, “Uh, ten twenty-two?”

Twilight blinked owlishly at that before flopping back with a groan, “Horseapples,” Reluctantly Twilight pulled herself out of the bed and onto her hooves, “alright – damage?”

“Already reworked your schedule,” Spike handed her a scroll as she walked past, Twilight grabbing it with her telekinesis as she stepped into the bathroom and began her morning ablutions, “You’re meeting with the Yakistani delegation can’t move, so...”

“Cut my research time this morning short, right,” Twilight finished for him as she ran a brush through her mane, “We’re still good for the trip to Zecora’s then?”

“Barely,” Spike replied, “Have to take breakfast to go though...”

“Not a problem,” Twilight replied as she stepped out of the bathroom, already heading for the stairs, “Ready to go?”

“Always ready!” Spike replied , snapping of a sharp salute before pausing and staring back at her bed, “What about Discord?”

“Eh, leave him,” she replied with a shrug, “I’m sure Flash won’t mind some help today.”

“What was that about help?” the orange Pegasus in question asked from the base of the stairs as the pair descended, “Also, the security preparations for the guests are complete.”

“Excellent! We wouldn’t want any experiments breaking out at a bad time,” Twilight said with a smile as she reached the bottom of the stairs before a thought seemed to occur to her, “Flash, Discord is asleep in my room again – try to make sure he doesn’t unsecure anything, would you kindly?”

“Can I just lock him in your room, ma’am?” he asked as he glanced past Twilight and up the stairs, “It would be safer that way.”

“Please, as if that would stop him,” Twilight said with a sigh as she turned to Flash, “As much as I would wish that would work it would just give him ideas and he’s right behind me isn’t he?”

Pegasus and dragon both blinked owlishly, “Huh,” Spike said after a long moment, “So he is. What do you know?”

Flash’s reaction was less urbane, “When did you get here!?”

“Just now,” Discord replied with a shrug before pulling a platter of toast out from behind him, “planning a trip without me, Twi?”

“I was, yes,” Twilight replied as she perused the various combinations of bread and jam, “It seemed like a shame to interrupt your much-need beauty sleep, after all.”

Discord shrugged at that, “Eh – forty seven points.”

“Out of how many?” Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow before selecting a slice of raisin swirl with some sort of hazelnut spread, “If you’re going to be around today, you can help Flash with some of our experiments,” she summoned a thick book as she headed past, telekinetically flipping it open to a page filled with columns of compact text before passing it to the Draconequus, “That resonance crystal array should be hitting peak harmonics today.”

“Ooh...” Discord eagerly snatched up the book, flipping though the pages, “Oh, if these work out like we think they should...” he chuckled, “The bunny isn’t going to know what-hey, wait!” he quickly turned back to Twilight, eyes narrowed, “You’re trying to distract me! And what if I have my own plans, hm?”

“I am and do what you want,” Twilight replied with a shrug as she reached the front door, another burst of purple magic pulling it open, “I’m confident that Flash can take care of things regardless. Now, if you’ll excuse me I have a appointment with a Zebra to keep,” she was half-way out the door before she spun around and added, “Oh, one more thing – you’re dropping in for dinner I assume?”

“Depends,” Discord shrugged as he toyed with the experimental log book, having pages disassemble and re-assemble themselves, “Why?”

“If you are, could you invite Fluttershy?” Twilight asked, “I’ve been trying to organize a spa day with her all week. Anyhow, Bye!”

With that, Twilight was out the door and off toward the Everfree forest, her faithful assistant close behind her, “So, are you sure leaving Discord at home is a good idea?,” Spike asked nervously as he walked along next to her.

“Discord is well aware of protocol,” Twilight replied as she took a bite of her toast. Hmmm – still warm, “And most of the experiments are from before last week anyway.”

“That’s what I mean though,” Spike replied, “What about your project from this week? That mini-spell array thing. How do you think he’ll react to you not telling him about that sort of thing?”

“Probably like a kicked puppy,” Twilight admitted with a sigh, “But the Kaleidostick isn’t even past the conceptual phase, and besides...”

Spike went a few more steps before realizing that Twilight had come to a stop, “Twilight? Besides what?”

“Besides,” Twilight continued, head dipped low, “If I tell him I’m trying to replicate pony-draconequus shifting and then it doesn’t work...” she trailed off briefly before finally finishing, “...I just don’t want to get his hopes up.”

“Oh, cheer up Twilight!” Spike said as she jumped onto her back, “It’s Discord! I’m sure he’d appreciate the effort,” he paused before adding with a shrug, “Or at least the explosion.”

Twilight chuckled weakly at that, but continued walking, “Thanks Spike.”

“Any time,” the dragon replied as he reclined on her back. They continued in companionable silence until they reached the Everfree Forest proper. “You know, I just thought of something.” Spike said as they stepped into the psuedo-twilight of the woods.

“And what’s that?” Twilight asked as she glanced him over one shoulder.

“That, despite everything,” Spike explained, “Opalescence never tried anything.”

Twilight blinked in confusion at that until her memory managed to dig the relevant conversation up. She couldn’t repress the bout of laughter that the memory triggered, and she didn’t bother trying to as Spike joined in.

Laughter of pony and dragon echoed through the woods, weaving its way through the trees as, far into the sea of trees, buried under dirt and rubble at the center of a dark clearing, something stirred.

Author's Note:


And it only took 1506 days! (But who's counting?)

Special thanks to Lopoddity, for spawning the idea and letting me use their artwork as the basis for a cover - this would literally not exist if not for you. To DB_Explorer, for acting as a sounding board for 4 years. To Mac349, Trippy998, Just A Fabulous Cat, Doctor Candor and skysthelimit, for serving as proof-readers when I remembered use them - their work made this story better and that I didn't take more advantage of their services is a crime.

And, finally, to readers like you - Both the ones who have been here from the start to the ones reading it just now; I've hoped you've enjoyed the ride as much as I enjoyed writing it.

(Now, If you'll excuse me - I'm going to go hide.)


Comments ( 145 )

Well, it's the end.

A fine ending to a lovely story! 'twas more than worth the wait.

Fin. Wait, was that a sequel hook?

I sense a potential sequel.

so wait, is she still a Dragonequis?

Glad to see it finished. Now then, how long until the sequel?

That was totally AMAZING!!!!! :heart: :pinkiehappy: :raritystarry: You're a great writer.

So... is she pony or is she Dragonequis, or even shifting between the pair uncontroled?


Laughter of pony and dragon echoed through the woods, weaving its way through the trees as, far into the sea of trees, buried under dirt and rubble at the center of a dark clearing, something stirred.


(but is trying to go back to one)

I have loved this from start to finish, and I look forward to reading more of your work. (Especially a sequel!)

so when is the sequel?

Will you explain what the references are?

Emtu #13 · Apr 7th, 2019 · · ·

Please make sure you post a journal tagged with this story when you post the sequel, so nobody misses it.

A lovely end to a fun and good story. Well done!

Suffers from the Half-Life 3 syndrome.

It was an okay read.

This story is finally end. Thank you for the enjoyable ride.
Though I am kind of expecting a sequel. Like, Candance try to ship Twilight and Discord despite the blatant intervention from Celestia and Shining?

“Excellent! We wouldn’t want any experiments breaking out at a bad time,”

Only ponies in Ponyville can tolerate this kind of impending disaster.

“Besides,” Twilight continued, head dipped low, “If I tell him I’m trying to replicate pony-draconequus shifting and then it doesn’t work...” she trailed off briefly before finally finishing, “...I just don’t want to get his hopes up.”

So she want to be able to shift back-and-forth between pony and dragonequus freely. I think she should consult it with the Tree of Harmony. If it is about bringing Chaos into a controlled protocal, I believe it would go for it.

I am very confused about what how and why this story is.
Regardless, it was an amazing thing to behold! thank you author!

Well done. This has been a thoroughly enjoyable read from start to finish. I will look forward to whatever you write next.

Are we going to get a sequal

As sad as it is too see this story end, I must say that it was a fantastic roller coaster ride of a read, and I loved every bit of it. However, my one and only complaint about this story, going all the way back to the start of it, was and still is;... that I can only up-vote once. XD





Well we still don't know who created the shrubbery amalgamation sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

You have got to be kidding me.
Cipher, I swear, if this doesn't wind up with a sequel, I am going to be mildly irritated. maybe even slightly pissed.

I enjoyed this ending. Though I think I need to go re-read this story from the beginning... I feel like I missed some things at the end here.

I am going to miss this story, hoping for a sequel soon.

Sad to see this end but I’m glad Twilight and Discord are together again.

Time for a reread!

Thank you for wrighting this.

Most excellent. That Twilight is working on a Staff of Sheogorath is perfect. What was done once can be done again!

I always kinda' assumed that it was Celestia if I'm being honest

but why would Celestia want to get rid of magic?

An amazing read from start to finish. Thanks for sticking with this til the end, mate.

Dude when this story started I was still in high school...Jeeze time flies.

My fkn God you can't just say it's over and end it on a cliff hanger

I dunno, It seemed a little bit like she would have done anything to sepparate Twi and Discord

she also seemed to take offense at Discord leaving again... love triangle?

The tease of a sequel both raises and lowers my spirits.

Raises, because I get more wonderful Twilight-and-Discord interactions and magi-science gobbledigook written by the very talented BookeCypher.

Lowers, because now I have to wait EVEN LONGER for him to actually complete said joy-bringing literature and I WANTED CLOSURE, DOGGONE IT!

In all seriousness, Godspeed in future writings.

Awesome story, and I've had a great time following it from its start. Look forward to reading more of your horsewords!

Laughter of pony and dragon echoed through the woods, weaving its way through the trees as, far into the sea of trees, buried under dirt and rubble at the center of a dark clearing, something stirred.


That was an amazing story.
I want more :)

(added it to my permanent reading list I keep on my phone)

That was beautiful.

There better be a sequel. This is one of my very favorite fics.

Absolutely loved this story. I realllllly hope there will be a sequel

I still remember when I first found this back at chapter 1, such a long but satisfying road this was. :twilightsmile:

Cute ending, needs a sequel badly.

And another one bites the dust. Seems like all the stories ive been tracking the last few years are finally completing. Its almost like an era of some kind is soon to come to a close.

Absolute aces my friend. Er... distant associate? Vaguely-on-terms-with-eachother? Uh... good story stranger! Every moment of this was absolutely encapsulating and another grave digression on my ‘anti-ship’ policy. People are going to have to stop writing so well or I might need to rid of it entirely! I loved many moments of this tale and honestly would never be able to replace it. I mean, Celestia was antagonized much more then I would have liked (and sadly am much too big a fan of) but eh, it was written well so good on you! May you write many more tales to display your grandioure!

And don’t hide... that implies we’ll find you


Good story

And it has end.

This story was very fun to read, though I admit that having been reading it from it's very begging there are part that I have forgot and thus some line just blown over my head.

You are lucky. A significant number of the fanfics I followed in the past years really bit the dust, as in were never finished, abandonned.

Thanks for the story.

Although I had been looking forward to hearing what you call a clutch of infant draconequui. Foalings? Squirmlings? Tadfoals?

Wait... Why was this post downvoted?

I do not agree with you, mostly because I don't know what HL3 syndrome means in this context (This actually came out, for one), but your post doesn't deserved to be review bombed like this. Have an upvote.

Been there, done that, wept at the gravesides. My "favorite" was this one fic that was transferred to a different auther, cancelled, continue fic-ed by a third author, and hasn't been updated in over two years now.

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