• Published 8th May 2012
  • 2,070 Views, 85 Comments

Harpflank and Sweets: Forced Introspection - Arcainum

The New Elements do some involuntary soul-searching.

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Fever Dreams: Trixie

Trixie looked down her nose at the darkness around her. She sniffed.

“I’m sorry, is this supposed to intimidate me?”

A shape she had only seen blurrily sketched in the rambling journals of lunatics flashed into existence.

“Oh, you’re no fun. Too much time around Nightmare Moon, I suppose.”

Trixie took in the bizarre creature’s features and rapidly came to a conclusion.

“Discord, I presume?”

Discord conjured a hat identical to Trixie’s, placed it on his head, then swept it off in a puerile imitation of her signature introduction.

“The one and only. Spirit of Chaos and your ex-boss! No, no, don’t applaud.”

He waved back an imaginary crowd, simpering crudely. Trixie rolled her eyes.

“Yes, thank you, you’ve made your point. So, has the self-proclaimed greatest threat Equestria has ever known brought me here for any particular reason? Or just to debut a frankly tiresome impression?”

Discord coughed and straightened the tie he was suddenly wearing, and crossed his legs in midair, sitting on nothing.

“Oh, just checking up on an old employee. You know how it is. You let them go, you want to know how they’re doing... Oh!” He raised a claw as if suddenly thinking of something. “ And you want to remind them of their place.”

Quicker than the eye could see, he had slithered through the air toward her, grabbed her hat, and returned to his original position. Trixie gasped and cried out in protest.

“My hat! Return my hat this instant!”

Discord turned the starred cloth over, inspecting it closely.

“But it’s not just a hat, is it?”

He threw it back towards her and she grasped it eagerly, ramming it back on her head. Discord grinned.

“It’s you.”

Trixie tossed her mane dismissively. Discord’s grin widened yet further.

“I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about.”

Discord appeared beside her, throwing an arm across her shoulders and casting the other out, as if an awesome vista lay before them and he was struggling to take it in.

“Look at them! The crowds! The reporters! The talent scouts! All of them cheering for you, the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

Trixie shook herself, dislodging Discord’s grip. She backed away and collected herself.

“There’s no one there, you fool.”

“But there is, isn’t there? In your mind.” Discord’s eyes bored into her. “Watching everything you do, listening to everything you say. They’re all there, watching you. Judging you.”

He shrugged.

“Of course, I can understand if you don’t believe me. I suppose tricking yourself into thinking otherwise is the only way you can survive. But that is your special talent, after all. Tricks.”

Trixie scoffed to hide her mounting discomfort.

“Illusions. Tricks are what studs do for money.”

Discord laughed uproariously at her words, wiping a tear from his eye as he gasped for breath.

“Oh, you are good! You’ve built yourself so high you can’t even see how low you are!” He doubled over, breathing deeply as his laughter died down. Wiping his brow, he leaned in close to the hesitant Trixie.

“What’s that phrase? ‘A worm on the throne is still a worm, just with a fancier hat?’”

He pulled the hat from her head again, and this time she didn’t resist. He ran a claw across her cheek, speaking in a tender voice that belied the venom in his words.

“And that’s all you are.”

He whispered in her ear, and she shivered in a mixture of disgust and fear as his words caressed her with an almost physical intimacy.

“A worm in a fancy hat.”