• Published 22nd Feb 2015
  • 2,864 Views, 14 Comments

Do Nothing Day - ssjgokillo

For some ponies in Ponyville it was Tuesday. For others however, it was a special day. It was Do Nothing Day. In spite of that, three fillies are going to do something! Discover how this holiday started!

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Do Nothing Day

The ponies who lived in the city of Ponyville were understandably proud of their home. It was after all the home for the Elements of Harmony, and the town where Princess Twilight had not only become an alicorn, but had also spread the magic of friendship and harmony to all of Equestria. There were many reasons for the ponies to take pride in their city, including the wonderful Sweet Apple Acres, home of the fine Sweet Apple Cider and Ponyville Applejack.

The orchard had grown and prospered since before the founding of Ponyville, and now took up most of the farmland on the outskirts of the city. Demand for the famous Apple family apples was on the rise from all corners of Equestria, and the Apple family were more than ready to meet that demand.

Which is why most ponies found it strange that there was nopony working the orchards today. On a typical day you could see many of the Apple family kin, or the farmhooves they hired, carefully kicking trees to loosen the apples from the branches. Today however the orchards were empty, no sound of hooves against bark or apples falling into baskets.

It was the same thing every year. For some reason the entire farm just seemed to shut down, and nopony knew why. Not that anypony was complaining. After all, the Apple family were notoriously hard workers, and if they wanted to take a day off then who could argue?

“I still don’t get it, why would your family not work at all today?” A grey coated unicorn filly asked as she walked with her two friends down the dirt path towards the orchard.

The filly next to her, a yellow earth pony filly, rolled her eyes. “Ah already told you, Crystal, that it’s a tradition with mah family! It ain’t changed since mah granny was a filly, and it ain’t gonna change now.”

The third filly, a white coated pegasus, flew just above her friends. She readjusted her glasses, making sure they didn’t slip off her snout as she turned to face her friend. “We know it’s a tradition, Candy, but we still don’t know why? I mean, the farm is your family’s livelihood, so it’s kind of weird for nopony to work for the entire day for no reason.”

Candy Crisp stomped her hoof into the ground in annoyance. “There is a reason consarnit!”

“Well, what is it?” Crystal Darling asked in her squeaky voice. He tone held no malice, or even a hint of teasing, just genuine curiosity.

“It’s… uhhh…”

Lightning Chaser flew upside down, staring at her friend skeptically. “You don’t even know?”

“Of course Ah know! I just… mighta forgotten a bit.” Candy Crisp mumbled, hoping that her friends did not notice the look of embarrassment on her face.

Luckily, her friends chose not to mention the streak of red across her face. Instead, Lightning Chaser did a flip in the air, before landing on her hooves and bumping her shoulder against Candy Crisp. “Well, what do you remember about the tradition then?”

Candy Crisp was silent for a few moments, before she sighed. “Honestly? Not much. Ah know we call it Do Nothin’ Day, but Ah don’t really know anything else. Ah never really asked, Ah was just grateful for the day off.”

“Well duh! Of course you’d be happy for a day off. You’re like, always super duper busy and stuff. You have to miss out on half of the cool stuff going on around town because you’re so busy. I’d probably explode if I was that busy, cause I’m already super busy but you’re even busier!” Crystal Darling said, somehow in a single breath.

“It ain’t like that, Crystal. Ah’m more than happy to help out around the farm. It’s just nice to have a day to mahself every now and then.”

The two other fillies nodded in agreement. “Well, I’m still curious about the whole thing. Is there anypony at your house who could tell us what this whole “Do Nothing Day” thing is about?” Lightning Chaser asked.

Candy Crisp chewed on her bottom lip while she thought, a habit that her parents were constantly telling her to stop. “Well, if anypony knew, it’d probably be mah Granny Bloom. She’s been around forever! Ah’m sure she knows all about Do Nothin’ Day!”

“Well then what are we waiting for silly fillies? Let’s go ask Granny Bloom!” Crystal Darling was off like a shot before the words were even out of her mouth, using a combination of teleporting and sprinting to make her way to Candy Crisp’s home as fast as she could.

Lightning Chaser and Candy Crisp stared at the disappearing and reappearing form of their friend for a few seconds, watching as she made her way to the front porch before turning and waving at them. Lightning Chaser once again readjusted her glasses, and turned to Candy Crisp.

“Last one to your house buys the shakes at Rock Candy Corner!” She exclaimed, before shooting off into the air and gliding towards the house.

“Wha? Hey! Wait a minute!” Candy Crisp cried out indignantly, as she began galloping towards the house.

“GRANNY BLOOM!” Candy Crisp called out as she entered the house. Her two friends trailed in behind her, Lightning Chaser rubbing her head with a hoof as she flew in.

“I can’t believe you threw an apple at me! I mean, who does that?” She grumbled at the earth pony.

“Ah guess the same kinda pony that challenges somepony to a race and just takes off without sayin’ go.” Candy Crisp retorted, before looking around the house and calling out again. “GRANNY BLOOM? YA’LL HOME?”

“How many times Ah gotta tell ya, Candy? Ah ain’t your granny, Ah’m your great-great-great-aunt.” A mare called from the kitchen.

The three fillies wandered inside to find an elderly mare tending to a cauldron on the stove. Not a pot, or a sauce pan, but an actual cauldron, with vapors of various colors raising from it. The mare, despite her age, still had a vibrant yellow coat. Her mane and tail, which had long ago turned white, where currently tied back with faded pink ribbons.

“Ah know that, but callin ya’ll Granny Bloom is just easier than sayin’ Great-great-great-aunt Apple Bloom.” Candy Crisp said as she walked towards Apple Bloom. She gave her a hug, which Apple Bloom carefully returned as she made sure to keep stirring the contents of the cauldron. “Whatcha makin’ there?”

“A Do Nothin’ Day tradition, rainbow tea.” Apple Bloom said, still carefully watching the cauldron. “These tea leaves actually grow with rainbow water, and if ya steep em just right, the tea keeps all the colors of the rainbow.”

Candy Crisp looked back to her friends, who need excitedly. “Actually Granny Bloom, that’s kinda why Ah wanted to talk to ya. Ah was hopin’ ya could tell us about Do Nothin’ Day, like how it got started and stuff.”

Apple Bloom turned away from the tea and looked at Candy Crisp. “Haven’t Ah ever told ya that story?” she asked.

“Uhhh, maybe, but Ah don’t remember it, and Lightnin’ and Crystal were awful curious about it.”

Apple Bloom nodded, before turning back to her tea. She smiled at it, quickly turning the cauldron off and carefully moving it off the burner. Once she was sure the tea was safe, she picked up a ladle with her mouth, and scooped some of the tea into a nearby mug.

“Well the, sit down fillies, and Ah’ll tell you the story of Do Nothin’ Day.” Apple Bloom said, as she set her mug on the table before sitting down herself.

Almost as one the three fillies sat around the table, looking on in anticipation to learn about this mysterious holiday.

“Now then, this was a long time ago. Back when Ah was about your age.” Apple Bloom said. She stopped, and took a sip of the tea, giving a content smile as the taste ran over her tongue. “Though, Ah suppose I should open it like she would want us to.

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria…

The crystal walls of what many ponies had taken to calling the Friendship Palace gleamed in the early morning sun. The castle, which looked like it had been built into some kind of crystalline tree, was a shining beacon for ponies everywhere. A symbol of the magic of friendship, and of the princess who had helped spread that magic throughout Equestria.

The same princess who was currently hunched over her desk, scribbling away at some parchment while she checked over a book. The princess had definitely seen better days. Her mane and coat were unkempt, both of them sticking up in various places, with ink splotches here and there. Her eyes were bloodshot, and the bags beneath them were big enough to carry the entirety of the contents of the Canterlot Royal Library.

Even the magic that held her quill seemed dull, the edges of it sputtering in and out of existence as she continued to write.

Twilight sighed, and raised a mug to her lips. Instead of the invigorating taste of Foalgers in her cup, there was nothing. Twilight, too tired to think better of it, turned the cup upside down. Luckily, it was empty, which may have actually been unlucky considering how much Twilight needed the caffeine

She was about to call for Spike, hoping that the dragon would be willing to make her another pot of coffee, before she remembered that the little dragon had begged her for the day off, stating that he had something important to do. Twilight had agreed of course, not seeing any reason to keep Spike locked up just because she was busy. She was immensely regretting that decision now. How was she going to continue without her 14th mug of coffee?

Did she have time to make the coffee herself? She looked at the pile of paper that still towered over her desk and decided that no, she did not. She’d simply have to wait for Spike to return and hope that he’d be gracious enough to brew her a cup. And that he’d do so without saying that she should just go to sleep. It had only been a week or so since she had last slept, she could still go for a few more days. Especially if she had some coffee.

Her ears perked up as she heard the sound of her office door opening. She smiled to herself at her #1 assistant’s impeccable timing.

“Spike! I’m glad you’re back, would you be willing to make me some more coffee? Maybe some of that vanilla and caramel roast we got from the market the other day? She asked, continuing on with her work.

“Wow, Spike wasn’t kidding Egghead, you look like crap.”

The quill in Twilight’s magic dragged against the paper, leaving a long streak of black ink, before it fell to the desk. Twilight slowly turned around, rubbing her eyes and trying to decide if what she was seeing was just an illusion brought about due to her lack of sleep.

“R-Rainbow Dash? You’re back? What day is it? What month is ist?!” Twilight started to panic, quickly turning to look at the calendar hanging on her wall. After confirming the date she spun back around. “What are you doing back? You’re supposed to be at the Wonderbolts training camp until next month!”

“Spike sent me a letter saying that you were working yourself to death, so I told Spitfire I needed some leave and flew back as fast as I could.” Rainbow Dash said, shrugging her saddlebags off and onto the ground.

Twilight looked passed Rainbow Dash to see Spike peeking his head around the doorway, watching the exchange. As soon as he saw he was noticed, he quickly ducked back, no doubt scampering down the stairs. “Traitor…” Twilight mumbled.

“Seriously Twi, what the hay? I know you’re used to extreme study sessions and everything, but even you need to take a break now and then.”

“I’m fine, Rainbow. I just need to get all this paperwork finished, then I can relax.” Twilight said.

Rainbow Dash looked up at the tower of papers, before giving Twilight a look that could only be interpreted as “Are you kidding me?”

“C’mon Twi, you can take a break.” She looked at the pile of paper again, thinking for a second that it might have actually grown larger from when she’d looked a moment ago. “What is all this for anyway?”

“A lot of different things. Part of it is all the paperwork for Ponyville hosting a member of royalty, as well as the new zoning agreements for the castle. Some of it is from Princess Celestia, some from Cadance, and I think there might even be some stuff in here from Appe Bloom and her friends.”

“Uh huh…” Rainbow Dash didn’t sound entirely convinced. “And this is all stuff you have to have done by like, today?”

Twilight shrugged. “Some of it. Some of it doesn’t need to be done for a few weeks, but I’d rather just get it done now.”

“Then take a break! It’s not like you’re going to do anypony any good if you collapse and can’t finish any of the work.” Rainbow Dash walked over, nudging Twilight in the side.

To her surprise, Twilight actually growled at her in response. “I’m doing just fine, Rainbow Dash! I’ve already told Spike this, but I’ll tell you the same thing: I’ll have plenty of time to rest once the work is complete. I’m not gonna let anypony down just to get some sleep.”

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth, but quickly closed it. She looked at Twilight in a mixture of annoyance and worry, before storming out of the room. Twilight almost stood to go after her, before the shadow of the paperwork fell over her again. She sighed, and picked up the quill again. There’d be time for apologies later, right now she had her responsibilities as a princess to take care of.

And she still hadn’t gotten any coffee.

She began scribbling away again, looking in annoyance at the streak of ink across the paper. A few minutes later, she heard the flapping of wings and the sound of hooves landing against the crystal floor. She smiled, and set the quill down again, preparing to apologize to Rainbow Dash for her earlier outburst.

“Dear Princess Celestia,” Rainbow Dash said, the familiar greeting causing Twilight to whirl around and stare at her. “My friend Applejack is the best friend a pony could ever have, and she's always there to help any pony. The only trouble is, when she needs help, she finds it hard to accept it, so while friendship is about giving of ourselves to friends, it's also about accepting what our friends have to offer.” Rainbow Dash smirked at the end, leaving off the signature. “Sound familiar, Twi?”

Twilight stared at the scroll in Rainbow Dash’s hooves, her mouth slightly agape. It took her a moment for her sleepy mind to catch up. “Did… did you just quote one of my friendship report at me?”

“Yep! Luckily you keep these things as organized as everything else around here. But that’s beside the point, do you get what I’m trying to say here Twilight?”

Twilight sighed. She remembered that applebuck season well enough, and the damage that a sleep addled Applejack had caused. “I suppose…”

Rainbow Dash gave out a cheer, doing a loop in the air for good measure, and bringing a smile to Twilight’s face. “Awesome! So you’re gonna get some sleep, and I’ll be here make sure you do.”

Twilight gave her friend an offended look. “I’m not a foal Rainbow Dash, I don’t need somepony looking after me.”

Rainbow Dash laughed, and landed next to Twilight, stretching a wing over the tired princess’s back. “Who said anything about looking after you? I just figured it’d be a good excuse to cuddle with my marefriend.”

Twilight blushed, and arched her back against the feathers of Rainbow Dash’s wing. She nuzzled into the side of Rainbow’s neck, taking in the scent of rainshowers and the hint of sweat from the long flight home. The familiar smells brought a peace to her mind, and she could already feel her eyelids drooping. “That… sounds wonderful.” She said in a breathy whisper, before her eyes finally closed.

Feeling Twilight collapse against her side, Rainbow Dash smiled. She curled her wing tighter around her, and kissed the top of her head. If there was one thing she didn’t like about her future career as a Wonderbolt, it would be being away from her slightly crazy marefriend.

Now, she just had one problem. How was she going to carry Twilight to her bed?

Twilight Sparkle awoke feeling more refreshed than she had in a long time. She sighed happily, and nuzzled into the warm presence next to her, burying her muzzle in a rainbow mane.

“Sleep well?” The smug voice of her marefriend cut through the silence.

She opened her eyes slowly, blinking as the light from the sun filtered through the windows. “Better than I have in a while. Thanks Dashie, I really needed this.”

Rainbow Dash just smiled in return, and wrapped her arms around Twilight, squeezing the unicorn to her chest. “You’re just too cute sometimes. Though I’ll deny ever having said that.”

Twilight snuggled against Rainbow Dash, spreading her wings and letting her feathers intertwine with the feathers on Rainbow’s wings. “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”

The two mares lay there in comfortable silence, occasionally nuzzling each other. Moments like these had been few and far between in recent months, with Twilight taking on more responsibility as a princess and Rainbow Dash training with the Wonderbolts Reserves. Twilight felt content in the warm embrace of her marefriend. She could have spent the rest of the day doing nothing else.

But she still had all that work to do.

She rolled away from Rainbow Dash, getting a questioning look from the pegasus. Twilight’s hooves hit the floor, and she stretched out her back, extending her wings until she heard a satisfying *pop* that caused a relaxed sigh to leave her.

“Whatcha doing, Twi?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Twilight waved a wing back towards her desk. “Now that I’ve gotten some sleep, I really need to get back to work.”

“Oh! Nope, sorry Twi, but no more work for you today.” Rainbow Dash hopped off the bed, and began trying to push Twilight back towards it.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight was not amused. She had already given in to Rainbow’s demands for sleep, but she couldn’t just laze the whole day away. “Stop it! I have to finish this paperwork!””

“Sorry Twi, but if I let you work, I’ll be violating a royal order.”

“What? Rainbow Dash quit fooling around.” Twilight began pushing back against the pegasus, slightly surprised at the strength Rainbow Dash was displaying in keeping her away from her work.

“OH! I guess I forgot. I probably shoulda given you this first.” Rainbow Dash pulled away from Twilight so fast that the alicorn fell forward, her wings flaring out just in time to catch herself from planting her face into the floor.

Rainbow Dash trotted over to the nightstand next to the bed, grabbing a scroll with her mouth and bringing it back over to Twilight. Twilight’s horn lit up with magic, her aura strong and steady thanks to the rest she’d gotten. She levitated the scroll over, unrolling it as she did.

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

I am very concerned over the report I received from your friend, Rainbow Dash. When I asked if you would be willing to help me some of the tax legislation here in Canterlot, I did not mean to do so at the detriment of yourself.

I know you are always willing to help, Twilight, and that your work ethic is second to none. However, I do not want you causing yourself harm out of some perceived sense of duty.

So I have commanded Wonderbolt Reservist Rainbow Dash to make sure that you spend the rest of the day relaxing. That means no more work, in case you’ve forgotten what the word means. You are to do nothing today. A do nothing day, if you will. Wonderbolt Reservist Rainbow Dash will be there to ensure that the rest of your day is spent in relaxation.

I’m very serious in this matter, Twilight. I don’t care if Chrysalis comes rampaging through Ponyville, you are to do nothing other than relax. I have both the Royal Guard and Princess Luna, as well as myself, on standby in case of any crisis.

I apologize if it sounds like I’m lecturing you, but I can’t help but worry when I hear that somepony so close to myself is working so much that they forgo simple things, like sleeping or eating. Just relax, I can guarantee that the world will continue on while you do.


Princess Celestia

P.S. Don’t be too upset with Rainbow Dash about contacting me, she was just very worried about you.

Twilight felt her eye twitch as she finished reading the letter. How could she just do nothing for the rest of the day? She just wasn’t the kind of pony that could laze the day away on a cloud, unlike her marefriend.

Speak of the draconequus. Twilight leveled a glare at Rainbow Dash, who despite her usual bravado actually looked a bit sheepish.

“So, Wonderbolt Reservist Rainbow Dash, you’re my keeper for the day then. Will you be reporting to Princess Celestia if I decide to go shopping at the market? Or what if I accidentally pick up a piece of trash?”

“C’mon Twi, don’t be like that. It’s not like the world will end if you take a day off.” Rainbow Dash laughed nervously, looking away from the wrathful look she was getting.

“I like working, Rainbow Dash! I know you think it’s boring, but I enjoy doing paperwork or studying.” There was an edge to Twilight’s voice that could have cut through all the rocks on the Pie family rock farm.

Rainbow Dash had been about to back down, but she couldn’t let a comment like that just slide. “Hey! I enjoy my work too, Twilight! I just don’t get all obsessive forget-to-sleep over it!”

Twilight wanted to retort. She wanted to yell and scream, but deep down she knew it wouldn’t do any good. Because as annoying as it was, Rainbow Dash was only trying to help. Twilight had gone too far, and Rainbow Dash had reeled her back in, just like Twilight had done for her in the past. It was part of the reason why they worked so well together, they pushed each other, but they also were constantly looking out for each other.

So she sighed, and settled her wings back against her side. “Fine! So what am I allowed to do today?”

Rainbow Dash was about to snap back with a retort, before her brain caught up with what Twilight said. She smiled, a little smugly even, before sliding up next to Twilight. “I actually have a plan, just a little bit of relaxing for the two of us, if you’re willing.”

The warmth of Rainbow Dash’s body and the feeling of her coat rubbing up against her almost made Twilight forget that she was supposed to be upset with the pegasus. “A plan? Rainbow Dash actually has a plan for something?” The edge to her voice was gone, replaced with a gentle teasing.

Her marefriend gasped in mock hurt. “Hey! I can plan things too ya know! I just don’t have to spend a month doing it.”

Twilight giggled, the earlier fight almost completely forgotten. “Alright, so what’s this plan to help your princess relax, Wonderbolt Reservist Rainbow Dash?”

Smiling, Rainbow Dash bowed before Twilight in an exaggerated manner. “Follow me, fair princess!” She stood back up, and trotted over to the balcony. “We’re gonna have to cheat a little and fly over to where I’ve got things set up, but after that we’ll be doing nothing for the rest of the day!”

Twilight followed Rainbow Dash out onto the balcony. The sun was still hanging high in the sky, spreading a pleasant warmth. It wasn’t too hot, or too cold. It seemed like if there was every a day to just relax, it would be today.

She followed Rainbow Dash into the air, pumping her wings to get up to the height Rainbow was flying at. Once they were high enough, Rainbow Dash locked her wings into a glide, heading out and away from Ponyville. Twilight flew next to her, enjoying the gentle breeze as the soared away from town.

It didn’t take long for them to arrive at Rainbow’s destination. The entire sky had been cleared of clouds, except for a few that Rainbow Dash had pushed together, shaping them into a field of comfortable white wisps.

They landed safely on the clouds, little tufts dispersing around their hooves as they did. “So, we’re just going to hang out on these clouds for the rest of the day?” Twilight asked.

“Kinda, first though I have a surprise for you!” Rainbow Dash said. She sounded excited, and her smile showed it. Twilight almost laughed at how exuberant Rainbow Dash was acting.

She watched as Rainbow stuck her hoof into the cloud, digging around for something. She gave a little mumbled cheer as she found whatever it was she was looking for, and pulled it out of the cloud.

It was a simple thermos, engraved with the Wonderbolts insignia, and two cups. She set them down on the cloud, and Twilight had to wonder what kind of material they were made of that allowed them to not just fall through.

Rainbow sat down, holding the thermos between her hooves as she unscrewed the top with her mouth. She spat the top out, and carefully poured the contents of the thermos into the cups.

Twilight walked over to her, and was immediately rewarded with the scent of whatever it was Rainbow Dash had brought. It was like nothing she had ever smelled before. It somehow reminded her of all her friends, of the connections they had forged and shared. It was like wearing the Element of Magic all over again.

Rainbow Dash sat the thermos down and motioned for Twilight to take a seat. Once she had, she lifted the cup, examining it.

All the colors of the rainbow shimmered in the cup. Even the steam that wafted from it changed colors, reflecting blues and reds and yellows and all the colors in between. Unable to restrain her curiosity, Twilight took a sip, holding the warm liquid in her mouth for a moment to enjoy the taste. Warmth immediately spread throughout her body. She felt like she was wrapped up in a group hug made up of every single pony she cared for, with Rainbow Dash right there at the center.

“Rainbow Dash, this is amazing! What is it?” Twilight asked, torn between drinking the amazing beverage as fast as she could and savoring the delightful taste.

“Heh, it was actually going to be a surprise for your birthday, but I figured I might need it in case you were angry about the whole letter to Celestia thing.” Rainbow Dash took a sip from her cup, a happy smile blossoming across her face. “It’s actually a special kind of tea leaf I’ve been growing with help from Apple Bloom and Zecora. I’ve been watering it with the water from Rainbow Falls. Zecora had to brew the tea though, she said that you have to brew it just so for it to keep all it’s colors and everything.”

“This is without a doubt the best tea I’ve ever had. Thank you Rainbow.” Twilight said, scooching over till she was sitting against her marefriend.

They were each content to sit there and enjoy their drink, and each other’s presence. The happy feeling from the tea coupled with the cool breeze and the warmth of the sun quickly let them both forget about their worries.

Twilight smirked, as she nudged Rainbow playfully in the side with her wing. “You know, drinking tea is technically doing something.”

Rainbow Dash laughed. “Sure, but so is cuddling with your marefriend, which is what I intend to spend the rest of the day doing.”

Twilight giggled, and kissed Rainbow Dash on the cheek. “That sounds wonderful, Rainbow.”

So they sat together on the cloud, letting the events of the world carry on beneath them. Once the tea had been finished they laid next to each other, their wings once again intertwined as they curled around each other.

“I love you, Dashie…” Twilight said, already drifting off to sleep from the her pleasant surroundings.

“Love ya too, Twi.”

Candy Crisp stared at Apple Bloom as the elder pony took a drink from her mug. “Uhhh… is that it?”

“Is what it?” Apple Bloom asked after giving a happy sigh from her drink.

“Is that the whole story about this whole Do Nothing Day thing?

Apple Bloom shrugged. “Mostly. Rainbow Dash and Princess Twilight decided to do the same thing the next year, and then they told Rarity about it when mah big sister Applejack was overworking herself, and they started doin’ it too. It just kinda spread to all their friends and family, and once mah big sister started celebratin’ it, all the Apple family picked it up.”

“So this entire day came about just because one pony was too stubborn, and then she decided to get all mushy with her marefriend?” Lightning Chaser asked. She quickly made a face, sticking her tongue out for good measure. “Gross!”

“I know, right? I mean, who actually puts hot sauce in their oatmeal?” Crystal Darling asked, getting confused looks from both her friends. “What? What did I say?”

“Errr, yeah. Well, thanks for the story Granny Bloom. Guess we’re gonna go find something to not do for the rest of the day.” Candy Crisp said, hopping down from her chair and heading out of the kitchen, followed by Lightning Chaser and Crystal Darling.

Apple Bloom clicked her tongue at the retreating forms of the fillies. “Ain’t nopony appreciates a good story anymore.” She said in resignation.

“Oh, I thought it was a lovely story personally.” A melodic voice said.

Apple Bloom smiled, standing up to fill another mug with the rainbow tea. “Well well, right on time as always, princess.” She said.

A purple glow surrounded the mug, lifting it to the purple furred muzzle of the alicorn that had entered the kitchen. She took a small sip, once again relishing in the taste and the memories it brought with it.

“So, how is it?” Apple Bloom asked, sitting back down at the table with her own refilled mug.

“Just perfect.” Twilight said.

Comments ( 14 )

this needs to be a thing in real life

This is a rather cute story. :twilightblush:

Just to clarify, Twi's immortal in this?

Review (3rd Place)

So the point of the contest is to invent a holiday, and and work it into some sort of TwiDash story. For this story, the holiday that was invented is "Do Nothing Day," which finds its origins from Twilight Sparkle working herself to death bucking applesstudying. Princess Celestia uses her apparent authority as head-princess to order her to take a day off, with Rainbow Dash as her overseer. Since taking one day off a year is pretty relaxing, the custom sticks each year for the couple, and spreads slowly over the years to their friends.

I'm...honestly not sure how to assess the originality of this holiday. It is fairly blatantly a rip from the plot of Applebuck Season, and even makes use of the friendship letter of that episode as a means by which Rainbow Dash convinces Twilight to take a break. It's also somewhat reminiscent of the thinking behind the Sabbath, Ramadan, and so on. That all said, it certainly does feel unique, somehow.

In terms of creativity, it's a pretty straight-forward and simple holiday. Take the day off, and don't work. You're also apparently supposed to drink rainbow-water(Spicy!) tea, which takes some special preparation to make correctly, but tastes really good. (Sort of like zap apple jam?).

As for believability, it is very believable that ponies would have a holiday for simply relaxing. Indeed, that is sort of the underlying point of all holidays, and "the weekend." It seems unbelievable, however, that a holiday would exist because ponies in general work too hard, or that it would be created simply because Twilight Sparkle works too hard. It isn't believable that anypony, including Twilight Sparkle or Applejack, would spend the entire year working and only take the one day off out of the year.

On to the story.

We're introduced to the story by what quickly becomes apparent is a future CMC-analogue. I've already forgotten their names and descriptions by the time I finished reading the story and written these few paragraphs of review, and they're really not that important to the story. Their decision to go meet up with "Granny Bloom" (the great great aunt of future-Apple Bloom) further cements the future-setting of the story. A wizened old Apple Bloom obliges and tells the little fillies about the origin of this holiday, which ends up being a rather detailed and personal dialogue and interaction between Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash, including a fair amount of Twilight's private thoughts, none of which Apple Bloom was witness to to be telling these little fillies.

The story starts with a descendant of the Apple Family we know, at Sweet Apple Acres, with a family tradition that is confusing to her two friends. We get the explanation for the tradition from Apple Bloom... which is all a very weird design choice to tell a TwiDash story through.

Buy some apples?

At the point where we escape Apple-land to get to the story itself, it too is in the future beyond what we know from S4 of canon, in that Rainbow Dash is in the Wonderbolts Reserves, and Twilight has settled further into her job as a princess in a much expanded and growing Ponyville-city. The two are already a couple, despite the time their jobs take out of them, and the distance they have to deal with. While this sounds like the setup for potentially a rather engaging story, nothing is really done with it, and the choice to set the story in this point in time is entirely done to make Twilight "super busy" so we have a reason to stage an intervention and spawn a holiday.

Setting aside the ridiculousness of the setup, and the weirdness of the Apple-based introduction/supposed telling, the actual interaction back and forth between Twilight and Rainbow Dash is decently good. While the degree of exaggeration of Twilight is too high to really be believable, the general feel of her being focused on something and forgoing her health is at least in the ballpark of stuff Twilight might do. Rainbow Dash taking special leave to come help her friend/girlfriend out is believable. The method she convinces Twilight (using one of her old friend reports) is solid and cute, and Twilight falling asleep in Rainbow's arms is pretty adorable, if not particularly lengthy or detailed in execution.

Grumpy Twilight putting up with being ordered to relax, and sniping about the details of it all work to be pretty solid characterization for her, and Rainbow Dash's decision to take them to some secluded and pre-setup clouds to hang out, relax, and cuddle on all fit pretty well. The detail of the rainbow-water tea is sort of just thrown in there, but at this point I'm not really too worried about things making a lot of sense or having much meaning.

We snap back to the... more future-present, and the fillies predictably find the story too mushy, and decide to scamper off and crusade or something.

Overall, the only thing this story had going for it was some solid characterization. The setup, the plot, and most of the setting was either bad or mediocre. There wasn't really any conflict to the story, and the holiday itself is incredibly weak. This was honestly a waste of time to read.

I couldn't find a cool enough knockout gif to put here, but you should know that I did look for one!

Thank you for the critique Cryosite. I'm upset that the story didn't meet your standards, but I will try to take everything you said to heart as I continue to write. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go eat a couple gallons of ice cream. Which I do have a gif for!


Great work. Because my futher comments were already taken, I'll just respond to them!

August 10

The clouds look like sheep and vice versa!

I can never take these far future stories. Always reminds me that everything ends. :raritycry:

Comment posted by Phoenix Flames deleted Jul 7th, 2016

Alicorn= Imortality

But I did hear that Megan Mccarthy said Twi wasn't going to outlive her friends. Or did I dream that? I tend to have a lot of pony dreams.

6653031 That makes me wonder how you handled Fallout Equestria.

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