• Published 16th Feb 2015
  • 4,624 Views, 79 Comments

Chupacabra - LightningThunda

Welp in a new world with new powers as a mythical beast... how could it be any worse?

  • ...

Chapter 3. The Hunter and the Hunted

-The Hunter and the Hunted-

-1st Person POV, Canterlot castle-

The halls flew by at phenomenal speeds as I raced down them, the intent of escape set in my mind.

‘Fuck where do I go, where do I go’ I thought as I sprinted around a corner, my heart pounding in my chest. Up Ahead through a stained glass window I could see the moon, shining still high in the sky.

‘At least I have plenty of time to get outta here’ I thought. I could hear, not too far behind me, the sounds of hooves racing the halls with me.

“GET BACK HERE YOU PUNK” the technicolour one I now knew as Rainbow Dash, yelled.

‘Shhhhhhhhiiit’ I thought as I ran faster, I was pretty confident that I could outrun them in a wide open area. But In these enclosed, tight hallways, well that was a whole other ballpark. My heart continued to pound, paws racing across the gleaming floor, my reflection shining back up at me. Spying a nearby open door leading to a stairwell, I veered right, jumping through the door and kicking it closed behind me.

Turning around I realised the stairs only went up from this floor.

‘Shit, well better than nothing’, I took the stairs two at a time, daring not to look behind me. Halfway up the flight of stairs I finally heard the creatures burst through the door,

“Get back here we just want to ask you some things” One of them yelled, sounding a lot like the first creature who came, alone into my cave. I growled a response and thought for a second:

‘Wait what if they really do want to help me’ stopping for a second, listening to them racing up the stairs.
The sound of galloping hooves and huge wing beats very nearby, broke me out of my thoughts. Deciding that I would be better off to run rather than take the chance of being captured, if they really wanted to talk, I could try contact them later on my own terms. Lifting my frame up, I cursed myself, knowing that I had wasted valuable time waiting. Bounding my way up the stairs much faster than before, I finally made it to the top of the castle battlements.

‘Shit, shit, shit’ I thought, looking around. The air was cold whipping harshly against my fur, looking around I found I was roughly two thousand feet up high on one of the highest part of the castle.

‘Fuck… Why did it have to be hights’ my legs shaking a bit, I looked to my right seeing a few lower towers and an observatory, to my left another two taller towers; one colored yellow, little-painted suns dotting the outside, a small balcony also connected to it. The second tower was much the same as the one before but it was coloured blue and painted with little moons.

‘Hmmm’ Looking around I saw that there were no nearby blink nodes but there was a single, giant node on the sun coloured tower leading to the observatory lower down. After some quick calculations I backed up, tensing my muscles before running towards the edge of the tower and launching myself off the edge, the creatures chasing me finally bursting through the door as I jumped across the gap.

“STOP” the purple equine yelled, ‘Twilight’ I believe her name was having heard it from the conversation in the hall. Smirking I finished my jump over to the tower, blowing a raspberry in the general direction of the Twilight.
“UGHHHHHH” I heard her yell.

I quickly made my way over to the edge of the balcony to where the large node was. As I jumped towards the node, I began to feel a small force trying to pull me back, looking behind me I could see Twilight, a look of intense concentration on her face as she channeled some kind of spell towards me. A purple aura appearing around me only to slip off me like oil on water, I tried my best to ignore it and kept moving. Reaching the giant node, I blinked down to the observatory, landing awkwardly on my side on top the glass dome. Webs of cracks began to splinter across the dome starting to fall behind me as I jumped up and began to run down the down glass beginning to fall behind me.

Running I kept my vision straight to avoid any other incidents, I didn't need another blackout to slow me further…

Jumping off the dome and down to a small platform, hanging from the observatory, I turned to see the entire dome start to cave in.

‘Shit...’ I kept going though, ignoring the falling glass, dancing my way across the observatory room, massive shards of glass falling around me.
‘Fucking hell that was close...’ I thought fearfully as I made it to the stairwell at the center of the room and dove in. The light still making its way into the stairwell, but it was barely enough to see by, the only light further down being the little luminance a blink node here and there would put off.

‘What are these things anyways?’ I thought as I passed another one, ‘perhaps these ponies might be able to explain it later on, assuming they're not just going to try kill me’. The stairwell came to a sudden stop on one of the lower levels of the castle, the bottom stair molding into the wall.

I slowly peeked my head out of the doorway in front of the the stairwell, looking left and right.

‘Dobby is freeee’ I thought as I opened the door a little bit more. A full platoon of guards rushing past my position, not noticing my hiding form behind the door, at the same time I began to hear hooves rushing down the stairwell way up above me at the top of the tower.

Having nowhere else to go I quickly dove behind the stairs and watched as dozens of brass clad hooves rushed down the stairs above my face and then another three, owned by three of the eight ponies that had been in the main hall.

‘Holy sh-’ my thoughts cut off as one of them turned to look back up the stairs, eyes running across the darkness and luckily passing me.

“Where the hay did it go now”? Dash said as she slowly made her way back down the stairs, still keeping an eye on the staircase.
“Hey Twilight, you think you can cast that spell thingy to see where the it is”? she asked.

“I can try, but I think the Princess was using a different one than the normal creature search spell”. Twilight's horn began glowing with a purple colour.

‘Figures, they can use magic’! Shit what if she finds me. After a few seconds, her horn stopped glowing.

“I can’t seem to find it, I don’t think he’s here”. Thank god, she can’t find me. Twilight and Dash walked out of the stairwell.

After about five minutes of waiting I exited the stairwell and started walking down the hallway, heading right, from the stairwell.

I ran, jumping from shadow to shadow and occasionally blinking, soon enough, I came to a T-junction in the hallways, a whole platoon of guards pouring down the right hallway opposite the one I came from, almost as if I the universe said ‘Fuck You’ to me, one noticed me alerting the others.

“There it is, Get it” one of them ordered.

‘Fuck’ I tried turning to go down the middle hallway and instead saw the two large creatures with both wings and a horn, I think they said they were ‘Alicorns’?

‘Shiiiiit’ I looked behind me, the way I came and I saw the three ponies from before standing behind me.

“Stay there, it’s alright, we aren't here to hurt ya,” the orange one, Applejack said, her hoof snaking behind her back to grab a large loop of old fashioned rope. The golden alicorns horn starting glow.

“It’s alright, we mean you no harm” she said. I looked up, hoping for some way out.

‘Just my luck’ I couldn’t believe it, there was a blink node, directly above me but it didn’t lead anywhere. I looked back over at the golden one and saw a smaller pony creep up behind her, she was a tainted yellow colour with pink hair that covered half of her face, she was looking at me with a sad expression almost as if she was begging me to stop running. I looked her right in the eye. Her eyes slowly beginning to unfocus, hypnotised by mine.

‘And.. now… I have you’ I thought as stepped forward staring directly into my eyes. I thought about how hypnotism worked and tried thinking of a word:

‘Hello’ I thought, kind of feeling stupid about this.

“Hello” the yellow pony said. Holy shit, It worked, I can’t believe it, I just hypnotised her.

“What did you say, Fluttershy?” the golden one was now looking down at my work with a slightly confused stare. She looked down to the yellow ponies eyes, who I now knew as Fluttershy, she saw that they were wide and staring at nothing, blue galaxies and colours flowing in and out of existence, she then looked over at me and saw my eyes the same, staring right into the yellow ponies eyes.

“What did you do, wretch,” the blue alicorn said. I still didn’t know her name. Speaking through the yellow ponies mouth I replied:

“I don’t know what you want, but I’m not take the risk of finding out” the voice came from the yellow ponies mouth but the sound was heavily distorted, sounding if from multiple mouths. The alicorns stare darkened, her horn beginning to glow more intensely and I began to see a small blinking node flicker to life right on the tip of her horn.

‘What the fuck-’ I couldn’t understand why a node was being appearing, ‘Maybe an occurrence of magic being used’ Deciding to think about it later, I took the opportunity jumping up, breaking my eye contact with the yellow pony. I reached the node above me now connected to the one in front of the alicorn and blinked forward.
‘Shit’ I thought as I slammed into her back, causing her to topple onto the blue alicorn and making them all cry out in shock. I leaped off the golden one and started bounding down the hallway heading for the door at the end.

“Princess, are you alright?” I heard Twilight say behind me. Running straight through the door, I threw myself out into an outdoor garden on ground level. The garden coloured by thousands upon thousands of plants and flowers I had never seen before.

‘What the hell is this place’. The reality of me being in a new world finally beginning to hit me. I started running faster and faster, scared as the reality of the world around me began to finally set in.

‘What happened to me’ I had been turned into a myth, I had powers I still didn’t fully understand or even believe at the moment. My animal instincts taking over as I recessed into my head, guiding me, crashing right through the hedge and stone wall surrounding the garden. The wind started picking up as my speed increased, the world starting to melt away as I retreated further into my head away from the harsh reality that was finally setting in. A few seconds later the sound of the outside world disappeared and the wind and resistance vanished as I hit the sound barrier. I didn’t even notice it.

‘How did I get here, what am I, why do I have these powers and this body, what is this place, why am I even here’? Questions swarming my mind faster and faster blocking out everything else as I ran down the mountain and into the forest I first found myself in. I ran and ran, deep into the heart of the forest. Somehow finding myself in an abandoned castle, the walls caving in, and the tapestries moth ridden and ripped, plant life slowly claiming the place.

‘Why me...’? I thought again as I sat myself down in one of the corners by what was left of the right throne, the shadows bending around me to completely hide my body as I shudder slowly beginning to cry, reality crushing down upon me.

‘Why me…’?

“Twilight, it’s alright, I’m fine,” Celestia said as she sat down at the head of the dining hall table, half an hour after the event with the wolf. “But we need to find out how the Chupacabra managed to hypnotise Fluttershy” she said, “She was a bit… frightened at the prospect, but I reassured her that it was nothing to worry about.”

“It’s fine, princess” said Fluttershy.

“Hey, speaking of the Wolf, how did he do the teleport thingy, I thought he was trapped, he even looked like he knew it himself?” Rainbow said.

“I think it’s an aura node, they are magical nodes created when any unicorn, alicorn, pegasus or earth pony performs any spell such as rainbow’s sonic-rainboom, I was told about them in passing by a old friend of mine a long time ago…”

“So is there any way we can destroy these node things so that the wolf guy can’t teleport”? Rainbow Dash asked

“Unfortunately no, they are directly tied to time itself, destroying even one could have massive repercussions”, ‘Like wiping out an entire race...’ she thought angrily.

“Well, in any case we need to capture this creature, or at least get it to talk to us,” Twilight said.

“Do we really need to ‘capture’ it, I mean, it hadn’t done anything that bad?” Fluttershy said.

“That bad, that bad?! You do know he destroyed the entire observatory dome himself, not to mention, he killed that dragon and you call that ‘not being bad,” Twilight said, staring angrily at Fluttershy.

“well…” she whimpered.

*Sigh “Sorry Fluttershy, I didn’t mean to be so angry at you, it’s just this is all too much, too fast.”

“I agree, I think that for the moment, you girls should head home for some well-needed rest,” the princess said.

The sun poked through the cracks in the rock making up the ancient castle, the sound of little critters running back and forth across the floor in front of my nose and nice cool feeling of the gentle wind blowing across my muzzle waking me.

‘Ahhhh’ I yawned, waking up slowly. My eyes slithered open, the light assaulting them.

“Oh, you're awake, well that's great, I have a gift for you…” I heard a voice coming from something seeming to be slightly above me, Looking up I saw...

‘What-’ My brain just froze not willing to deal with anything this early in the morning
“Oh I see we’re staring, I’ll join you to, let me just-” The amalgamation of many different creatures, floating in front of me, reached up to his head with his eagle claw and lion claw and pulled his head off, he then proceeded to turn it around and look at his own body.

“Hmm yes, I do think I’m sexy, I have to agree with you there little wolf.” By now my eyes were popping right of my head.

“What the fuck,” I said outloud…. wait what?

“I can talk now? Oh my, fucking god yess” I yelled happy to have my inability to speach revoked.

“Why yes wolf from another world, of course you can talk, I give the ability of speech to anything that has the pleasure of being near me”.

“Wait how the hell do you know I’m from another world, and who the fuck are you and most importantly: Where the is the gift you said you had”.

“Oh, getting pushy aren't we now, hmmm?”, “well ok let's see… I know you’re from another world because I put you here…BUT I can’t tell you much more.. it’s for a nice little plan of mine”

“Wait, back the fuck up… You’re the fucking bastard that brought me here” thousands of questions firing off in my head now.

“Yes I was the one, but again, can’t tell you much. The only thing I can tell you about the why is that I am planning something big… very big… involving a lot of people, unfortunately, thats all I will be telling you…

“Ok… well.. alright sure, I guess I’ll have to believe you for now.”

“That's the spirit.”

“But you still haven't answered my other questions yet,” I asked angrily.

“Well, ok since you asked so nicely let me give you a few answers.” Sitting down onto a nice gold decorated, red silk throne that I’m sure wasn't there a second ago, he pulled out a glass of chocolate milk and reached over to grab his tail, opening it… what the fuck is with this guy, god fucking- He then pulled out a scroll made from -I kid you not- silly string. He then closed his tale with a click- like it literally made an audible clicking sound.

“Alright," he said as he sat back down. Taking a sip of the milk only to drink the glass and leave the milk.
‘Fuck my life right now’ I thought as I simply sat there, my brain committing suicide one cell at a time. He had unwound the scroll and it unwound all the way across the floor and up the wall opposite the throne on the other side of the room before rolling off into the distance across the ceiling. Throwing the chocolate milk over his head I watched as it hit the ground only to explode in what looked like a mini nuke just went off.

“Where to start” he moved across the scroll, eyes gleaming with mischief

“Ok well, the first question, my name is Freddy Cougar”...

“Fuck you…” I replied refusing to believe that was his actual name.

“Ok sorry, sorry, I just couldn’t” He cried rolling across the floor laughing at his terrible joke.

“Ok, seriously, can’t you just be normal for one second,” I said

“No not really, for my name- real this time, is Discord, Spirit, lord and god of chaos, Nice to meet you”

“Oh well, I suppose that explains the shit jokes and stupid magic.”

“Well if you're going to be like that…” he promptly poped his eyes out and set them in a swinging weight measure counterbalance thing before, taking his head off only put it back on upside down, pulling his heart out apparently made of cotton candy which had an arrow through it, chocolate milk dripping from it.

“You really flipped me sir, you really struck a heart cord there and made me cry my eyes out.” His eyes stared at me from their current position making me shudder.

“Ok sorry, I didn’t mean to say that shit, just get on with it, ok?”

“Good” he replied, instantly reassembling with a snap of his fing- no talons.
“Ok, last question you had, you have it… I already gave it to you.”

“What my gift?” He nodded, smirking, “Ok so where is it?” I asked, perplexed looking around.

“Oh, you’ll see, in time, I'm sure it will come to you and be of great use…”. “Anyways I have to go now, so tata” he smirked as he rolled up his scroll before disappearing in a flash of… cookies.

“You still have a shit taste in jokes” I yelled to thin air.

‘Ouch’ I cringed as a cookie fell from the sky hitting me right on the head, I grabbed it turning it over; on the bottom there was a note engraved saying ‘This is Cookie’.

‘What the fuck’ I said only for no sound to come out, great back to being mute. I turned and left the castle, munching on the cookie. ‘Must have been for one of discords friends’.

-One hour walking later-

The wind had died down -thank the almighty flying fuck- and I was now beginning to hear the sounds of the animals of the forest as I head towards the small village I had seen the other day from the mountain.

‘Still think this place is so fucking weird’ I though as I passed yet another jackalope, keeping my eyes trained on it.

‘I mean why the fuck would evolution do that to a poor bunny, Seriously’, the bunny looking like it was stuck it the tree branches trying to run away from good old, hungry me…

‘And thank you very much’ I thought as I dug into the surprisingly, very good raw meat of the bunny apparently having no problem over the fact I was ripping a living creature apart, what can I say that cookie wasn't exactly a full course meal. Mmm speaking of meals.

‘Die bunny!’

The day was glorious and the sun was high in the sky… A perfect day to go spy on the ponies. Hearing a snap behind me and a small dog-like whine. I turned my giant head around and saw another impossibility, my mind beginning to get used to it just walked off locking itself in an imaginary closet, before softly sobbing.
Shaking myself I took another look, the… thing I was looking at was a small wolf-like creature made of wood and sticks.

‘What the hell-’? My mouth was open, the partly chewed meat inside beginning to drip out. The little wolf, (although, in retrospect, it probably was quite big compared to a normal size human and even bigger to the ponies but to me it was tiny) was looking at me and then back to the food I had just caught.

“Sorry boy, can’t have any” I said out loud, somehow in the presence of this creature the words being translated in whines and growls.

“That's fine creature of old, my pack and I was just wondering that after all this time, where have you been?” the wolf replied in the same barks and whines.

“You can talk?”

‘Well, of course they can talk, cause that's just a normal thing for a wooden wolf, not to mention the wooden part’ I thought envisioning the lone closet my mind was currently locked in.

‘I disagree I think its completely normal for a wolf to talk’,
‘Oh god please no don't start arguing with myself again...’,
‘Why, me, not arguing, preposterous!’ Looking over at the wolf I decided I should talk to him, least my mind came out of the closet to join in on the conversation I was having with myself.

I growled towards him.

“While you have been gone, only a few of us can even still access the hidden art of speech”.

“Yep sounds good, so what did your pack want, besides y'know wanting to know where I have been n stuff, cause all I’ve been recently is here, right in this forest”
“I was just going to ask if you would be kind enough to allow us passage, we really need to go past you along out hunting path”.

“Oh, sure sorry, you uh, have passage?” I lifted myself up and licked my paws, getting rid of the feeling of blood along my claws.

“Thank You, now we’ll be on our way” the wolf, which I now gathered was the alpha, ran past me, his pack of about six others, following him.

I kept on walking after that, moving through the shaded areas of the forest. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a golden doubloon looking coin, fell from the sky and hit the ground with a soft pat.

‘Ok, what now’ I honestly was expecting something even crazier than a single coin to fall from the sky with how weird things had been recently.

Looking down at the coin, I saw an image, depicting a smiling, slightly crazy looking man dressed in robes.

‘Well, at least it’s something, maybe from hom-’ my thoughts were cut out as I touched the coin a voice suddenly speaking in my head.

“Hello I am the Apprentice second in charge of godly chaos, and a good friend of Discord, my Discord that is, and I am leaving a message for anyone that needs my leadership and all round awesomeness to make their day all better, I do kisses, hugs and… butchering of entire families and children, and I have once had to fetch a river of children tears for one of my good buddies, experiments.

Anyways, if you have a need for my expertise then simply flip the coin or cover it completely any liquid you have on you, anything… And I will come to you... no not in that way, fuck man, get you head out of the gutter.
Anon over and out.”

‘-ome’ nope, definitely not from home’. Deciding to keep the coin on me I picked it up. Hearing a loud shout, coming from my right.

‘Great, now what’ I asked myself. Listening carefully, I heard it someone crying out for help. Grabbing the coin in my mouth I accidentally swallowed it, before running towards the screaming stopping as a very uncomfortable feeling made itself present in my stomach, a sploph-ing sound being heard from inside as my belly increased in size a good deal.
“I see you are busy, I shall come back later then, turra.” I heard another slurping sound from inside my stomach followed by a fading “To narnia….” as my belly returned to its normal size, realising that in swallowing the coin I had summoned the Apprentice, and shuddering at the thought that somehow he was inside me. Not wanting to even consider how that was possible I just decided ‘Because Magic’ before hearing the scream from the forest again.

‘Maybe It’s one of those pony creatures.’ The wind started picking up again as I sped toward the screaming, my ears could hear far off in the distance. Luckily I was pretty fast, quickly coming to a stop near the sound, I peeked my head out of the bushes into a clearing.

‘Fuck me..’ I giant lion creature with tiny bat wings and a scorpion, stinging tale, lifting over it’s head, stood in front of three little ponies.

“AHHHHH” they screamed in unison. The lion thing getting closer to the little ponies.

‘Just what in the sam hill is wrong with this fucking forests animals and for that matter, this whole fucking world’ I thought as I noticed a blink node over to the right side of the fillies, I also saw a node floating above the lion thing leading to it.

Remembering the awesome fight I had had with the dragon I decided ‘Fuck It’ charging forward ramming myself into the lion.

‘LEEROOOOOY JENKINSSSS’ I yelled in a wolfy howl as my frame slammed into the creature at an insane speed, my claws digging up flesh easily and tearing right through to the creature's stomach, spilling previous eaten food and guts.

‘Guess there was no need for blinking this time’ I thought as my claws raked, hard against its flesh, ripping out huge chunks of gore and guts, blood shooting out of the veins and wounds. Within seconds it was dead, quickly jumping back as the corpse of the creature fell forward and burst open, spilling gallons of blood and guts towards the fillies, who were just standing there in shock.

‘Well, that was quite a show you displayed… to those children over yonder there.’

‘Fuck, I almost forgot’. I ran over to them and looked them over, they were, for the most part, OK. They were covered in flesh and blood and looked like they had just seen a ghost, but otherwise no problem.

“That. was-” I prepared for the worst. “AWESOME”.

‘Well… that kid is now properly fucked in the head’.

‘Yep’ I thought to myself. The orange pony with purple coloured hair was standing straight up and holding her hooves up.

‘How the hell does said pony, stand up on two legs like that’. Her legs were straight and her fore-hooves were held up, above her. ‘She must be really flexible or something’ My mind deciding to just forgo the logical explanation and just go with the or something. The other two filly’s, were still stock still, although they seem to be starting to come out of it. I quickly picked them up and put them on my back, and began to jog back to the village, the way I had been going.

‘I hope the ponies aren’t too upset that their young ones are covered in blood’ I thought as my speed began to pick up.

A few minutes later I began to slow down as I came to the edge of the forest and into the village, grassland surrounding area. ‘Alright, here we go’ I walked out of the forest and came upon a large field of apple trees and a barn directly ahead of me, and a stone path leading away, towards the village from before.
‘Wow this place is surreal’ I thought. The apple trees were perfectly aligned and there was a prominent smell of pure, fresh apples in the air.
“Cool we made it girls” the orange one with purple hair said. Still don’t know their names.
“Yea, he’s alright for a big bad wolf”. I felt a light tapping gesture on my back and I took it for one of the fillies pating me.
‘Ahh so cute’. I just couldn’t help it, my inner child was exploding with joy. They are so fucking cute I repeated.
I walked the fillies out of the forest and into the lines of apple trees and began to go down the middle of one row, still melting into the shadows, taking the fillies with me, following the scent of one the six ponies I had met yesterday. After a few seconds of walking the apple tree farm came to a stop and I emerged out onto the open barn front.
‘Hmmm’, looking around, I didn’t immediately see anyone or any… pony? Anywhere near the barn or on the farm for that matter, at all.
‘Guess they're all working further out. I really don’t want to have to go out looking, but I really want to clean these fillies’. Deciding to skip the barn and head, instead into the village I started walking along the stone/dirt road, keeping to shadows as per usual.

‘I see you're portraying very animalistic traits there’ I didn’t answer deciding to try ignore my internal dialogue in an attempt to stop it from starting up an argument again.

‘Is being a wolf really changing me this much?’ I began to feel slightly angry at that creature, Discord, for why was I here, These questions swam around my head as I walked through the town now, heading for what looked like…. A treehouse?

Making it to the door of the tree house, no house tree, no not right either, y’know what fuck it, I let myself in, the door opening easily. I then saw what the building was, and I nearly doubled over laughing at the irony.

‘A fucking library’ I thought, really?... I looked around and saw that the sun was beginning to set, I could hear, off in the distance, a train heading towards the small village,I guessed it was about five or six hours from reaching the town.

‘Better get some sleep’ I thought, I made my way to the stairs which looked like the way to the living quarters. Looking around, I quickly found the bathroom and made my way in. I then went over to the bathtub and twisted the faucet on, with my mouth.

‘Uhh so fucking annoying with my fingers now’. After 25 billion attempts I finally got the facet to turn on. Let me just say one thing about the human anatomy: we don’t pay enough attention to how awesome and useful fingers are...

“I don’t want to have a bath,” the orange one with red hair said, guessing my plans.

‘Well, too fucking bad kid, you getting a fucking bath whether you like it or not’. They were smothered in blood and gore and now my saliva.

“Quiet, please Scootaloo, he’s a giant wolf” said the white pony.

“Oh please Sweetiebelle, we could take him CMC style” ahh so her name is Sweetiebelle, gotta remember that.

“I just hope this big guy doesn't go haywire on us” said the last, orange fillie.

“Oh stop your worrying Applebloom” and there's the last name: Scootaloo, Sweetiebelle and Applebloom.

“I just don’t think Rarity would approve…” Sweetiebelle said.

‘Yea thats right, I do not want to be the one to take the fall when your parents come for you, if you’re covered in blood and guts’ For about an hour I thoroughly washed them, making sure to reset the water every so often but keeping it warm, I scrubbed and cleaned everything off of their bodies and then made sure the sink didn’t stink of blood. All in all, a job well done.

“Thank you Mr Wolf” they all chorused after I was done.
I then went back down stairs and over to the couch lying on one side of the circular room and lay down, quickly curling up, my tail curling around the fillies protectively. Dreamless sleep quickly consuming me and the fillies, dropping all of us into the realm of unconscious.

Author's Note:

-Again edited by my good friend Inrix, I thank thee so much for the help.:pinkiehappy:
-Comment on anything that I may be doing wrong.
-Much fun writing, can't wait to see your guys reaction
For those who got the cookie quote: :pinkiehappy: