• Published 10th Feb 2015
  • 36,761 Views, 1,418 Comments

The Whittler - ROBCakeran53

After the defeat of Tirek, a special letter arrives with news from a secluded town in the middle of Nowhere. Now the main six are tasked with finding out what happened there, and who this Mister Baker really is.

  • ...


The train ride was agonizingly long. Even longer than the trip to Appleloosa. With such a small settlement in the middle of literally Nowhere, Twilight Sparkle wondered how it even managed to stay operating.

As if reading her thoughts, Applejack coughed. “My cousin Braeburn tells me there are plenty of travelin’ caravans that go all over Equestria. Maybe they’re able to get most of their supplies that way? More than likely, they make most of their stuff by hoof.”

Twilight nodded, staring back out her window, which for the last eighteen hours that was all she’d done.

“I’m still shocked you brought an entire tree for them, Applejack.” Rarity’s voice drew Twilight’s gaze away from the moving scenery to her friends. “I understood Appleloosa for family was involved, but you don’t even know if there is any Apple family living there.”

Applejack chuckled. “Rares, trust me when I say that there are so many Apples out there, I’d be more shocked there wasn’t at least one in the town. And if there just so happens that there isn’t one, then I’ll give ‘em the tree regardless. I’m sure they could use it.”

“Well, at least you’re bringing something to help,” Rainbow pouted, sitting in another seat.

“Look sugarcube, it ain’t your fault that they’re still having issues with the cloud machine. When it’s done you can just bring them over then.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Dash said, waving her hoof and looking out the window. “Ugh, how much longer is this train ride?”

Twilight rubbed her eyes, then brought out a map. “Well, if I’m guessing correctly, another half hour or so.”

“Oh, thank goodness! I could use a rest once we find a hotel,” Rarity said, adjusting her eyeliner with a pocket mirror.

“I’m afraid that’s not all, though. You see, the train doesn’t go to the town. It’s still another twenty mile trot from this station.”

Rarity lowered her mirror. “You cannot be serious.”

“I told ya to bring yer walkin’ shoes,” Applejack said, nudging Rarity in the side.

The last stretch of train ride was filled with complaining from Rarity, mocking from Applejack, and party favors being thrown about by Pinkie Pie as she ‘limbered up’ for her planned party.

With a final jolt of the train, it stopped, steam being released and the coals being cooled. The six mares were the only ponies to exit the train, the fellow passengers giving them curious looks. Twilight levitated with her a large apple tree, and Rarity had everypony’s luggage. The train was quick to leave, wishing to waste no more time somewhere it didn’t frequent regularly.

The six ponies looked around the small wooden platform, and the one single structure no bigger than a outhouse. To Twilight’s shock, there actually was a pony in it.

“Welcome to Nowhere,” He said in a practiced drawl, any and all emotion lost with his tone.

“We’re, uh,” Twilight coughed, dust from the departed train still lingering in the air, “we’re going to Oasis. Is there perchance a carriage we can take there?” Twilight asked.

He immediately perked up, noticing the crown on her head. “Oh, Princess Twilight Sparkle. Sorry about that. It just gets kinda-” he coughed, “Nevermind. Actually, you should have a carriage coming to pick you all up. I’m shocked it isn’t here yet, then again, knowing them they are trying to hide the last of the moonshine before you get there,” he chuckled.

Twilight raised an eyebrow, but then noticed a plume of dust coming towards them in the distance.

“Speak of the devils themselves,” the station pony said. Twilight squinted her eyes, barely able to make out the carriage and pony pulling it. “Oh boy, you got Road Rage as your puller pony. Good luck.”

Before Twilight could question it, the pony pulled down a metal window cover, locking it, and then stepped out of the small cubicle. Then, like a stray tumbleweed in the desert, he began walking away, never looking back. Just walking to what looked like a random direction.

The carriage made an abrupt stop, nearly throwing the pony inside into the front of the carriage.

“So help me, Road. If you do any of that with Princess Sparkle, I will have Top throw you in jail for a month!” The voice from inside shouted.

“Yeah, yeah, I hear ya Mayor.” The puller pony looked over at the six mares. “Oh, speakin’ of the devils themselves.”

What is it with that phrase? Twilight thought.

“What? Oh. OH! PRINCESS!” The pony shouted, stepping out of the carriage. His bright red tie clashed terribly with his green coat and golden mane. “I didn’t realize you were already here. Strange, the train was-” he looked at a golden pocket watch, “by golly it was actually on time? That’s a first.”

“Well, having a princess on board tends to do that,” Rainbow Dash said with a grin.

“I suppose so. Well, why don’t you all step on inside and I’ll start the introductions out of the sun?”

They nodded, and boarded the larger coach, Twilight placing the tree on the roof of the carriage while Rarity placed their luggage on the rear rack.The Mayor was the last pony to enter, but not without some choice words.

“I mean it, Road Rage. We’re trying to get there alive, so no funny stuff.”

“Yeah, yeah, I hear ya Mayor. Keep your tie on.”

“I would if you weren’t the reason it kept coming off.”

Road Rage rolled his eyes, and the second the mayor was in the coach he took off with a jolt, following his tracks back to town.

“Forgive me, Your Highness,” the mayor said, taking a proper seat across from her.

“It’s fine,” Twilight was still trying to hide the blush from the mayor’s sudden physical contact. “And please, just Twilight Sparkle. I’m still new to the princess title.”

“Oh yes, congratulations on that, by the way.”

“Thank you,” Twilight responded with a nod.

“Bah, where are my manners? I always forget the proper introductions. I am Mayor Billfold.”

“Oh, so you are the one who wrote the letter?” Rarity asked.

“Well, I spoke it. My wife wrote it out for me. I have terrible mouthwriting.”

“I’m surprised you managed to become mayor then. Don’t you do a lot of writing?” Twilight asked.

“That is what I have a secretary for.”

“Oh, haha, of course.”

“So, might I ask who your friends are?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, this is-”

“Wait wait wait, you don’t know who we are?” Rainbow said. “Really?”

“I’m afraid not, young filly.”

“But, how? We’re like, super heroes.”

“Rainbow!” Applejack hissed.

“What? I just find it weird that there’s somepony who doesn’t know who we are.”

Twilight coughed. “Please forgive Rainbow Dash, Mayor Billfold-”

“Just Mayor is fine.”

“Right, Mayor. She talks before she thinks.”

“Hey!” Rainbow protested.

“And the rest of my friends are Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie.”

“Hiya!” Pinkie said, jumping into the mayor’s face.

“Uh, yes, hello.” He backed away, and so the mare returned to her seat.

“So, you’ve really never heard of us?” Rainbow asked one more time.

“Well, truth be Miss Dash, it takes some time for news to reach us.”

“Don’t you have a newspaper?” Rarity asked.

“Oh no, although when a traveler comes into town on occasion they bring with them a paper. The last one we got was about… a year and a half ago.”

Twilight blinked. “Over a year ago?”


“I’m sure you have radio, there is a news band.”

“Well, we only have one radio in town, and we only get two stations.”

“What.” Rainbow’s eyes narrowed.

“How can you ponies live like that? Not knowing what’s going on in the rest of the world?” Twilight asked.

“One thing you have to understand about Oasis, Miss Sparkle, is that the town was settled by a group of ponies who wanted little to do with the rest of Equestria. It started out as a bunch of tents, then when more ponies stumbled upon them they built a single room house. Then when more showed up, they built another building. The town is made up with ponies who are usually running away from their troubles, or have had enough of Equestrian society.”

Rarity’s hoof rose to her chest, a gasp leaving her lips as she struggled to respond.

The mayor raised a hoof in turn, shaking his head. “Please, do not be alarmed. We do not tolerate thugs, criminals, or vandals. We are a town built upon new beginnings, a fresh start. Many ponies come around and only stay a year, clear their head, and, once they’ve had their fill, go back home. Others make this town their resting place. My wife and I are among that group.”

“Why is that, if it isn’t too much to ask,” Twilight asked.

“It isn’t a secret. To make a long story short, my wife and I came here about twelve years ago, after her father disowned her because she married me. We wanted nothing to do with that Canterlot snob, so we left. Eventually we came upon Oasis. I became mayor about… oh, I dare say eight years ago.”

“Only four years in town, and they make you mayor?” Twilight raised a brow.

“Well, I dare say Thomas played a key role in helping me achieve that.”

“Who’s Thomas?” Applejack asked.

“Ah, that would be Mister Baker. Thomas Baker, although some around town have taken to calling him Tom.”

“Funny soundin’ name. What even is a Thomas?” Applejack asked.

“Well, right truthfully we don’t really know ourselves. Although one time he did say that there was a blue locomotive from where he came from that was called a Thomas, so we figured it had something to do with trains.”

Twilight tapped her chin. “That makes no sense. What do trains and baking have to do with one another?”

The mayor chuckled. “Trust me, Miss Sparkle, I do hope you don’t mind that title, but his name is quite deceiving. He couldn’t cook to save a life.”

“What? Then… I don’t understand…”

“Well, I take that back, he can bake and cook, although I dare say it is barely edible. But at the time, nopony was complaining. And no, Thomas’s talent is something much more to marvel. He’s quite the carpenter, plumber, and has recently become the town’s electrician even with his limited knowledge on the subject.”

“So his cutie mark is then something that involves carpentry?” Twilight asked.

At that, the mayor began to sweat, looking anywhere but at Twilight. “W-well, n-not exactly.”

“Mayor, I’m failing to grasp this pony. He is a pony, right?” Twilight raised a brow.

“O-of c-c-course he is, ha ha, how s-silly would it be if he w-wasn’t?” The mayor stuttered out.

Twilight’s eyes were half-lidded. “Riiiiiiight. Well then, I have some preliminary questions I need to ask Mister Baker, but while we’re here, would you mind answering a couple?”

The mayor gulped, wiping his forehead with a hoofkerchief. “Well, I mean, if they’re for Mister Baker, surely I wouldn’t be able to speak for him.”

“Oh, but I insist. They’re quite simple questions, really. Like, first off, just how did Mister Baker not have his magic taken away?”

“Oh, well, he was, uh… he was… out of town!”

“He was out of town.” Twilight repeated, slowly.

“Yes, working outside of town. When he came back into town; we were all scattered and drained, so he helped us home.”

“Mayor, sir, Tirek could sense magic miles away with just a sniff. You’re trying to tell me he managed to not be found because he was out of town?

“Well, y-you see Miss Sparkle, there are a lot of homes several miles out of town. Take Farmer Jacks, for instance. He’s over twenty miles due East.” he coughed. “W-which, as it s-so happens, that’s where he was! At Farmer Jack’s, helping fix his, uh, plumbing.”

Twilight continued to glare at the mayor, whose sweat was now soaking his collar and the knot of his tie.

“Mayor, I’m seriously doubting-”

“Oh look, we’re here!” The mayor interrupted Twilight.

And then the abrupt stop interrupted everypony as the inside of the carriage turned into flailing limbs and bodies.


Road Rage unhitched himself from the harness, shaking the thin layer of dust that had gathered on his brown coat and black hair. After all, he needed to look decent for a princess. With a happy skip in his trot he rounded alongside the carriage to open the door, all the while voices were shouting from inside, but he payed no mind.

“Owch, watch your hoof Pinkie!”

“Sorry, I’m sorry.”

Puh-lease tell me that’s somepony’s mane and not their tail.

“Road Rage, when I get my hooves on you…”

“Watch it, Dash. Ya almost sat on my face.”

“Mmph! Sphe ish sphitting om my phase.”

Casually, he twisted the handle on the door and opened it. All seven ponies came tumbling out in a heap, Pinkie being the last body out, all the while giggling.

“Weee! That was fun!” she said as she bounced off.

“I don’t think I shall ever ride in a stagecoach again,” Rarity huffed, next off the pile.

“Oh, I’m so sorry Twilight. I didn’t mean to shove my hoof-” Fluttershy started, standing off of Twilight.

“You’re fine, Fluttershy.” Twilight stood.

“Why am I always at the bottom of a pile?” Rainbow grumbled, taking to the air.

“Because everypony knows you like being on bottom,” Applejack smirked.

“Oh, ha ha, very funny AJ,” Dash said with a forced laugh.

Finally, the mayor was the last to stand, his tie undone and hanging from his loose collar.

“Road Rage,” The mayor croaked.

“Yes, sir?”

“Take the wagon to the Inn, unload and deposit the princess’s luggage as well as her friends’, take the wheels off the coach, AND THEN REPORT TO MY OFFICE FOR IMMEDIATE TERMINATION!” The mayor shouted the last bit.

The young stallion saluted, grinning. “Yeah, yeah.”

Once hitched, he was off again like a speeding train.

“I’m really considering having a speed limit for carriages, but I fear that colt would see them as a challenge.” The mayor said, trying to straighten out his undone tie.

“Yeah, they tried that in Cloudsdale for us pegasi. I had the highest score.” Rainbow lept into the air with a mighty flap.

“Yes, and I had to bail you out of jail eight times because of it,” Fluttershy whispered, just enough for only Rainbow to hear which brought her back down on the ground with a grumble.

“Well, I’m sure you all wish to meet Mister Baker as soon as possible, but I feel as though I should give you a couple glimpses of the work he’s done. Do follow me, please.”

As they walked, Twilight studied the buildings, still unsure if it really was a town or simply a settlement. With how haphazardly the buildings appeared to have been built, either terminology would do. But one structure caught her attention.

“Is that the deck you were saying Mister Baker made?” Rarity asked before Twilight could.

“Yes. That there is the Sunny Side Up Inn and Breakfast, owned by Sunny Side. That is where you will be staying. Thomas did a marvelous job with it. I dare say that the building will come tumbling down before long, but that porch will remain there forever.”

“My word, I dare think so.” Rarity trotted over, examining the bassils. “Did he carve these, too?”

“Yes, each one was ha- I mean, hoof carved. It took him two weeks to finish all of those.”

“Such stunning work.” Rarity ran her hoof along the wood. “So smooth, no rough spots. Simply amazing.”

“You have a keen eye for detail there, missy.”

The group of ponies looked up onto the porch at the mare who just spoke. She had on a red and white polka dotted gown and a white apron over it. Her warm green coat complimented her blonde mane.

“Golly, you look just like my granny,” Applejack blurted out.

“Gee, do I look that old?” She retorted with a smirk.

Applejack shook her head. “Naw, not what I-”

“I’m playin’, hun. I get that all the time.” She winked, then turned to Rarity. “Mighty fine work ol’ Tom sure did. I told him he didn’t need to make it all pretty like, but well, when it comes to Tom and wood, he’s always gotta show it off.” She added with a chuckle.

“He certainly did, Miss-?”

“Sunny. Sunny Side’s the name. I own this fine here establishment, Sunny Side Up Inn and Breakfast. And I take it y’all are that entourage we were expectin’ fer Tom?”

“That would be correct, ma’am. I’m Princess Twilight Sparkle, but Twilight is just fine. And then my friends Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity.”

“Well nice to meet y’all then.”

“Miss Side-” Twilight began.

“Just call me Sunny, darlin’.”

“Right, Sunny, what did you mean by ‘old Tom’? How old is he?”

“Oh that, it’s just a tease fer him. He likes to act and think he’s older than he is, but we all know it’s just a show.”

“That didn’t answer my question. How old is he?” Twilight repeated.

“Well, aren’t you a stickler for information?” Sunny’s smile faltered for a moment, but then returned. “If memory serves me correctly, he’s forty-four this year.”

“That ain’t all bad. Braeburn’s pop worked until he was seventy eight,” Applejack said.

Twilight pulled out a quill and parchment and jotted this new information down.

“So Sunny, what can you tell me about Mister Baker?”

“Oh, there’s plenty I can tell you about him, both truth and gossip. In all honesty, I think the only things I can safely tell you is that he is a kind hearted stallion. He helps look out for the town and the ponies in it. And, as you’ve already seen, is quite the marvel carpenter.”

“I’ve gathered all that, but I mean can you tell me anything personal about him? Is he married? Foals?”

“Missy, I’m afraid those are all questions best left to Tom himself to answer. He don’t care none sharin’ his personals around with strangers, and as his friends us townsponies respect his privacy.”

“Fair enough.” Twilight said. “So can you then tell me how Mister Baker managed to not have his magic taken away?”

Sunny Side opened her mouth to answer, then closed it, clicking her tongue. “Truth be, missy, I haven’t the slightest clue. I just remember that big ol’ monster stompin’ through town, destroying my porch, and next thing I know there’s Tom, pickin’ me up and takin’ me inside. I was so weak, and felt sick to my stomach, but he made sure to check up on me and feed me that slop of his, bless his heart for tryin’.”

“Slop? What kind of slop? I’ve had some good slop, especially the buffalo’s slop. That slop is the sloppiest slop there is but it was soo good!” Pinkie Pie was bouncing around the group with a toothy grin.

“It wasn’t really slop, per se. Just that his methods of cooking are, shall we say, different than ours.”

“I see.” Twilight scribbled some more onto her parchment, then with a pop of her magic it disappeared. “Well, thank you for your time. I’ll have some more questions later.”

“I’m sure you will, missy. Be sure to be back around six, least you want cold supper.”

“Oh, oh!” Pinkie bounced in place with a hoof in the air.

“Pinks, it ain’t slop,” Rainbow said.


“We will be sure to return, thank you,” Twilight said.

With that, Sunny Side walked back inside. The mayor coughed, gaining Twilight’s attention once again.

“Well, next I think we should see Doc Hollywood’s office and the fine work Thomas did fixing the hole in the roof.”

For the next two hours, Twilight and her friends were lead around town, meeting the various ponies that called Oasis their home. Alas, much like Sunny Side’s answers, Twilight found nopony willing to spill any information on Mister Baker other than what she’d known already. None of them could recall how Tirek hadn’t drained his magic either, all saying they hadn’t seen him all morning until after Tirek had left.

“Thank you for your time, Missus Stalk.” Twilight said, and again her quill and parchment vanished into nothing.

“Not a problem. Mister Baker has done a lot for this town. He deserves to be recognized for it, as much as he don’t want it. My farm would be in a lot worse shape if it weren’t for him,” the mare said, then with a nod, trotted off to continue her business.

“Well, that’s ten ponies, all saying how much of an amazing, helping, and caring stallion Mister Baker is. So now Mayor, if it isn’t too much trouble, I’d like to actually meet him,” Twilight said with an authoritative tone.

“Oh, y-yes, of course. I’m sure he’s back at his shop by now. Just follow me, please.” The Mayor said.

“It’s kinda what we’ve been doing for the past two hours.” Rainbow whispered to Twilight.

“I know. He’s been stalling for time.” Twilight whispered back.

“Do you think there really even is a Mister Baker?”

“I don’t know, but hopefully we will soon find out.”

The six mares followed the mayor to a two story building with a small porch on the front. The porch itself resembled the craftsmanship of Sunny Side’s, only much more detail had been put into it.

“More of Mister Baker’s work, I presume?” Rarity asked.

“Yes, he built this porch some time ago, before he inherited this shop.”

“Inherited? From family?” Twilight asked.

“No, Thomas has no family.” Twilight raised a brow. “That is, in town I mean.” The mayor recovered, pulling at his collar. “Thomas inherited this shop from our town’s previous carpenter slash plumber when he passed on. Mister Fixit was quite the craftspony.”

“So Mister Baker apprenticed under Mister Fixit?” Twilight asked.

“You could say that. From where Thomas came from, he was already a carpenter and plumber. Rough around the edges though, but after a couple years working for Mister Fixit, well I daresay the student surpassed the teacher.”

The group of ponies stepped up the porch, the mayor walking through the already open door. Twilight noticed the ‘OPEN! Come on in!’ sign in an adjacent window.

“Oh Thomas! It’s me, Mayor Billfold. I’ve got some guests who’d like to meet you!” The mayor said loudly.

“Come on in! Make yourselves at home, I’ll be down in a minute!” A gruff voice called from a stairwell.

Twilight could hear the sounds of shuffling hooves above. She looked to her friends, all looking around at the random objects strewn around the single room. Besides the front entrance, there were two other doors, one open leading to the upstairs, and another with a “Employees ONLY” sign on it. Inside the room itself stood a lone counter, quite tall for a pony Twilight noted, a cash register on top as well as other random trinkets.

Business card holder, a silver service bell, and lots of pencils sticking up in a jar. Twilight levitated one of the plain white cards to her, reading it carefully.

Thomas M. Baker

Master Carpenter, Plumber

Any day service, hours pending

Telegraph Nowhere 459

“If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing RIGHT!”

Twilight placed the card into her small saddle bag, then looked to the rest of the room. The most obvious thing in the room were the pictures on the walls. Most black and white, all full of ponies, showing the progression of this small business and the town’s residents who frequented this shop. Behind the counter, however, she could see the obvious open spaces where pictures had been removed.

“Wow, this Mister Baker is a busy feller for such a small town.” Applejack’s voice drew Twilight away from the wall.

Applejack stood beside the Employees only door, where a large chalk board was hung. It listed names, projects, supplies needed, and even an estimated completion date. The entire board was full, ranging from simple fixing of furniture to building an entire stagecoach. There was a note next to the last one:

T. Lulamoon - Traveling stagecoach - none - Done
*Hold until FULL payment

“Lulamoon, don’t that name sound familiar, Twi?” Applejack asked.

In truth, it did sound faintly familiar, but she couldn’t place a hoof where. She shrugged, turning to the rest of her friends who were browsing the few shelves that held sellable items. Things from simple bathroom soaps to wall hooks. All cosmetics or otherwise simple do-it-yourself supplies.

“Why, these are some cute shower curtain rings. I may have to inquire about these when Mister Baker comes down,” Rarity said, holding the polished white ring with a blue jewel decoration attached.

Twilight giggled, then looked to another corner in the room. A small wood burning stove, still lit, with a coffee percolator resting on top. Next to it, a small round table with four chairs. One of them caught Twilight’s attention; It was much larger, having a taller back rest. She looked back to the tall counter.

He must be a larger pony. Twilight mused.

The sound of hooves coming down the stairs caused all the ponies to look at the open doorway expectantly. Twilight noticed the mayor’s nervous expression, and once he noticed Twilight staring he darted his eyes away.


Twilight gasped as the sound of stomping hooves was replaced with the tumbling of a body. Luckily it wasn’t too many steps, as a blue earth pony crashed to the floor, his short, copper colored mane in a mess.

“Co-er, Thomas, are you alright?” the Mayor rushed over, helping the pony up.

“Yes, I’m fine, thank you Mayor,” he said.

“You’re Mister Baker?” Rarity exchanged glances with Twilight, the two already having similar thoughts.

“Yes, yes I am,” Thomas said.

As he stood, Twilight took immediate notice of the shirt the pony was wearing, and gawked at how ridiculously long the sleeves were.

“No wonder you tripped, darling. Those sleeves need to be hemmed,” Rarity said, speaking Twilight’s thoughts.

Rarity trotted over, trying to examine the shirt while Thomas tried to back away.

“Now now, don’t you fret. I’m alright.”

“Yes, I can see that. Your shirt on the other hoof is in tatters, my good stallion.” Rarity leaned in closer. “This shirt is too large for you, don’t you know?”

Twilight glanced the mayor, who was visibly shaking, his nerves on the end of their ropes.

“Well, you see, Miss…?”

“Oh, Rarity. Just Rarity is fine.”

“Rarity, thank you for noticing. Our town tailor isn’t exactly the best at his job, so I’ve simply been making do with this.” He chuckled. “At least he got my name right.”

Twilight had noticed the sewn on tag, white with both a red border and lettering spelling out “Tom”.

“Well then, might I take a crack at doing some proper fittings? I brought along with me my traveling sewing bag so it would be no trouble at all.”

“Oh no, really, it’s quite alright. Besides, there is honestly no sense in you all staying here in town. After all, I’m sure you’ve spoken to some of the townsponies by now and have a full understanding of what happened.”

Twilight blinked. “A full understanding? Mister Baker, we have barely any understanding.”

Pinkie suddenly appeared from behind Thomas. “Besides, we can’t leave yet silly! Not until I can throw you your ‘Thanks for helping the entire town’ party!”

Thomas laughed nervously. “N-no thank you young lady. I don’t need a party, the town has already shown me enough gratitude.” Pinkie physically deflated from that. He then turned to Twilight. “If you have some questions for me Princess, I can spare the time to answer them.”

Twilight smiled. Finally, she was going to get some straight answers. From the horse’s mouth, as it were.

“I would greatly appreciate it, Mister Baker.”

“Please, Thomas or simply Tom is alright.”

“Very well, Thomas. I must say, you have a very tall counter for being a shorter pony.”

Thomas blinked, the question evidently not being one he expected. “Oh, uh, well, that’s because… I use it for storage! Behind here, there’s storage space. As you can see, this room isn’t very big, so I make space where I can.”

Twilight nodded. Fair point, but she wasn’t buying it. “And the chair?”

“I’m sorry?”

“The one chair there, at the table. It’s much larger than the rest.”

“Oh, well I like my comfort. A larger chair means more space to rest on.”

Not bad. Twilight mused. “So, Thomas, why are some of the pictures missing?”

Thomas blinked. “The pictures?”

“On the wall behind the counter. There are several places where pictures are missing. I was just curious what happened to them.

Thomas glanced to the mayor, who now was sweating like crazy, then looked back to Twilight. “Well, I’m making new frames for them.”

Oh, you’re good. “Ah, alright then.”

“Princess, is there a problem with how I live in my own shop?” Thomas asked with a raised brow.

Twilight was taken aback by the question. “What? No, I was just curious about-”

“Well it seems to me that you’re trying to fish something out from me, Your Highness. I’m quite a busy pony as you can see from my board over there, so unless you have some serious questions, I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t waste my time.”

Twilight winced under Thomas’s glare. Was she wrong? There were a lot of oddities, sure, but what all he said could be possibilities. She turned to Applejack, the farm pony glaring at Thomas in thought. If anypony could tell if he was lying, it was Applejack.

The sound of hooves entering caused everypony to jump, the unexpected noise quickly followed by a voice.

“Afternoon Tom. I got your-” The mailpony stopped, his words dying as he realized just how many ponies were staring at him. “Uh, is there a problem Mayor?”

The mayor was quick to react, almost running up to the mailpony and wrapping a foreleg around his neck in a vain attempt to draw the pony away.

“Swift, it’s so nice of you to stop by, but as you can see Thomas here is really busy at the moment, so if you could just bring back-”

The mayor was interrupted by the pegasus suddenly falling to the ground, a couple letters falling out of his bag as he rolled on the floor in fits of laughter.

“Sh-sheriff, what are you doing in-” Swift Delivery’s muzzle was clamped shut by both of the mayor’s hooves.

Thomas here was just about to tell the princess about what happened, so that they could be on their way.” The mayor growled.

The pegasus’s eyes went wide, staring at Twilight with full understanding, especially now that he saw the crown on her head.

“OH! Y-y-your M-m-majesty!” Swift stood, then bowed.

Twilight paid him no attention, instead glaring back at Thomas.

“Sheriff?” she asked.

“Well, you see Your Highness, often times I am a substitute constable for the sheriff. Some ponies find it amusing to call me Sheriff however.” He glared at Swift, who was still bowing all the while trying to scoop up the fallen letters.

Twilight looked between the three townsponies. Each one in some form of panic, calmed panic like this supposed Thomas or absolute panic like the mailpony. It was time to end this charade.

“Applejack, as the representative of the Element of Honesty, would you please tell me with your honest opinion if these stallions are telling the truth?”

Applejack grinned. “Why, Princess, I do believe I can.”

“And how do you find them?”

“If they were wearin’ pants, they’d be ablaze right about now.”

The mayor gulped, loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Thank you Applejack. Well, I must admit, you had us going good Mayor.” Twilight walked up to the counter, levitating one of the business cards. “From convincing the townsponies to make up stories, all the way to these little business cards. I must admit, you did a fine job, just not good enough.” Twilight shook her head. “All of this will be going into my report to Princess Celestia.”

“W-wait, Y-y-your Highness, please-” The mayor stepped forward.

“NO!” Twilight shouted, causing everypony to jump, her friends included.. “I’ve had enough of your lies, and quite frankly, I am absolutely appalled you would go through such lengths at what has been one of Equestria’s hardest hit times since Nightmare Moon over a thousand years ago! All of this for money? And a medal, to whom? Somepony who doesn’t exist?”


“No, Mister Billfold, I will not hear anymore.”

“You get’em Twi!” Rainbow Dash cheered.

Twilight ignored her friends’ cheers. “Furthermore, you dragged us half way across the continent, wasting our valuable time that we could have been using to help places that actually needed it, and on top of it all you bring in innocent townsponies whom you are sworn to govern to help strengthen your lies?”

“Your Highness-” ‘Thomas’ started.

“No, you be quiet.” Twilight pointed a hoof at him. “In fact, for directly lying to not one but two princesses of Equestria among the other charges against you three-”

“Wait, what did I-” Swift was cut off by a mean glare from Twilight.

“You three are now under arrest by order of me, Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight elaborated with a stomp of her right hoof.

From behind her all of her friends erupted in cheers and clopping of hooves on the wood floor.

Swift Delivery’s ears twitched. Somepony- no, someone was approaching. “Um, Y-your H-h-highness?”

Twilight ignored him. “Now, you will all follow me to your jail house. Luckily it was one of the buildings you showed me, otherwise it would be quite awkward for having you lead me there.”

The steps were getting closer.

“Princess Twilight,” Swift said louder.

“I’m sorry you were drawn into this mailpony, but until I can figure out how deep your mayor and sheriff have this little crime of theirs buried, you’re also suspect.”


“Unless," Twilight looked between the sheriff and mayor, "you're willing to tell me the truth here and now."

The two ponies looked to one another.

I got you now... Twilight grinned.

“Oh man, here comes Tom!” Swift said, getting out of the doorway.

“What?” Twilight turned back around, noticing that the mayor had a shocked expression on his face.

Meanwhile, the sheriff was grinning. “Speak of the devil…”

That phrase… The hairs on Twilight’s neck stood on end as she looked to the doorway itself. Standing there on two long legs was a bipedal creature, its features masked from the shadow cast on it thanks to the sun hitting its back.

Twilight’s jaw dropped. What in Equestria is THAT?

Author's Note:

*EDIT* Aaaah, a chunch of the fic hadn't been updated from my last editing. Fixed now, so it should make a little more sense later.

There was a lot more possibilities I could have done with the townsponies, but I didn't want to drown you guys in random OC's that will be making only one appearance for just this chapter. While yes, there will be quite a few more of them, I'm trying to reserve those slots for ones that actually pertain to the story itself.

Thanks again to my editors, and if you see anything they/me missed, feel free to point it out. Or if you have any opinions on something, also feel free. I know you guys catch things that I miss.