• Published 12th Dec 2023
  • 146 Views, 4 Comments

Elements: The Gray Chapters - Nightmare_0mega

The hour is at hand. A past of horror is about to return. The Elements and the Dark Hearts are now set before this new threat. Will they be enough, or will the new nightmare plague the land eternally?

  • ...


Songbirds began to chirp in the very early morning hours within the boarders of Canterlot Castle, happily proclaiming their lives for another day as the moon began to set. It had been a constant, punctual, and absolutely routine week thus far, and the Solar Princess, her Highness Celestia, had dreaded every hour. The wait for the weeks' end was excruciating, not helped by the absolute radio silence from her favorite former student. If it weren't for her rigorous care routine and magic reserves, her multicolored mane of light cerulean, light turquoise, very light cobalt blue, and pale heliotrope, along with her very light fuchsia-ish gray coat would betray the utter stress she was under. With regalia upon her frame, the most important of her duties as Equestria's matriarch needed to be tended to.

Dragging herself up to the Tower of the Sun, she summoned the magic from her horn and cast the routine spell to begin the Sun's course across the sky. An ordinary action for the alicorn, for what would swiftly become a very extraordinary day. The nerves and stress she felt were torturous. There were no expectations that this gathering would go well, let alone smoothly. Never-the-less, as she descended down the stairs of the Tower of the Sun and re-entered the palace proper, she made her way to and fro to check on the preparations. The main ballroom was set with a massive banquette table able to seat thirty, accounting for size differences. The kitchen was blazing with all sorts of dishes for the decidedly multi-dieted beings to be fed. Room accommodations were being set for those that could comfortably fit through the majority of the halls, with a separate room fit for the outlier that was too large to wander the castle. Servants and maids were briefed on their special tasks and guidelines while the guests were there. All political activity was put on hiatus for the day, while Daycourt was also postponed. Such acts would surely send the bureaucracy into a tizzy if it weren't for the fact she had sanctioned this meeting to be in lieu of the normal functions many, many weeks in advance. Every little detail was accounted for to the best of her knowledge with no small effort. At this point, she could only pray that her worries would be unfounded.

Soon enough, the time came where she received word from her staff that her twelve guests had finally arrived, and were lead towards the banquet hall. Celestia herself took in a slow, calming breath as she lit her horn and teleported to the entrance of the hall, ready to greet her guests. The massive doors opened, and there they stood.

The Elements of Harmony stood mostly with pride and grace, appearing to not know the true reason behind their presence here while glad all the same. Fluttershy; the pale, light grayish gold pegasus animal caretaker with curved and pale, light grayish rose mane and tail, baring the mark of three pink butterflies, represented kindness and empathy. Pinkie Pie; the pale, light grayish raspberry earth pony party mare with the messy, curly, moderate raspberry mane, baring the mark of two blue balloons and one yellow, represented joy and laughter. Rarity; the light gray seamstress unicorn with elegantly curled moderate indigo mane and tail, baring the mark of three diamonds, represented generosity and humility. Applejack; the brilliant gamboge earth pony farmer with the blond, gently tied mane and tail, baring the mark of three red apples, represented honesty and reliability. Rainbow Dash; the pale, light grayish cerulean speedster pegasus mare, with the rainbow gradient mane and tail, marked with a rainbow thunderbolt emerging from a white cloud, represented loyalty and confidence.

Finally, there was Twilight Sparkle, Celestia's dearest former student and the protégé that could yet become her greatest successor. A belovedly, scholarly alicorn mare, baring the mark of a twelve pointed mauve and white star with five smaller white stars surrounding it, representing magic, unity, and, most importantly, friendship.

However, what a dramatic shift she displayed emotionally compared to the others. While the other mares present were all smiles, Twilight's own attitude was decidedly more cold and curt. It was most presented through her violet eyes, which normally brimmed with curiosity and wonder, now were narrowed with hurt and mistrust.

As Celestia greeted each mare, they gave a chipper response in return, proceeding towards the banquet hall further beyond. Upon Twilight's own turn, she returned a short, taut, and cold response towards Celestia's salutations. The Princess of the sun anticipated that, but it still stung no less.

Then, came the wards of the mares, following behind Twilight Sparkle. The monsters from far beyond the limits of Equestria, far beyond the bounds of certain infinity, marched on through with mixed attitudes.

The first was Psycho Mantis. Self proclaimed master practitioner of telepathy and psychokinesis, whom had time and again proven these claims as worryingly true. He was the smallest of the lot, but undoubtedly the most dangerous. Human, sickly thin, and wound in leather gear that covered most everything. Belts wound around his limbs and body, either to help fasten the strange garbs he had on, or to restrain something unknown to all of them. Celestia was never quite sure of their purpose, but dared not to ask. His gasmask inspired a troubling chill upon those who dared to catch his irritation. He gave a short glare to Celestia, before he followed his warden. The feeling of it was almost as if Twilight had glared at her for a second time.

Trailing behind him was Adna. An Angel that had been declared an exile by its brethren, but still commanded a fraction of the power of its Lord with incredible skill and dedication. The odd one out from the collection of monsters, Adna had a far less villainous history, but the actions it carried upon its white marble like frame was no less harrowing. It was decorated in gold vines, a white and green-patterned robe, and a red and gold-trimmed segmented helm that adorned its avian head, giving the creature a sense of elegance Rarity herself acknowledged with fervor. The angel gave Celestia a slight, polite bow of respect with one symmetrical hand placed across its chest as it passed by, wings gently ruffling behind it, before it continued to follow this strange parade.

After the angel was Monsoon. Like Mantis, he was a human, but this being had long ago discarded that moniker physically with the latest cybernetics back at his own world. The former mercenary had boasted the power time and again over the manipulation of metal through his electromagnetic forces, including his own segmented body, to terrifying success. Many that dared to oppose his actions were met with his menace and the pointed end of his sai. His imposing artificial body strode behind the angel with arrogance, darkening the brilliance that said angel had through his dark metal gray frame with deep red accents. His ghost white hair shifted as he turned his attention to the greeting Princess, only to give a smug, toothy grin, before granting a dismissive wave, all while not stopping his pace for a single moment. To say Celestia was annoyed at the cyborg's gross disrespect would be akin to saying the sky was blue: Known, but ultimately pointless.

Following that was one of the larger members of these "dark hearts", as she would personally identify them. Dumah, a former king of his own kind and a hulking mutant vampire that possessed strange powers over the earth and over his own soul. While he exuded the presence of a dangerous predator, his behavior was nothing but cordial. Even the imposing, vicious armor had a slight gothic elegance that was only known to those he remained pleasant with. As his thunderous, cloven footfalls came up to the ruler of the sun, he gave a short bow of respect, one tri-clawed hand upon his chest, and the other outstretched and upturned to the side. Celestia returned in kind, before the former clan leader proceeded onward. Stone skin belied his gentle nature, she thought to herself.

Then came the oddest one of the guests; Elvis of the Four Devas. Though shorter than the vampire ahead of him, Elvis still had an impressive height, only challenged by his equally impressive, if somewhat obscene, gut. Large, purple beads surrounded his balding head, as the straight black hair that circled the sides and back outlined the bare scalp. His wrinkled face and his jagged black eyebrows, mustache, and short beard contrasted heavily with the pleasant smile upon his lips as he gazed about without much of a care in the world. Pressed and ironed white dress pants, coupled with his white jacket vest, gave a sense of refinement, however the scruffy hair along his surprisingly muscular arms and from the belly poking from said jacket gave a contradicting notion. Further still, his thick golden rings, four upon each arm, compounded a more garish atmosphere, coupled with the thick gemstone rings upon his fingers, which held a massive cigar between two of them. Before ashes could drop to his black and white polished shoes, he brought it back up to his lips and took a deep, satisfying drag which seemed to disintegrate the ashes entirely.

Celestia harrumphed loudly, catching the Deva's attention, whom suddenly looked like a burglar caught by a spotlight. He gave a laugh and smile, upon which he hastily put the cigar out on his own palm with a few quick taps, before taking out a box from his jacket front pocket and putting the now cooled smokable inside. He then put the box back from whence it came, and gave a salute before strutting forth. Celestia simply shook her head with a smirk and soft laugh. Elvis was incorrigible to a degree, but a decently pleasant fellow at least.

Celestia then stood in silence as the doors before her remained opened, but the last of the guests hasn't crossed through. Concerned, she peaked outside, and noticed the cause.

The first of the creatures that had touched down on this land, and the first to bond with one of the Elements of Harmony, was now stuck inside the door frame. Bael, Lord of the Frozen Soil, a demonic toad from hell that had vast command over ice and mild manipulation of the weather, grumbled at his predicament. If he weren't in a place tied to his eventual freedom and ability to return to his own realm, he'd have just smashed through, given his absolutely mammoth size. It had gone unnoticed until now, but apparently the device he wore to shrink himself somewhat to be more manageable for travel had failed. His rotund, frog-like body filled in much of the space of the archway, with his large icicle spines scrapped at the roof above him. He grunted and strained as ponies in front tried to pull his great mass, while those behind tried to push. Twilight will handle it later, I'm sure. In the meantime.

Princess Celestia cantered forth and approached the great ice toad, who noticed her presence quite quickly and stopped struggling for a moment.

"May I?" Celestia asked gently.

Bael grumbled and grunted in indignation, feeling pathetic both physically and morally, knowing he could easily free himself it he cut loose with his full might with little heed of the consequence. But alas, he knew better, and with a final huff of resignation, he said, "Please."

Celestia's horn began to glow brilliantly, causing everyone, even Bael, to close their eyes in reaction, only for an audible pop of magic to be heard, to which both Celestia and Bael were now gone as the light of the magic dissipated.


Upon entering the banquet hall, Elvis sauntered on up to the incredibly large circular table that was provided, which had been relatively animated with the ponies and monsters talking among themselves. He noticed that there were three open spots left; one large one beside Fluttershy with no seat, one elaborate and regal seat beside the very quiet Princess Luna, and one normal looking but accommodating chair beside Pinkie Pie. Since the choice was obvious, he took his seat beside Pinkie Pie. "So," Elvis started, his attention towards Pinkie, "What'd I miss?" The mare in question immediately turned to the Deva, and blurted an incredibly out of context statement involving kumquats, confusing and startling the demon.

"Context, Rosa!" He barked, but ultimately shook his head with bemusement, trying to brush off the bizarre conversation starter, "Though, I could use a little context for why we're here. Though, since Braniaco púrpura refuses to tell us why, it MUST be serious and need Princesa Sol A Tope to explain."

"I would ask," Pinkie stated, "But Twilight's being a big ol' grumpypants about it, no matter how much I bug her. That's not normally a problem, as I usually get her to spill the flour on what makes her behave like such a downer, but today seems different." Attention from the two then drew to the aforementioned Princess of Friendship, whom sat in silence and a very cold patience, almost matching Mantis' own demeanor.

"I noticed." Elvis then sat back in his seat, only to realize that Bael was still missing from their strange entourage, as well as the mare of the hour and host of this meeting, Princess Celestia.

"Actually," Rainbow Dash started, cutting through most of the conversations' volume, "What I'd like to know is where Princess Celestia is. We saw her at the entrance hall, so shouldn't she have followed after big guy?"

Fluttershy had a sudden realization. "Speaking of, where's Bael?"

Just as the question left her muzzle, there was an audible pop of magic, as a full sized Bael appeared near the crowd at the banquet table, near the spot where Fluttershy had taken her seat. Celestia herself appeared near her own seat, catching the attention to the rather serious looking Princess Luna.

"Speak of the Devil," Monsoon quipped with a grin, waiting patiently for this whole gathering to collapse in on itself. Like most of them present, he had no real idea of what was going on, but he had a strange feeling that it would be entertaining, at least.

"I apologize for our late arrival, everyone," Princess Celestia stated as she took her spot and sat with regal grace. "As you can see, we ran into some... size trouble."

"What happened to your amulet?" Fluttershy asked Bael.

"It failed me," he replied with a sneer, "Seeing as it hadn't been charged in some time..."

The indirect accusation kicked Twilight out of her cold stoicism, and she turned her attention to the giant ice toad. "I'm sorry, Bael. It must have slipped my mind," she admitted genuinely, "I promise to make a new one for you." She then turned her attention to the Princess of the Sun, eyes squinting in an accusatory glare. "More importantly, right now, I think it would be best if you tell everyone why we're gathered here today."

Luna shook her head with light disappointment, muttering the words 'I told you so' in a whisper. Celestia did not respond to her sister's proven and cutting words, and simply rose back up from her seat. Giving a defeated sigh, her expression soon became one of authority and determination, despite her own confidence being so shaken.

"My dearest little ponies, and my dear beings from beyond our world, I have made the request to my beloved former Student, Princess Twilight Sparkle, in order to officially announce-"

"Enough of the subterfuge," Twilight stated with bitter venom, "Just get on with it."

One would think Princess Celestia, the Thousand Year Ruler of Equestria, Monarch of the Sun, and perhaps one of the most powerful beings in the land would retaliate with such striking attitude. Those that only ever saw the title or standing believed that wholeheartedly. However, the reality was, as powerful as she was, physically and politically, she was still a mare. A mare with a heart that was currently filled with sorrow and regret.

"Yes," Celestia stated, "I'm sorry. There are two reasons why I've gathered you here today, and the first is concerning the strange arrival of you six, our world's guests."

"Oh, this aughta be good," Monsoon snickered, entwining his fingers into a bridge as he listened intently.

"Hush, you," Applejack barked, "Go on, Princess. We're all ears."

"Your arrival, I'm afraid, is no coincidence. In fact. You were all summoned here for a purpose. With the exception of Mantis, you were directly pulled into our world on my order." Surprised looks upon nine of the twelve guests present filled Celestia's vision. The room became dead silent as everyone just stared at the Princess in shock. It was only the increasing volume of Monsoon's manic cackling that utterly shattered the silence.

"OH THIS IS TOO RICH!" Monsoon yelled out, his laughter like a mad hyena.

"Hey, what's so funny, Monsoon?" asked Rainbow Dash, "Did you know something?"

"Maybe he's just happy to hear he was brought here for a reason?" Pinkie interjected.

"Oh, oh no no no," Monsoon replied, his laughter dying down, "I knew nothing about this, and I'm in fact ABSOLUTELY LIVID. But, this is just too hilarious! THIS is the reason why Little Miss Sparkle is so pissed."

As Monsoon continued to laugh, the others gazed over to Twilight, whom continued to stare at Celestia with squinting, betrayed eyes, before they looked over to Celestia and saw her head hung in shame.

"Hark! Then, perchance our presence is not confined!" Adna declared, "Her Majesty had means to send us home?!"

"Yes," Celestia answered simply.

"And, she never told us," Elvis reasoned, before looking back towards Twilight, "You kept that from all of us?!" He growled as his eyes narrowed and his fists clenched. It took the touch of Pinkie's hooves upon his flexing forearm to get him to calm down somewhat.

"Did you expect anything else from the government?" Monsoon asked rhetorically.

"There MUST be a reason!" Rarity exclaimed, desperate for an answer to quell the rising tensions.

"I..." Celestia was about to respond, before she shook her head, No. My reasons will just sound like an excuse. She then gazed back to the Elements and their charges once again with authority and determination. "This brings us to my second purpose for gathering you here today, and why the six of you were summoned."

"To clean up one of your messes, I'm guessing?" Monsoon interjected.

"Monsoon!" Applejack barked in outrage.

"Look, buddy, I get it, this is a MAJOR shocker all things considered, but could we PLEASE just let the Princess finish explaining before we dogpile on her?" Rainbow Dash chastised.

"I agree with the Lady Dash," Dumah concurred, "Facts should be known before judgements are made." His attention briefly turned to Twilight, whom noticed the implications of what the vampire said, before he turned his gaze back to Celestia. "Continue, your Highness."

"Yes," Princess Celestia gave a nod, before refocusing herself. "I won't claim that this situation isn't related to me, however this had been an issue long before Equestria was ever founded. Long before I was ever called a leader."

Princess Luna raised an eyebrow. She knew bits and pieces of what was going on, but going that far back was insane. Even her own long life predated the founding of the land. So, what on this star shimmered world was actually going on here?

It was then that Princess Celestia turned to her sister with a deep hurt in her eyes that gave the lunar royal pause. "Dear sister... Do you remember our parents?"

Luna froze. Of course, all sapient life in the world had some progenitor, some prior link in their lineage. Parents; all Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns most certainly have this. However...

Luna's face fell, "N-no... I do not."

"I expected that," Celestia said flatly. "You were too young when it happened."

"When what happened?" Luna asked with concern, "Sister, what in the name of the stars above is going on?"

Princess Celestia then proceeded to explain. "Our father, frightened for our well being, and taking desperate measures, had sealed away something deep into the sea of stars. Far into the abyss of the black, far beyond any light that could be reached, all with his dying breath. And, I fear it is going to return."

"Wait, frightened of what? What is going to return?!"

"It kinda feels like we're missing some context here, princess." Elvis interrupted.

Twilight, having been silent since her last interjection, decided to speak once again, and gain control of the flow of the narrative. "Start from the beginning, Princess Celestia. What happened?"

Princess Celestia took a breath, and began to speak. "Many eons ago, I was but a simple unicorn filly, living under the wings of my parents, far FAR beyond the lands of what would someday become Equestria. I lived a life of love and blissful ignorance, but due to who I was and where we lived, I was alone. My parents had comforted me but it wasn't enough. One day, I had encountered a new friend. He frightened me at first, but soon, I was attached. I grew to love him as a brother."

"Who was he, who was he?!" Pinkie blurted.

"He... had no name. He never gave me one. Back then, I referred to him simply as... Shade." Celestia looked out of the large banquet hall window as the sun's morning rays continued to move ever toward the afternoon, shortening the shade of the world outside. "One day, I would soon learn that my parents would be granting me a new sibling." Her eyes fixated to her sister. "There was much rejoicing for your arrival, dear sister."

Luna gave a light smile, a tear welling up in her eye, which she quickly wiped away. It was no time for sentiments. "Then?"

"Well... my parents never knew of Shade. He had always stayed hidden from anyone else's eyes. But soon after your arrival, our parents found him. Frightened, they had attacked Shade, and he defended himself. He was then overtaken by our parents' power, whom cast a spell strong enough to seal him deep into the darkness of the night sky forever, blanketed in the black and out of sight. However, before the spell could take hold, Shade... retaliated. He destroyed our home and... we lost both our parents that day. Somehow, we survived, Luna. We were the only ones to survive."

The room had once again become silent as the story was recounted to those present, including Luna, whom was utterly gobsmacked over the revelation.

"I took it upon myself to raise my sister the best I could, before we would ascend as Alicorns and find our calling as keepers of the Sun and Moon. Sometime after we had become guardians of the land of Equestria, I would have strange visions of the future. Blurry, disorienting visions, where something cold and alone would call my name in the darkness, and I could only barely recall its name. In my heart of hearts, I knew who it was, but it was so cold, so utterly bitter, that it didn't resemble the Shade I used to know. Strangely, I was not the only one to know of these premonitions. Starswirl himself had seen them, and had become worried of a threat that could very likely swallow our land, and beyond. Before he disappeared, he had left behind many contingency plans to help future-proof for this threat's arrival. He was only able to do so due to his remarkable intelligence and major understanding of prophecies, giving me an approximation of when it would happen. His most elaborate and by far his most dangerous, however most likely to succeed, was what resulted in you six."

"Us?" Mantis spoke, incredulous and distrustful.

"Six beings of origins bathed in darkness, not susceptible to its primeval sway. Six beings resistant to the blackness of the abyss, guided by six keepers of light and harmony. At the time, I did not know it referred to the Elements, but I had suspicion when we utilized them to defeat Discord the first time, and was more sure when they were used to free my sister from her curse."

"What if it had shown up early?" Twilight asked, trying to find holes in the logic of events.

"I... had to trust Starswirl's judgement," Princess Celestia admitted, "I had no real knowing of WHEN it would invade the lands of Equestria, but Starswirl predicted it would be roughly a thousand years from then."

"Of course, it was another thousand year old mess." Twilight scoffed, "Just like Monsoon said."

"Twilight, that is entirely unfair to Princess Celestia, and you know it," Fluttershy shot at her friend, which caught the new Princess by surprise. "If what she said is true, she wouldn't have been able to do anything about it. She was just a little filly when it happened. Princess Luna herself was just a foal."

Twilight slowly sat back down in her seat, dejected and somewhat deflated from the facts being slapped in her face from none-other than Fluttershy. She thought about it for a moment. True, Celestia withheld the truth of the matter, likely due to how the rest of them would behave if word got out early. but she never outright lied. However, being strung along in a wild snipe chase, wasting and invalidating her time and effort still stung, especially since Celestia did nothing to stop her intellectual pursuits. Or perhaps she did, Twilight thought, I was given repeated requests to take breaks or abandon the project...

"Then, let me get this straight," Monsoon started, already earning irritated looks from some of the others. "You brought us all here, one by one, in order to mitigate any damage we might be capable of doing, keeping us in relatively isolated incidents. Then, made sure that we, in some shape or form, had grown some attachment to this... candy colored nightmare of a world so we'd be more inclined to help and play hero? All while dangling our freedom above our heads in this incredibly manipulative ultimatum?" He then scoffed. "And here I was thinking you were an honest one. Thanks, Celestia."

"I was dead," Dumah had suddenly muttered. Everyone's attention was brought to the vampire. "My time in my own world had long since come and gone." He then gave his attention to Celestia once more. "I do not know how I feel about being brought here for the purpose of fighting a threat not related to me."

"Well, I do," Elvis said, suddenly standing up. His attention shot to the Royals, before he gave a thumbs up. "I'm in, chicas!"

"Really?!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Hey, I died too!" he admitted, "And while I do admit I miss my Shannon, and even that cabron, the fact is that I probably wouldn't see them again anyway. Besides, I kinda like it here."

"I will not abandon this realm, either," Adna announced. "I knew I arrived under purpose. I can see no better purpose than defend this innocent world from the forces of darkness."

Dumah, whom had allowed the interruptions, decided to finish his thoughts, "That being said... It would be a waste to abandon my new life and the works I have made and yet to make."

Bael harrumphed, before he added his own opinion on the matter. "Though it is paramount I return to the Underworld so I may rebuild my kingdom, there is no knowing what danger this problem will pose once released beyond these lands. You have my aid."

Monsoon gazed about, realizing he was out numbered in all of this. He gave a defeated sigh. "Fine, you win. I'll join this war."

All eyes fell to Psycho Mantis, whom simply held a hand aloft in dismissal. "I have no home to return to. Dying here will change nothing for me. If anything, I'll at least have a front row seat to something you find truly frightening, Princess Celestia."

Twilight was shocked. Sure, Monsoon would have been hard to convince, but she knew there was something deep down inside that held some form of decency in him, despite his own protests against such an idea. Mantis, however, was a different beast. She knew his thoughts. She had his memories. Before she had walked his mental landscape, he was entirely numb and psychopathic. She had never expected him to just accept this, even if it's just to sit at the side and watch. Then again, he had changed since then. After all, her thoughts and memories were also his too.

"Thank you, everypony," Celestia stated with genuine gratitude, "Once we succeed in repelling our foe, I will grant you the opportunity to return to your realm. No strings attached. I solemnly swear upon my own life."

"Whatever," Monsoon bitterly mumbled, crossing his arms.

"So, uh, when would we expect this thing to show up?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I apologize, but as I've stated, Starswirl only gave me an approximation. The visions had become more vivid and frequent as this whole plan began, so I expect soon, however I know not the exact details."

"Are we then to just stand by?" Rarity bemoaned in irritation, "I have many projects that I need to finish for the winter line-up."

"But, it's still summer, Rare," Applejack stated.

"One can never be too early in fashion."

Twilight thought for a moment about everything that happened so far. It was true she still had some resentment sitting in her heart over this whole situation. Be it lies or omission of truth, the fact was that Celestia hid facts from all of them and played them like pieces on a chessboard. However, was it a necessary evil? How would have events played out if they were told from the beginning what was happening? Would Equestria have been fine if these beings were just given the ultimatum from the start, or would have they gone berserk upon learning they were drafted into something they had no stake in? Worse, in some cases, they were drafted in AFTER they had experienced death in their own world, and technically had nothing left to lose. Twilight couldn't even imagine the stress and trauma of such things.

However, without warning, the sky had become pitch black, and so too did the rest of the world, as if all the light had been removed from existence, save for the dim glow of the Princesses and Adna. The immediate screams of shock and fright from the girls split the air upon the sudden shift. Though, just as quick as it happened, the light returned to the world, and the mares' panic died down. Despite the light's return, a foreboding sense of dread remained to grip them all at the core of their being.

"WHAT THE HAY WAS THAT?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Murmurs of questions and concerns began among the mares as Celestia realized why the feeling of dread lingered after the world's black-out.

"It has arrived."

Comments ( 2 )

" It has arrived. "

he's baaaaaack...~

Don't call it a comeback, cause he never left, lol.

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