• Published 28th Jan 2015
  • 3,680 Views, 73 Comments

Under the Shell - Wuten

A young changeling gets more than she bargained for when she is assigned to prepare Ponyville for the return of her Queen.

  • ...

Chapter 5

“So… what were you really doing out in the Everfree?” Anon eyed the small unicorn, folding his arms across his chest as he leaned against the wall. “It’s not like it's already suspicious that you’re wandering the Everfree to begin with, but I’ve also never seen a pony like you before. What are you?”

“I… I’m not sure what you’re talking about,” Tennae paused, looking down at the floor. “It’s just like mister Stone Walker said, we’re just passing through—”

“Bullshit, I couldn’t trust that stallion’s word as far as I could throw him,” Anon interrupted harshly, startling the mare. He stood up from the wall, brow furrowed a bit as he walked up to her. Her eyes trailed up to his face, and for a moment, she truly did feel small, as if the entire room was closing in on her. “Don’t you lie to me, Celery,” his voice snapped her back to attention, as he kneeled down in front of her, still nearly a head taller than she was. “I don’t like it when ponies lie to me. Do I make myself clear?”

“Y-yes, sir,” Tennae’s eyes never left his; this authoritative tone of voice… she’d never heard anything like it before, even from her queen. She knew that if worse ever came to worst, she could overpower him with her magic, but that presence… he commanded it. This was his domain, his territory, and he’d made it clear that he would rule it with an iron hoof. Or hand, whatever the case may be.

“Good. Now, I'll ask once again; are you lying to me?” Anon said, his eyes as daggers piercing through her.

“N-no, sir, really, I’m not. We really are just passing through,” she muttered, trembling in place and trying to hide behind her long, silky white mane.

Anon smiled, nodding. “Alright then, I trust your word more than his; I can see it in your eyes. So, you’ll be staying the night? You’ll need some blankets.”

Tennae’s ears perked up. Blankets… “What’re those?” she asked, curiously peeking out from behind her mane now that he’d stood back up and sounded… nicer, than earlier.

“What, they call them someplace different where you’re from?” Anon chuckled, pulling out a few large quilts from a big, wooden chair. “Here, you can have this one,” he tossed one to her, the blanket completely draping over her and causing her to let out a light yelp of surprise. “Right from the crafty hands of Grandmama Anon.” The human smiled, warm memories of home coming to him. “Well Celery, you’d better rest up tonight; I bet Stone’ll be here in the morning for ya.”

Tennae poked her head out from under the blanket and nodded, hopping up onto the cot and rolling around to burrito-wrap herself. “It’s warm…” she muttered, feeling the fabric against her fur. Even if her fur was technically just an illusion, her touch receptors were still sensitive, and she could feel the slight fuzziness of the material as she buried herself deeper into it. It was like curling up next to a big bear, only it was dead and completely wrapped around her and probably not going to crush her. That, and it smelled a lot better than a bear.

“Here ya go,” Anon tossed her a pillow, the cushion hitting her in the snout. “I’ve got a few spares for when me and the guys crash for the night, so if ya need another one don’t be afraid to ask.

Tennae scrunched her nose at essentially having been booped at long range by this creature, but rested her head on the pillow cautiously.

It was the best feeling she’d felt in a long time. Much better than any sort of smooth rock or cave floor or dirt pile she’d managed to scrape together in the past. How could Anon live in such luxury, and yet seem almost… rustic?

Did he have some sort of other job that gave him all these things? She had heard that the ponies have many jobs that each one does, but those seemed to be based on a cutie mark, and to her knowledge, she’d never seen Anon’s cutie mark…

Probably because he wore all those clothes. Ah well, something to possibly look into in the morning. Right now, sleep was calling…

...Alternatively, she could also take the opportunity to observe him when he thought she was asleep. Yes, this would be the most tactical of acts, what Husk and the Queen would expect from her.

Occasionally peeking out from one eye under the blanket, she observed the human as he ate. He ate meat with his stew, so that would make him an—

"Om nom nom..." Anon chewed the meat, swallowing it before scarfing down a scoop of potatoes.

Omnomnimivore? Close enough. He ate plants and meat; a versatile diet, no doubt.

As he cleaned up, he seemed to carry a very relaxed disposition about himself; he obviously did not feel threatened by the presence of another species. A social creature, then.

She hadn't observed it, but it was apparent from him taking down the ent, as well as collecting pieces from different creatures, that he must have impressive strength and athletic ability as well; a direct attack would have to be left as an absolute last resort. So... diplomacy seemed to be the smartest option with him; manipulation and deception, two of a changeling's prime traits.

Yes, he would be a powerful ally. And it would be up to Tennae to initiate it...

She shuffled a bit in her blanket, snuggling closer into the pillow as she reflected on this. She was, in essence, the only one who would be able to act in a positive light with the human; he was already suspicious of Husk, so that was not an option readily available at this time.

Hm... what if she made him, from some kind of miracle... fall for her? Then she could easily use her power on him. And from that, the hive would not only have a powerful ally physically, but a powerful ally that could easily interact with the ponies, and work from the inside alongside the others.

There was a lot to think on tonight. And from the looks of things, Anon had the same idea as her. While she was contemplating to herself, she hadn't noticed him put the dishes away, change outfits into sleepwear (which, oddly, did not cover his torso like the other had), and turn the lights out. By the time she had snapped out of it, he had already curled up in bed, staring out at the moon outside.

"Anon...?" She quietly muttered, poking her head out from the blanket.

"Hm? Yeah, Celery?" He asked, sitting up and looking at her, the covers falling to his waist.

Eyes up, Tennae. No time for admiring right now.

"Thank you for letting me stay overnight..." she smiled at him, snuggling into the pillow. "...And don't be mad at Stone, he's just a bit cautious around others..."

"No worries, guess I just got caught up in the moment," he laid back in bed, pulling the covers up. "Guess it's just a weird feeling I got, that's all. I tend to speak without a filter," he sighed. "Sorry for swearing like that too, I know ponies don't usually like that—"

"No, it's okay, really," Tennae interrupted, giggling lightly. "I... I don't know why, but it seems to suit you." She smiled at him. "But do try to keep it to a minimum if possible, please. I don't think Stone would like me staying the night with a potty mouth," she giggled once again. Come on, buy it...

Anon snickered, wrapping his hands behind his head. "I'll try. No promises, though," he grinned at her. "I like you, Celery. You've got a good head on those shoulders," he said, winking at her.

"I- I do?" She blushed. Had she done it?

"Yep. Don't give me a reason to take it off now," he teased, pulling the covers up and rolling over, away from her, snickering the whole while.

Tennae’s eyes widened and she squeaked at that. She let out a huff, rolling back into her snuggle blanket. Looks like she had a lot of work cut out for her...

End Chapter 5

Author's Note:

Fun times ahead for tiny bug pone.


Comments ( 35 )

Yay! update! And progress of a soon to be relationship!

fuck man im sick of your shit!
like and fav how bout dat?!
come at me bruh

1v1 me scrub

This is so promising, good chapter and story <3

Why do i feel that she is gonna fall for him first rather than the other way around.

The weekly (at least as of now) updates is not enough! I need my fix!

Man, I do MONTHLY updates, I ain't no casual weekly updater.

but yes I know your pain I only write when inspiration hits me sorry

I really like this story. It's nice, short, and interesting. I hope to see more!

I'll rek u 2 s0 hrd u won't evn kno BICH

edit: M8

5948315 come at me bruh

5952275 *Slowly backs out of room
"where u goin bitch? that's right run u fockin pussy"

5955400 damn dat guys fast

5956747 *Peeks head back through door


5957095 What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

We done here?

5960350 lol then wat ya waiting for? come at me bruh, unless your a Scootaloo

Have you ever been raped by a chicken before?

5963781 its not rape if its wanted bruh. you ever get "raped" by tomato?

5964808 Are you implying that I wasn't aware of the fact that you believe in consensual homosexual tomato intercourse of the sexual variety? Because I know that there is not one iota of knowledge in your head pertaining to the subject of oranges in a mental sense; I wasn't feeling that, but instead knowing it at a date ceding the moment you informed me of it, good sir. I have no objective complying with that of the act of obscuring either, however you wish to inform me again in something everybody with more brain cells than an ant has. I can simply not come to any conclusion that has you shown in a positive light, and so I have a proclamation to make:

I, Totallyrandom of the dude family, have resolved to have no further discourse with the FimFiction.net user zaku666 as they have insulted my race, gender and iq on multiple occasions. However, if this individual sends further insults my way I will take action and rektify the situation in the following way: I will get all fuckin gangsta on yo bitch ass motherfucker. By the time yo nigga ass can even see me I'll be bustin a cap in yo dank ass bitch. Eat my 17 motherfuckin inch dick motherfucker

5966292 lol goddamn why'd we even start this? i cant remember that or what this story's about gotta reread this story. its been fun but im out of ideas

5973459 I don't really know, but I had fun writing that last bit.

“What’re those?”

Goddamn it

What the fuck guys.

when the fuck did i have have a talk with you lot?

7457237 64 weeks ago, AKA a year and a bit.

what country do you live in

7457286 US of A
any word of the next chapter?

7458451 I think the author has a recent blog post about starting to write this story again.

7465638 thx ill look for that

do more love it

Omg I love it, can't wait for more.


hi i am R.E from Radio Equestria. Mlp fanfic reading. i read your fanfic interesting chapter 1 is on youtube now.
P.S if it is you Wuten could you leave a comment on the video?

Great stuff, mang! I can't wait to read more!

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