• Published 23rd Jan 2015
  • 1,633 Views, 49 Comments

The Reign of Trotivarius - CrackedInkWell

After the death of his husband, Harmonic tries to move on with his life after Color. This is the third part of "My Name is Harmonic" & "Symphony of Life".

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2nd Movement

“…. Now unless there’s anything we’ve missed, I’ll dismiss the meeting until eight o’clock as always.” Meadowlark and Quill Feathers nodded in agreement, taking the last few gulps from their breakfast meeting.

“Actually Harmonic,” Quill said, “if it’s alright with you, I like to have a quick word with ya – alone?”

“Why alone?” the Prince asked with a raised eyebrow.

“For privacy reasons on behalf of the empire, that is, if your adviser doesn't mind.”

“I understand,” Mrs. Meadowlark got up from her seat. “In the meantime, I’ll drop off our review of Mr. Kubuck’s idea for that space movie.”

“Thank you Meadowlark,” Harmonic nodded and watched his adviser walk out of the room. “So Quill, what do you want to talk to me about? Is something wrong with the empire?”

“No sir, I lied so I could talk to you in private.” The Prince tilted his head in confusion so Quill clarified, “Y-You see, I've heard about how your date with Pitch Perfect went. It’s been in the news for a while now.”

“Why are ya bringing this up?”

“Well,” Quill rubbed a hoof on the back of his neck. “I was… thinking. Are you still looking for someone by any chance?”


“You see, Harmonic, sir, would you… well… consider me, as an option?”

Harmonic blinked, “Come again?”

Quill took in a deep breath, “I’m asking if you want to, go on a date with me sir.”

“Well… This is quite, unexpected to say the least. But why with me in particular?”

“I uh…” the alicorn saw that his assistant was blushing. “I think I have a crush on you. For a while I suppose, and hearing about your break up, I was hoping that, maybe you could give me a chance.”

“I see… I must say, Quill, I’m flattered, but I want to have a little bit of personal time before I start dating someone again. So give me some time to think about it.”

“Oh,” Quill’s ears folded back with a hint of disappointment in his voice. “Yes, sir.”

Harmonic put a hoof on his shoulder, “Look,” he said. “I have nothing against you, it’s just for the moment I need a bit of a break for now. Come to think of it, I think everypony really needs a break. So since you and Mrs. Meadowlark have been working so hard, I’m giving you guys a paid vacation.”

“Vacation!? Paid!?”

“Just for a week” the Prince added. “We’ll talk about this later this evening... And you know what? I think I’ll try convincing both of my mother and my aunt as well. And maybe get my son in it too. Besides, I can’t remember the last time any of them took the time to relax.” Harmonic smiled at his assistant. “But don’t worry, during that time I’ll think about your offer.”

“Well… Thank you.” Quill smiled, “I’m looking forward to hearing from you.” Soon enough, his assistant trotted out the door, leaving the alicorn alone in his room.

He sighed, “Yeah, a vacation. That’s what I need, someplace other than Canterlot.”


Hours later in the afternoon, the Prince was rehearsing with the orchestra. Ever since the date that went down in flames, the conductor had completely ignored his presents with the exception of the bow. And ever since then, the orchestra noticed Pitch Perfect seemed to get crankier the usual.

“Come on! Louder!” Pitch hollered over the nearly deafening crescendo. When he didn't get the volume he wanted, he threw his baton down to the floor. “Come on! Tchaicoltsky wrote this bit for you guys to play as loudly as possible! Is this really all you got?!”

“W-We’re tying sir,” Whole Note gained what courage he had to tell him: “We’re playin’ as low-loudly as we can.”

“But it’s not loud enough!” Pitch marched right up to the cellist. “Speaking of which, I heard you were off key in that crescendo! Were you even playing at all?!”


“Oh! No wonder why I’m not getting the sound I was looking for! It’s because that incompetent ponies like you are what keeping back this orchestra!”

“B-But sir-” Note was cut off, tears now forming in his eyes.

“You’ll have to hear what you’re playin’ kid, or you need to-”

“ENOUGH!!!” During his rule with his adopted mother and aunt, it’s extremely rare that Prince Harmonic Trotivari Everfree would ever use the Royal Canterlot Voice. The last time he had to use it was when he had to make a speech to a huge group of ponies because the microphone was broken. Putting his violin and bow down, he stood up. “Pitch Perfect, I can’t believe you! That you’d take your frustrations out on a pony that you barely knew. And I think I know why, it’s all because of me isn't it?”

The conductor glared at the prince, “Well why wouldn't I? I just got dumped by my marefriend, and not to mention by you, Your Highest Majesty.” Pitch mocked him by giving him a low bow.

“Just because you lied to me about being single and you giving me the worst date in my life, doesn't mean that you could use somepony like Whole Note here for a verbal punching bag!” Pitch with anger in his eyes, his horn lit up a bright red. But before he could do anything, Harmonic added: “And may I kindly remind you that physically harming a Royal is a treasonous offence? You sir, really need to get down from your high and mighty attitude and get over it! For you have only two options here: either keep working with us or find another orchestra, which one is it?”

With Perfect’s aura fading, he let out his frustration by stomping both of his hooves to the stage, but he said nothing – nor did the rest of the orchestra. The conductor took in a deep breath and went back to the stand, “We’ll come back to that movement later, let us move on to the next piece.” He told the orchestra.

When rehearsals were over and Harmonic with putting his violin away, Whole Note went up to him.

“Uh, Harmonic sir?” the Prince looked up. “I-I wanna ta say, thanks – for standing up for me back there.”

“You’re quite welcome.” Shaking his head in amusement, he muttered: “He was acting foalish anyway. My granddaughter is much more mature than his tantrum.”

“Granddaughter? W-What grand… Oh, that’s right,” Note blushed. “I've forgotten, you have a family of your own. Sorry.”

“Ha, I know, I know, I don’t seem that old as I look, do I? You’re forgiven, my friend.” Harmonic closed the lid of his case and latched it shut. “Say, just out of curiosity, what do you do after rehearsal?”

“I just pack up and go home. I know, not much of a life, huh?”

“So is it just you that lives here in Canterlot all by yourself?”

“Yeah, it’s just me. Living in a tiny apartment with no family to tell me what to do and only have Your Highness as the only friend in the entire city.” As Whole Note walked over to his cello to put it in its case, the Prince couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy. It reminded him of the caravan days, completely alone while being surrounded by gypsies.

“But don’t you have somepony special don’t you?”

Note shook his head.

“Really? No marefriends?” another shake. So Harmonic decided to test something, “Coltfriends?” he saw Note stiffen for a moment. ‘Now it looks like we’re getting somewhere,’ the Prince thought.

Taking a breath, Note answered him. “No sir, I’m not seeing anypony, in fact, why are you asking me this? So what I’m a bit of a hermit? What’s in it for you anyway?”

“Because I know what it’s like to be alone in a city of strangers too.” Note didn't say anything. Then, Harmonic got an idea; “Say would you…?” he trailed off, shaking his head.



“Come on, you got me curious. Would I what?”

“Would you like to have dinner with our family, with my mothers as well?”

Whole Note’s eyes tripled in size, “Sorry, did you just say dinner?! With the Princesses?!”

The Prince shrugged, “Why not? It’s not like you have anything better to do, you said so yourself.”

“Well… I-I, uh… wow.” Note of course realized what he has been offered. Dinner with both the Princess of the Sun and Moon themselves, something that only the extremely few had the privilege of having.

“Besides,” Harmonic added. “For a family that’s served the finest food on daily basis and in huge quantities, we tend to have so much left-overs – given to food banks mostly.”

“…. Okay.”

“Great, dinner's at seven, or breakfast if you were Luna.”


“Halt!” both guards stopped Note with their wings. “State your name and business.”

“It’s Pull-Whole Note,” he corrected himself nervously. “I was asked to have dinner with the royal family.”

The two pegasi guards looked at each other, one of them left for a moment, saying he had to confirm this. A minute later, he came back “Follow me.” He instructed the Earth Pony. Complying, he followed the guard though the palace. Up staircases and down hallways, passed the number of seemly endless doors and windows. Through rooms and around servants with the occasional noble, Note took in what he was seeing.

Not to say that he was rather impressed at the art collection. Of statues, stained glass, and paintings, but as they neared the private dining room, there was one painting that made him stop in his tracks. Unlike the other priceless paintings, this one was unfinished. He saw that it was one of Prince Color’s paintings, but he’d never seen this one before. The painting showed the prince, his deceased husband, and their son.

“Please keep up,” the guard told him. Taking one last look, he did. He couldn't but help wonder what was an unfinished painting like that, doing being hanged up on the walls in a place like this. His mind searched, or rather ransacked it to try to find if he had ever seen the painting before. He tried to recall some art books he flipped through, the museums, and the copies of posters that had the name “Color Spectrum” on it. Only his mind came up with nothing. At first he thought it might have been a lost painting, except for the fact that if it’s in the castle, in the capital of Equestria, it can’t be lost.

When Whole Note heard the ghostly chime of clocks that rang out seven o’clock, the guard had made him halt in front of a particular door. He saw him go in, and a moment later he told him to enter. There at a table were not only the two princesses, but he saw the Prince, the son with his wife and their daughter in a high chair. His patriotic instinct was to bow low enough to touch the marble floor.

“Whole Note,” he heard the flutter of wings that stopped in front of him. “Glad you can make it. Uh...You can get up now.” He did as he was told. The cellist walked over to the only other chair that wasn't occupied and sat down in it.

“Grandpa?” Cloud asked Harmonic as if she was asking who this stranger was.

“Dad, who’s this?” Script asked.

“He’s a friend of mine,” Harmonic answered taking his seat with a bowl of soup. “He’s from the orchestra.”

“Nice to meet you, Whole Note.” Celestia gave him a gentle smile. “Are you in the mood for anything in particular for dinner?”

The cellist thought for a moment, “How about a baked potato?” In no time, Note was given a potato with a wide range of condiments. From butter to green onions, from four different kinds of cheeses to imported salt and pepper from Saddle Arabia. “Whoa, is this normal?”

Luna nodded, before she answered, she swallowed her bit of crape. “It is for us. The only company outside of our family is rare. Pray tell, how long have you known Harmonic?”

“I think about a month, Your Majesty.”

“Please Note, titles are meaningless here, you’re just having dinner with our family. Call me Luna.”

“So Harm,” Page said, giving Cloud a spoonful of applesauce. “Why did you call us over?”

“Oh yeah, I've nearly forgotten!” Harmonic put down his spoon, “I was thinking we should go on vacation. For a week at least.”

“A vacation dad?” Script turned to his father.

“Now?” so did his wife. “But I’m still up to my eyeballs in grading my student’s papers as it is. I don’t think I could-”

“Nonsense,” Page’s father-in-law waved a hoof. “We’re Royals remember, we got enough ponies who deal in complicated paperwork, grading your student's papers would be done in no time. And besides, all of you have been working a little too hard as it is, so why not just go somewhere to breathe a little?”

“He does have a point,” Luna said thoughtfully. “Cel, when was the last time either of us took a vacation?”

The Solar Diarch put a hoof to her chin in thought. “I’m not too sure, to be honest. I suppose it has been a little too long since any of us gone somewhere that isn't business related…”

“I don’t know if I can, to be honest,” Page said. “I mean, Spring Break isn’t even here yet-”

“Page, don’t you worry so much,” the prince told her. “As I've said, whatever it is, I’ll take care of it. You don’t have to worry about work… In fact, I’ll use my power as a Prince to get you guys to relax if I have to.”

“But dad, I can’t go this very week,” Script protested. “I’m just finishing the…”

“Finishing what?” Harmonic raised an eyebrow.

“Look, can we wait until next week? I think I should be free by then.”

“Fair enough, does anypony have anything important to do next week?” Harmonic asked the whole table.

‘It’s really weird,’ Note thought. ‘For ponies so high up, it’s like I’m sitting with a normal family.’

All around the table, the princesses, the prince, the writer, and the teacher gave out what they have to do as well as what they could do before that time. What they all agreed on is that it is quite possible that they can go by next week.

“So where are you guys going?” Note asked.

“That’s a good question,” Page mused, “I’m in the mood for someplace exotic. Any ideas?”

“What about that beach in the Bahamares?” Luna asked, “I've heard that you could see all of the night skies on those islands.”

“What about somewhere sophisticated?” Celestia suggested. “With spring just next week, I think Paris should be ideal.”

“What about Sydneigh?” Script inquired, “At least it’s warm down there.”

“There’s always Spain,” Note joined in the conversation. “I've heard the food is really good over there.”

“Spain huh?” Harmonic mussed. “Actually, I like that idea. Anyone else?” One by one, they agreed. “So I guess it’s settled then, we’re going to Spain next week.”


After dinner was done and over with, Harmonic offered to personally escort the cellist out of the castle. Along the way, they walked passed the unfinished painting that Whole Note noticed earlier.

“What painting is this?” he asked. Harmonic stopped and saw what he was looking at, frowning.

“That painting?” the Prince sighed, “That was the last portrait that Color had ever made.”

“I… I’m so sorry. I didn't know. It’s just that I've never seen it before.”

“I wouldn't blame you, not many ponies know about it either. I mean, many of Color’s paintings are in museums but… I couldn't let go of this one. It’s too personal.”

“Forgive me.”

Harmonic shook his head, “You’re forgiven. I’m not hurt by it; I've gotten over my grief for him.” The conversation went silent so they kept moving. For a few minutes, neither said anything until Note asked: “Do you still miss him?”

“In a way, but not too terribly, Color did say that I should move on; that I should find somepony that makes me happy. Although I confess, it’s somewhat the reason why I asked you over for dinner.”

“You said that you felt sorry for me.”

The alicorn nodded, “Okay, that too. But there’s another reason,” he smiled while adding. “I could tell that you like me.”

Whole Note stopped dead in his tracks, “U-Uh,” his eyes widen, and his cheeks turned red. “W-What do you mean?”

“Look, I noticed the way you acted when we talked at that ice cream shop a few weeks ago. Not to mention when I asked if you had any coltfriends, you stiffen up. And that you tend to stutter over your speech when I’m around. So I made the assumption-”

“Harmonic, I can explain!”

“I’m listening.”

Whole Note took in a deep breath; “Look… you remember how I said that Octavia is an idol of mine?” the prince nodded. “W-Well, in truth, you are too.” He said rubbing one of his legs, “I've listen to some of your recordings as well as some of your music. Y-You’re… Oh Celestia this is embarrassing.”

“Go on, you’re doing fine.” Harmonic urged him on.

“Uh… You’re, I think you’re relatable, to me.” Note admitted, but Harmonic asked him what he meant by that. “You see… After I got my cutie mark (hence, where I got my name from), I began to… notice, some ponies you see. At first, I didn't know what exactly to think of it; I certainly found it confusing since nopony I knew was like me. So of course I was scared at first, until I've heard about you, about your past. And in a way, it gave me hope, ‘if a Prince of Equestria likes colts too, then maybe I don’t have much of a reason to be scared of’. In a way, you helped me come out to my parents.”


“Yes, sir. And you are a talented violinist as well. I mean, who wouldn't admire that creativity from your music? Not to mention your influence in anything that had to do with art. And now meeting you in real life… you really are a gentlecolt that I made you out to be.”

“Why,” Harmonic smiled while giving a small blush of his own. “Thank you, I was hoping to give that impression. But for my part, as I've said, I felt empathy towards you, especially with today at rehearsals. The feeling of being ostracized and not being given a chance for anything.”

Note nodded, “Yeah, I know that feeling.”

“But Pitch did bring up something about you that’s gotten me curious.”

“What’s that?”

“You don’t seem very competent about yourself.”

Note’s ears folded backward, “Oh. It’s that noticeable, huh?”

“Well like I've said, you did seem timid around me.”

The cellist shook his head, “It’s not just towards you, it’s mostly everypony.”


Note took in a deep breath, “Would you promise not to tell the orchestra?”

“Over what?”

“My hearing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I’m deaf. But I do have a bit of mental disability. You see, have you ever noticed that sometimes I would go off key or off beat now and then?”

Harmonic nodded.

“It’s my hearing. Every now and then, (just now and then mind you) say for example someone is talking to me, I would listen but sometimes I wouldn't hear a word or a whole sentence at times. Say that the conductor says to me, ‘Whole Note, could you make it an A Flat?’ Yet all I hear is, ‘Whole Note, could you make it an _ Flat?’ So it leaves me to figure out what they’re talking about. Hmm… This gives me another reason why you’re my idol now I think about it.”


“You once thought that you were a, pardon my Equestrian, a freak too. Like me.”

“Note, come here,” he put a wing over the Earth Pony. Motioning for him to walk, Harmonic said: “You know if you said that to me before I was eighteen, I would had agreed with you, overwhelmingly. Yes, I know all too well what it’s like to be completely different from everyone you run into. And yes, I did get hurt because of that fact. But as years went by, I found out that even my (let’s just call it) my physical disability, I learned that I can use it to my advantage. But with you, I don’t know if your hearing is such a disadvantage. Tell me, do you do anything other than the cello?”

“Well, sometimes I try my hoof at composing a little.”

“With your hearing, I suppose you can hear music that nopony has ever listened to. Even when you couldn't hear every note, maybe you might catch something that nopony has heard of.”

“Now you've mentioned it, yeah. Sometimes in rehearsals, I tend to catch a melody or a phrase that I didn't the last time.”

“See, now I have one more question.”


Harmonic looked at Note, seeing only confusion there.

“I said I have another question for ya. So, be honest with me here, have you ever thought about dating me?”

Note avoided eye contact. “With you? Oh no I… I-I couldn't.”

“But why not?”

“This is going to sound a bit ridiculous but, I have thought of it but, I just think you might be out of my league.”

Harmonic raised an eyebrow, “Why? Because I’m a Prince?”

Note nodded, “It is. I mean, I’m just an Earth Pony who plays the cello that has a hearing disability. You’re the very Prince of Inspiration. And I’m a nopony.”

“So was I. You remind me of myself in my early days.”

“Is that meant to be offensive or a compliment?”

“A compliment sir, but still, do you still want to have a date with me?”

Whole Note thought for a minute. “….Could I?”

“Well, there’s that vacation, and I’m afraid somepony has already asked me out.”

“Oh,” Note gave him a sad look.

“Now hold on, I’m not outright rejecting you here. I want to give you both a fair chance here. So don’t worry too much.”


Harmonic nodded. “But as of now, I want to have some personal time before I do anything. Alright?”

“Yeah, thanks a lot,” Whole Note said adding a half-smile.


Looking out of the window, Harmonic overlooked towards the Mareuritanian Sea. The orange-tiled roofs didn't block the view of the sea, nor did the orange trees that had flowers blooming nearby. Since their arrival, they made special arrangements for their weekly vacation at a place called the Azul de Sol Resort. It rested almost on top of the hill that overlooked a town called El Mar de las Perlas. In Equestrian, it translates to “The Sea of Pearls.” Other than its pearls, the town was also known for its orange trees that grew by the seaside. Harmonic like the place, for the air smelled of sea salt and oranges.

As far as he’s heard from Celestia and Luna, the reason why they chose this place was for four, very important reasons. It had great views. The food was excellent. The town was a small artist community. And lastly, it was quiet; which is better than the hustle and bustle of the Spanish capital up north.

The resort itself was only four stories high and painted bright orange. Being a resort, it had a wall around it, (in which with special permission, a few of the Royal Guards patrol around for safety reasons) in which contained the well-trimmed gardens, orange trees, and the swimming pool for the guests.

Harmonic turned to the clock that says it’s almost noon. And not too soon he’d heard a knock on his door. He used his magic to unlock it for the pony he’d been waiting for.

“Grandpa!” his granddaughter said entering the room, followed by her mother.

“Hey Page, hey Cloudy.”

“Hey Harm,” Page said, “You ready to take Cloud out to lunch?”

“That’s what I've been waiting for, is she ready to go?”

Harmonic’s question was answered when Page tossed him the foal bag at him. “These are just a few of the necessities.” Page explained, “It’s got Cloud’s dippers, milk bottles, and the mix for the formula and a few of her toys.”

“Uh, quick question,” the alicorn asked: “Is Cloud old enough to have real food yet?”

“Being two, she can as long as they’re soft foods.”

“I see,” Harmonic nodded, putting the bag around his neck and levitating his violin case on his back. “Anything else?”

“Of course, just keep an eye on her at all times. Make sure she’s safe.”

“Don’t worry,” Harmonic’s horn lifted the little pegasus onto his neck. “We’ll have a guard following us while we’re away. In the meantime, you and Script should enjoy yourselves.”

“Speaking of enjoying oneself, do you know anything of what Celestia or Luna is up to?”

“I think they've said something about the sea, perhaps they’re on a beach somewhere. Anyway, we’ll see you later.”

Harmonic went to the gate and had one of the guards who knew Spanish to follow them as they head into town. The Prince and his granddaughter went down the cobblestone streets, passing by the locals towards the farmers market.

About five minutes of walking later they found the stands that were set up. Selling things from arts and crafts to pastries, from orange flowers to cheese, the owners of these stands tried to get the prince’s attention. Besides, getting a Royal, even if he’s from a different country is always good for business.

It took a little longer than expected, with the guard arguing with several owners over a good price for this and that, the three of them managed to get a meal out of the whole ordeal. And so under the shade of a tree was where the three of them sat down. Harmonic and the guard set to work pealing a few oranges and separating them into pieces.

“Here Cloudy,” Harmonic offered a small piece to her. “Try it.” Curious, she took the piece of orange into her hooves. She felt the squishy slice in her hooves before putting it into her mouth.

“Orange. More.” She said, in which her grandfather was more than happy to.

“Thanks for helping me,” the Prince thanked the guard.

“It’s not a problem Your Majesty. Although I must say that they,” he pointed towards the stands, “put up some very tough bargains. I mean, we were lucky to get the oranges, the cheeses, bread and the milk for what we got. I don’t know much about the worth of bits here, but fifty for that little cheese is ridiculous.”

Harmonic laughed, “I guess that’s what you get for going into a tourist trap.”

“Even so, something like this shouldn't- Uh…” the Guard looked around as if he’d forgotten something.

“Something the matter?” the Prince asked.

“Where’s your granddaughter?” Harmonic looked around too; little Cloud View was nowhere to be seen. At first, panic started to set in until he heard her voice.


It was coming from right above them; they looked up to an amazing sight. It was Cloud View, in the branches of the tree. Flying. The little filly over the age of two was using her wings above them.

“Cloudy!” Harmonic called out, taking the air himself. “You’re flying!” he took hold of her granddaughter in his hooves. “I can’t believe it! You flew!”

“Bird,” Cloud said again, pointing to the birds that were flying away.

“Yes, you’re flying like a bird,” Harmonic agreed, “Your parents are going to be so proud of you. But for now,” he lowered himself along with the filly back to the ground. “You still need to eat.” He heard the guard chuckled amusingly. “What?”

“It’s nothing Sire,” the Guard said, “It’s how you were a moment ago. It’s like you were her father for a second.”

“Well she is my granddaughter, and we just saw her fly for the first time. You gotta admit that’s quite… what’s the word?”


“Joyful. I guess seeing that… Heh, I guess I missed being a father.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Well… How do I explain this? There’s something about having a child that looks up to you and watching them go through life. Call it nostalgia when raising Script, or pride that you have ponies like these to call family.”

“I… I think I understand Your Highness.”

“Do you have foals of your own?”

“Teenagers, as a matter of fact,” he nodded. “If it’s at home or across an ocean, they’re always a hoofful.”

“Trust me, it’ll pass eventually.”

“Fiddle,” Cloud View said, pointing towards the violin case.

“Hold on Cloudy, let me eat this before I can play something.” Harmonic ate his lunch before taking out his violin. “How about something new,” he told her. His horn glowed for that familiar spell to take hold of the violin. The sound of a piano dancing with the violin was heard in the shade of that tree.


“….And I believe that’s it. Thank you both,” Harmonic said to his adviser and assistant. The clock on the mantel says it's past 10:30. Mrs. Meadowlark got up and so did Quill Feathers. “Quill,” the Prince added, “would you stay here for a moment?”

“Of course, good night Mrs. Meadowlark, I’ll see you in the morning.”

“I’ll see you later as well,” the pegasus yawned. “But for now, I need to get home, good night Your Majesty.” She bowed and left the room, leaving only the prince as well as the crystal pony behind.

“So, I trust your vacation went well?” Quill asked.

“Quite. And during my time to relax, I have been thinking about that offer some time ago.”

Quill’s ears perked up, “Oh?”

“I've thought about it, and I've decided to give you a fair chance.”

“Why sire, that’s great news!” the crystal pony smiled. “When are you expecting-”

“How about now?” Harmonic interrupted.

His assistant blinked, “Now? As in, right now, now?”


“W-Well not at all, it’s just I didn't expect you want to do this so soon?”

“Why not? I don’t feel tired to go to sleep yet.”

“If you say so, but what do you want to do at this time of night?”

“I've already thought about it,” Harmonic made his way towards the door. “I was thinking a bit of a walk through the gardens. You’re coming along?” Quill nodded and followed his boss out of the room and towards the royal gardens. “So, where do you want to go?” the Prince asked his date for the night. “Do you want to go through the stone garden or the grove?”

Quill put a hoof to his chin, “What about the maze?”

“I don’t think so; they don’t let anypony in at night, and it’s not lit anyway. Although, the ponds are still open at this time of night, plus it’s lit.”

“Alright, let’s head over there.” As the two of them headed forward, weaving between gardens and dirt pathways, the Prince decided to strike up a conversation.

“So,” Harmonic began, “What do you do in your free time outside of work?”

“Outside of work? I write a bit of free verse poetry.”

“I never took you to be a poet.”

“But it’s not really a sole profession. Poetry is nice but it doesn't pay much as an assistant does.”

“There’s something I want to ask of you,” he looked at Quill right in the eye. “And I need for you to answer me honestly.”


“You said that you have a crush on me. But you never once explained to me why. So, what is it about me that you’d want to go on this date with me?”

“Oh…” Quill’s eyes looked away. “What’s the reason? Well, Sire, you’re quite an amazing prince when it comes to what you've been working with. Movies, music, art, literature, theater, all of that, and the fact that you figure out how to juggle them at the same time is something I admire. You’re a hard worker who gives fair criticism when it’s needed.”

Harmonic raised an eyebrow, “Is that all?”

“No, meeting you, I find that you’re a nice guy,” the crystal pony ended this with a smile.

The Prince hummed in thought, “And this has nothing to do with the fact I’m a prince or an alicorn right?”

Quill shook his head but said nothing. They moved on to the ponds, but Harmonic continued to make small talk. “Tell me, what do you think about family?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Well, for starters, what kind of family do you have back at the Empire?”

“Oh. Let’s see… Mother has passed away a few years ago, leaving me and three of my younger sisters.”

“I’m sorry.”

Quill shook his head, “No, you had nothing to do with you your maj- I mean, Harmonic. She passed away peacefully. Anyway, I’m the oldest in the family. My other sisters are Ruby, Sapphire (those two are twins by-the-way) and Lily who's the youngest.”

“Do you miss them?”

“Not really, I don’t really feel homesickness.”

“We’re here,” Harmonic told his date as they entered the entrance to the ponds. Lanterns and the stairs themselves lit up the area, some of them reflected off from the water. There were Lily-pads and cattails that stick out from the mirror-like water. Here and there, some of them rippled from the fish from underneath.

“It seems peaceful,” Quill commented.

“I think so too, the perfect place for thinking about anything.”

Quill nodded, “I agree. This is a place for…” he trailed off. “I mean, this is lovely. Thank you.”

“Just out of curiosity, have you ever had another relationship before me?”

“Well yeah, but none of them lasted long.”

“How come?”

He shook his head, “That’s not important. What is though is that I’m here with you… in the garden.”

The Prince raised an eyebrow, “Quill, is there something you’re not telling me?”

Quill blinked, “What do you mean?”

“I don’t know for sure but, it’s not that I don’t trust you or anything, but you seemed to give very little information about yourself.”

“That’s not true, I've told you that I wrote poetry, I have three sisters, I work for you and that I like you.”

“But that’s just it. Outside of that, I don’t know anything else about you. I don’t know your view on why you like me other than being a hard worker and being nice. In fact, what do we have in common?”

“Well… uh…”


“…. We both like stallions?” Quill asked with a sheepish smile. Harmonic returned with a frown.

“You know, as an assistant, you’re great at it, as a lover,” the Prince shook his head. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think this will work out.”

“But… But Harmonic-”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t see you as a penitential.” Harmonic took to the air, “You know where the exit is. Good night Quill, I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” And with that, he left and headed towards his room.

Landing on the balcony, Harmonic went inside into his room and decided that he should go to bed. Lying underneath the covers, he muttered to himself: “Color, finding another special somepony is much harder than you made it out to be.” Sighing, he added, “I wish you were here again.”


“Much better everypony,” Pitch Perfect nodded in approval. “Thank you for all of your hard work; we’ll do our last two rehearsals for Monday and Tuesday. Have a good day.”

With the orchestra being dismissed, Harmonic put down his violin and trotted over to Whole Note who noticed him approaching. “Hey.”

“Hey yourself,” Note nodded as he started to put his cello away. “How’ve you been lately?”

“Alright I suppose,” he said pawing a hoof on the stage.

“Is something the matter?” Note asked.

“Kinda,” ‘Well, here goes…’ “I was thinking...”


“Well, tonight is the premiere of a play that I would like to see. But the thing is, I've got nopony to go with me because I rely on second opinions. So I was hoping if you’d like to come?”

At first, Whole Note was confused until he quickly realized what he’s been asked to. Eyes widening and blushing a little he asked, “Y-You mean… You’re, uh-”

“Yes,” Harmonic interrupted. “I’m asking you on a date.”

“Well…” Note paused. “What time is it going to be?”

“Seven-thirty. It’s going to be at the Sunrise Theater, you wanna come?”

Whole Note gave a shy smile, “I've got nothin’ better to do.”