• Published 22nd Jan 2015
  • 2,859 Views, 99 Comments

Super Smash Bros: Harmony Rising - Lance Skyes

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash become a part of the largest and most exciting combat tournament in history... whether they want to or not.

  • ...

10: Heads and Tails

In an underground room at an undisclosed location, a door opened on the far end, and into the room entered a Charizard, who was carrying the Trophy depicting Pit under his arm. Charizard walked into the room, which had several Trophies already in it. There were Trophies along the side depicting several characters. The hero of the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario, the king of the Kongo Jungle, Donkey Kong, ace Arwing pilot Fox McCloud, Hocotate Freight captain Olimar, the arcade warrior Pac-Man, and at the end of the line, where Charizard stopped, the Mouse Pokemon Pikachu. It was right next to Pikachu that Charizard set Pit down. “There ya go...” Charizard said in a feminine voice. “Put up quite a fight, but you'll be serving a purpose soon... for Overlord V, that is.” Charizard chuckled to herself and was about to turn and leave, but it was at this moment that she caught Pikachu's eye. Of course, in his Trophy form, the Mouse Pokemon was just staring absentmindedly straight forward, but Charizard still couldn't help but feel like Pikachu was glaring at her from beneath all that... whatever the Trophies were made from. “Please don't look at me like that, Pikachu.” The mouse continued looking straight ahead. Despite this, Charizard sighed and walked up to Pikachu. “I'm sorry it had to be this way. If I had any say in Overlord V's plan, you would have been spared.” Charizard stroked Pikachu's ear gently with the back of her claw. “Trust me, my dear Pikachu, when all is said and done, and Overlord V rules this world, I will make sure you may rule at our side. At my side.” Charizard was about to lean in and kiss Pikachu on the cheek, (at this one time when doing so wouldn't send 1,000 volts of electricity coursing through the pseudo-dragon), but she stopped when she heard a very quiet sound behind her. “Who's there!?” Charizard shouted, not even bothering to wait for an answer before turning around and unleashing a powerful Flamethrower that could have scorched anything in its way. When her attack died down, however, all that was left was a slightly charred cuddly toy. “Huh...?”

“Too slow,” a quiet but sinister voice said from behind Charizard, startling her. She turned around to find that, standing on top of Pikachu, was a Greninja, who was glaring down at Charizard.

“Ah!” Charizard shouted as she took a step back. “Do you have to sneak up on me like that, Greninja?”

“No,” Greninja replied with what was probably a smirk as he gracefully leapt off of Pikachu's head, over Charizard's, and onto the floor right next to the scorched Substitute doll, which disappeared in a puff of smoke the second Greninja landed. “But your reactions are always my favorite.”

“Consider yourself lucky I don't incinerate you every time you do that,” Charizard grumbled.

“Hmph, like you could,” Greninja said as he turned around to face Charizard. “But that's beside the point. I'm curious, what exactly were you doing in here?”

“I captured Pit earlier today,” Charizard replied, turning around to indicate the angel. “This is where we keep all the Trophies we've captured, is it not?”

“That wasn't what I was talking about,” Greninja replied. “I was talking about what you were doing with Pikachu.”

Charizard instantly began to sweat a little, though the sweat evaporated from her body heat so quickly that Greninja probably wouldn't have noticed. “I was, uh...” Charizard started, shifting nervously.

Greninja clicked his tongue and shook his head. “Flirting with the enemy, huh?” he asked. “Can't say I'm unsurprised.”

“Hey, how did you do that just now?” Charizard asked. “I mean how did you click your tongue? Aren't you wearing your tongue around your neck right now?”

“That has nothing to do with the current situation,” Greninja replied with a glare. “Do not try to change the subject.”

Charizard looked down. “Why, though?” she asked. “Why Pikachu? Why Pit? Why any of them? What do we need from them?”

“You dare to question Overlord V?” Greninja asked with a growl.

“I don't completely question him,” Charizard replied quickly. “I just wanted to-”

Charizard was interrupted when Greninja formed a water blade and held it to Charizard's neck. “I dare you to finish that sentence,” he snarled. Charizard remained silent. She's seen what Greninja's water blades and shuriken could do to steel beams. Charizard was not about to wind up on the business end of that. “What's wrong, Charie? Frog got your throat?” Charizard remained silent for another moment before Greninja chuckled to himself and let the water blade turn back to normal water and splash to the ground. “That's what I thought.” Greninja then turned and walked off, indicating for Charizard to follow him. “Come. Larry wanted me to fetch you so that he could give us a new assignment.”

“Very well,” Charizard grumbled. She really didn't like taking orders from Larry. Or any of the Koopalings. Or taking any orders in general. She was not bound to a Pokeball, why should she follow anyone's orders? But still, it was either this, or... Charizard didn't want to think about the consequences. Instead, she grudgingly followed Greninja out of the room, sneaking one last glance behind her at Pikachu, who was still staring straight ahead, before the door closed.

High above the forest, the Falcon Flyer flew at high speed towards an icy mountain, where Marth was apparently located. Aside from its pilot, Captain Falcon, Twilight and King Dedede were also in the passenger's seats.

“I thought Lucario said this thing wouldn’t be able to fit him with King Dedede here,” Twilight said.

“It was an issue with the weight limit,” Captain Falcon replied, not looking behind him towards the pony. “Dedede might be one of the lightest heavyweights, but the Falcon Flyer still doesn't take kindly to that much weight.”

“Again, I'm right here,” Dedede grumbled. “Hey, hasn't this thing carried several heavyweights at once back during the Subspace War?”

“That floating island I flew them through had different gravity,” Falcon replied. “This close to the ground, she can't-” The pilot stopped suddenly when he heard a beeping noise from one of the monitors in front of him. “Ah crap! Hostiles incoming!”

“What?” Twilight asked. “How many?”

“A lot,” Falcon replied. “But don't worry. The Falcon Flyer wouldn't be the bounty hunting machine she is without her weapons. TAKE THIS!” He then slammed a button on his console, but nothing happened. “What the?”

“What's wrong?” Twilight asked.

“Something's jammed the weapon systems,” Falcon replied. Right then, he looked up to see a figured dressed in a blue cloak riding a broomstick flying by. “A Magikoopa.”

“Who?” Twilight asked.

“A really nasty variation of the koopa,” Captain Falcon replied. “They fly around on their broomsticks and fight their foes with powerful magic spells. It must be one of those spells that's blocking the Flyer's weapon systems.”

“Would we be able to outmaneuver whoever or whatever he's brought with him then?” Twilight asked.

“Uh, that'd be a pretty big no,” Dedede replied as he indicated for the others to look out the side window. In the distance (but getting closer) were what looked like dozens of black rockets with arms and eyes, accompanied by about a dozen massive rockets with no arms but eyes and a mouth that made a very angry expression.

“Banzai and Bullet Bills!” Captain Falcon shouted. “Looks like Bowser's trying to shoot us out of the sky!”

“Wait, who's Bowser?” Twilight asked.

“The Koopa King, and a really nasty dude,” Dedede replied. “He's also allied with Overlord V.” Dedede then turned around and began heading towards the back of the ship.

“Wait, where are you going?” Twilight asked.

“This ship's got no weapons thanks to that Magikoopa,” Dedede replied. “Someone's gotta go take those Bullet Bills out.”

“Dedede, take this,” Captain Falcon called as he tossed a small device towards the penguin, who quickly caught it. “That's a communicator. Put it in your ear, and I'll be able to let you know when I'm about to make a move you'll need to brace yourself for.” Falcon then turned to Twilight and handed another communicator to her. “You'd better go help him. I'll keep us flying.”

“Alright,” Twilight said as she put the communicator in her ear. She then turned around and galloped after Dedede towards the back of the ship, where the two climbed up a hatch that led to outside the ship. The wind was fierce from how fast the Falcon Flyer was traveling, but despite this, Twilight found that she was able to maintain her footing without much effort.

”I've activated artificial gravity for the top of the ship,” Captain Falcon said over comm.

“I'm not usually one to look a gift horse in the mouth—no offense, Twilight—but why would you even install something like that?” Dedede asked.

”Long story that involves a robot pterodactyl,” Captain Falcon replied. ”No time to tell it right now, though. You've got incoming.”

Sure enough, Twilight and Dedede turned around to see several Bullet Bills flying towards them at a speed that somehow surpassed that of the Falcon Flyer.

“I got this,” Twilight said as she stepped forward. She then lowered her horn and fired several Magic Sparks at the Bullet Bills. Each shot hit, and each of the Bullet Bills hit flew off and slammed into others. In just eight Sparks, most of the Bills were taken care of. However, many more appeared to take their place.

“You tried, Twilight,” Dedede said as he stepped forward. “But now it's my turn.” He then reached into his coat and pulled out a small purple spiky ball with eyes. “Alright, Gordo... do your thing!” Dedede then tossed the Gordo into the air before smacking it with his hammer, launching the spiky ball at the Bullet Bills at high speed. The Gordo flew past the lead Bill, hit another one, bounced off, impacted on another one, bounced off of that one and hit another Bill, and the same thing happened four more times, each of the Bills hit cannonballing into others. With just the one Gordo, Dedede managed to take out about 20 Bullet Bills. “And you thought your fancy-shmancy magic was all that,” Dedede said to Twilight with a smirk.

“Was that a living creature you just launched with your hammer at those Bullet Bills?” Twilight asked with a horrified expression.

“Sort of,” Dedede said with a shrug. “Heads up!” Dedede pointed at another batch of Bullet Bills, this one accompanied by several Banzai Bills.

“Nuts,” Twilight said to herself. “Dedede, cover me while I Study. I'm gonna try to take out those Banzai Bills in a single Hyper Spark.”

“You got it, Twilight,” Dedede replied. He then walked forward and pulled out another Gordo. “Let's do this, pal.” The monarch then launched the Gordo, KO-ing several Bullet Bills and damaging the Banzai Bills. “Hmm... I'll meet your challenge, Bowser.” Dedede then transformed half of the top of his hammer into a rocket jet before holding it over his head and charging it. “Just a little closer...” Before the Banzai Bills could get close to him, his hammer became overcharged and began vibrating violently in his hand. “Ow ow ow ow...” A few seconds after Dedede started taking damage, one of the Banzai Bills got within range. “TAKE THIS!” Dedede then unleashed his rocket-powered hammer right on the nose of the Banzai Bill, sending it flying backwards. Unfortunately, the force at which Dedede's hammer flew was enough to send him spinning and onto his face, leaving him open to a second Banzai Bill coming towards him.

“HYPER SPARK!” Twilight shouted, unleashing a powerful attack that sent the other Banzai Bill flying backwards and towards the ground. “How's that for fancy-shmancy magic?”

Dedede was about to reply, but he was stopped when he realized that there was one more Banzai Bill already close to the Falcon Flyer. Too close for another attack to be charged. “Look out!” Dedede shouted.

Right at this moment, the hatch on the end of the ship burst open, Captain Falcon jumped out of it, and began falling right towards the Banzai Bill. “Falcon...” he said, rearing his fist back. He then threw his fist forward into the Bill, creating a massive fiery falcon. “PAWNCH!” The Falcon Punch connected with the Banzai Bill, and it went flying backwards and into the clouds above. Captain Falcon then landed in front of Dedede and Twilight. “What? You didn't really think I'd let you two have all the fun up here, did you?”

Both were silent for a moment before Twilight spoke up. “Okay, I'm just going to address the elephant in the room here,” she said. “Who's piloting the ship right now?”

“Autopilot,” Captain Falcon replied nonchalantly. “What self-respecting bounty hunter doesn't have that on their ship.”

“I wouldn't be so sure about that,” a wicked voice said from behind the group. Everyone turned around to see the Magikoopa from before floating above them.

“The Magikoopa!” Dedede shouted. “Here to finally face us now that you've got no more Bullet Bills to hide behind?”

“You could say that...” Magikoopa said with a wicked grin. He then raised his staff and fired a blast of polygons down towards the ship. “Control Hex!”

The blast connected with the Falcon Flyer, and instantly the ship went into a nose dive. “Hold onto something!” Dedede shouted as he pulled out another Gordo and stuck it into the ship, using that to keep himself from falling off. Captain Falcon grabbed onto the penguin's feet.

“I can fix this,” Captain Falcon said, pressing a button on the side of his helmet. “I also had mental remote control installed some time back. I can get us back in the air in a second.”

“Well hurry up!” Twilight shouted, using her wings to keep herself from falling but at the same time trying to keep up with her falling comrades.

“Ooh, you're that Princess Twilight King Bowser told me about,” the Magikoopa said. “He wanted me to do something special for you. Flight Hex!” He then fired another blast of magic, this one hitting Twilight square in the chest. Nothing happened for a second, but then her wings suddenly folded and locked in place, causing her to fall to the ground.

“AHHHHHHHHH!” she screamed as she fell past the Falcon Flyer, which Captain Falcon had righted at that exact moment. Twilight flailed her arms in a futile attempt to get back in the air, but that would be useless without her wings. She noticed that she was falling towards a lake. Perhaps she could conjure a magic bubble that could cushion her impact on the water as well as create an air pocket, but that would take-


Twilight wasn't able to process her thoughts fast enough before she hit the water. All she saw was a flash of light before the world around her went dark. If she still had consciousness, she probably would have recognized that this was the exact same thing that happened when Meta Knight turned her into a Trophy the first time. But alas, she couldn't have known that. Rather, she was trapped in limbo for what felt like an eternity before she washed up onto the beach in her Trophy form a few minutes later. It was then that a tiny blue creature with a long stem on the top of its head that had a small orb at the top and wearing a startled expression found her.

Author's Note:

Now you understand that first scene.
Anyway, the previous chapter was supposed to be the last one I posted before my New 3DS-induced hiatus, but then I got this one done earlier today and I thought to myself "Meh. Why not?"
However, that also means you'll have to wait to see what becomes of Twilight, King Dedede, and Captain Falcon, as well as Rainbow, Pinkie, and their party. But don't worry. I should resolve those issues before Xenoblade Chronicles 3D comes out... hopefully.
"Wait a sssecond... I had nothing to do with the Pikachu x Charizard ssscene!"
That you didn't, evil shipper in my head. That's because this ship... was already canon.
"WHAT? A canon ship? And it wasssn't mine? NOOOOOOOOOO!"
That should shut you up for a while...
Until next time, cy'all.