• Published 4th May 2012
  • 3,040 Views, 24 Comments

A Shop fit for a Princess - Digi

2nd person Celestia romance

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Chapter 1

Princess Celestia.

Just thinking the name conjures incredible images of beauty and power into your mind. Not that you had to try very hard to imagine her lovely face, she had been stopping by your novelty store for sometime now. You had come to Canterlot to start a small business, selling things was your passion and creating a store that sold a wide variety of items from all over Equestria just seemed a natural thing to do. Your modest little establishment had only been open for a few days before the Princess herself walked in the front door. You could barely get two words out as her beautiful purple eyes perused your wares. No matter how hard your tried, you could not tear you eyes off of her beautiful form. Even after she had bought a few small items and left, you remained transfixed on the last spot your saw that wavy multicolored tail.

Eventually you asked one of the other merchants about the event. Apparently the Princess is quite fond of spending time with her subjects, she even goes out of her way to support the local economies of towns and cities she visits. It had become a well accepted fact that the gorgeous Alicorn would take a stroll through Canterlot and partake in the city's wares. After learning this new fact you were filled with an even greater desire than to merely have a successful business, you wanted a store worthy of the stunning Princess herself. You immediately sent out messages to your contacts in other cities, wanting some of their best finds shipped to you immediately. The cost being of no concern, but so worth every bit if you were able to please royalty such as Celestia.

Soon the day arrived where the duties of a Princess were not so great as to prevent Celestia's stroll through her city. You felt overjoyed that you had been able to build your store so close to the castle, so it did not take long before her excellency once more graced your establishment. This time however you where prepared. You strolled confidently up to her, a wide smile on your face. With lightness and energy in your voice, you properly introduced yourself and your store. Guiding the lovely goddess around the shelves of goods from all over Equestria, you point to the best of what each city had to offer. You even made sure to note some of the smaller shelves reserved for some of the smaller towns across the land. At the end you put on your best salesman pitch saying if there was anything she needed all the great Alicorn needed to do was say the word and it was hers. She thanked you for the presentation, her voice was radiant and filled with the wisdom of the ages, however for now all she bought where a few small trinkets that had caught her eye. As she left your store for the second time you could not help but feel elated. Even if you had not begun to earn back the investment you had made for some of the items that now graced your shelves, it had been worth it to see that lovely smile on Celestia's face.

Soon it became a sort of pleasant routine. Whenever the ancient yet lovely Princess went on her walks they inevitably took her to your store, and every time she did you greeted her with a wide smile and cheerful hello. You always went to great pains to have something new and unique set aside for the pure white Alicorn on her visits, no matter how costly. It did not take too long for Celestia to begin making requests for particular item’s. Such requests were answered as swiftly and efficiently as you could possibly manage, never once leaving such requests unfulfilled. The attention the Princess put on your establishment did not go unnoticed and business soon began boom. You couldn’t help but silently thank her for every customer that stepped through your doors. However, no matter how many friends you made with the growth of your store, one particular customer never left your mind. It soon became crystal clear to you that you had fallen in love the goddess. Yet every time she walked in you could not help but treat her just like every other pony that shopped within. You could even consider yourself her close friend, but to be her lover was far too high a hope for a simple pony like you.

Yet no matter how hard you tried, the thoughts would not leave. Every time you laid your eyes on her gorgeous curves, your heart raced. You could almost feel her flowing multicolored mane resting against you as you kissed her deeply. Your body warmed at the thought of being wrapped up tightly in her powerful wings. Every time you made her smile and laugh with a lame joke or an overly enthusiastic sales pitch, your whole body felt lighter than air as if with just her voice she could make you fly. Yet time and time again your mind focused on numerous factors that would forever prevent you from admitting your desires to the physical goddess that was Celestia.

For one she was ancient, to her you must seem like an infant in comparison despite being fully grown. Secondly she would always be, you knew that she was immortal and that pained you more. Even if you were able to express yourself to her, even if she reciprocated, it would not last for her. You would grow old, your body would begin to fail you, and you knew that even Celestia herself could not stave off death. Just imagining leaving Celestia like that, loosing the pony she loved and knowing that she could not follow you tore at your very being more than anything else. So you said nothing. Time after time you saw her, heard her angelic voice, adored every inch of her body, and yet your heart burned at the thought of never being able to be with the one you desired most.

Though it might have been your own feelings but something about Celestia's visits continued to pick at you. You knew that she visited many stores on her walks but it almost seemed like she made sure to spend as much time as possible in yours. You could never be sure but you were certain that this was more than coincidence, that she was visiting this store with a purpose in mind. At first you barely noticed, a few hours in her presence feeling like seconds. Yet this nagging sensation would not leave you. Well today the store was pretty much dead, you had not had a single customer all day. You knew that Celestia would be on her walk today and you decided you should ask her about your observations on her actions. With such little business today it would be a simple enough matter to engage her in mild conversation. Sure enough, Celestia soon strode in the sun reflecting off of her white fur in an exquisite way. A pair of guards took up posts just outside the door, a customary act to give the Princess some privacy.

“Ah, and so my number one customer returns,” you say in your usual energetic tone “can I interest you in a new recipe book I just received from Appleloosa? I hear it has a rather interesting recipe for a dish much enjoyed by the buffalo there, not that I can quite tell if its palatable.”

She chuckled at your attempts at humor, her voice lifting your spirits as it always does “I do not believe that will be necessary today. My latest order should have arrived today, if I am not mistaken?”

“It most certainly has, a bit dry for my tastes but quite interesting all the same. If you would come with me.” You begin leading her back to your office where you always put personal orders. It was somewhat small and modest with only a desk and chair against one wall and a relatively comfy couch on the other. You trotted over and pulled out a book from your desk “Here it is Mundo's Magical Mysteries.”

Celestia levitated the book over to her, the elegant horn atop her head glowing faintly with a soft golden light. She briefly looked it over to make sure that it was indeed what she had ordered. Satisfied, she placed the book in the satchel she carried with her during her walks “As always you deliver right on time.”

“Happy to be of service,” you bow slightly, begginning to fidget a little as you attempted to find the right words. “Celestia?” you began having never addressed her as Princess in the whole time you had been meeting. The powerful Alicorn never seemed to object so you had no reason to stop “may I ask you something?”

She had been rummaging through her bits purse when you asked. Celestia turned and you felt yourself starting to fall into those infinitely kind yet ancient eyes. “You know that you don't need my permission to ask something,” she smiled, placing the payment for the book on your desk.

You had to admit that you rather enjoyed the rather informal way you could speak to her. Even though you knew it bothered the guards to no end when they heard you do so. “I don't mean to sound rude, nor ungrateful, but why do you keep coming back here? I mean I understand your desire to be close to those under you, as well as supporting businesses and the like, but why here of all places? You are the Princess after all, surely you could purchase the orders I have been giving you directly from the stores that sell them. After all I have to charge extra on such orders so that I could make a profit, not that I mind your patronage, but you could get them cheaper elsewhere. It just does not make all that much sense to me, if you will excuse my honesty.”

You could not read Celestia's face as she sat down in front of you. “If we are being honest with one another than there is something I must say myself. In truth I am well aware that my coming here and purchasing from your store may seem a waste. Though there has always been one thing that I have had my eye on since I first walked in your store, I just never thought I should ever want it. Truth be told I keep coming back, for you.”

You feel your jaw hit the floor as you hear those words escape her lovely mouth. Surely you had misheard that, there was no possible way that the great Princess of Equestria would ever be interested in one like you. “Heh, good one Celestia you had me going there for a bit,” you laughed nervously trying to get the feelings of joy to subside.

“I am being completely honest,” she said her voice as stern and soft as ever “you treat me differently from any other pony that I have met. Even with some of my closets friends, the fact that I am their Princess never escapes their minds. They see me as royalty, as a goddess, and because of that they are never relaxed, never themselves. Because they do not act naturally, neither can I. You, however, treat me like any other pony, you are truly yourself when you speak to me and you hold nothing back. It is so refreshing to be able to act less like your ruler and more like your friend.” she pauses for a moment, almost as if she were waiting for some kind of reaction “I do wish that we could even be more.”

You are in shock. You feel your heart doing backflips in joy as the words pour over you, everything she says a confirmation of your own feelings and desires. Yet once more the reasons why you can never be with her come flooding back. Your head sank, along with your heart as you knew what you had to say next. “Celestia, since we are being honest with one another than I have a confession to make. I love you, I guess you could even say it had been love at first sight, but it would never work. I mean look at me. just some regular business pony. What right have I to have the heart of a pony like you? Besides you are immortal and ageless, I could never bear the thought that I would one day break your heart on that inevitable day. I want to be with you Celestia truly I do but...”

You where cut off by Celestia's golden shod hoof lifting your chin and her lips connecting to yours. Almost instantly you could feel your body turn to so much pleasurable goo from just this. You attempted to find the proper words to express how it felt, but everything you could think of fell short at accurately describing the sensations. All too soon the kiss was broken, Celestia looked at you with her gorgeous eyes, longing and passion filling them. “At one point in my life I might have agreed with you, but I learned so very long ago that there are somethings that can never be taken from a pony. Your memories. Even if you can no longer hear their voice, or see their face, or feel their touch beside you, so long as they reside within your memories you will never be apart. In truth I envy you, you can live a life fulfilled and pass on. So long as I have my memories than we will never be truly apart, but we need to make them first.”

It only took a second for her words to fill you up. All the doubt, all the apprehension, all the nervousness, gone. You quickly brought your muzzle back up to hers renewing the kiss, but this time you showed no resistance, only desire to be with the one you cared for. Celestia soon took control, not that you cared in the slightest, lowering you to the ground wrapping her forehooves around you in a passionate embrace. Her greater size made you almost feel like a stuffed toy in her arms. You felt her tongue ever so slowly slide its way into your mouth, your own tongue moving with it. You move your own forehooves around her soft neck making sure that the moment would last as long as possible. Her body was warm, like a mid spring sun, and even with just your arms around her you could feel the toned muscle that laid just beneath her delicate skin.

Once more the kissed ended, this time it was so the both of you could breath. You looked into her endless purple pools never wanting to be apart from those eyes ever again. No more barriers lay between the two of you, any apprehension or second thoughts were long gone never to return. “Before we continue how about we retire to a more, private location?” she cooed.

In all honesty you did not care where the two of you were, so long as she was there you would be happy. “Where did you have in mind?” giving her cheek a soft peck, her fur felt like a cool breeze to the touch of your lips.

“If you do not object I would like to see your home,” you could have sworn you heard her giggle like a school filly.

You nearly have another panic attack when she says this. Its all too good to be true “but what about your duties as a Princess? Surely you can't stay with me for too much longer?”

She gave an adorable smile and helped you to your feet. You were curious as to what she was planning as you followed her out of the office. Celesta motioned you to wait for a bit while she spoke with her guards. You could not quite tell what she was saying, but the guards looked terribly confused. Eventually they nodded one of them taking off while the other returned to his post. “What did you say?” you ask wondering how that helped their situation.

“I told them to pass on a message to my sister. She is to take over for the duties of sun and moon along with my own duties for the remainder of the day and into the night,” she wrapped her hooves back around, her gaze partially filled with desire “and possibly some of the next day as well.”

You were absolutely shocked that she would do so much for you. Everything still seemed like a dream, and even if it was you never wanted to wake up. “What about the other guard?” you doubted that he would just leave his duties just like that.

“He shall remain outside your home unless I call for him,” Celestia absentmindedly stroked your chest, making you shiver slightly in delight “they know well enough to not disturb me if I ask for privacy. So, shall we continue our ‘business’ at your place?”

“Of course,” you beam your usual cheerful smile and demeanor returning full force “after all we have many memories to make.”

Comments ( 23 )

Loved this story in the SFG collection. Glad to see it on here!

keep working on it:)

finally a celesia romance fic that isnt disturbing in some way :yay:

Unbelievable. A Celestia romance fic that isn't disturbing in some way.:derpyderp2:


Yes, well I try.

Loved this back then (and the sequel i believe?) and always wished there was more like this, simple romance and not Molestia clopfics. :twilightsheepish:


There actually wasn't a sequel. Though another writer did reference it within his own fic, that may be what you are thinking of.


then it was that yeah, or just a similar themed one.

Hate the fact that notifications to reply's are broken now. :trollestia:

I just loved it.
Congratulations author. :moustache:

how 'bout sequel? (no clop):trollestia:
This story is so much win, i want MOAR!:flutterrage:


Not sure what a sequel would entail honestly. Glad that you like the fic, but its pretty much a stand alone. Got enough fic work's on my plate as is that I don't really need to take on anymore.

hmm... okay, but remember about this fic, and sequel request, after you done with other work, okay?
P.S. sorry about grammar, English is not my first language

Don't worry about grammar, English is my only language and I am still not all that great at grammar. I will keep your idea in mind but there is really only one other thing I would want to do with this fic. It would be when 'you' is dying of old age. Though I have another fic idea that deals with the same kind of topic but with Cadence and Shining Armor. So for now I don't really have any ideas on what to do with this one.

618900 i have been thinking about the whole cadence and shining armor thing..... how did she come about? and why would a princess (to which you dont know the country she hails from) be foalsitting twilight?

Okay. I'll be honest. For a first fic, this isn't the complete and utter shit I expected it to be. However, god help you if you dare to call it good.

You've got tense inconsistencies, word misusage, rampant grammatical errors, and annoying dialogue. The plot is extremely rushed, and I didn't really have enough time for it to fully register that "you" loved Celestia before they were making out hard enough for someone in the audience to tell them to get a fucking booth. The plot seemed largely glossed over, and was far too fast-paced for a fic like this.

It's a pretty common problem, but one that I hope you solve soon.

As for the narrative choice, well... you did "meh" on that front, especially because you rushed through the plot like Rainbow Dash on a fucking sugar high. One of the key principles of the second-person fic that most morons don't seem to follow is that there are three sets of characters involved. Firstly, you've got the shipped pony, in this case, Celestia. Second Tier is comprised of the Blank You, the pony or human that performs the actions in the story as dictated by the text. The last, of course, is the reader him/herself.

Blank You is the character that no one appreciates, because no one thinks to appreciate him/her. By most accounts, Blank You is simply an empty shell through which the reader is able to enter the written world. These accounts are all thought up by idiots. While it is true that Blank You exists solely to provide a link into the story for readers, he/she is a crucial part of the entire system.

Despite being the eyes for readers, Blank You is his own character, because we, as readers, are unable to determine what he/she does, and he/she is confined to actions allowed by the author. As such, we are unable to fully empathize with Blank You as a character, because not only is he/she meant only to be a window, but because he/she, that is, you, acts in ways that you, the reader, wouldn't act in his/her place.

Since readers exist outside the story, Blank You is the character that truly does the interacting, and as such requires just as much, if not more, characterizing than any other character in the story. Blank You must act not only as a representative of what the readers want to see, but as a character in his/her own right.

In this case, Blank You received very little attention, and at the end of the story I felt as though I didn't know him any better than I did at the start. He's an important character; don't forget about him in all the excitement and kissy faces.


Personally, I think Cadence is less a ruler of a whole other pony nation and more of the official Ambassador of Equestria. It would help explain she might not be around since season 2 finale. Plus it wouldn't be too surprising to think Armor accompanied her as protection and such. Would give them an opportunity to grow together before the season finale and such.

As for when and how she showed up? I am not entirely sure.


Half the reason it seemed underdeveloped and such was partly because of the thread on Ponychan in which it appeared. Every story that was a one shot was basically much the same. all the stories were more focused on the 'sensual' parts of the story rather than much character development. If I had taken this fic more seriously I probably wouldn't have gone with the second person fic and did more chapters to build up the whole deal. It was always intended to be a one shot so I didn't really put all that great an effort into it.

Mhmm. Usually, I recommend doing well what you intend to do at all, but to each their own. *shrugs*

nice and quick and yet still a good read. have a like :twilightsmile:

who is your favorite doctor?

Short and sweet :)

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