• Member Since 19th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 minutes ago


A Pole by birth, a Lawgiver by trade and a Trickster by choice. Altogether a most friendly, sociopathic madman. At your service...


Celestia has lived for countless centuries. Looking over Equestria like a caring mother and tending to the needs of even the smallest of creatures. But now her time grows near. As she looks down upon Canterlot one evening, she has an unexpected visitor - a small, exuberant filly.

Her name is Death.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 67 )

I've said it before and I'm saying it now: someday, when my time comes, I want Death to be just like this little filly - supportive and kind, and not all grim reaper-y. Not of the fear of the other, but to share in such a lovely conversation like the one Celestia had.

Liked and faved! :raritywink:


I don't see why the Reaper should be grim, horrid and repulsive. Ultimately, we shall all encounter Death once. And I have a feeling we might be in for a surprise. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for the like and the favorite.

This story is like my steak... well done.
Hopefully I made someone laugh while they were crying.
It's what I would want :pinkiesad2:


Honestly, I was expecting someone to do a joke like that...

And it's a good goal, to cheer ones that cry. :twilightsmile:

Very well done. I'll be honest and admit I expected the usual cliche drek. You exceeded my expectations by far. Bravo. :twilightsmile:

A beautiful story. Though Celestia felt at ease she was still scared. All beings feel that. It was wonderful to see in this case as well.


A pleasure to hear that. Thank you ever so kindly. :twilightsmile:


Nobody is above fear. Not even a being like Celestia. But when we accept our anxiety of the unknown, then we become truly fearless...

A few errors here and there, but this is a splendid story all the same. Portraying Death as a little excitable child is something I don't think has been done before, and if it has, not enough that it's cliche. Celestia truly is the type that would be understanding and even accepting of Death, even if it wasn't so adorable, yet would still, naturally, have doubts and questions like anyone would when confronted by it.

All in all, this is magnificent. Have a like and a fave. :raritywink:

Ohmagersh. I'm reading this and my parents are watching tv and I think they can hear me crying...:rainbowlaugh::fluttercry:
Loved the story!:heart:

Okay that has not happened in a long time. When I got to Discord's encounter with Death I was crying and laughing at the same time. That was so so Discord. :applecry::rainbowlaugh:

Very well writen. :pinkiehappy:


I'm overjoyed that you found my story worthy of praise. Thank you kindly. :twilightsmile:


I'm glad that the story can have such an emotional impact. And don't you worry about parents hearing you cry, tears are for all of us... :pinkiesmile:


Happy you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile: I think Discord would always find a way to make us laugh in the end.

I would be lying to you if I said I didn't have a good few tears running down my cheeks at the end of this story.

Good job. :pinkiesad2: :twilightsmile:


Thank you.

Those tears are of the good kind, though, remember that... :twilightsmile:


Those tears are of the good kind, though, remember that... :twilightsmile:

I know... :twilightsheepish:

I am speechless. Manly tears were shed this day.i.imgur.com/IeRCe.jpg?1
This story made me think of my Paw Paw and how I hope it was like this for him.
Thank you sir, for writing this. You have truly hit me right in the feels.



It was my pleasure. And I think we can sincerely hope that this is how it shall look for all of us... :pinkiesmile:


I will be completely honest with you. It took me about forty five minutes just to stop crying after reading this.
You have a true talent for this. I hope you will write more stories like this one day.


I might. Although it requires a certain state of mind. And good background music, as this is pretty much a child of one song I heard, which weaved the idea in my brain.

But you can be certain I shall keep writing... :twilightsmile:


I will certainly be looking forward to it. :pinkiehappy:

I really like it. This is a take on Death that's really nice.


Death is a nice person in general, I presume... :twilightsmile:

This is scary.

I have never imagined passing away in that manner. And... find it to be preferable to what I had always thought. You have changed my outlook on death, Dear Author. You ideas are terrifyingly wonderful.

Do carry on.

It's not Death people fear, I think. It is the Unknown beyond those final gates that gives us pause and worry. It's leaving behind our accomplishments of life, and taking our first steps out of what is true and known to us, and entering into something that no mind, no matter how brilliant or forward-thinking could ever comprehend. Death, to me, is not the End. It is the beginning of something new. What is that new experience that awaits us? Is it Heaven? Reincarnation? Do we transcend Reality and become creator-gods of our own corner of the cosmos?

Point is, I think we'll all be pleasantly surprised when the curtain falls.


I am honored to learn I had such an impact. Every creator's dream, I say... Thank you for sharing this with me.


As a Catholic, I am expecting a specific outcome, yes, but ultimately it shall be a great, wonderful surprise to each and every of us... And as much as we might fear the Unknown, I think we can expect the passing not to be the fall of the curtain, simply an entr'acte of our existences...

A pleasure that my story invoked such a deep contemplation.

As a wise old wizard once said: "After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."


Then let us all embark on it free of fear and with open hearts... :raritywink:

always look on the bright of death

Chances are very high that the afterlife will blow your mind.


I agree. With all the laws like Causality and Logic away, it sounds like a great place to aspire to get to. :twilightsmile:

This... was... have no words for how amazing this was.
I heard about it from Dusty_Roads, and man oh man, I was not displeased at all.
This truly was a beautiful story, and I loved it.

Awesome job, awesome job.


Thank you ever so kindly, I am honored by your appreciation... :twilightsmile:

6193846 Welcome ever so kindly, I'm glad you wrote it!
Keep it up friend!


Might be a bit tricky, considering the nature of the story... I might think about something related to it though... :twilightsmile:


I'm terribly sorry, but my schedule is dictated by my studies somewhat fiercely nowadays. But if you ask around, I'm sure there will be people ready to aid you. :twilightsmile:


I cannot promise anything, but I'll see what I can do once I'm free. :pinkiesmile:

Some have asked for a sequel to this. I can only guess what such might entail--a ghost story? Luna exploring the realm of dreams and meeting Celestia therein? Perhaps a tale told in a tavern-like scene where the ancient great ones meet to discuss whatever they will?

Death is but a temporary inconvenience, after all. This body will someday die, and by then I'll likely be quite ready indeed to set it and its brief shadow of life aside, to begin the true, eternal life.

:raritycry:This is beautiful and you made me cry. A lot. :fluttercry:Truly wonderful work and an exceptionally fitting end to Celestia's tale. I especially liked Death appearing as a little filly. It made it so much more real that way. Nothing ominous and scary, just her. Waiting.


I am still deliberating creating a sequel. On the one hand, I would adore to write something more about the lovable Death, on the other hand, it is hard to find a nice connection that would not make a continuation appear an "artificial" addition for the sake of breathing new life to the idea. I will focus on it more after finishing with my final obligations to my university.


Death cannot be that ominous. People that die in their sleep are often smiling and I think she might be the reason they do so... :pinkiesmile:

Death. The very word scares me. This story has helped me in a way with this though. If death does happen to be with a kind easy to talk to... person or whatever... how would i greet them? How would i spend my last moments talking to them. Also very importantly how in the hell would i evade the destined awkwardness that will most certainly rear in such a talk. Nah ill just act like I'm getting cozy with an old friend. I think when its time to kick the bucket and grab this dudes (girl or boy) hand ill just slap it like i was strait out of predator.

"Death! You sonava bitch!"


That would be a pretty epic passing, I concur! :pinkiehappy:

This has to be one of my favorite incarnations of Death. Words cannot describe how much I love this.


I feel honored that you find my depiction so appealing. Thank you. :twilightsmile:

Quick question. Obviously there are times when more than one pony is dying at once. Hell, if Equestria is even remotely similar to our world then there have been times where hundreds of ponies have died at once. Here Death mentions that it visits everypony when they die, so what happens during those cases when more than one pony is dying? Does a separate instance of death appear to those ponies? what about ponies who are dying in the same room/area?


Well, we would first need to realize that Death does not abide by the same laws that bind mortals. Time or space are nothing to a being of this kind of power. Hence why we can safely speculate that Death appears by everypony on the brink of their lives and it is the same Death, no matter the number of them. Sometimes she might engage in a long conversation when the time keeps its flow. Sometimes, in the last blink of an eye, she carries out a discussion lasting countless hours. The life flashing before somepony's eyes, wouldn't it be the sign of that?

Oh, and we must remember, everypony is worth these two final words and a moment of time. Just for them. When the entire Universe stops if necessary, so that there can be a while in which there is nopony more important in Existence than the one facing the end of their lives.

“What about those that brought evil with their lives?” Celestia inquired. “How can they be told that they did well?”

Death smiled at this question. She heard it many, many times before and was wondering whether Celestia would be wise enough to fully understand the answer.

“Because they, ultimately, did. Every life has its significance. Those that mortals would deem cruel, vicious, amoral, they had their purpose to fulfill too,” she pointed out, with excitement in her voice. “They have shown what destruction can be wrought by unchecked ambition, what pain can one creature inflict upon another, what great lengths can a mortal spirit go to achieve its desires. Those are valuable lessons, Celestia, even if the price of those is pain and misery. You have no idea how many times I have encountered those you would call ‘villains’ and found out what amazing beings they were. How keen on their goal, how intricate in their minds. How wonderful in their lives,” Death concluded with yet another of its chaste laughs.

“I...” Celestia could not find words at first, as such revelation was incredible for her. But her mind grasped it well. “I see what you mean... They have shown us the wide spectrum of choices each of us can make. Brought us together, so that we might oppose them. Made us reason, to try and understand them...”

That... is the deepest thing i have read in a long time. It actually makes you think... This was a lovely story, and it makes you think on the balance between life and death. I have to say I was a fool for passin up this story the first time I seen it. Great work!


I am glad that you have considered it worthy of your time after all and liked it. :twilightsmile:

7411000 was on my read later list lol

It is a heart wrenching story. ThNkyou for sharing it with us.


It was my pleasure to write it... :twilightsmile:

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