• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012
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All that I touch seems to break in my hands, then it just bursts into flames.


Comments ( 51 )
Dainn #1 · Jan 16th, 2015 · · 1 ·

Why does this have 2 dislikes already?
It's only been up for like 2 minutes!
Do the mods downvote stuff or is it just people downvoting just for the hell of it?

Two upvotes and two downvotes on a 12,000 word story less than 4 minutes after it went up.

Good to see people are voting based on the story. :facehoof:

jmj #3 · Jan 16th, 2015 · · 1 ·

Lol. Good to see that the stigma with Cupcakes based stories still exists. 2 downvotes in less than 30 seconds of being admitted. Glad you took the time to read it. And let me say, 12,000 words in 30 seconds. That's downright impressive.


5509681 Wow, two similar comments while I was typing in mine.

Time for some jmj goodness :pinkiehappy:


5509813 I hope it's as good as you think it will be. I'm a little iffy about it. But, I haven't written anything in a while and the rust is difficult to shake off.

So ... delicious ...


5510152 lol. Have you started on that story you talked to me about yet?


Not yet. Coincidentally, I'm trying to pull together something for the Most Dangerous Game thing - the Cupcakes prompt of course. The challenge of "re-vamping" the singular mlp story in three weeks with minimal gore was too tempting.

In a couple weeks or so I'll start on the outline of the one we discussed. I've got a few of the scenes visualized - now it's just a matter of transcribing them. I'll keep you posted.

MFC was a great read, inspiring as always. I felt like a fly on the gingerbread wall. I particularly liked the end. I'm going to add it to a few groups, if you don't mind.


5510229 Go for it. I'd love to read your submission. I'm going to try as well. I don't know if I'll be able to scrape something together in time because I heard about it yesterday but I'm going to try. I've got one decent idea but I don't know how to pull it off. How's yours going?

I'm glad you liked this story. It's performing dismally, but I liked it quite a bit.

5510240 Progress on the Cupcakes draft is slow (because of work). If I don't get the majority of it done this weekend it might not happen. I have no expectations of winning. Just a good opportunity to "get to know" my favorite characters :pinkiecrazy: I'll send it your way if things work out. Likewise, I look forward to reading yours, of course.

5510240 As long as you like what you wrote then the story is a success.

HA HA HA HA! YES! this fanfic is brilliant you out done yourself! I loved pinkamena's little rant about rainbow dash its funny its almost like you read my mind because that is exactly how I feel about Dash's character XD. Yeah i despise Dash and it was kinda shocking seeing my favorite character spouting those same feelings i felt about her.


5510417 Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Future Perfect...

related to anyone on this here site? :raritywink:

This is incredible.

Your writing style is slick, fluid and graceful - in a murderous, bloodthirsty kind of way. The story itself is excellent too, your portrayal of Pinkamena is easily the best depiction of her insanity - easily dethroning the original Cupcakes. It's crazy, that when Pinkamena was retelling her experiences with her friends and her father, I genuinely felt bad for her. For the first time in an age, I actually felt upset and saddened by a story! When you told me about this being in the works, I hadn't expected it to be THIS good, but it is a thoroughly pleasing surprise, that's for sure!

What saddens me however, is the rating that it received. Furthermore, the lack of attention and ratings. Perhaps the whole Cupcakes gig is a little too overdone, but one should NEVER judge a story before reading it and this tale merely solidifies my standing on the matter. This will easily make it to my favorites and my personal top fics on the site.

Well done, good dark authors are hard to find.

Brilliant ones are practically an extinct breed, consider yourself among that breed.

Fantastic work once again.

Though I do hope she gave him an enema before the main event.

I set this aside yesterday because of the word count. I got around to reading it now.

And holy damn, that was impressive.

It's hard knowing where to start with something like this. For starters, it's long. Another point is its story matter: Cupcakes. Nowadays, that subject has been bashed and beaten on, with loads of spinoffs, sequels and hate that it's hard knowing what to read and not to read. Or it may not be, in some cases. However, this is a story based around the infamous tale that I'm glad to have read, because I truly liked it.

It's hard to talk about Pinkie's character as well. If you go into this expecting bright and chirpy Pinkie Pie, bumbling around Ponyville like normal, you won't find it. You could call that OOC all you like, but this isn't really Pinkie here. Well, yeah, it is Pinkie, but we've gone down a different path, with different events, and a different personality. To some, she'll be nothing more than an OC. To others, she's Pinkamena. I guess you have to draw the line for yourself when deciding which one she is.

As for the story, it was rather gripping. Every twist and turn presented, what with the backstories, the ambience and feeling of the room, and Pinkamena's design herself—as in, the teeth—were all set up brilliantly for what was being told. Future Present had the reactions I believed he'd had, as with Pinkamena, it all worked. Props in that department.

I won't say it's a massive twist. I could pretty much predict what was going to happen before he even got there. I doubt it was supposed to have a giant twist anyway, but even though I had a good idea of what was coming, it didn't make it any easier to read. It became a great blend between erotic and sadistic, and I'm honestly not sure if I'm the latter. I was even half-expecting a sex scene to happen. Yeah, preeetty sure I'm like that now.

What else can I say? I could talk about the quick downvotes and views. I also noticed the downvotes coming right out of the cage as soon as the story appeared. Guess you can't do anything based around Cupcakes without attracting that sort of rating. And as for the views, I'm not sure if it's because of the story length, the topic of Cupcakes itself, or maybe both, or something else entirely. I would promote this to anyone that's looking for a twist on the whole Cupcakes trope, but I don't see that view counter going up anytime soon. Can't win them all, I guess. I'll just be glad I was one of the minority that read it.

Seriously, good job. :raritywink:

This was an amazing story. But I will say that him falling into her trap so easily pissed me off to the point I was almost yelling at my screen. That's why I love the story so much because It pisses me off It's so gud

Better than anything I've written, for damned sure. Which makes me happy, as I loved (still do) being the one to help you get back into writing.

This elegance is what I craved for... what I aimed for... and what I failed achieve.

But not you, J. Not you.

You did perfect!


5512972 You, sir, have never fallen as flat as you think you have. Your stories are achievements and I have always thought so. XXXXXXXXX is the greatest fic based on Cupcakes and is superior to anything I can do. It just makes me happy that you like this story as it would have never been possible had I not read XXXXXXXXX. I did sort of steal the term "Cupcake Killer" from the sequel to XXXXXXXXX. Hope you don't mind.

5511264 Thanks for the wonderful review. I'm glad it turned out better than you thought it would. Maybe, now that I hammered this one out, I can finish reading Dreaded Shadows.

5511919 Lol. Thanks for reading another one of my stories. I'm glad you are still here and still enjoy them.

5512380 Thank you for the review. It's not even a comment, this giant article is a full on review of my story. I'm very appreciative that you took the time to read it and gave it a chance. I was surprised when it turned out to be 12,000 words. I really didn't think it was going to be that long. As long as people like you are enjoying this story, it doesn't matter if it gets views. I'm just glad those who are reading it are enjoying it. Cupcakes is a trope that is still good as long as it is done correctly and that's the reason why so many are quick to bash it; they have been hurt before. Thanks again and I hope you will continue to enjoy my fics.

I wrote a review of this story; it can be found here.

Utterly predictable, unfortunately. This would have been enjoyable if not for that, and the utter lack of investment in the main character. It also has a good amount of typos.


Which story are you referring to?


5541439 Yeah, I got sick of editing by the end because I was on a deadline. This story wasn't meant to be perfect in any way. it was the most predictable story ever written for sure. There was nothing about it that tried to mask what would happen in the end. it is what it is: the spawn of a story that I really liked with a twist to the character that made me pay attention to MLP in the first place. It's odd that what cemented me into watching MLP was Cupcakes, but there you go. So, this story was my take on Pinkamena and all the tropes that go with her. She's a sociopathic killing machine with no regard for any life but her own because she thinks she is the only one who really exists. In a way, she is tragic because all she really wants is to have a friend, a real friend, but she cannot convince herself that anyone else IS real, so she tries to be rid of their mockery of life.

And that bit in the middle where she is talking about what happened in her past? Who knows how much is true and how much is fabricated to lead Mr. perfect down the path she wants.

Thanks for reading it though! I appreciate your time!


What is G-AB's story, though?! :raritydespair:


5541962 Check your inbox, sir.


You're both bound by blood now!

While I would have loved the ending to be less predictable, I can't help but still love the story and I'm delighted that my disbelief at what Pinkamena was saying about her friends and family turned out to be true.

Now, onto your next Cupcakes story!


5547934 Thanks for reading, sir. I love your comments. I'm very happy you enjoyed this story and saw through Pinkamena's lies. Or are they?

5547990 I feel like I have room to interpret them as such :raritywink:


I know what you mean when you say it's odd. Knowing that you were cemented into watching it because of Cupcakes.
I was somewhat the same in a similar regard. My introduction was through music however. I mean sure I'd heard about the show online, and everything. It wasn't until a friend showed me a certain fan created song, and video. You might find the name familiar. It was Rainbow Factory that led me to the show. I just loved the twisted animation, and the dark industrial tones were right up my alley. I've been into metal since I was eleven, or twelve. Once I saw that video, and heard the song I was simply curious. Suddenly I'd watched through a whole two seasons. I was hooked from that point on.

Somepony told me that, there are some on FImfiction. Who will downvote simply because it is grim dark. I wonder how many down downvotes the original cupcakes has. It probably has more than this story.

Loved the story. It didn't matter a whole lot in the end if it was predictable or not. I knew before Mr. Perfect had even left Canterlot for Pinkamenas' house, that he was to become food. It didn't matter, I still kept reading. I loved how much idiocy Mr Perfect had. I was just waiting to see him meet his end, at her teeth. Well done, I've added your story to a bookshelf I'm starting called Grim fates. It's been set to public.

5509687 Though I usually despise these types of stories, you pulled it off remarkably well. Good job.

Perfectly Insane

Is there going to be a continuation of this?


7436023 Keep your eyes open on the Dobermans. Very soon.

5542009 Can I get the name of that story as well?

Fuck you, you human trash.

Imagine if one not-so-bright fellow doesn't read the letter and eats one of the cupcakes without a second thought...

A letter, addressed to my personal residence, asked me to come deep into the sprawling Everfree forest alone and to meet our mare of mayhem for what she called, “my final confession”. It detailed her desire to discuss her story before “the end”.


Lol. Thanks for reading.
If you enjoyed this story TheDobermans wrote a sequel MFC:Vengeance

And I am close to finishing the trilogy with the last story called My Final Confession: How To Roast an Alicorn. It should be ready to post fairly soon. Probably be in chapters though.


And I am close to finishing the trilogy with the last story called My Final Confession: How To Roast an Alicorn. It should be ready to post fairly soon. Probably be in chapters though.

That sounds good.

October's Nightmare NIght pick for Pinkie Pie Stories

Heheheheheheheheheheheheheh........ He really was an idiot.

This never in fact happened, but... You hit a little too close to home here... Watch your back... :pinkiecrazy:

Nicely written.


You're awesome.

Thanks for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed it. This was my version of Pinkamena...err...uh... you.

If you'd like to read more fanfiction written by your fans:

the dobermans wrote a sequel MFV:Vengeance

and I'm currently writing the last in the trilogy, MFC: Relapse but... it's more about a remorseful Pinkamena attempting to dissuade Cozy Glow from continuing her life as a villain while struggling to keep the lid on the beast inside her. So, you know, please let me live long enough to finish that.

Seriously, though. I loved your comment. Thanks for the little bit of roleplay there from my favorite character in the extended mlp universe. Pinkamena is the reason I started writing mlp fiction and you've made my 8 years on here worth it in that single comment.

Heheheh... Glad I could help.

“I don’t murder, Mr. perfect. Let’s get that clear, but yes. I do get a serious sexual thrill from it. It churns my gear and grinds my butter.” She giggles at the obvious transition of words.


“He would take me into the woods to our ‘special place’ and he would kiss me and hug me in ways that he did my mom. He said that it was a special love and I must never let the rest of the family know because they would be jealous.” Ms. Pie shirks slightly as if dodging imaginary embraces. “That’s how he showed me how much he loved me. He said that love always hurts a little and I should be a good filly and let daddy show me how much he loved me.”


She flickers her pupils to me for a brief moment and then looks down, a deep, roiling sob breaking her voice as she attempts to speak. “They only … pretended to like … m … me because they thought I … they thought I was retarded.”

This really do be a Schafer moment

“Not when they are laughing at me. I was nothing but a joke. A stupid, walking joke to be made fun of. ‘Don’t worry, she’s too ignorant to know we make fun of her. She thinks we like her and that she’s doing us a service’. I heard Rainbow Dash say that.”

Ok now you just reminded me of Flowers for Algernon and now I'm crying over something completely different.

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