• Published 5th Feb 2015
  • 852 Views, 22 Comments

Pawprints and hourglasses - RustyKat

Wolves and dragons..... a story of a ponywolf hybrid who just wanted to belong.

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He charged at the stallion with fury, but missed. The changeling gave a sly smile.
"Very well then.... I shall give you 24 hours to give me the amulet........ Or she will die."
Rhinestone watched as the changeling gave a silent signal, and the changeling withheld the knife from the throat of Crystal, before they all teleported off in a flash of black magic.

I can't give them the amulet...... I just can't. Too much power is at stake...... plus my family.
Rhinestone quickly untied crystal, who by now wasn't in a very good mood.

"If I so much as get my paws on them.." she began with a dangerous tone.

"Shh. They probally won't be back..." Reassured Rhinestone. I hope so.... for the sake of little Rusty. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah..... I will be." she replied, as she began to wash her face with her paws.

"Well, on the bright side, we're unhurt."

"I see no bright side here." replied Crystal grumpily. "I nearly got killed because of this stupid trinket..."

She reached into her thick fur, and withdrew the amulet. It hung on a gold chain, with two winged snakes around the center ruby. The snakes looked like they were locked in an eternal struggle to conquer the other, but the gem was not bigger than her pawpad. The little light made the stone appear a bloody crimson, neatly etched in a gold finish. The snake's eyes were a bone-chilling emerald, and the fangs much longer than a normal snake.

"The Eternal Flame Amulet..... why do I even care about this?" said Crystal, as she held it to the light.
Let it be known all dragons are drawn to anything shiny......

Rhinestone quickly snatched the amulet. "Mine!" It took him a moment to realize what he had done, and he flattened his ears.

"Sorry hun... I just couldn't help myself." he replied sheepishly. "Must be the dragon side of me acting up."

Crystal shot him an annoyed look. "Remind me what this stupid bauble does... and why you fight for it."

Rhinestone sighed. "Very well then. Long ago, there was a dragon with unheard of powers.... rumored to even be son of the Sun. He was a kind fellow, usually helping as he saw fit. His name was Flarix.... Flarix the Great. A hagsfeind saw the power this dragon possessed, and wondered if she could corrupt him, making their kingdom grow and be unstoppable. With his army and her demons, she would be a god..... and rule this pathetic land. Her name was Yurik, translated in dragon as Witch, and in pony, Chaos. In wolf, her name was Bloodshed......... and everywhere she went, she was feared. So she chose an ambush for when Flarix went to his daily journey, she pounced with her small team of demons. these demons were huge snakes, with very long fangs, and dark feathery crow wings. Flarix was caught off guard, and he uttered a spell that stopped her..... but at a great cost. He would have to sacrifice his life to seal up the tear she had made in the normal world to prevent more Hagsfeinds from entering from The Dim World. With a chant of words and a single movement, he brought a gem from his pocket, and cast the spell. The hagsfeinds were blinded by the purifying light, and those who did not flee were destroyed. Yurik cursed as she fled. "May the next child born of pony and dragon be cursed to bear a child who will suffer an unknown fate!" " Suffer an unknown fate...... He flattened his ears.

"It's just a legend hun." purred Crystal. "Please... continue."

"If you insist. Now, as he did so, the gem changed. The last two snake demons to leave turned a brilliant gold and solidified around the gem that was their demise.... and solidified, doomed to a life of eternal struggle...." He flattened his ears more. "Are you okay?"

Crystal looked a bit rather uncomfortable. "I don't think so...." She flattened her ears. "Perhaps Stable can look Rusty over?"

Rhinestone nodded. "Sounds like a plan. I'd be more than happy to help you, my dear. Can you climb on my back? If not, I can help you."

Crystal stood to her paws, and lit her horn, teleporting on his back. "Something is wrong... I sense it."

"Then I shall hurry. Hang on, my indiego sweetheart." He took off outside.

Shortly after taking off, he felt Crystal cringe. "You better hurry Rhinestone..... "

He increased his speed. Of all the days, Rusty just had to choose this one.....

It wasn't long before he landed and rushed into the hospital. The doctors that were chatting quickly went silent.

"I see. Good thing you got here so fast." said Stable, as he quickly took Crystal into another room.

Rhinestone sat in the lobby pondering his thoughts, when the other doctor sat next to him. It was a white Pegasus with a red scar over one eye, and a black mane, with a neon-green highlight through it.

"First time father, eh?" said the doctor. His nametag read, "Dr. Pyros".

"Yeah..... you couldn't believe the trouble I've gone through with this. But I hope it'll be worth it to see my little girl."

"It's always worth it.... she's in good hooves now. Stable's the best doctor here." Rhinestone did not hear Pyros mutter under his breath faintly, "So far."