• Published 9th Jan 2015
  • 5,044 Views, 164 Comments

Reconditioning - trondason

Nightmare Moon is desperate. She enacts a last-ditch plan to bring Eternal Night, that ends up costing her wings. However, things don't go as planned, and she finds herself with new goals and a new companion.

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Chapter 3

Nightmare Moon was trotting through the Castle, humming a happy tune to herself. Why? Because it finally seemed that her sacrifice in the familiar summoning was paying off. She was surrounded with a swarm of rocks held in her telekinetic grasp, a feat she would not be capable of doing yesterday.

If she had to guess, her magical reserves is back up to about that of a average unicorn right now, and everyday it was growing. She decided to take advantage of her re-claimed strength, and started tidying up the castle, picking up rubble and placing it into piles for later disposal. Plus, it was excellent exercise, to further aid her magical growth.

Nightmare Moon came to a stop and deposited the rocks in a pile off to one side as her thoughts went to her general situation. Her regaining her magic was nice, but she still had no idea what to do to accomplish her goal. Celestia was always the more diplomatic of the two of them, and after completely botching the talk with Trixie a few days ago, she was at a complete lost at what to do, and feared that it was hopeless. The one time she mentioned it to her familiar, he just shook his head and called her a quitter, and walk away yelling over his shoulder that when one decided to do something, they should not stop till they do it.

Speaking of her familiar, that buzz in her head that she has come to associate with him was getting stronger, presumably him returning from latest foray into the forest. That seems to be all he does, read books, or explore the Everfree. She tried to warn him it was dangerous earlier, but predictably he ignored her.

Almost on cue, the doors to the hallway she was in opened, and in walked Alex, and with his ever-present smirk, greeted “Hello Moony. I see you manage to not get yourself killed while I was gone.”

“Yes. A miracle I can do anything without you around.” Nightmare Moon sarcastically replied with a roll of her eyes.”

He nodded his head sagely, and walk past Nightmare Moon presumably on his way to the Library to keep reading.

Nightmare Moon considered the buzz in her head, and before Alex could reach the end of the hall, gave it a experimental poke.

Alex just got back from his latest bout of hunting, and has by now collected the genes of a good number of new creatures that didn't exist back on earth, including a lizard with a chicken head that turned his foot to stone before he ate it, a giant eel that lived in a cave that tried to eat him, and a giant blue transparent bear that had floating white dots in it. That last one was especially confusing to Alex, cause the illusion was only skin-deep, and a cut quickly revealed normal bear-meat underneath. And once again, with all these creatures’ DNA did not seem to indicate anything other than a rather weird lizard, and giant eels and bears.

Alex decided to blame it on magic, and filed it away for later investigation before it irritated him too much.

His hunting did serve another purpose however, as it allowed him to keep an eye out for any ponies looking for Nightmare Moon, and since her fucking it up with Trixie, a number have been combing the Everfree, but they never went very deep, for apparent fear of predators.

Soon they will need to do something, but Alex was trying to come up with a good idea of what. The easiest thing to do would be to walk right into town and announce their presence quite loudly. However, said idea was dangerous, not to him, but Moony. While he could crush any offense they might put up, he’s not as confident in his ability to do it while protecting her, and if she died, he wouldn't have anything to do again.

It was these thoughts he was pondering when he returned, teased Moony to disappointing little result, and continued on his way when he felt something in his head over the voices, something he hadn't felt in a week and honestly didn't expect to feel for a good number of years if he kept with his current goal.

A infected.

He instantly whipped around facing the direction he felt it, with his arms slightly spread ready to attack, only to find a surprised looking Moony. “What the fuck did you do.” He growled.

Moony blinked twice, before answering “I was checking to see how strong the mental connection is. It has apparently matured a good bit.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” He said, relaxing his arms and standing up a straighter.

“A familiar and it’s mage share a mental connection. Do you mean you haven’t noticed my presence in your head as well?” She said, tilting her head slightly.

He just rolled his eyes. “I’m use to ignoring the happenings of my mind. How much can your receive from the link?” Alex said, changing the subject.

“Currently, all I’m getting is a buzz. As it grows stronger, we should be able to send more across though.” When she finished talking, Alex felt her send a crude idea across “[Understanding]?”

Telepathic communication has its ups and its downs, as Alex learned while testing it with his Evolved during his half-hearted attempt to save the world. It is just about useless for transmitting speech, for how each person interprets words and meanings varies too much, however it is excellent for transmitting the underlying details. For example, while one can’t send across ‘ocean’, one could communicate the concept of water and vastness, of salt on the wind and rolling waves. In some ways, it was a better, purer form of communication, but by it’s nature it lacked abstractness.

With this in mind, he compiled a response message, and ‘said’ “[Understanding]. [Caution]. [Exploration of Depth]. [Dangerous].”

Moony took a step back, shaking her head, obviously unprepared for thoughts to be placed in her head. “Wait, what?” She said, confused, still shaking her head.

“It means don’t look too deep in my head. Don’t want you going crazy.”

“W-Why would I go crazy?” She said, still offput and shaking her head.

Alex just ignored her, and turned back around and started walking out. “And with this development, a idea has come to me.”

“Wait, where you going?” Moony said, breaking out of her confusion and trotting up to him.

“To put it simply, I’m going to turn myself in, and gather information from the inside.”

“What!? Are you insane!?”

“Nope. I can handle myself, and besides, you can keep an eye on me with that link.”

Moony came to a stop and let out a big sigh. “There’s no stopping you, is there?”

“Nope. See ya later.” Alex said, waving over his shoulder.

“We have combed 50 kilometers deep into the Everfree, and so far have found no trace of Nightmare Moon. I am hesitant to send parties deeper, for the Everfree is rife with danger, and if an accident happens we might not be able to get a pony out in time.”

“I understand. Keep current search patterns.” Twilight said with all the prim and properness she could muster.

She sat in her throne room, a room separate from the strategy room where she and her friends gathered to do harmony business.

“As you command, your highness.” With a bow, the captain turned and walked out, the doors closing with a heavy thud.

Once he was gone, Twilight let out a heavy sigh. Despite being a princess for a number of years now, she still isn't use to being addressed as such.

She stood up, stretched, and walked down the short series of steps leading to her throne pondering the situation. Currently her friends were staying in the castle, so that they were ready and could activate Rainbow Power at a moments notice. But the problem was they didn't know WHERE to use it. Couldn't just use it on the whole forest, it didn't work that way. And they have been completely unable to find Nightmare Moon, manually or with magic. So, for now all they could do is wait while the guards search. A situation Rainbow was decidedly unhappy with.

Right when she reached the bottom of the stairs, she heard a oddly familiar voice behind her say “Nice place you have here.”

She whipped around to find a strange creature lounging in her throne eating a apple. “Has a nice nature theme to it. By the way, here’s your books.” It said, through a mouthful of apple, gesturing to a small pile of books beside the throne.

“Wha-? Bu-? Who are you?” She stuttered, utterly confused.

It took a particularly noisy bite of the apple before saying “I’m the guy who stole your books. And I’m here to spy on you. So go about your princess stuff, pretend I’m not even here.” It said, waving dismissively at her.

“Spy on me?”

*CRUNCH* “Yep.”

“Why wou-” She began, before being interrupted by another loud *CRUNCH*

“Why-” *CRUNCH*

“Why would you-” *CRUNCH*



“Why would you s-” *CRUNCH*

“Whywouldyouspyonme!” She hastily said before the aggravating creature could take another bite.

“To get information, idiot. Really nice acoustics by the way.” The creature said flippantly, taking one final *CRUNCH* before tossing the core behind the throne and proceeded to pick its teeth.

“And why are you telling me this? Aren't spies suppose to be sneaky?” Twilight said, with more than a trace of anger in her voice.

“Because I’m not a idiot like you, Star-Butt.” It said, as if it was stating the sky was blue.

“I am NOT an Idiot!”

“Considering the fact that you have yet to figure out my identity, despite hearing my voice and me giving you the ever so useful hint that I stole your books, I say you’re a idiot.”

Suddenly, it clicked where she heard that voice last. ‘Sorry, but I can’t let you do that.’

“You- You’re with Nightmare Moon!” She shouted, taking a few steps back in a mixture of shock and fear.

“Ding Ding Ding! And finally Star-Butt gets it, and it only took me spelling it out to her! Wow, ain't she smart!” It announced as it stood up, arms in the air as if it was addressing some invisible stage audience. Once it was done, it collapsed back into her throne, and lazily waved at her saying “Now that introductions are out of the way, go back to pretty purple pony princess duties, and pretend I’m not even here.”

Right then, the doors to the Throne Room slammed open and a couple guards ran in. “Princess! Is everything alright? We heard shouting and-” Right then they noticed the creature, and quickly placed themselves between her and it, leveling their spears in it’s direction. “Stay right there!”

“Oh, do you want to die? Come over and I would happily help you.” The creature replied with a malicious grin.

A few of the guards looked like they would take it up on its challenge, but Twilight quickly interceded. “Hold it. I will handle this.” When she said that, her horn flared and she grabbed the creature and heaved.

...Only for it to remain unmoved, despite being surrounded in Twilight’s magic aura. “You ain't getting rid of me that easily. If you want that to work, you are going to have to lift hard enough to rip this chair out of the floor.” It mocked her.

Twilight changed tracks, and tried teleporting it, only for it to once again fizzle out, as it seemed to be physically fused to the chair. “I don’t even know what that was, but it apparently didn't work.”

“Why are you just sitting there!?” Twilight barked, upset that the villain wasn't doing anything actively villainous. Her conscience would not let her just blast it, it hasn't DONE anything yet besides trespassing and aiding Nightmare Moon. If it fought back, she could do something.

“I TOLD you, idiot. I’m here to spy on you, not kill you. Your guards though, if they have a death wish, I’m all too happy to grant it.” It replied with a roll of it’s beady eyes.

Twilight was gritting her teeth in anger. What’s was worse, she didn't know what to do! What do you do when the bad guy does nothing but sits there, doing nothing more serious than trespassing and insulting them?

She huffed, and with a flash of her horn, she created a sound-proof bubble around the creature, before ordering one of the guards “Go get Celestia.”

“Yes, your highness.” He snapped a quick salute, and ran out the door, leaving Twilight and the other guard to wait, keeping an eye on the creature.

Alex was quite pleased with himself. He was able to not only sneak into the castle around all the guards, but he got into the throne room, and deposited himself in the throne mere moments after Star-Butt left it. What’s more, Star-Butt seemed to take pride in her intelligence, considering how quickly her mood soured when he called her a idiot. He has also confirmed that they, or at least Star-Butt, is a bit of a goody-two-shoes, not initiating violence despite him stating he’s aligned with Moony, and is here to spy on her.

And bonus, Star-Butt is quite easy to irritate. This should prove fun. He hasn't had any chances to piss off the leaders of nations before.

He currently sat in what was probably suppose to be a sound-proof dome. It was rather good, but useless against Alex. He can read their lips, and even if he didn’t, their conversation vibrated through the floor, allowing him to decipher what was said.

Currently, they were rather tensely waiting while a guard goes to get Princess Celestia. ‘Wonder why Celestia, and not Luna. Is she secondary to Celestia? Or do they not trust her to deal with Moony?’

As if summoned by the thought, there was a flash of golden light, and Celestia appeared. Alex decided to call her Whitey, hoping she was as irritable as Star-Butt.

“What’s going on?” She asked Star-Butt, her eyes instantly locking on Alex.

“It appeared behind me in my throne, and identified itself as the creature I heard in the cave. I tried to detain it, but was unable to remove it from the throne. It also claimed to be here to spy on me, and not fight.” She accurately summed up.

Whitey’s eyes glanced over to Star-butt for a moment, before returning to Alex. “Can it hear us?”

“No, I made the bubble soundproof.” Star-Butt said, a hint of pride in her voice.

They were silent for a couple moments, as Whitey considered Alex, and then she said “Let it hear us. I wish to question it.

At that, normal sound once more returned to Alex, and he did not miss his opportunity. “Hello Whitey, nice to meet you. Certainly a big one, aren't ya?”

That left Star-Butt sputtering, and the guards looked positively enraged, but sadly Whitey’s face stayed unchanged. Looks like they hold her in quite high esteem. Well, atleast he found another way to infuriate the normal pony, even if not Whitey herself.

“Greetings. And in case you didn't know, my name is Celestia, not Whitey.” She said regally.

“I know your name, Whitey. I have to ask, where’s your sister? Are the two of you NOT equal in power?” Alex said, prodding for more information.

“She is currently unavailable. Why are you here?” She asked, brushing his question aside.

“As I told Star-Butt over there, I’m here to spy on you.”

“And why would you spy on us?”

“Oh, would you look at that. You are asking the same idiotic questions Star-Butt did, just a few minutes ago.” Alex said, with a condescending smile on his face. “Well, you see, when you spy on people, you gather information on them.” He slowly explained, as if talking to a small child.

THAT got a twitch from one of her eyes. “And why do you want information on us?” She asked, voice as calm as always.

“It’s hard to make a good plan when you don’t know much about the situation.”

“And what’s your plan?” She asked, obviously hoping he was some two-bit villain who tells everyone his plan.

“Now, why would I tell you that. If you want to know that, you will have to ask Moony herself.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow at that, but didn't comment on the name. ‘Wonder what she thinks of my nickname for Moony. It will be rather hilarious if she thinks it’s a term of affection rather than irritation. Can’t wait to see Moony’s face if they bring it up.’

“And where is Moony?”

“In the Everfree. Not going to say anything more specific than that.” Alex said with a wave of his hand. “Feel free to look around. But be careful. The forest is a big and scary place.” He said mockingly. He picked up that ponies don’t like the forest for some reason, and feel that exploring it is a very risky undertaking. ‘Can’t really blame them I guess. They are rather easily killed.’

“Yes. Well, if you are going be to like that.” Her horn suddenly glowed bright, and the world turned white for a moment, and when it faded, Alex found himself floating in the middle of the room. Five more bright flashes announced the arrival of four rather thick manacles and an equally thick metal collar which shrunk down to size on him. On further inspection, he found them covered with runes, which seemed to be faintly glowing. “Those will prevent you from using any magic you might have. Now come along. You are going into time-out till you are more cooperative.” She said teasingly, probably trying to get back at him for his earlier jibes. It’s a good try, but since Alex doesn't even USE magic, he’s not hindered by the binds at all, thus rendering her talking to him like a child ineffective.

She turned around and trotted out of the room, with Alex in tow. He of course couldn't just let time pass, so he struck up conversationally “So, how many Princesses are there anyways? Moony didn't know about Star-but back there till I found her in the forest, so has there been any other additions to the royal family while she was away?”

Sparing a glance back, she replied “Now now, that would be too easy, me just telling you everything. How about a deal, I tell you something, you tell me something.”

“HA!” Alex couldn't help but laugh. He was starting to like Whitey, she wasn't just strong, but smart. Unlike some other idiots he could name. She is going to make a fun opponent. “I might just take you up on that offer later. First I want to try other sources. This place had a rather extensive library last time I was here.”

“That it does. But you won’t be able to read any of it in your time-out corner.” She replied, once again mockingly.

“We will see.” Alex said ominously, putting his hands behind his head and for now content to float in silence.