• Published 21st Jan 2015
  • 5,091 Views, 51 Comments

Viva la Vida - Comet Burst

Sunset Shimmer lost her chance to live the life she always wanted... or did she?

  • ...

Chapter 2

Princess Celestia paced on her rug, muttering quietly to herself. Across the room, the small gold filly sat on her bed, watching her with a sad yet curious look.

“Oh, no. This is not good,” Celestia said in a louder voice. “I shouldn’t have done that. I should’ve just let them handle it. Oh, why am I such a fool?”

“Mommy? What’s wrong?”

Celestia cringed at the voice before looking over to her bed. “Please stop calling me that,” she asked in a strained voice. “I am not your mother.”

“But...” The filly’s face contorted in confusion. “You are my mommy.”

Celestia groaned as she resumed her pacing. A filly thinking she was her mother would surely end poorly for both of them. Her image among her subjects would be tarnished, being known as an unwed Princess with her own heir. The filly, of course, would be looked down on her whole life, constantly interrogated about who her father was and if she had tricked Celestia into adopting her.

A sharp rapping at her door caused Celestia to flinch and the filly to yip. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, Celestia regained her composure and cleared her throat.

“Who is there?” she asked sharply as a spell formed on the tip of her horn.

“Princess, we are here as you commanded earlier!” came the voice of a guard.

A deep sigh escaped Celestia as she allowed the magic to fade from her horn. “Come in,” she ordered in a much more even voice.

As soon as the words left her lips, the door swung open and two guards marched in. They both stood in front of the door as it closed, staring at her with stoic faces. Once the door sealed, Celestia quickly cast a spell to deafen the noise from the room. Glancing back, Celestia saw the filly cower, shrinking back into one of the pillows.

“Ma’am,” one of them spoke. “We were—”

“I take it you kept your silence?” she asked.

“Yes, Your Highness. We did, but—”

“Good,” Celestia said, her worried thoughts easing themselves. “I think it is prudent, then, that we discuss your, er... new assignment.”

“Of course, Your Highness, but we must inform you that—”

Before anypony else could speak further, a loud banging rattled the door.

“Sister! We know thou art in there!” came Luna’s unmistakable voice, adding to the rattling.

Celestia’s eyes shrank as her jaw fell open. The banging resumed; the filly whimpered behind her.

“We demand to know what has transpired in the Royal Archives and why thou disappeared without informing our guards! What didst thou see and why art thou hiding?” Luna demanded.

“Just... just give me one minute, Luna!” Celestia replied, her voice shaking.

Glancing about the room, she winced as the guards looked at her with concerned faces and the filly poked her head out from the pillow. Celestia immediately shook her head and put a hoof up to her mouth.

“Mommy, that voice is really scary. Make it go away,” she said despite Celestia’s protests.

“What was that? Art thou not alone in there—and why hast thou placed a charm upon the door?

“Oh no,” Celestia murmured as she pressed a hoof to her forehead. How could she have been so careless? She glanced about the room. If it was just the two guards, she could play it off that they were discussing earlier events in private, but the filly was a major problem; Luna was still a symbol of terror of Equestria’s foals, if her reports on her dreamscape walks were anything to go by.

Celestia trotted up to the bed, brushed the filly’s mane out of her eyes, and placed a couple more pillows around her. “Little one, it’s very important to mo—er, me that you stay very still—and very quiet—while the grown-ups talk, okay?” she cooed, noting the fear in the foal’s eyes.

Wordlessly, the foal nodded and curled into a ball inside the makeshift fortress of pillows, allowing Celestia to breathe much easier. Returning her attention to the door, she quickly disabled the spell and cleared her throat.

“Luna, please come—”

The door flew open with a bang before she could even finish speaking; on the other side of it stood a fuming Luna. Celestia took an involuntary step back at the sight and her tail swept over the pile behind her, which gave off soft whimpers.


Luna stormed into the room, the door immediately slamming behind her. The lock clicked back into place, leaving her guards on the other side.

“Why be’est thou trying to hide here?” she said, scanning the room with her icy gaze. “We have had to calm thy Guardsponies’ fears for the last fifteen minutes and offer empty explanations about thy whereabouts! Now explain—what in the name of our mother art thou doing?

Celestia took a hasty breath, trying to calm her racing heart before attempting a response. It would take a very long and solid excuse to get Luna to back away, more time than she had until the filly poked her head out of the pillows. Still, she had to do something before the worst came to pass.

Celestia steeled her resolve. “Luna,” she said, “there is no need to tie yourself up in this. One of the tomes in Star Swirl’s section of the Archives acted up and I am discussing what happened with these two—” she waved a hoof over to the guards “—who were the first to see and respond to it.”

Luna narrowed her eyes at the two before turning back to Celestia. “What kind of fool dost thou take me for? We have spoken with the commanders and those who first saw the aura! These two were mentioned by their superior as being the first to storm the Archives when screaming could be heard. Tell us what happened, sister, or we shall be forced to take measures to find out!”

When Luna’s rant came to an end, Celestia stood a little taller and hardened her gaze. “My business is my own, Luna. You have neither the right nor the will to try and subject me to an interrogation.”

Luna bared her teeth at Celestia. “Thou thinkest thyself above the law? Nay, Celestia, you foal!” she shouted. “Explain now before we remind you of our power!”

Immediately, both guards ran in front of Celestia and hunkered low. At the same time, the air around Celestia turned to ice as a little voice spoke up.

“Leave my mommy alone, you big meanie!”

Spinning in place, Celestia looked down in horror at the small golden filly standing amid the pillows, one somehow perfectly balanced atop her head. The filly glanced up at Celestia and frowned as she started to curl into a ball again. Flicking one eye back to Luna, Celestia gulped as Luna’s eyes widened.

“Sister,” she spoke slowly. “What was that, pray tell?”

Celestia’s tongue caught in her throat as she tried to work up the courage to respond. She closed her eyes as she cast a strong silencing spell on the room. Once she was assured of privacy, she stood aside, allowing Luna to sight the filly. A chuckle tickled her throat when she saw how small Luna’s eyes had shrunk, but remained stalwart.

“This, Luna—” she swept a wing over the filly “—is what was causing the disturbance in the Archives.”

Luna raised an eyebrow as she eyed the filly over. “A single foal… left our most powerful spellcasters and guards… at complete loss of an explanation?” She closed her eyes. “Excuse us as we attempt to wrap our mind around the concept.”

“It should be unsurprising, dear sister, that a single filly put the Guard on alert,” Celestia said calmly. “My own protégé did the same when she took her test to enter my school.”

She turned back to the filly, noting how tight of a ball she had managed to curl herself into. Her tail covered most of her body, but her eyes peeked between the hairs like it would shield her from Luna’s gaze. In the silence, Celestia heard a small groan and raised her eyebrows.

“Are you hungry, little one?” she asked.

The filly raised her head and stared directly into her eyes.

“Yes, Mommy,” she said in a pleading tone.

Celestia shut her eyes at that, moments before the words sunk in for everyone else. Three, two, one—

Mother?” Luna roared. “Celestia! Have you been hiding an illegitimate heir this whole time?”

Celestia shook off her annoyance like a mere fly and turned to the guards, staring deep into their confused faces.

“Guards, your new assignment is to—”

We are not done yet, sister!

Blinking slowly, Celestia turned to Luna and opened her mouth to say something when a much smaller voice spoke up.

“Stop it, meanie-head!” the filly cried. “Why are you mad at my mommy?”

Silence, young one!” Luna yelled back. “This is none of your—”

Luna!” Celestia roared over both of them. “Still your tongue or begone until you can!” She snorted as she glared at Luna, and unwittingly spread her wing to partially shield the filly from her; Luna took a step back, her face contorted in a confused and angry stare.

Rounding on the filly, Celestia cast an icy stare down at her before baring her teeth. "What did I tell you about keeping quiet?"

As soon as the words left her lips, however, Celestia wished she could bite them back. Immediately, the filly fell backwards on the bed and scurried away from her, whimpering the whole way. With all the effort she could muster, Celestia took a couple deep breaths, watching the filly erect a wall consisting of a single pillow between them. Once she was behind it, a faint crying could be heard around the room.

Celestia sighed and turned back to the guards. “Please head down to the kitchens and fetch some sweets—enough for three ponies.”

They saluted crisply and marched to the door, disappearing as Celestia turned back to Luna and then looked at the floor.

“I apologize for that, sister,” Celestia said, hanging her head. “This whole ordeal has been rather stressful.”

“Duly noted,” Luna replied, her tone bitter. “Now, canst thou please explain why there art a small filly on thy bed calling thou ‘Mother’?”

Celestia sighed heavily before lighting her horn and teleporting two pillows from her personal stash onto the floor. Planting her rump onto it, she told Luna of the events of the night, starting with her nightmare about the day Twilight returned from the mirror. Once she began, the words spilled out, detailing her emotions at seeing her former student standing in the Archives, taunting her with the knowledge she had sought to conceal. She explained the pain she had felt ripping the pages loose from the diary, and her shock at seeing the small filly standing amid the chaos.

Luna listened the whole time, only asking a question every other minute or so. When Celestia had finished speaking, Luna scratched her chin with a hoof as she pondered the words.

“So, thy former student was obliterated and tried to revive herself through magic of a most arcane means…”

“It would seem so, sister,” Celestia said, nodding to the filly.

She blinked as she realized the filly had stuck her head out from behind the pillow and was now watching her with a concerned look. She still had a trail of tears down her face, but they seemed to have dried, leaving her face shining. Pity rose in Celestia’s chest as she stood up and walked to the bed.

“I’m sorry for being angry earlier,” she whispered as she sat and spread her forelegs wide. “Will you forgive me?”

Immediately, the filly bolted to her and threw herself onto Celestia’s chest, gripping her in a surprisingly strong hug. “Uh huh, Mommy,” she said as she rubbed her head into Celestia’s chest.

Closing her hooves around her, Celestia hugged her back and turned to Luna, who seemed lost in thought.

“I presume you interrupted this spell, meaning it should have failed,” Luna said, glancing up to Celestia. “However, this was a regeneration spell, was it not?”

“I believe so, yes,” Celestia said as she rubbed the filly’s back. “A modified one Star Swirl never actually cast.”

“Then… it would stand to reason that perhaps thy former pupil was attempting to—erm—perhaps grow back into her body?”

Celestia looked up at Luna, her face twisted in confusion. “Luna, you know as well as I do that no such regeneration spell can grow back a body from complete nothing. She would need—”

She froze as she recalled the scene.

“She would need something from her original body to grow back from, correct?” Luna asked.

“Her mask…” Celestia whispered.

“Excuse me?” Luna said.

“Her mask!” Celestia shouted, her throat dry. “It had to have had something on it! A hair, or eyelash—anything!”


Celestia groaned. “A Gala mask, from before she entered the mirror.” She closed her eyes and mentally bucked herself. “Star Swirl claimed it was possible for a pony to recover from fatal wounds or maimings if there was an imprint of their consciousness somewhere and a piece of their former body. He never got to test the theory once it began to delve into chaos magic, but he still wrote about it in one of his workbooks!”

Luna arched an eyebrow. “And thou thinkest thy former student somehow was able to not only cast this spell, but seal part of her body from before she leapt into the mirror on hoof?” she asked, her tone derisive.

“Luna, she taunted me about Star Swirl’s writings,” Celestia said, looking down at the filly. “She claimed to have placed a memory of herself into the book. She must’ve placed more than just that in there for her to be able to cast spells from beyond.”

Luna looked down at the bridge of her nose with a frown. “What did Star Swirl claim would happen should this spell ever be successfully cast?” she asked, her tone thoughtful.

Celestia shook her head. “He never did say. All I heard about it was that a pony would regenerate from the remnants of their body. There was never any mention of how it would occur.”

“Perhaps,” Luna said slowly. “Perhaps the pony would regrow their body from a foal to the age they were at the time of their passing?” She looked up to see Celestia staring at her with wide eyes. “What? ’Tis a mere hypothesis.”

Glancing down at the foal, Celestia had a horrible realization as the filly looked back up with her. Apart from an absence of scarlet in her mane, she was the spitting image of Sunset, down to the eyes and tail. Forcing herself not to drop the filly in shock, she instead hugged it closer as it purred into her chest, nuzzling her with her tiny nose.

“What am I going to do, Luna?” Celestia asked, looking back up.

Luna leaned back a bit as she saw the terror in Celestia’s eyes. She had not seen her sister look so upset in a long time—since before her banishment.

“What dost thou mean?” she replied.

“I-I can’t just get rid of her!” Celestia said, looking back down at the filly.

Luna watched as Celestia cuddled the filly, hugging her closer. From this vantage point, the answer to that question was clear.

“We think thou knowest the clear choice: thou shalt raise her as thine own daughter,” she said with a small smile.

Celestia looked back up, a frightened look on her face. “That idea is just… I can’t raise her! Your reaction alone is but a fraction of what we shall both face from our subjects! I can’t… I can’t put her through that.”

“Who sayeth thou must?” Luna said. “’Tis not as if the world need know about her existence right away.”

Celestia was quiet as she looked down at the filly, who stared back up at her with pleading eyes.

“I don’t wanna leave you, Mommy,” she said. “Don’t leave me. Please?”

Celestia ground her teeth as she hugged the filly tighter, her chest tightening in tandem with the hug.

“No, no. Mommy won’t leave you,” she said, glancing back to Luna, the corner of her mouth curling up beneath her twinkling eyes.

“We shall take that as thine answer then,” Luna said. “Now, what be thy filly’s name?”

Celestia looked back down at the filly to see her smiling for the first time, tears still streaming down her small cheeks.

“The logical choice would be to call her Sunset, if she is truly what thou propose she is,” Luna said, rising to her hooves and walking over.

“No,” Celestia said. “Sunset denotes the end of the day and the coming of night.”

“Ah. We understand.” Luna raised an eyebrow. “It appears we were indeed mistaken to believe you loved our night as much as us.”

“Oh, no, Luna! That’s not what it is at all! Just…” Celestia stared at the filly, glancing over her coat and mane of gold, as well as her beautiful sky blue eyes. There was only one name that popped into her head at that moment.

“Dawn,” she said, her voice shaking. “Her n-name is Dawn.”

“Interesting,” Luna commented. She leaned in to examine the filly. “We see thy intent.”

“Sunset grew selfish because of me,” Celestia said. “I could have stopped her descent, but I foolishly believed she would outgrow it. And then… then...”

Celestia scrunched her eyelids together, opening them once the burning subsided. She watched the filly.

“Not this time. I won’t make that same mistake again,” she said through her irregular breaths. “I will start anew with her, just as she is starting over. Sunset brings forth the night, and her name would only remind me of the darkness in my former student's heart. But Dawn brings a new hope—new light for a shining future."

Luna snorted at that, causing Celestia and Dawn to look at her.

“What is so amusing?” Celestia asked.

“Thou canst be quite poetic when thou wish to be,” Luna said.

“Mommy talks beautifully, meanie,” Dawn chirped.

Luna narrowed her eyes at the filly while her smile dropped into a frown, but Celestia spoke up before she could utter another word.

“Dawn, that is your aunt Luna, not ‘meanie.’ She is always right unless I say so, okay?”

Dawn looked down at her hooves. “Yes, Mommy,” she mumbled.

“And apologize to your aunt, too,” Celestia added.

“Sorry, aunt Loo-na,” she said, her voice muffled.

Before either Princess could react, a sharp rapping came from the door. Both of them looked over as the two guards marched back in, one levitating a small platter of brightly colored cupcakes, and the other grasping three bowls of chocolate mousse.

“Your Highnesses,” they each said before bowing.

“Not a moment too late,” Luna said, beaming. “We have a new princess for you to welcome with us.”

Immediately, both guards turned to the filly and threw themselves on the ground as Luna’s magic enveloped the sweets.

“Your Highness, we were not aware!” one of them cried.

“It’s all right,” Celestia said, relaxing her grip on Dawn. “In fact, she is your new assignment.”

“Princess?” Both guards poked their heads up from the carpet as Luna passed a slice of cake to Celestia and a bowl of mousse to Dawn, who wore the widest smile she could.

“Your new position is official bodyguards of my daughter, Solisia Specia, or Dawn for short.”

Dawn looked up at Celestia with a confused look.

“So-lee-sea-ah?” she mumbled, tripping over her own tongue.

“No, sweetie,” Celestia replied with a smile. “You just say Dawn when anypony asks you your name, okay?”

“Dawn!” she said with an excited squeal before planting her face into the chocolate mousse.

Luna broke out into a loud fit of laughter as she watched Dawn eat while Celestia hid her chuckling behind a hoof.

“D-Dawn!” she said, a hoof to her mouth as she tried to contain her splutters. “That’s n-not the way you eat that!”

Dawn looked back up at her, chocolate completely covering her nose and mouth, as well as her swollen cheeks and some of her mane.

“But, Mommy!” she whined. “It’s so good!”

Celestia broke into laughter as Luna wiped a tear away from her eye.

“We can think of no other filly best suited for thou, sister,” she said with a wide grin.

Days passed without much incident after Dawn arrived. Granted, the shock the staff received after learning there was another Princess was cause for much speculation and many rumors, but thankfully none of them escaped the castle’s walls. Dawn herself was especially pleased to be among other ponies, though she was never far from her bodyguards.

Celestia tried to maintain the professionalism expected of her position, but she soon learned having her own filly added an immense amount of stress to her job. Regular reports of missing sweets, mysterious hoofpaintings on the walls, rogue wildlife in the castle and so much more poured in every time she turned around. Of course, Dawn would deny everything, even when she had dried paint on her hooves, but Celestia would only smile and spend some time with her.

Time marched on, and life grew far more complicated. Not only were foreign diplomats most curious about Dawn, but the pressure to educate her intensified with every passing day. Celestia had discovered Dawn knew nothing about the alphabet or even numbers, meaning she had to spend even more time with her that she didn’t have. Solutions to this presented themselves in the form of volunteer tutors, respected professors and even her own bodyguards, but Celestia’s protectiveness knew no bounds when it came to Dawn. She needed somepony she trusted absolutely to be around her daughter.

Thankfully, an answer slowly presented itself.

Eventually, the time for the annual Crystal Fair had arrived and Celestia felt burned out. Sleep was a precious commodity, especially after Dawn had learned a very repetitive and annoying song from her dear aunt Luna that stuck in her head whenever she tried to sleep. She sipped on a cup of strong herbal tea as Dawn played with a set of paper cut-out ponies on the rug.

Celestia started at the unexpected knock on her chamber door.

“Come in,” she called, stifling a yawn.

The door opened slowly and a guard stuck his head in, smiling at Dawn who waved at him before clearing his throat.

“Your Highness, Princess Twilight has arrived,” he said quickly.

Celestia raised an eyebrow as she took another drink and set the porcelain cup back down.

“Ah, good. Send her in, please,” she said sweetly.

The guard nodded sharply before the door swung open fully, revealing his entire form and a very familiar mare. Celestia smiled widely as Twilight trotted into the room, her smile matching Celestia’s.

“Princess Celestia!” she said. “It’s been a while and…”

Twilight trailed off as she noticed a messy gold mane and two sky blue eyes staring back at her from across the floor. Her eyes widened as a small filly pushed herself up and trotted up to her, eyes twinkling with wonder.

“You’re really pretty,” she said.

Twilight tilted her head at the filly, but offered a smile. “Thank you. You’re very pretty, too,” she replied.

The filly smiled wide before turning tail and running over to Celestia. “Mommy, Mommy! That nice mare said I was pretty!” she squealed.

Twilight blinked as Celestia reached out and patted the filly’s head.

“I heard, sweetie. Now don’t forget to introduce yourself,” she said.

Without warning, the filly bolted back to Twilight and curtsied quickly. “Nice to meet you. My name is Dawn, and that’s my mommy. Want to play something?” she said.

Twilight’s eyes shrunk as she and Dawn locked gazes. She glanced up to Celestia, who nodded approvingly, before returning her gaze back to Dawn. “Uh, sure,” she said in a cautious tone. “We can play something after I speak with your—er—‘Mommy’.”

“Okay!” Dawn said before she planted herself back onto the carpet and resumed playing with her paper ponies.

Twilight stared at Dawn with her mouth hanging open before she slowly turned to Celestia, who nodded once more. Twilight obliged and trotted up to the table, placing her rump onto a squishy pillow.

“I suppose you want to know how I came to have a daughter?” Celestia asked before Twilight could utter a word.

Twilight nodded as a fresh cup of tea materialized in front of her.

“It’s a rather interesting story, actually,” Celestia mused, looking deep into her cup. “I know you are quite smitten with the works of Star Swirl the Bearded.”

“Yes,” Twilight answered. “But how—?”

“You’re not the first to express deep interest in his scribbles, Twilight. I know of several ponies who have tried to emulate his creative and curious spirit, but I am only aware of one who tried to actually cast spells even he would not,” Celestia said in an even tone.

She set her teacup down and glanced over to Dawn, who was happily having her imaginary ponies racing in circles around her.

“I also know you are quite familiar with this pony as well,” she continued, turning back to Twilight.

“Uh, I am?” Twilight asked with a slight blush as she began to sip on her tea.

Princess Celestia smiled softly. “You met her at a place called Canterlot High, I believe it’s called.”

Twilight’s eyes shrunk as she gasped into her tea, sucking some up through her nose. She coughed loudly, spraying the contents across the table as she tried to recover her breath.

“B-But,” she stammered as she wiped her snout. “That means—”

“Yes, Twilight. I am referring to my former student, Sunset Shimmer,” Celestia said in a neutral tone.

Twilight spun back to Dawn, eyeing her in a more critical way. Despite the messy mane and wide smile, she bore an uncanny resemblance to Sunset. The way her eyes were tilted, the smile that was both friendly and yet sinister—everything about her reminded Twilight of the arrogant pony who had tormented her.

“Princess,” she said slowly as she turned back to Celestia. “D-Did you—?”

“No, I did not,” Celestia answered flatly. “Sunset did that to herself.”

“But I—I killed her.” Twilight looked down at the table.

“Again, no, Twilight,” Celestia said, her tone firmer. “Whatever happened on the other side of the mirror was of Sunset’s own doing and the blame is hers alone. You did nothing wrong by saving a world from the clutches of a pony bent on enslaving it.”

“B-But, Sunset,” Twilight continued. “I shouldn’t have used that magic on her. Sure, it worked for Nightmare Moon and Discord, but they were more powerful than an average unicorn like Sunset.”

“They also were able to be reformed,” Celestia said, tilting her head. “The Nightmare that controlled my sister was purged, yes, but Luna was willing to be cleansed—I could sense her fighting the Nightmare from within. Discord is another case entirely, but I do believe that, deep down, he was never truly maniacal or evil the way Sunset was.”

“But still—”

“Twilight!” Celestia rose to her hooves. “Nopony is accusing you!”

Twilight leaned back on her rump, her eyes wide and glossy.

Celestia took a deep breath before she looked her straight in the eyes. “If anypony is to blame for Sunset’s demise, it is me. I drove her out by not stopping her descent into jealousy and then sent you to fight my battle, knowing full well the possible outcome. There is no need to feel guilty about what happened and I don’t want to see you fall into despair because of it!”

Celestia lowered her head, allowing her mane to cover her face. Her eyes stung as fresh tears tried to force their way from her. Taking a few deep breaths, she willed herself to look up at Twilight, who was watching Dawn play. Her eyes were red, but she was smiling.

“Thank you, Princess,” Twilight murmured before glancing back at Celestia. “But who is she now?”

“I am calling her Dawn,” Celestia said, her sadness beginning to wash away. “And as to how she became my daughter, I’m afraid the answer is rather elusive. You see, Sunset had tampered with some experimental spells of Star Swirl’s before she entered into the mirror and apparently tried to use a regeneration spell. Dawn is, well, the result of the spell when interrupted.”

“She tried to regenerate?” Twilight asked, her ears perking up.

“I will elaborate more later, but time is pressing on us to head to the Empire,” Celestia said. “Before we go, though, I have a request of you.” She stood tall as her teacup vanished. “You see, I am having some—er—difficulty balancing my schedule with Dawn. She is still very young and immature, necessitating that I devote more time to her than I can spare. She does not retain the knowledge Sunset once had and is need of a tutor and friend.”

Twilight’s eyes nearly popped from her head once she saw Celestia smile at her.

“And you want… me?” she asked quietly.

“I can think of nopony better suited to educating my daughter,” Celestia said. “Would you like to become her—”

Yes!” Twilight shouted.

Celestia’s smile broadened as Twilight leapt to her hooves, rambling on about books for Dawn to read and magic lessons for her to master.

“All in due time,” Celestia said. “But for now, we must depart or we will be most unfashionably late.”

Twilight immediately clammed up and blushed as Dawn trotted over, a curious look on her face. She glanced from Celestia to Twilight and back before asking, “What’s going on?”

“This is your new teacher and best friend, Dawn,” Celestia said. “Her name is Miss Sparkle.”

Dawn beamed up at Twilight as the trio left the room, Celestia smiling just as widely at the two of them.

A second chance… for the three of us. We’re all students now.