• Published 5th Jan 2015
  • 2,714 Views, 55 Comments

A Heart For Two - Hot_Sushi

Nurse Redheart must nurse a changeling filly back to heath.

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Chapter 4 - Skeletons

In all her life Nurse Redheart had never found a more elaborate maze then the Ponyvill supermarket. Aisles where as far as the eye can see. She embarked on her quest with her saddlebag slung onto her back. Nurse Redheart expertly piloted her shopping cart past freezer and entered the filly care section. Once there she looked around for anything that she could use to help Olive cope with healing. While walking pass the cradles a bright covered book caught her eye. The title read "The beginners guide to being a mother." Redheart thought this book must be purely for laughs but after a few pages she found it was surprisingly quite informative. At the price of fifteen bits it was too good of a deal for Redheart to pass up.

"Hey Red!" Redheart let out a yelp of shock and quickly turned to see the thrilled light green unicorn behind her. "Why do you keep sneaking up on me Twist. This is like the forth time this week." Redheart managed to say as she tried to catch her breath.

"I was getting some supplies for the clinic. I'm so glad to see that you're feeling better!" Licorice Twist said with ecstatic joy. Redheart suddenly remembered that this whole time her coworkers thought she had left due to a medical emergency. "Oh, yah I'm feeling just peachy." Redheart said with a hint of sarcasm.

Twist lunged forward without warning and gave Redheart a tight hug. Redheart quickly and swiftly shoved Twist away. "I don't need comforting Twist, and honestly I wouldn't want any coming from your loud mouth!" Redheart snapped at Licorice Twist. Once Redheart had processed what she had said Twist had already taken offence.

"I'm sorry Twist, I'm just really stressed out with being sick and all." Redheart said putting her hoof on Twist's shoulder. "No I'm sorry, I'm a terrible nurse assistant." Twist said while lowering her head in sorrow. Redheart should of known that Twist would be devastated, the poor mare idolized her at work. This situation was quickly spiraling out of Redheart's control. "You're a perfect assistant, Doctor Sprinkles is always telling you." Redheart said trying to cheer up the usually happy unicorn.

"Come on let's walk and you can catch me up about what happened at work while I was gone." Redheart said with a smile.


Olive's eyes slowly fluttered open. She felt as if she could lay in the sleepy cocoon of blankets forever. The filly soon felt a sharp familiar pain emitting from her tummy, she needed food. Olive let out a weak roar to call the nurse. She sounded off another roar this time more wheezing.

Olive soon came to the realization that she'd have to find her own food. She struggled to find good footing on the cloud like surface of her sanctuary. Every step she took made the old mattress's springs creek loudly. Olive let out a little giggle as she jumped a little making the bed screech in response.

Olive bounced to the edge of the bed and carefully navigated her way to the carpeted ground. Her fear had now been replaced with the confidence of a brave explorer. And being in foreign territory meant there was plenty of uncharted areas to explore. She let out a squeak of joy as she ran to the huge door that led out of this chamber. She gave it a brute head butt. The door didn't budge but Olive was knocked back from her attempt of freedom.

Olive rubbed her bruised head and looked up at the incredibly tall door. The golden ball like handle glimmered in the early morning's light. Olive knew that the nurse had used said device to make the door open before. She tried to jump for the handle but saw it was far too high to even graze with her hoof. Olive needed to find something to stand on if she wanted to escape.

Olive scanned the room and found another door that was ajar. She walked over to the other door this time finding she didn't have the energy anymore to frolic about. As she got closer she saw that the room on the other side of the door was pitch black. Like a brave adventure she pushed the door open, ready for anything to attack. Instead she was greeted by a unorganized mound of clothes and a small tower of shoe boxes.

Olive removed a few boxes and saw the shine of something metallic under some shirts. She got to work excavating the object. The back of the closet was far to dark to make out what the object was supposed to be. Olive pushed the metal heap out of the closet with surprising ease. Once the object was in full view Olive froze in pure shock. The helmet of a royal guard lied on the carpet before her.

The somber feeling of betrayal overflowed Olive. How could she fall for such a deceitful trap. Of course the nurse didn't want to help her. The nurse only wished to keep her here as a novelty, a prisoner of war perhaps. Then the thought popped into Olive's head, what if her captor returns. The feeling of betrayal soon turned to dread as she imagined the furious nurse storming into the room. Olive's efforts of escape had been sparked this time of fear and not of hunger. What ever insidious plans the nurse had in store for her, she wanted no part of.

Olive dragged the helmet over to the door and timidly climbed atop of it. She jumped and got a good grip on the handle. Unfortunately at this point she didn't know how to operate the device. She simply dangled on the door with a death grip on the handle. Felling her grasp slipping she desperately tried to reach the golden ball with her other hand. Sadly she lost her grip and fell, but the friction of her hoof was enough to turn the handle and open the door.

She quickly dragged the helmet through the hall pass the porcelain bathing chamber. She was nearing the end of the hall when the click of Redheart's keys echoed through the house. Olive looked absolutely terrified and attempted to hide behind the helmet to braces for the oncoming storm.

"See yah latter twist." Redheart said waving goodbye to her assistant. She opened the door and entered the apartment with a two heavy bags. Redheart stopped at the end of the hallway looking at the frightened Olive in complete confusion.

"Olive, are you okay? Why did you drag this helmet out?" She asked setting down the bags and walking over to the small filly. "I'm sorry I didn't know you where a guard! Please I don't what to die!" She screamed frantically backing away from Redheart. Olive was trembling in fear at this point of the confrontation. This was one of the rare occasions in which Redheart had no way of avoiding the truth.

"Olive, I'm not a guard, and that's not my helmet." Redheart stuttered out. Olive still looked frighted. "You're, not a guard?" Olive said in a shaky tone. "No Olive, I just dated one." She responded somberly. "Don't be so frightened, I told you I would never hurt you." Redheart said with a tender smile. Olive ran and hugged Redhearts leg tightly.

"Please don't leave again." Olive whimpered with tears in her eyes. Redheart gently picked up the filly and hugged her tight. "Hey, I'm not going anywhere. I just wanted to pick up some things to make this place more homie for you." Redheart said petting Olive's mane while holding her close.

"How about we fix up your front room and I'll order some cheap take out food?" Redheart asked patting the filly's back to comfort her. "Whats 'take out'?" Olive asked wiping her tears away. "Oh trust me if you liked pizza you'll love take out food." Redheart said with a chuckle.

"Come on I got a little surprise for you." Redheart said walking to the front room with Olive. She saw the large stain on the couch had left a nasty stain. Redheart let out a sigh as she flipped the stained cushion over. "Good as new." She said while setting down Olive on the couch. "I'll be right back with your surprise." Redheart said leaving the room in a hurry. Olive said in silence and suspense.

"Close your eyes, hey no peaking!" Redheart said as she entered with a large bag. Olive shut her eyes tight for few moments. Suddenly a thick fluffy blanket was draped over her. Olive opened her eyes and saw the bright red blanket almost covered the whole couch. Redheart also pulled a tiny gray pillow out of her shopping bag which she gently laid next to Olive. "Does it feel nice?" Redheart said with a smile. Olive nodded and cuddled the silky soft pillow. "Its very comfy, Just a little cold." Olive said sleepily.

"Well you'll love this then." Redheart said as she adjusted a small knob. Suddenly waves of warmth emitted out from the blanket. This foreign world never stopped surprising Olive. "This is your blanket now, same goes for the couch. I'll by a little step for you to get up here on your own." Redheart said as Olive gradually fell asleep. Redheart cracked a smile as she saw Olive drool a bit onto the pillow as she slept. At the price of fifteen bits it was too good of a deal for Redheart to pass up.

Author's Note:

Thank you all for the amazing support! Please comment any ideas or suggestions, and thank you for reading. :twilightsmile: