• Published 1st Jan 2015
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Fimfic Authors Are In Your Bed - Admiral Biscuit

A collaborative collection of stories about finding ponies in your bed.

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Lord Tirek Is Having A Hot Tub Party In Your Bed (Twiface)

Lord Tirek is Having a Hot Tub Party in Your Bed

You stumble into your apartment tired and exhausted. You’ve been through a lot during these past several months: you’ve had an innumerable number of ponies commandeer your bed, crash into your bed, eat on your bed, try to get you to sleep with them on your bed, hide in your bed, redecorate your bed (and your room), get a tattoo of your bed, and even declare it to be the last hope of the universe. For some strange reason, all of the weird things that have happened to you this year have somehow involved your bed.

“Why?” you ask yourself. “WHY do all of these weird things keep happening to my bed? Can’t I just have ONE night where nothing unusual happens and I can get a good night’s sleep like everybody else?!?!?!”

You’re halfway through the door before you notice that your room has changed (again!) since you saw it last. A pile of books are neatly stacked on the floor, your missing cup is on the nightstand, and in the center of the bed is a black-and-red centaur with impeccable pecks, a magazine in front of him and a humongous blunt is between his lips.

Then you realize that he isn’t holding a blunt at all: it’s actually Snoop Dogg wrapped in a strip of butcher paper.

“Smoke me everyday,” says Snoop Dogg.

“I’ve seen worse,” you say dryly. Then you step forward to confront the demon-lord in your bed.

“Bwaaaa ha ha!” banters Tirek jovially. “The water’s great, eh Junior?”

Then Discord sticks his head above the covers, which are now green for some reason. The rest of his upper body then follows. You notice that he comes not from below the covers, but from inside the covers, as if he had submerged himself into the sheets themselves.

“Sure is, papa!” says Discord. Then he turns his head to the side.

“Come on in, mama!” he says.

Best Pony, who is sitting on a giant rubber duck floating on the covers, flinches in fear.

“Ummmm….” she says, looking coyly to the side. She is just as creeped out about this as you are. “...I think not.”

Suddenly, they all notice you. Best Pony shouts your name.

“You again?” whines Discord. “Don’t you ever give up?”

Then Tirek shouts your name so loudly that you fall backwards.


Then Tirek takes the Snoop Blunt out of his mouth and blows a massive cloud of white smoke.

Suddenly, a gigantic purple serpent emerges from beneath your covers. You recognize him as Steven Magnet from the season 1 pilot.

“Hop on my back if you want to save her!” he says.

Seeing as you have no other choice, you hop onto his back. A seatbelt is conveniently built into a chair-like divot on his back, and you impulsively strap yourself in.

“Curse you, Dora the Explorer!” you mutter under your breath as the giant sea serpent ascends into the sky.

You are now high up in the air, riding Steven Magnet’s back at a rapid velocity like a roller coaster. Steven flies in circles around Tirek, who breathes fire at you as if he is trying to kill you.

“A Bullet Bill approaches from behind!” says the voice of Spike. You look behind you and find that he is now riding on your back.

Annoyed at this, you try to shake him off, but then realize that the effort is futile as he is buckled into a seatbelt on your back. Then you hear a whistling sound.

A snoop blunt rams into you and Spike from behind, causing enormous pain.

“What the heck are we supposed to do?” you ask.

“Throw something at him!” says Spike. “That usually works in boss battles like these.”

“But what do I have to shoot?” you ask.

“I dunno,” says Spike. “See if there’s anything in your pocket!”

You stick your hand into your pocket. Your fingers find several pieces of paper, and you pull them out. You examine the papers, and realize that the fortune cookie fortune you got from Panda Express the other day has managed to replicate itself.

You decide to try something desperate: you take about half of the fortunes and stick them back in your pocket. Then you take the other half and fashion them into a tube. Then you reach back into your pocket and pull out one of the fortunes, wad it up into a little ball, and then spit on it.

Taking your recently created spitball, you stick it into the tube and blow as hard as you can. The spitball flies through the air and hits Tirek.

“Oww!” says Tirek. “That hurt!”

“It’s super effective!” says Spike. “Do that again!”

You reach back into your pocket and prepare another spitball. Then suddenly Spike yells, “A Bullet Bill approaches from behind!” You turn around and fire the spitball at the Snoop Blunt, which explodes upon contact.

“Well, this is going to be fun,” you say snarkily.

“Who are you talking to?” asks Spike.

“The camera,” you respond wryly.

Spike looks around, but he doesn’t find anything out of the ordinary. You, however, are looking directly into the camera unamusedly. You almost say something about how very few people know about the fourth wall even though it’s right there in front of them, but you hold your tongue because you know that the reader is sick of all your snarkiness.

The battle between you and Tirek goes on, with you firing spitballs while Tirek shoots Snoop Blunts and Spike warns you about incoming projectiles. Steven Magnet continues to fly in circles around the room, although he’s gotten lazy and reverted to taking the same flight path for each revolution. He keeps going up and down and doing loop-de-loops, which makes you dead certain that at least part of the story involves an actual roller coaster.

You continue shooting spitballs at Tirek and his Snoop Blunt missiles. Half of them miss, but by the end you’ve gotten the hang of it and all of your shots land perfectly on target.

Eventually you come down to your last spitball. You are suddenly enthralled by a pang of fear over what will happen when you run out of spitballs, and whether the ride will keep going and how you are going to defeat Tirek after that, but you muster the courage to shoot anyway.

Tirek stops shooting Snoop Blunts at you, stops breathing smoke, and a glazed look fills his face. Then he collapses and splashes into the sea of covers on your bed. Droplets of green liquid emanate from the site of the splash and wet everything around it, including the stacks of porn magazines that Twilight Sparkle put there when she first invaded your bed.

“Fuck!” you mutter, griping over the damage that has been done to your beloved porn. But your griping is cut short when a parasprite wiggles out of Tirek’s ear.

“Thank you!” exclaims the parapsrite. “But our princess is in another castle!”

You look back to where the rubber duck was. Best Pony is still on the rubber duck, but then Discord hops on too.

Discord snaps his fingers and a tall pole extends out of the rubber duck’s head. Four blades fold up from its sides like the frame of an umbrella. Then the blades start spinning, lifting the duck and its passengers up towards the ceiling. The rubber duckcopter crashes through the ceiling and then flies away.

“It’s been one of those days,” you sigh to the camera. “Come on, Spike!”

Spike reluctantly follows you out of the house.

Outside, you look around, but see no sign of Discord, the duck, or Best Pony. You do spot a large stone edifice down the road, which you’re certain wasn’t there before. You decide that this is the best place to search for answers. As you get closer, the letters above the doorway become visible. They read:

Ludwig’s Castle Hotel.

“We ain’t afraid of no Discord!” you say as you march toward the door. But just as you are about to do open it, it disappears.

“Woooaaahhh,” says Spike.

Then a new door appears in its place. You open this one and look towards Spike.

“Hurry!” you tell him, and prepare to step inside the hotel.

But your foot is frozen. So is your leg, your arms, and the rest of your body. Spike appears to have frozen too. You wonder if there is lag in the server, but your fears turn to the worst when corny music begins to play and the scene fades to black.

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