• Member Since 21st Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen April 29th



Inspired by her favourite books, and keen to settle once and for all who's the fastest, bravest, overall best pony around here, Rainbow Dash challenges Applejack to a race full of perils and pitfalls. To the winner, the title of Most Awesome Pony. To the loser, defeat, shame and ignominity. But when the dangers start getting a little too real, they have to decide what's more important. Victory, or friendship.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 48 )

Another good story that I'll be watching closely, I do enjoy your stories honestly. :twilightsmile:

Water actually makes it worse, girls. :pinkiehappy:

I love how you write them. You seem to really understand these characters and the bond they share. I loved that little scene with Winona and showing us her thoughts (Look Applejack, it's Rainbow Dash! Can we play with Rainbow Dash?} was an interesting idea, it was both cute and funny! :rainbowkiss:

Can't wait for the next chapters! Your story looks very promising!

I like that exerpt! Once this story is over I'd like more Daring Do, please.

Epicly written, story-wise and character-wise.

I enjoyed this second chapter, especially the Daring Do exerpt.

Oh, Rainbow... I have a bad feeling that it will end in tears.

W-what's this? Applejack and Rainbow Dash... friendshipping?!

I... Author, I love you.

5450943 Prettty sure that's actually in the description? :rainbowwild:

Not literally. Come on!

Cue the 'Surely you saw that coming?':ajbemused:

I think this is the best chapter YET! I love the stars part it just fit everything so well! Loved it soooooo much! :heart:

Damn, it feels good to read an 8686 story again.

Who's a silly pony? You are, Applejack, she mused.

Best use of that reference ever.

That aside, the detail of AJ's thought process and the relationship between her and Dash in this are pitch perfect. Just keep doing what you're doing man.

That Cupcakes reference... :rainbowlaugh:

Seriously, not only have you made a fantastic exploration of Rainbow and Applejack's relationship, but you've got the best references too!

I love how in your stories the Mane 6 never seem out of character. You're a lot better at writing the ponies in character then most FIMfiction writers in my opinion. You are number 3 out of my top 5 favorite FIMfiction writers along with Viking ZX, Pen Stroke, Sagebrush, & Arad

This was a great chapter, but that Daring Do excerpt is what really stole the show.:pinkiehappy: I've never seen anyone write Daring Do so well. Maybe sometime you could finish the story that excerpt is from?

:pinkiesad2:Pretty please for Pinkie Pie?

Maybe I should write an insightful comment, but I'm not very good at that. So I'll just stick with squeeing over how awesome this story was, and how you are one of my favourite authors :rainbowkiss:

This was a delightful piece of friendshipping. I remain quite impressed at the fluidity, accessibility and apparent ease of your writing a slice-of-life feel in every scene. Your characterizations are completely believable, and the story arc was quite enjoyable.

A minor point of contention, it is a curious choice that you took Rainbow Dash's mindset and the accompanying story arc in the manner that you did; until They're Just White Dots, I was fairly certain you were pursuing a different direction, and it took a moment to realign. Related, the denouement felt as though it bore itself a bit longer than was necessary, but I cannot point and say, 'yes, this is where it needed to end,' as all of it served a purpose to your story arc.

Also, as mentioned by others, Winona was fantastic to read. "Look, Applejack, I found Rainbow Dash! Can we play with Rainbow Dash?" Oh, dogs!

(Who am I kidding, everyone here was fun to read. If and when I get back to voice work....)


I was fairly certain you were pursuing a different direction, and it took a moment to realign.

If it's not too much of an imposition, I don't suppose I could ask you to elaborate a little? What were your expectations at the point you modified them? For you, where was the story going when you got to 'that point' and what exactly was the point at which you changed your mind?

One of the things I try to do when I write these kinds of things is to write very straight, and signpost just where a story is going. It's kind of my way of saying to the reader, 'sit back, relax, enjoy the show, no nasty surprises here, everything's okay.' I want them safe in the knowledge that they're going to get a nice story without any sudden plot twists or shifts in tone. Getting halfway through a story only to find it's not the story you thought it was is really jarring. There are times when it's effective, but it's something I personally try to avoid considering the tales I like to write. So if I've got it wrong here, it would be really useful if you could help me pin down why.

It's also interesting that you mention Dash's mindset. Before I posted this, I actually considered writing out the whole story again, (same dialogue, same interactions,) but from Rainbow Dash's perspective, so you can see exactly what she's thinking. It would have been a fun little challenge, and the reader could essentially have picked which character they wanted but still ended up with the same story. In the end I decided not to. The fact that I knew how I'd go about it while making the whole scenario believable from Rainbow's perspective was enough, and I didn't want to overdo anything.

The denouement? Yes, I know what you mean and I agree, but it was intentional. I kind of wanted a tapered end to the story; a sense of them 'going back to normal,' but slowly. Applejack and Rainbow Dash had a heck of a day. Things were said, and friendships were tested. But you know what? When all's said and done, they're still Applejack and Rainbow Dash, and they're still friends like they always were. Getting back to that position without a sudden lurch back into the status quo was what I was trying to accomplish with the last chapter. It could have been shorter, but I wanted the come-down to be a glide, not a plummet. I dunno. Did it work?

Oh, and Winona? Heh. Hollywood has been doing it for years: If you want the audience to get behind a character, the dog has to like them. It's just a fact. :twilightoops:
(Seriously, Winona is great. My headcanon is totally filled with Dash, AJ, Winona and Tank all playing together on a sunny afternoon, because why not?)

I hope you enjoyed your time with this piece. Any thoughts are always welcome.

--The Author

I don't think it was you doing something wrong so much as it was me holding my proverbial map upside-down. I'll do another, closer read-through and try to message you more precisely before too long, though, drawing from unspecific recollection, I expect my thoughts regarding Dash will be along the lines of "I was interpreting her in an alternate-though-nearly-equally-valid manner given the details presented, up until the mental model no longer held consistent with the story." Though, to repeat, once that readjustment was made to realign with the truth of the narrative, the story continued to flow well as a consistent character-centric piece.

With great effort, she raised her head, craned her neck... and was met with a familiar sight.

"Mornin', Winona," said Applejack blearily, watching the sleeping canine's ears instinctively perk.

Heh. You tease. :rainbowwild:

"Jeese, Applejack," she said, rolling her eyes.

Think you mean "Jeez." :twilightsmile:

This was a fantastic story. You know, for being gathered around a show based on friendship, there is not nearly enough exploration into the intricacies of the girls relationships. Almost every time you see it, it involves shipping, which is an entirely different kind of relationship.

What you did here is lay out exactly why Rainbow Dash and Applejack are probably the closest of the Mane Six. You know, it's honestly not that hard to see why people like shipping these two so much, but that almost does their relationship a disservice. A close, binding friendship that doesn't end in romance is a special kind of thing that needs to be explored more in depth.

So, yeah, I truly loved this story, author. In every way that matters it was—take it away, Best Doctor!


Once again, you hit it out of the park. Well-written, well-paced, and very, very well-characterized. And even though I tend to enjoy shipping (with Appledash being one of my favorites), it's nice just seeing them interacting as friends and deepening their relationship in that regard. Thank you for this pleasure of a read.

That was quite excellent. As a consummate shipper, I don't really believe that their closeness is really a 'family' thing, but this does an excellent job at displaying just how close the two are, even amongst the six. It's probably /why/ the romance is so easy to see between the two.

Basically I like it for similar reasons as Jake, but would love to see more XD

The other two where Rose and the Doctor

In this universe better known as

Roseluck and Doctor Whooves/Time Turner

Am I right?

Damn. What happened between AJ and RD really hurts. Very tragic. :ajsleepy:

I consider this FIC to be the best story featuring Rainbow Dash and Applejack. As far as I am concerned, it is the only one where the relationship is platonic, which pleases me very well. I enjoyed every last bit of this story and am giving it my David Crespo stamp of approval.

Either I have a weird sense of humor or this needs a comedy tag. I'm favoriting it.

This is a incredible fic and so one of the most underrated I've seen. I can't belive that after reading that good work that was FFFF I doubted for so much time to read this fic. It was amazing, and it even send me to a race to read all your others storys wich are, honestly, some of the best I found in this site (in my opinion), and they seriously deserve much more credit that they are receiving. I'm a huge appledash fan, (in the shipping senses) but I still would consider this as one of the best despiction of the relantionship between Rainbow and Applejack.
I just love it.

Manly tears yoh...

Manly tears.

This is only the second fanfic to make me tear up period.
That just shows how good this fic is.

This definitely feels like it could actually be an episode of the show.

I really like the fact that you used that part of Daring Do again in Daring Do and the Sunken City. The section with Daring Do might actually be the best part of this chapter.

Scootaloo is actually more of a sister to Rainbow Dash and I think Rainbow should have mentioned Scootaloo at least to tell Applejack why that is different.

Thank you for the story, I really enjoyed it. I love how you bring out not just how the ponies feel about each other, but the special way they express it.

Applejack laughed. Dash was certifiably the worst liar ever, and she loved that about her. Most ponies who lied, did so because they thought they could get away with it. But she was certain by now that when Dash lied, it was only because she knew she couldn't. Like it was her strange way of admitting she was wrong while at the same time, not appearing to admit anything of the sort.

I lie like that too all the time! Earlier, my roommate asked me, "Did you wipe both sides of the window?" I obviously lied and said, "Of course I did! I need to go outside for a minute now on a TOTALLY unrelated matter!"

Applejack scowled. Rainbow Dash had already caused her so much aggravation this morning! Why would she want more?! But even as her scowl deepened she realised that back there, behind her sudden surge of annoyance, she reluctantly found curiosity faintly gnawing. Fastest, bravest, most athletic and most daring. All at once? It couldn't hurt to just hear what hair-brained scheme Rainbow would have proposed...

I'm telling you AJ! No good will come of this! Don't do it!

She looked down at the blanket she'd tugged on to find it wasn't there. Instead, draped cosily over her middle was a wonderfully warm blue wing covered in luxuriously soft, downy feathers. The remainder of Rainbow Dash's body was snugged against her from behind, her belly against Applejack's back and the rest curled around her as best as she could manage, with Dash's chin resting gently on the back of her neck.

(Pony snuggles! Cuteness overload!)

This fic is really special. You got the patter down perfect and rainbow dash not being able to quite express herself seems straight out of season 1.

Using the stars as a map of ancestors is not only something Applejack would do, it feels like an earth pony tradition.

This is one of those fics that feels like a lost script for an episode of the show. Really fun read.

Hello! I reviewed this recently, so here's your courtesy note. A satisfying story with solid character work and some surprisingly deep thoughts about friendship. Although not all of those came off for me (eg in my family and friend group we absolutely do find explicitly saying thank you important) but most of them did. Have a like and a favourite.

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