• Member Since 11th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Tuesday


Just a strange person with too much time to think


Twilight Sparkle was a powerful unicorn. Even more so as an alicorn. After defeating Tirek, Celestia has determined she is ready for what few, if any, ponies are capable of. Summoning a familiar. Just what hardships will taking care of what surmounts as a pet will entail, and is she really ready, for the creature she summons is no dumb beast.


A kinda sorta but not really sequel to Days of Change. Its stand alone. Expect updates to be highly sporadic *cough* badger me *cough*

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 53 )

Ok this looks interesting, looking forward to more!:pinkiehappy:

This is gunna be good, but I hope we don't gotta wait TOO long for the next chapter :pinkiehappy:

Aw man you're going to leave us on that! Great chapter!:pinkiehappy:

5413948 Yup. Figured that would be a good place to stop for the day.

I think i know an anime, that is similar to this situation, but i don´t know his name right now.

Oh i hope Twilight isn´t able to force him to do to much, i just would like it if he agreed to help her after she is sad or something like that.

I like the anime and because of that i like this fanfiction till now, but i always hated it if Unicorns would be able to kind of enslave the Humans.
It is not that simple, i have actually an other reason than just that enslave thing that i don´t like, but i don´t want to write all of it down yet.

I just let you suprise me first.

Nice idea.

5419470 I can assure you, slavery will not be part of this fiction.

5420197 Well okay thank you, but i think i have a bit overstated with my comment. Sometimes i try to stay simple with my comments, because if i make it to difficult some people don´t know what i mean.
I just have seen many fanfictions where Twilight would force a Human to stay or just transform him without to ask. I like to think that even Unicorns, aren´t allowed to do everything with their magic to other ponies.

5420207 sshhh. Don't tell no one, but I got a way around that. :trixieshiftright: It has been hinted at, but will be explained in the next 2 or 3 chapters.

I'm liking this keep it up PLEAS :pinkiehappy:

5419470 the familiar of zero or better known as zero no tsukaima

5430823 yeah that is the one, i don´t know why but i don´t got your answer, i mean a note for that.

Nice chapter, if there weren´t those cliffhangers. It is always a bit weird how the people/ponys which summoned heir "pets", are acting all natural about it.

Abducting intelligent beings for the purpose of forcing them into servitude? And no one has a problem with this? :ajbemused:

One word, one name, five letters:

"hmm, I can't wait to see their reaction to the question"
no new chapter

Now all the changelings are screwed now. (Changeling queens will fail to disable shields)

good chapter it seems like cely is going to have her hooves full in the future

"Why do you want to keep a changeling as a pet!?"

"Why do you hate a race based on what a few did? And not as a pet, a friend! Wasn't it you who sent Twilight to learn of friendship? Or are you saying only ponies are worth considering?"

It was discovered that day that Storm and Celestia do not get along. At all.

Wow, this is probably the first time in a while, that Celestias "everypony loves me" magic, doesn´t works the way she want. Don´t get it the wrong way, i don´t hate Celestia, but sometimes i don´t know if it have to be that way, i mean that everyone loves her for just being near her.

Good Chapter, it looks like the story could be better than i thought at first, i mean i like it already a bit more than befor.

5526623 I added that part on a whim, but now that you bring it to my attention, it gives me an idea to work on.

5527812 Well i am glad if i can help, even if it was a coincidence:twilightsmile:

He's taking this just a little bit too well. On the other hand he it nice to changelings because of it, so I guess I'm not complaining too much.

Yay! Challengings are excellent friends!

must admit that at first i just meh bout this story bout after this chapter ill see what yo do. thou shall be stalked now

5419470 Familiar of Zero, or Zero no Tsukaima would be the anime you're looking for!

Well time to watch this person press every button on their keyboard creating this story. (I like this story)

coffee...................................................................................................................................................................................... :pinkiecrazy:

must admit i am a little disappointed we didn't get to see him confront the ponies about Buttercup but not bad chapter doe

5634346 Yea, I'm not that good with confrontations. Or arguments in general.

pinkie pie + coffee= the makers may have mercy on their souls, because pinkie will not spare their bodies

I am still a bit wary, how the concept of the story will work out, but i like that chapter. I like the chapter, but something still tells me, that there could be something wrong withthe story later.

But if i remember it right, you already told me, that Twilight doesn´t keep him like a submissive pet, but only act like he would be in her responsibility, what he is.

I just saw that this problem got solved in the last chapter.

"Why do you want to keep a changeling as a pet!?"

"Why do you hate a race based on what a few did? And not as a pet, a friend! Wasn't it you who sent Twilight to learn of friendship? Or are you saying only ponies are worth considering?"

It was discovered that day that Storm and Celestia do not get along. At all.

second guy that doesn´t like Celestia from the first moment on ( i hope i got that sentence right)

However, familiar summoning is one of the few magics that throw all Laws of Magic out the proverbial window

Wait, magic has fundamental laws that guide it's use and existence?

To many times have I seen stories with humans as inferior to the great and peaceful friendship loving, equality giving benevolent ponies

"Why do you want to keep a changeling as a pet!?"
"Why do you hate a race based on what a few did? And not as a pet, a friend! Wasn't it you who sent Twilight to learn of friendship? Or are you saying only ponies are worth considering?"
It was discovered that day that Storm and Celestia do not get along. At all.

1) Celestia got owned
2) Celestia is a xenophobe for hating an entire species over one incident
3) Celestia is a hippocrite, yes, a fat cake loving hippo
4) Celestia is a xenophbe for hating humans over one incident
5) Storm is awesome
6) Changelings are awesome 'cause they're mini-alicorns

Coffee + Pinkie Pie = Botaglove traveling through time and space to destroy the coffee

lol his reactions to twilights story's. now to find some loot

this story is very interesting so far!
but storms lack of initial shock about being transported to a world full of colorful talking horses sort of bothers me:twilightsheepish:
but nonetheless a great idea.

She sat at her chain,


5420197 as much as I like your human and you, it wears on me.

IS there a chance that you continue this?

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