• Published 27th Dec 2014
  • 5,358 Views, 83 Comments

Accommodations - Cyanblackstone

With Luna now on Earth, everyone's having to do a little adjusting. Governments scramble, religions proclaim, and mobs form. But among it all, the attack on board the Hornet raises an important question: who is responsible? And what do they want?

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Interlude I: The Hangovers After

The night had fled, the party was over, and the guards had dutifully watched over the cleanup of the mess their charges had made. The room was clean and ready for a new day.

Unfortunately, the same could not be said of its occupants.

Michael and Buzz were still asleep, one lying haphazardly above his sheets and the other not even on a bed at all, simply passed out on the floor.

Neil, meanwhile, was sitting against the wall, head in his hands. “I knew I should’ve stopped drinking after #3,” he moaned. “I need some aspirin!”

“Right away, sir,” one of the guards said, slipping out the door.

Neil blinked. “Huh. Having servants is kinda… nice.” Still cradling his head with one hand, he got up slowly, squeezing his eyes shut against the throbbing pain banging behind his forehead. “I’m gonna get a cup of water.” He shuffled to the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and reached for one of the paper cups. Filling it to the brim, he guzzled it down, before filling it up again and repeating.

The third cup was splashed in his face, waking him up a little bit more as he toweled off. He wasn’t quite as thirsty, and his face felt less crusty.

He still felt terrible, though.

A guard knocked on the door. “Your aspirin,” he said, handing Neil a small bottle of the painkiller.

“Thank you,” Neil muttered gratefully. Taking out one of the tablets, he tossed it in his mouth and drank another cup of water to wash it down.

Setting the cup down on the large counter, he tugged at his shirt. “Shower.”

He locked the door. Moving over to the large shower, curtain drawn, he shucked off his off-duty shirt and was working off his undershirt as he drew the curtains aside, blindly reaching for the handle and shoving it to max heat.

The water began to pour down, and almost immediately there was a shriek of surprise that quickly metamorphosed into a shriek of pure rage in two terribly familiar voices.

“WHO DARES SOAK NIGHTMARE MOON—ow.” The water shut off, and Neil looked down, mortified, to find a now-soaked alicorn with eyes clenched shut, holding two hooves to her head in a gesture he well recognized, as he had been doing the same thing only seconds before. What had originally been a snarl designed to frighten hardened warriors had degraded into a pained (yet still fanged) grimace, complemented well by the wet fur plastered to her sides, completely ruining any kind of menace which she might have been attempting on the foolish man who had assaulted her with cold water.

“Um.” He backed away, closing the curtain behind him. “You can take a shower first.”

Then he fled despite his headache as she mumbled at him in her native language (judging from yesterday’s debacle, it was probably some very inventive curse), slamming the door behind him.

“Sir?” The guards looked at him strangely, and only then did Neil realize that he was only half-wearing an undershirt and no overshirt at all.

Palm met face, back met wall, and he slid to the ground. “I’m such an idiot.”

One of the nearby guards said, “If you say so, sir.” He swore he heard one of them suppress a snicker.

“Oh, shut up.”

“If you say so, sir.”

As the water squeaked to a halt and the pipes in the walls ceased their rumblings, the bathroom door opened a sliver and one cerulean eye glared daggers over at Neil, who hadn’t moved from his spot against the wall, still nursing a headache (though the aspirin had taken much of the bite out of it, thank goodness). “You soaked me!” she hissed angrily through the door. “That was NOT a pleasurable sensation!”

“Sorry,” Neil muttered back. “I have a hangover. You understand.”

“No, I do not understand why a ‘hangover’ would cause you to be so careless as to not even check the shower before using it—ow.” She winced. “Or perhaps I do.”

“Well, first of all, why were you even in the shower instead of somewhere normal?” Neil shot back, his headache getting the better of him. “It’s not like I’d need to check the shower for someone normally!”

The door opened a bit more, and Luna peered out, head cocked. “I am unsure. I do not remember much of last night, past the first drink. I think I was… what is the saying?... ‘plastered’ last night.”

“Mhm.” Neil nodded. “And now you understand why I wasn’t exactly in a frame of mind to check the shower floor before I turned it on.”

“You are forgiven,” she decided after a moment.

Then the Nightmare snarled, unbidden, “Well, I don’t forgive you, you idiot! If you were anyone else, I’d have you spitted!”

“So,” Luna teased, “I take it you have a liking to him?”

The Nightmare snorted. “As if. He’s just too visible to spit right now.” She glared at him once again. “Maybe later.”

“How about I introduce you to aspirin,” Neil suggested. “Then you won’t want to spit me, I’m sure.”

“Aspirin?” both asked.

“Ohoho.” He rubbed his hands. “Aspirin, my friends, is a pill with a few miraculous properties, but chief among them is relieving headache pain.”

“Give them to me. Now,” the Nightmare demanded.

Neil chuckled. “They’re in the pill bottle in the bathroom. Take one to start with and wait 15 minutes.”

The door slammed instantly.

Author's Note:

There. Just something short before I forget again.

Comments ( 43 )


Thanks for the note. Will correct.

And thus Luna and Nightmare Moon discover the miracles of modern medicine...Aspirin.

Hmmm... don't recall one way or the other whether a beer ration was authorized for the Apollo 11 crew (usually, US vessels are dry).

Meh, call it dramatic licence - a hungover Nightmare Moon is too good to miss. Stet

[Short-form variation of what you wrote]"The Nightmare groaned. 'I...'d kill you, mortal' she wheezed, hoof clutching at forehead., 'But it'd hurt too much to do it...' she subsided..."

5762739 but in the end maybe is best we never use magic in the end.

as the old saying gose don't open padrio box unlaset you want hell on earth

I am pretty certain they didn't get a drink until they hit land. Then they got plastered.

5762566 I'm pretty sure they're on land now

5489220 I once named a ship in Kerbal Space Program the "Challenger Titanic Fitzgerald". Then I did it again to save the first one. Then I did it again and sucessfully saved the first one! CTF IV was an undeniable success!!!

We do not speak of CTF II...

I also love that song. Twas a true tragedy.

Dammit, didn't see the updates to the very first story. Good thing I decided to go down nostalgia lane which led me to knowing there were more of this story!

It's been great so far! Keep up the great work!

It has lost a lot of the charm of the original story that's for sure. Still intriguing though.

Oh yes... I can see Nighty slowly caring to an extent about Neil as he's the one I see is going to have the most contact with Luna. At least to a point. Then again I could be completely wrong *Snickers*

How did I miss this coming out?! Well, time for more enjoyment of the Luna/NMM vs one of the worst presidents in US History


Sad to see a great president being overshadowed by his greatest mistake

6858469 only one mistake? He made MANY MANY mistakes and blunders. Hell, HE could have ended the threat of M.A.D if it asn't for his obsession with the STARWARS project (not the film)


Name one of his mistakes besides his watergate scandal and other scandulous activities, includIng what you said

Then name one of his great achievements aside from ending the vietnam war

Even FDR did worse things than Nixon

Hopefully, this will get queued up for another update soon. I am quite enjoying this series of stories. It is also interesting to see the interaction of the contractually bound daemon and a normal person in one body.

So did you forget again?

Two years later.

can we get update? all good stories die on me:fluttercry:

I have been self diagnosed with major depressive disorder stemming from a lack of update on this story

We need more. Now. I DEMAND IT!

HELLO?? Are you even alive out there??


Please update.... You have so many fans who still want a update on this story.... :fluttershysad:

Did it to myself again, I really need to start checking for unfinished sequels before getting into a series. Definitely liked the story, looks like it won't be completed though.

Yup, still ded.

I know that feeling and the sad thing is a lot of them are good. I've about 30 "tracking" currently most of which are dead fics just in case.

I think I might have you beat though. The story that really got me hooked on reading fan fics is dead in the most literal sense, as in the author passed away, probably even before I started reading it. You would think something so tragic would teach me, but I keep doing it.

Yep that beats me there's one fic I keep going back to even though the authors passed away but they were alive when I started reading it.

Wait what?
When did he pass away I stopped reading his fics arround splashdown so Im a bit OOTL

Wasn't this stories author I was taking about. It's just the story that seems to be dead, I've no idea about the author of this story. If you feel like torturing yourself though you could check out Six Brides for Two Sisters by Eguus Pallidus. Read now, curse my name to your dieing day later.

Please continue this Fanfiction. I want to read more of it

Darn, it was getting better and better

Update pinky please.:pinkiehappy:

agreed, they better damn well not less this masterpiece die.

Somehow I am not sure, they are suppose to offer drugs and alcohol for an ‘alien organism’ that they barely know, just like that.

Anyway, will you continue this, I just found it and read along from the begining. I was a bad surpise it had not been finished. :fluttershysad:

When are you going to finish this?

I think its safe (and sad) to say that this masterpiece is dead...

Can you please continue this series it is very interesting

Sir, sir? Are you alive mister Blackstone?? By the force I only just found your musings, I hope that your insanity hasn't left our world yet...

aw man. ended right on the funny...

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