• Published 15th Dec 2014
  • 5,369 Views, 236 Comments

The Curiosity of Mr. Disc - CrackedInkWell

One week after coming home to Equestria, the art teacher, Mr. Disc is invited by Pinkie Pie over to Sugar Cube Corner for her, the girls, and Sunset Shimmer to have a talk with him.

  • ...

20: Lost and Found.

As the Twin Apples explained to me, not only were there but also their counterparts were looking for me because it was almost five o’clock. Looking at my watch, it’s about fifteen ‘til. I guess I've been out here longer than I thought perhaps.

Anyways, the three of us were headed towards the multiple throne room, neither Applejack said a word which made me wonder how much exactly from my imaginary therapy did they hear.

“So…” AJ started, “Ma sis really likes Scoots huh?”

Oh, joy! Both of those Appleblooms are really going to hate me now!

“Yeah,” Applejack nodded. “Didn't see that comin’. Did ya know about this?” she asked her other self.

“Nope. Not a word at all! Ah never given any thought about another Apple would be-”

“Hold on,” I interrupted them both. “‘Another Apple?’ What do you mean by ‘another Apple?’” The two of them stopped, craned their necks to look at each other.

“Do ya remember awhile back to that one family reunion, the one about Brae?” AJ asked.

“What are ya… Oh. Oh that one,” Applejack nodded while realizing something. “Yeah Ah remembered that now. He said that Ah was the very first one in the whole family he’d told.”

“Same here, and didn't he make ya promise to never tell anybody else too?”

Applejack nodded.

“Mind shedding some light on what you two are talking about?” I asked them.

“Braeburn is gay,” they both said in unison.

I slapped my forehead, hard. “So let me get this straight, you two are telling me that this… What is he again?”


“That this cousin of yours is secretly gay, and by the way, the two of you are talking, you're both fine with it. And yet, neither of you had figured out your own little sister nor even given a thought of what she might be into?” I let my paw drop from my face, “And here I thought that I can be dense at times.”

“Hey, we didn't know.” AJ tried to retaliate. I just rolled my eyes. “‘sides, she hasn't hit puberty until a year or two.”

I raised an eyebrow, “As if neither of you had a little crush on anyone when you were kids?” They didn't say anything but blushed a little and looked at anything except my eyes. “I thought so, look, we could talk about this later. But for now, it’s time to go home.”

As we neared the room of Thrones, Twilight came up to me asking: “There you are, have you seen the Crusaders lately?”

“Course, I sent them back home-”

“No, that’s not what I meant,” she clarified. “I mean, have you seen our Crusaders? I was told they came in here. But now we can’t find them.”

“I haven’t run into anyone except for these two,” I pointed at the Applejacks. “Well to be fair they ran into me but that’s beside the point. No, I haven’t seen them in here… Unless…” I clapped for a little radar detector that its very existence was made for one purpose; finding the other me. Almost right away a little dot appeared on the screen. And it appeared that he was nearby.

As soon as I left the room, the rest of the girls followed me, asking what I’m doing. “I think I might have a bit of an idea,” I told them as the dot got closer and closer. Apparently, the dot showed us to a particular door with it being partially opened.

“Discord to Crusaders,” I heard the other me say. “Abort the mission, I repeat, abort the mission right now!”

“Why? What’s goin’ on?” we heard Applebloom’s voice. “Ah think we know where they-”

"They're now noticing the three of you are gone! Come back here at once!” Twilight opened the door to find the other me behind a desk talking to a cup that’s connected to a bucket by a thread of fishing line. On the desk was a map that looks like it was drawn with a red crayon with little game pieces on it. And to top it all off, he looked like General Patton. “Um…” he looked everywhere for a moment. “This isn't what it looks like.” But there was no Crusader in sight.

“Alright, where are they?” I asked them, folding my arms and making my doppelganger radar disappear. Of course, when he asked how I could tell he was lying. “Their Crusaders, where are they?”

“Did you say something Discord?” Scoots voice was heard through the cup, in which he covered it with his paw with a sheepish smile.

“Hehe… Uh, we’re playing a game, yeah! That’s what we’re doin- hey!” Suddenly the bucket was covered in a blue aura and it and the cup were yanked out of his hands. Rarity levitated the cup to her.

“Hello? Are you dears there?” There was no response from the other side. “Hello? Where are you?” Rarity questioned.

“Maybe we should stop looking for the clubhouse.” Sweetie Belle’s voice is heard along with the sound of paper rustling. I looked up to see the other me was trying to eat the drawing until I snapped my paw. At a closer look, it was a rough map of…

“Pony Hill Road? Appaloosa Lane? Main Hatters Street? Cloudsday Ave? This is our town!”

“Uh yeah…” the other me said shifting his eyes every millisecond. “About that…”

“Discord?” Fluttershy went up to my other self. “Did… Did the Crusaders go through the portal?”

“Umm… Maybe they-”

“They did!” Faster than anyone could say “What just happened?” the other me was face to face with two Rainbows, Rarities and Applejacks whose eyes were on fire. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM?!?!” they demanded.

“I can explain!” he said raising his arms. “Just hear me out on this! They were just trying to give their camera back to them!”

“What are ya talkin’ about?” AJ questioned.

“Remember the camera that we tried to make that movie with? Turns out, it’s your guys’ Crusaders and they’re trying to find them to give it back to them.”

AJ asked for the cup so she could talk to them, “Girls, this is Applejack, you girls better stay right where you are, we’ll be over there to get ya. Oh Y'all are in so much trouble.”