• Published 15th Dec 2014
  • 3,036 Views, 47 Comments

Sympathy for the Siren - Crystal Moose

Fluttershy seeks to help the fallen Sonata lift her life out of the gutters after her defeat.

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Please allow me to introduce myself

Fluttershy crept quietly down the alleyway, being careful not to startle the frightened creature. She had heard the poor thing’s cries from inside the animal rescue center.

If there was one thing Fluttershy knew, it was how to be quiet— she was the world champion of “Shhh!” after all.

The creature’s awful caterwauling echoed through the alleyway; the closer Fluttershy got to the source, the more mournful its song sounded.

“Ummm, hello?” she called out softly as she approached. “Are you okay?”

Fluttershy looked down at the pitiful creature before her. Her hair was matted with dirt and mud; her clothes were ripped and torn; and she looked like she hadn’t eaten in days.

“Umm… Sonata Dusk, right?” Fluttershy asked, holding out her hand. Sonata pulled away from Fluttershy’s gesture. Fluttershy had seen this sort of reaction before, especially amongst mistreated animals.

“It’s okay. My name is Fluttershy,” she said as she squatted, looking Sonata in the eyes. “I won’t hurt you. Are you hungry?”

Sonata nodded silently.

“Well, come with me. I have some snacks inside…” Fluttershy paused, trying not to scrunch her nose at the smell. “…and maybe we can get you a little cleaned up, too.”

Sonata stood, using the wall to help herself up. Fluttershy tried to hide her frown, saddened that Sonata was wary of her.

If other-Fluttershy helped reform that Disco guy, then I can help Sonata!

Fluttershy led Sonata through to the staff area of the animal shelter. She sent Sonata to the restroom, where she could have a shower and clean up. The shower was a convenience she was extremely grateful for. Fluttershy did not mind the smell of the cute little creatures she looked after, but her friends certainly did, so she always made certain to keep a spare set of clothing around in case any of her friends decided to hang out after work.

She set about preparing a small salad for Sonata. There wasn’t a whole lot left in her snack box, as Fluttershy had been meaning to go and refill it. She couldn’t help it that poor Angel Bunny was more temperamental than the other shelter animals. He just needed some love and attention, and a few nicer vegetables than the scraps the others had.

She’d get through to him one day.

The door to the restroom opened, and steam poured out of the door. Fluttershy smiled as Sonata walked out; Fluttershy was a little taller than her friends, and definitely taller than Sonata. As such, the green miniskirt Fluttershy so often wore came nearly to Sonata’s knees, and the white tank top that fit Fluttershy so well hung loose over the smaller girl’s frame.

To Fluttershy, it looked adorable, like a little sister dressing up in her big sister’s clothes.

Sonata turned away from Fluttershy, her cheeks reddening and a slight scowl on her face.

“I’ve made you a little salad, if you’re still hungry,” Fluttershy said, directing Sonata to a chair at the breakroom table. “It’s not much, but we can get some more after my shift… if you’d like?”

Sonata dove into the salad, not even bothering with the plastic cutlery Fluttershy had provided for her. Fluttershy watched in silence as Sonata finished the salad.

“Thank you,” Sonata said, her voice croaky and dry. She scowled and turned away.

“Ummm, you’re welcome,” Fluttershy answered. “Would you like a drink of water?”

Sonata’s only reply was a shake of her head.

“Are you sure, you sound a little dry—”

A glare from Sonata cut Fluttershy off.

“Oh, is it because…?”

The miserable look on Sonata’s face was all the answer Fluttershy needed. Even if they were big meanies, Fluttershy felt a little guilty that she and her friends might have hurt the Dazzlings.

Fluttershy turned towards the door. “Well, I need to go back to tending to the animals—” A gasp from behind her caused Fluttershy to turn back around. Sonata was looking at Fluttershy with large, pleading eyes. “W-Would you like to help me?”

A large smile and a vigorous nodding of her head was all the answer Fluttershy needed.

Fluttershy pushed the trolley as she and Sonata walked through the isles of the local supermarket. From Sonata’s ragged look, Fluttershy suspected the poor girl didn’t have anywhere to live. From what she had seen, the other two sirens weren’t particularly nice to her, and had probably just thrown her out of the street when things had gone against them.

Sonata had helped without complaint all afternoon. She tended to the animals with a care and grace Fluttershy had rarely seen. The animals had taken to her as well, and Fluttershy smiled, thinking back at the adorable memory of Sonata surrounded by puppies and kittens, playing with them all.

Given how much she had helped, Fluttershy felt it fair to help Sonata out herself. She had picked up a few items of clothing in Sonata’s size at the thrift store… they weren’t the high fashion that Sonata seemed to be used to, but Sonata was grateful for them nonetheless.

Now, Fluttershy was shopping for supplies for the week, making sure to buy larger servings of everything.

She was going to have a guest in her home, after all.

“Did you want to watch a movie together, or something?” Fluttershy asked as she sat on her couch next to Sonata.

“Y-yeah, that’d be nice,” Sonata croaked out, before covering her mouth with her hand.

Fluttershy gently pulled the hand away from Sonata’s mouth and whispered, “It’s okay, you don’t have to be embarrassed.”

“B-but I sound horrible,” Sonata replied, her voice wavering.

“I’m sorry,” Fluttershy said, putting a hand on Sonata’s shoulder, “I didn’t know it’d hurt you—” Sonata turned away, unable to look her in the face. Fluttershy noticed Sonata’s hair was knotted and her pigtail was lopsided.

“D-do you want me to help with your hair?” Fluttershy asked, trying to change the subject.

Sonata turned back and nodded. “Adagio…” she croaked. “Adagio used to—”

“It’s okay,” Fluttershy cooed. She stood up and grabbed her hairbrush from her dresser. When she got back to the couch, she dropped a cushion on the floor and motioned for Sonata to sit on it. Fluttershy turned on the television, and gently brushed Sonata’s hair until it was silky smooth as they watched a movie.

When the movie had ended, Fluttershy smiled, finding Sonata asleep, leaning against her leg. Fluttershy helped her guest onto the couch and covered her with a blanket.

“Good night, Sonata.”

“No, stop!” Sonata squealed as the dog jumped all over her. She fell back, laughing as the playful animal crawled all over her, licking every inch of her face. “No, Buddy, stop that, it tickles!”

“Budweiser t. Dog,” Fluttershy said with a stern voice, “are you acting up for Sonata again?”

Sonata used Buddy’s momentary distraction to extricate herself from under the doberman, before tackling the creature back to the ground. “Now it’s your turn!” Sonata screamed, as she dove towards the dog with her tongue out.

Seconds later, she was off the dog, spitting fur out of her mouth.


“You know,” Fluttershy laughed, helping Sonata back to her feet, “you are only encouraging him.”

Both girls watched as Buddy crouched down, ready to play again. Sonata stepped one foot forward, slamming it down on the tiled floor. It was enough… Buddy ran out to the playpen, hopeful that Sonata would give chase.

“I was thinking, if it’s okay with you… that maybe you might like to meet my other friends tonight?” Fluttershy asked. “I’m sure they’ll like you, if they get to know you like I have.” The forlorn look on Sonata’s face was all the answer Fluttershy needed. “I mean, it’s okay, if you aren’t up to it. I know what it’s like to be shy, so maybe another time.”

Sonata gave Fluttershy a weak smile, and silently nodded.

It hurt Fluttershy when Sonata got like this. The animals were doing wonders for getting Sonata to open up, and she had grown closer to Fluttershy in the previous few days… but anytime Fluttershy mentioned meeting others, Sonata would crawl back into her shell.

“Maybe we could re-watch Milo and Otis tonight?” Fluttershy suggested. As predicted, Sonata perked up at the idea, but still remained silent, much to Fluttershy’s dismay.

Fluttershy leaned back, sitting on a cushion between Sonata’s legs. Sonata had asked if she could brush Fluttershy’s hair for her, and she happily obliged.

As Fluttershy had learned, Adagio was the one who used to brush Sonata’s hair for her, so Sonata was a little rough to start with. But through gentle instruction and patience, Sonata slowly improved her technique. Towards the end of the movie, Fluttershy had come to quite enjoy Sonata’s gentle ministrations.

Fluttershy drifted off peacefully to sleep.