• Published 22nd Dec 2014
  • 1,007 Views, 23 Comments

Redemption - RustyKat

  • ...

The Royal Guard Training

"Yes, I suppose." Replied Gale with a lighthearted chuckle. "And I'd bet we'd look good in the shining gold armor too."

"Just imagine... the mares would be flocking to us like bees to honey....I could just picture it now."

"what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

With this said, the two headed into the castle to sign up for the royal guard.

"Hey, we're supposed to look for a one-winged blue alicorn with three scars across one eye named Light Arrow." Said Fleur nervously. "I heard he's as strict as stone."

"Yeah, but he's a really great leader. He's the oldest one in the force. I heard he's hardened himself since he had one bad past..... something about watching both of his parents die at a really young age."

"Ouch. that would be simply awful if that ever happened to me. I wonder how he ever coped? I mean, with their death.... That would be so hard to take."

Gale shrugged. "Who knows? I'd like to try to wield a sword against shining Armor in practice. I heard he's a damn skillful swordsman pony... with a beautiful wife."

Fleur gave a lighthearted chuckle. "He'd probably cut you to feathery ribbons Gale.... and she's probably get you for that comment."

Soon, They came face to face with Light Arrow himself. He was just a tad taller than them, and they could see his hard silver gaze look them over with a razor edge. His only wing was folded closely to his side, and his dark blue mane was medium length. They could see the scarred eye was blind with it's milky white film over it, but didn't take away from his intimidating gaze. They took notice his armor was a bit deeper golden color than the other guards as well, and Gale assumed he kept his armor in great shape for being so old. There was a slight crack in the stallion's horn, but it did not inhibit his magic. Finally, Light Arrow broke the silence with his hard deep voice.

"So... you want to join the royal guard eh?" The voice was a bit cold. "You'd take any risk to protect the princess at any cost? Even at the sake of your own life?"

"Y..Yes. I would die for Celestia any day." Said Gale. I always wanted to say that....

"Uh... me too." Said Fleur quickly. He's creepy....

"Very well then." replied Light Arrow with a slight amused expression. "We'll see about that.... provided you don't get killed on duty. Follow me."

He led them through the hallways of the castle, before he led them into a large room. A black unicorn stallion with a white mane was there, polishing a sword with great care.

"Nox, could you see what these two are worth? They wish to join the force."

The stallion stopped and looked over the two stallions sharply.
"Well, it seems you've got a knack for findin' the.... unique ones." He replied with a chuckle. Broken is more like it........I doubt the Pegasus will last as long as Arrow.

"Can you test them for a skill they'd be good in?"

"Certainly...." He handed Fleur and Gale each a wooden sword. "Why not train with Light Arrow fellas?"

"Wow... really!?" exclaimed Gale. "That would be so cool!" Not as cool as fighting with Shining Armor, but still cool.....
Light Arrow unsheathed a wooden sword as well.

"Try not to hurt them too much Light Arrow." Warned Nox. "Although dull, they can still hurt."

After a brief pause, Gale broke the silence. "I'll go first."

They take a defensive pose, on guard, but alert for the other's attacks. Gale attacked suddenly. The two stallions Rushed at each other, trading feints, thrusts and parries with lightning speed, almost impossible to follow. On guard, Light Arrow took a step around an imaginary circle. Gale stepped the other way, maintaining his relationship with Arrow. They continued to step around the circle.

"And so we circle, circle, like dogs, we circle ..." said Arrow craftily.
They stopped in the same positions they first started with.

It's a good thing I learned from TV.... Thought Gale as he blocked a blow from Arrow's sword with his own. Otherwise I'd be mincemeat.
They held their swords up in the air, and clashed again. Finally though, Gale took a light but firm smack from the wooden sword.


"You mustn't let up your guard, not even for a moment." He turned his hard gaze to Fleur. "Let's see what you're made of." He held his sword out in a attack pose. "Attack me with your best shot."

"You forget... I've trained with my father!" He struck the wooden sword quickly, blocking the quick blows that soon followed. Blow was met for blow, and he nearly struck Arrow in the chest, had Arrow not blocked it at the last second.

Arrow gave an amused chuckle. "Much potential these two have.... They'll make fine swordsman ponies."

"I'd say.... that's the first time in years anypony ever even got close to beating you." said Nox with a chuckle. "Getting a bit old?

Arrow smacked Nox at the back of the head.

"Ow, I'm sorry. I forgot how seriously you take this job." said Nox, ears flattened. "I'm just a rookie you know."

"Rookies better know their place. Never say something stupid... or they'll regret it."