• Member Since 18th Jul, 2014
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Seeking Dusk

Myriad the ideas in eternal blossom, Meager the words ever written, such is the plight of the one Seeking


Making a character for a franchise you enjoy is something a lot of people do, either in passing or from a diligent effort on their part. Now, how do you react when you suddenly get hit by a tangible flash of light that starts the slow process of becoming a character you yourself created, all while in a world that they don’t fit into?

It helps to have your friends around you as you try to deal not only with the issues of your own life, but the difficulties that come from changing in a society that hates change, and the problems of the life you created.

Part of the OTVerse

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 55 )

Ponyfinder? You have captured my interest(or at least my daily google search).

I must say that this is very interesting. Apart from being well written and well described, I find myself somewhat entranced by the premise of the story as a whole. If you keep writing, I will keep reading

As the OTverse admin, I decree...
*Sparkles, rainbows, and dramatic music*

Also, well done.

Nice chapter:eeyup:

“Well…” she was silent for a while. “Let me thing about this a little…”

Should be think not this:twilightsmile:

Awesome. Great chapter. Can't wait to see what happens next

I sighed and put my phone aside, leaning my head on the window. Roy poked me in the shoulder. “What’s union station?”
This was going to be a long drive.

all i thought.

5322868 After all I have seen, you seem like being the admin of very many groups :pinkiesmile:
Well, atleast of 2. You leave a big footprint here on Fimfiction, or so it seems.

The largest footprints can be made by the smallest of us.

At least they arn't having to drive cross country :rainbowlaugh:

Another great chapter man, you diserve a lot more love

Oh boy, snarky head voices. :ajbemused:

As near as I've been able to learn morphologically many of the tendons and ligaments from all five toes remain in a horse's hoof, and the digits fused down the generations instead of atrophying. With the exception of maybe the thumb. Peculiar fact about animals is almost every land animal outside of an insects has five digits per limb, and almost everything only uses 4 digits, has the thumb shoved off in the corner, completely vestigal. The "dewclaw" you find in cats and dogs, pretty much. And raccoons and rodents (the "pollex") and weasels and etc. They call the category "tetrapods" (4 limbs) which all mammals, reptiles, and amphibians are descended from, and tetrapods started out with tons of digits, but it all went down to 5 for every family line that ended up surviving. Some speculate that it bottlenecked at one single species even, with all the other polydactyl lines dying out. Any vertebrate land animal beyond that point with less than 5 digits either evolved them smaller until they went away, or fused them together, but everyone had 5 at one point. Almost no species has gained extra digits past that point either, which itself is odd since the mutation to cause 6 or more digits is simple and quite common. If you look at fish fins they have tons of variation in 'digits' per fin, and animals run better on 4, 2, even 1 digit, so it's not some sort of inescapable physics thing.

But of course horses don't have elbows, so pony anatomy is pretty much open season to creativity.

5472191 It's a somewhat bizarre quirk of earth biology, when you think about it, that every mammal has similar morphology in regards to their limbs. Ponies and horses ended up with them fused into a solid bone. Trevor's observations might not be biologically sound at the moment, but it's more in regard to the responses he's seeing in response to attempting to move digits and structures that changed. The tendons are there, but they connect to the same bone, twitching the hoof and pastern. Moving the ankle moves everything below the hook. Toes and former foot take up pretty much most of what he would have considered his shin, his new ankle closer to where his knee would have been.

And they do have elbows. It's about in line with the lower part of their barrel.


I was joking about the elbows thing. Horses use elbows, like humans use shoulders, is what I specifically meant. It would have been more accurate to say horses don't have shoulders, or that their shoulder is fixed in place for stability, but that didn't sound as funny as "elbows."

5472599 True. But Without shoulder, how could they shrug! Shrugging is a vital part of social interaction.

This is a great story man! Keep it up!!

I like this story, the characters are very likable and also convincing now that they are starting to freak out a little.

I'm reading all the stories in the folder simultaneously. It's a lot of fun. :derpytongue2:

A small thing I noticed: You slipped into the third person at the beginning.


I believe that their person stuff was on purpose

AND FISH! This chapter made me laugh.

“Wish I could say. Spoilers, I'm afraid. I'd tell you if I could.”

ok... that reminds me...

But said OC making Doctor Who references? Come on, give me a break.

oh come on.... you beat me to it...

or did you?

I find it amusing that all the side stories are so much longer than the main story it is based off of.

I'm actually enjoying this quite a bit, as the main characters are all quite varied and interesting personality wise. Curious if Brenda has a role to play that is being hidden from us thus far, since she is a bigger fan of MLP than we were initially led to believe (and fans were the target of the transformation).

I'm looking forward to the next chapter, especially since we are going to be entering the almost or fully transformed territory soon complete with their OC personalities I imagine.

That ending XD

Damn it, I gotta get back to work. My misfits ain't gunna get to Chicago without me :trollestia:

5504662 Agreed. As for the second part... Wait up, Partner!!


They're already halfway through Illinois

5506074 Great... I start from Southern California...


Just have them take a flight ^^

5506087 5506099 It might be expensive, but they are turning into ponies! They can use their wardrobe budget for it!


And sage has a lotta dough :eeyup:

5506139 Now Bluey, not everyone has rich friends. Most of us have to be chea-economical.


They're from rural Texas... They are the epitome of cheap!

5483654 5484982 5504646
Glad you all are enjoying it. Honestly, it's also been pretty fun to write this, too. And yes, Brenda does have a role to play :pinkiehappy:

5506099 Let's see how that goes...


Least you would have up deal with someone screaming Ebola like Johnny would

5506178 What about blackout dates or cancelled flights?


And don't forget an adorible filly or colt ^^

5506201 Or something unexpected


Nu! Kiddies are adorable!

5506231 Wait til you see what I have in store

sleeping in the bath top

this universe is kind of... eh...... :trixieshiftright: it's got potential.

Sea Bubble? Teenage seapony exploring the surface world of Equestria. He didn’t even have a set of landlegs for Luna’s sake.

Ok, I'll bite. How does Sea Bubble even move around in the campaign?

“Oh… and…” Chitter leaned in close and whispered something in Jason’s ear.

“WHAT?” Jason yelled, making them all flinch. He looked at Chitter with something akin to terror. “You’re kidding, right? Please tell me you’re kidding. I mean, it makes sense, but…”

Chitter shook his head with a grin. “Still a guy though.”

“Changeling biology?” Roy asked. Jason sighed and nodded.

Least my dear old Johnny won't be the only one:trollestia:

And I have a feeling I'm gunna like Sea Bubble :rainbowlaugh:

5577140 something tells me that he is carried around in a fish tank

5577140 5577367 Not well at all... And sadly, last time I did run a ponyfinder game, the seapony guy did try to get a wheeled fishbowl. My wall has a dent reserved in it just for him.

We managed to talk him down to a wagon pulled by a riding dog. He rode with the supplies.


So how much of this is actually based on role playing games and conversations with a bunch of others and just OCs with their pony OCs made up? I've been wondering that ever since these stories started and the authors hinted as more in comments and replies to each other.

5577770 When I saw the group and the premise, the idea of a bunch of RPing Bronies turning into their RP characters seemed like an interesting way to approach it. So I had the bronies in my RP group each make a character, and said character's respective pony OC, for this. They also double as my sample audience. Trevor and Silver are the ones I made, Roy and Star are from a dude named Yellow13, Jason and Chitter from Fenix250, Sam and Sea Bubble are from Aquaica. Yellow and I teamed up to make Brenda. Something of RPception. 'Hey! Make up a character, then make that character make up a character! I'll use them in a story!' (RPception isn't new to us... we've literally RPed characters RPing... It was sorta sad. Hilarious, but sad.)

I chat with them as I write and get their input and feedback so the personalities (hopefully) don't mess into each other too much. But there are a lot of little things, like conclusions drawn, responses to events, back ground banter and so on, that are based on interactions with my RP group. I use them to hopefully shape a more 'realistic' story. Well, as realistic as you can get in a situation were you're turning into a cartoon pony.

But yes; Trevor has the same frustrations that a lot of DMs face. They're always those players. The ones that tie characters together so strongly they would be incomplete without each other (Trevor/Silver and Roy/Star), the ones that aren't the best at making up history, enlist others to do the grunt work, then totally fail to learn the story you slaved over for them (Jason/Chitter) and that guy who just makes you wonder what you did to deserve this punishment with how they just don't fit into the premise (Sam/Sea Bubble).

As for the other side of things; Blue and I talk a lot as well over PMs, so you'll find our changeling fanon will be mostly the same, and the rest of the authors in the group toss ideas at each other a few times. As to how far they'll go with it... we all keep secrets so we don't spoil things for each other :twilightsmile:

“Stop… resisting!” Silver grunted, straining to push past the hand I had firmly gripped around his muzzle and keep him at bay, the other intercepting the hooves that attempted to strike me, each glancing blow only bearable because proximity prevented him from getting much power behind them. “Take your beating… Like a Stallion!”
“Oh my…” Roy said, his tones and manner much like George Takai.

thansk for making me find this:

and this

which only says Oh.

“Oh… and…” Chitter leaned in close and whispered something in Jason’s ear.
“WHAT?” Jason yelled, making them all flinch. He looked at Chitter with something akin to terror. “You’re kidding, right? Please tell me you’re kidding. I mean, it makes sense, but…”
Chitter shook his head with a grin. “Still a guy though.”

well, someone else discovered that as well today


I can attest to this

Gray not only edits for me but is also The guy I bump my ideas off of

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