• Published 24th Nov 2014
  • 6,584 Views, 370 Comments

The Night Guard - Night Mares - Georg

For centuries, the stallions of the Royal Guard have protected Equestria from every danger imaginable. Now they face a new threat to their position that will not be so easy to defeat. Mares.

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Save the Princess

The Night Guard - Night Mares

Save the Princess

Centuries of tradition ran deep in the halls and buildings of the Royal Guard Academy, deep enough that if it were to form pools in the low-lying areas, there would certainly have been at least one competitive high-diving team formed to take advantage of it. Several centuries ago, what had once been a simple end-of-semester ‘Save The Hostage’ scenario had turned deadly serious when Princess Celestia decided on a whim to take the place of the stuffed dummy who normally took that role.

There were no fatalities, but over half of the class had at least one limb in a cast at graduation that year.

The second and subsequent years, the cadets were required to wear their sparring pads over their armor, and every instructor turned out to supervise (and limit) their enthusiastic role-playing. Celestia seemed to enjoy it the most, waving a white kerchief from her ‘imprisoning’ tower for encouragement while sweaty young cadets fought through muddy defensive positions and ambushes organized by other sweaty young cadets, only to switch positions with their counterparts once the ‘hostage’ had been freed in order to do it all over again. Admittedly, the exercise was slanted in the direction of the assaulting forces, as once a defender was ‘killed,’ his part in the exercise was over, but an attacker could merely run back to the assault point to be considered a ‘reinforcement.’

Unfortunately, Princess Celestia had bowed out of her traditional role this morning due to ongoing diplomatic troubles with the Griffon Empire, and nopony wanted to wake Princess Luna⁽*⁾, so the game of ‘Save the Hostage’ continued with a substitute.

(*) Word had gotten around about what had happened to the guard who attempted to wake Princess Luna up during the changeling invasion. Unfortunately, he had forgotten to bring coffee.

Fortunately, the substitute was Academy Commandant Snowy Peaks, who had the creamy white coat of the Princess, but was lacking about half the primary feathers and all of her benevolent tranquility. Part of his current fuming rage could be excused by the relative rapidity which the Silver team had just overwhelmed the defending Gold team, but most of it was directed at the hesitant apologetic pegasus who was hovering over his head.

“I’m so sorry, sir. Sorry. I yelled at you to get down when we stormed the room but you didn’t get down and I know the exercise rules say you don’t need to but police procedure says to protect the hostage during a rescue mission and you didn’t get down when I yelled and I really didn’t mean to hit your nose when I tackled you but there was this big cadet in the way and he reared up all of a sudden—” Anxious pink eyes darted away from the angry captain to look at the cadet still sprawled out on the floor, being attended to by the second least wanted pony on Commander Peaks’ list at the moment.

“Don’t worry, Daelia,” she murmured, one hoof on the pegasi stallion’s face to hold him immobile and the pale green glow of a spell around his head. “The enchantments on the helmet held just fine. He should be good for another go around just as soon as Commander Peaks gives the order. How are you feeling, cadet?”

“Is she single?” The grinning pegasus took being shoved out of the room by Miss Grace in stride, putting his dented helmet back on and giving a quick wink at the flustrated pink pegasus still hovering over the commandant. Commander Peaks stood back up and took the red-stained kerchief off his nose, starting only slightly when Miss Grace’s soft green magical aura surrounded his head.

“Nothing serious, sir. Minor bruising in the septum, a little blood in the sinuses. Your iron level is a little low and stress hormones are too high.” A sharp sting echoed around the inside of his head and his nose quit hurting. “That should hold you for now, but I’ll notify the mess that you should have more spinach in your diet.”

“But I don’t like—” Peaks scowled and glared at the nearby drill instructor who was acting as a referee. “Stop snickering, Sergeant Gusts. Call the second half of the exercise.”

The broad-chested pegasus strode out on the balcony of the ‘Royal Tower’ and bellowed out over the rest of the exercise field, “Part one of the exercise is now over. Cadets on the Silver team will now be on defense while Gold team will be on offense. Cadets, report to your exercise areas and get ready. We will start in fifteen minutes.”

“I suppose you’re going to run Silver’s defense, Miss Grace?” grumbled Commander Peaks, stepping carefully over to the balcony so he could watch the cadets hustle to their rally points, including Miss Thermal, who seemed to be relieved to flee his presence.

“Sir, no sir! Absolutely not. Cadet Windshear still has the team. He has earned his position.”

Commander Peaks tried not to glance back at her while scowling. “Well, he did select you for your team, I’ll give him that. And he chopped his way through Gold like they were wheat. Did you perhaps give Cadet Windshear any pointers for the defense that I should be on the lookout for?”

“Coming through. Look out below.” Three cadets with a cargo net landed on the balcony, spreading the net across the floor and anchoring it with a pair of statues perched on the edge of the balcony. With matching mischievous grins, they saluted and darted away.

“One or two,” admitted Miss Grace once they had gone. “He’s a bright young lad, and I’m not saying that simply because he selected all four of us for his team. He has considerable leadership potential, and the rest of his class thinks the world of him. He’s the one who suggested Daelia for the hostage rescue team, which seems to have worked out well. Silver will be attempting a modified minimum range defense, conceding the outer walls and allowing the defenders to concentrate their efforts on a minimal number of defensive points. Since our pegasi are relatively outnumbered compared to Gold, a series of blocking strategies are being emplaced.”

“You’re digging holes out in the exercise yard,” observed Peaks, peering through a set of binoculars. “Big holes.”

Covered holes,” she corrected. “In order to free up more of our cadets for the net towers and spell flingers. You see, once the Gold team ground forces fall into the pits, they are effectively out of the exercise unless rescued.”

The tread of hooves on the tower stairs announced the arrival of Miss Rose, who stopped in front of the captain and saluted while breathing heavily. “Commander, communication from Exercise Captain Windshear. Silver team is ready to proceed.”

* * *

Commander Peaks watched the exercise unfold from his balcony vantage point, although without the flutter of a white kerchief in the breeze to cheer on the enthusiastic cadets as Princess Celestia preferred. In general, he had seen exercises where the defense had been planned or executed slightly better, but this fell extremely high on the list. Restricted from digging the pits deep enough by the referees, the pit traps had still been very effective, holding the earth pony reinforcements to a trickle and causing Gold team to dispatch several pegasus spotters and a unicorn to dig out trapped cadets. With additional defending cadets on the anti-air towers, the Gold pegasi were unable to provide close support to their grounded counterparts, forcing a long and very well-fought siege to capture the towers one at a time. It still came as a shock when he received a tap on the shoulder and both Miss Grace and Miss Rose escorted him away from the window and off the cargo netting still spread across the floor.

“Gold team has enough of the towers down now to make a suicide run at the hostage,” explained Rose. “They only have one chance to beat our time, so they’re massing forces in preparation for the air assault. It’s going to be brutal going through the covering fire from the rest of the towers, but enough will get through to eliminate a couple of mares.” She wrinkled up her nose and both mares fell into a defensive crouch with horns lit in front of him. “Here they come.”

The sound of the anti-air towers firing grew to a fever pitch as the distant dots of flapping cadets grew into identifiable individuals, thinned out by the fire, but five fierce cadets still plunged in through the balcony window.

And then when the two statues glowed with magic and plunged off the balcony rail, five fierce cadets and one startled referee wrapped in the cargo net vanished out the balcony and over the rail, landing with a series of solid thuds outside.

“Very nice touch,” admitted Peaks. “Shouldn’t you have warned the referee first?”

After their surprise setback, Gold team settled down and began to reduce the defenses in a systematic fashion, dropping one defensive tower after another while Peaks watched and Grace made observations, the most chilling of which was “and this is the point where any real kidnapping group would quietly kill the hostage and escape in the confusion.” It came as no real surprise when Miss Banehammer thundered up the stairs and took her place at the doorway while Grace and Rose backed him into a corner and prepared to receive the final assault from the balcony, but he did notice a missing element to their foursome.

“Where’s Thermal?”

“Last I saw she was playing tag vit a bunch of colts in de clouds,” huffed Banehammer. “Dey don’t want to leaf her in the back off der forces, und dey can’t catch her, or at least vitout a kick in de teeth.” She grinned back over her shoulder and called down the stairwell, “Hokey, boys. Who vants to come up und play?”

Evidently the answer to the question was ‘anybody but me’ as the rustling downstairs quieted.

“Hokay,” she shouted, “ve sweeten der pot. Anyvun who comes up de stairs gets a half dozen cookies.”

That seemed to be a sufficient encouragement for attempted violence as the balcony filled with attacking pegasi and the stairwell rang to the sound of padded impacts, some solid enough that Peaks had to wonder at how much actual padding was involved in those strikes. Rose and Grace kept the balcony opening under withering fire, knocking cadets back out the windows nearly as fast as they poured in, with the exception of one cadet who fought briefly on Silver’s side after being zapped by Rose’s mind control spell. It was a valiant defensive effort that lasted far longer than he expected, but it was doomed to failure as two unicorns charging up the staircase managed to blast Banehammer back out of the doorway and his remaining defenders suddenly had to deal with attacks from both sides.

Once the three mares were out of the way and the ‘hostage’ had been rescued, the referee bellowed out the signal for the end of the exercise, raising a raucous cheer across the exercise yard. The congratulatory back-slapping and noggin-rubbing that traditionally occupied the ‘kill team’ was distinctly muted, more directed into polite hoof-shakes and nods of the head, although Cadet Windshear and his fellow ‘casualties’ broke into a very distinct chant of ‘Ther-mal, Ther-mal’ outside the window. The thunder of departing hooves was nearly deafening as the cadets all departed for the barracks where the traditional second unofficial exercise would take place, i.e. attempting to clear their living quarters to the exacting specifications of the training staff while still getting ready for the formal graduation tomorrow at high noon. Sleep was theoretically wedged into that schedule somewhere, as well as a certain number of short extra-academy ventures by colorful young stallions determined to get at least one beer, possibly two in the joyous evening hours before their upcoming post-graduation bleaching.

For the staff, the next several days were to be anything but a joy. There were referee evaluations to be filled out, last-minute assignment changes, grades and rankings to be calculated, gear to be cataloged, repaired, replaced, or reconditioned. Incoming cadets needed records updated, corrected, and compared to possible criminal backgrounds and outstanding warrants. Barracks needed cleaned, the grounds needed upkeep, training equipment needed inspected and repaired, and every single one of the operations needed his hoofprint at the bottom of the page.

The phantom pain in his right shoulder was tolerable. The perpetual pain in his flank who had remained after the exercise, less so.

“Pardon me, Commander Peaks. Permission to speak freely, sir?” Somehow the departure of the happy cadets and tired referees had left the two of them alone in the tower, and Peaks tried not to growl as he surrendered to the inevitable.

“What is it, Grace? You’re already going to be crammed into my office for the next who knows how many days.”

“I know, sir. I’m looking forward to it, but I discussed things with the rest of the assignees—”

“Your marefriends,” grumbled Peaks.

“—and we came to the conclusion that it would still be premature to place them within Princess Luna’s protection unit without additional liaison activity with experienced Guards in the same positions. In addition, the optics of my assignment doing office work for you while the three of them would be assigned directly to Her Highness would cause a great deal of specious speculation by the Royals in regards to the project. This would not only impair our efficiency, but cast a shadow on the new female cadets when they take their assignments at the end of training in two years.”

“I… see.” Peaks thought for a moment. “The political aspect of your separate assignment had not occurred to me.”

“Miss Rose actually brought the subject to my attention,” admitted Grace. “I’ve been a little distracted as of late. In any event, I’ve prepared a listing of suggested mentors for the assignees in the event you should wish to assign them to intermediate training tasks prior to transferring us to Commander Buttercup for any personal protection unit assignments. With Princess Luna’s assent, of course.”

Peaks raised one eyebrow. “Would these ‘suggestions’ place Miss Thermal in the Communication section, Miss Rose in the Advance Security section, and Banehammer in general Security during their mentoring?”

“Actually…” Miss Grace removed a clipboard from her armor’s sidesaddle and leafed through it, a motion that Peaks was beginning to recognize as a coping mechanism for having her neat little world disrupted by an unexpected event. “Yes, only I would pair Lily and Rose together in any Advance Security groups. They work extremely well together and complement each other’s strong points.”

“Agreed. Run it down to the office and have Kudzu cut the orders. I’ll sign them this evening and send them to Princess Luna for approval before I go home. And Grace?” She paused, looking back over her shoulder, somehow seeming much older in the shadowed light of the setting sun with shaded bags under her eyes that makeup was not covering. “Go home, Miss Grace. Get some sleep. That’s an order.”

“I’ll try, sir. Tomorrow after graduation, seventeen hundred hours, your office. Correct?”

“Correct. Dismissed.”

Commander Peaks wandered out to the balcony and looked down into the quiet exercise area, abandoned except for a half-dozen unicorn cadets filling pit traps back in under the gimlet eye of the groundskeeper. It took a moment to realize that one of the dust-covered cadets was female, a disturbance to his normally tranquil moment of post-exercise meditation, but after a few more moments of thought, it no longer seemed to be the horrible violation of ancient tradition he had first believed. Just male and female ponies, working together in harmony to protect Equestria from whatever it needed protection from, be it rampaging elder gods of chaos to unsightly holes in the ground that needed to be filled before somepony tripped and fell into them.

He turned on his heel and set his hooves on the long walk home. Maybe a good night’s sleep would help him see clearly again.

Author's Note:

.author notes
From the records of the Royal Guard Academy
Save the Hostage scores:
Rose “Wallflower” Petal - 15 kills, seven assists, 1 death, special commendation for tactics
Grace “Iceberg” - 25 kills, sixteen assists, 1 death
Lily “Grandma” Banehammer - 38 kills, two deaths, awarded ‘Iron Pony’ by unanimous vote of the graduating class
Daelia “Milkmaid” Thermal - 27 kills, zero deaths, official commendation for tying up an entire air squad during the final exercise, awarded the Princess’ Kerchief for being lead officer on the hostage rescue squad