• Published 13th Jun 2012
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The Roommate - totallynotabrony

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4: A Pony on the Phone

Chapter 4: A Pony on the Phone

After my morning classes, I showed up at the copy shop in the student union. This was the beginning of my third semester working there.

The familiar routine of printing, collating, and stapling came back easily. Making copies wasn’t what I wanted to do with my life, but it was good enough for a part-time job.

“So what’s it like living with a pony?” asked Justin as I worked side by side with him putting together packages of lab notes.

I figured he must have seen my Facebook post about it. I shrugged. “It’s different."

“What does Nathan think?” he asked. “You two are still together, right?”

“They haven’t met,” I told him. “And yes, we are.”

“He’s kind of a jerk,” said Justin.

“So are you,” I shot back. He had never been one of my favorite coworkers.

Justin shrugged. “Takes one to know one. At least I’ve never lied to you.”

That was another reason I didn’t like Justin. He never apologized for anything, and didn’t seem to care that I disliked him.

Unfortunately, I realized that Rainbow never apologized for anything, either. I was going to try speaking to her again later that day. I couldn’t figure out why she didn’t want to talk about the citizenship issue. I would help if I could, but she had to let me.

Before I left work, I bought a small notebook. There was a lot to remember when learning someone’s life story, and I thought it was a good idea to have a written record.

When I got back to the room, Rainbow wasn’t there. Her schedule indicated that she should have finished her last class of the day hours before.

I worried slightly, but let it go. It’s not like she was required to spend her free time in the dorm.

I ran through my favorite websites a few times. None of my professors had issued homework, and I actually felt somewhat bored. I picked up my crochet yarn and was about to start on a new project when the room phone rang for the second time that day. I grabbed it.

“Is Rainbow there?” asked a female voice.

“No, she isn’t,” I said. “Is this the USCIS again?”

“Um, no,” said the voice. “This is Twilight Sparkle.”

I had no idea who that was, but judging by the name it was probably a pony. “Rainbow mentioned the name Twilight a few times. She’s out of the room at the moment, but I can take a message.”

“I was just calling to see how she was doing,” said Twilight.

“She’s like no roommate I’ve ever had,” I offered.

Twilight laughed. “She can be a little bit stubborn, can’t she? That’s probably a good thing, though, when she’s working on something difficult like her citizenship application.”

I was glad she had mentioned that, because I thought perhaps Rainbow’s reluctance to talk about it may have meant she was hiding it from her friends. I didn’t want to say something and accidentally tip off Twilight about it if Rainbow wanted it kept secret.

“About that,” I said. “Rainbow put me down as a contact for a character reference, but I’m afraid I still don’t know very much about her.”

“She and I have been friends for a couple of years,” said Twilight. “What would you like to know?”

I grabbed for my notebook and a pencil. “I guess my first question is why?”

“That’s…kind of complicated,” said Twilight. “Have you got time?”

“Sure.” I wanted to hear this.

“Okay. Have you heard of the Wonderbolts?” Twilight asked.

“Is it like some kind of show?” I said. I’d heard something about them touring Earth a while ago.

“That’s right,” confirmed Twilight. “It’s a group of ponies who put on a flight demonstration, with tricks and fancy maneuvers. They only let the best flyers join.”

“Did Rainbow try out for them?” I asked.

“You bet she did. In fact, everypony who knew her thought she was a shoo-in.” Twilight sighed. “She didn’t make it, though. Don’t get me wrong, Rainbow is an amazing flyer, and I think even the members of the Wonderbolts wanted her to join, but there were a few technicalities, and, well…it just didn’t work out. Rainbow was crushed. Joining the Wonderbolts was her dream for years. It was all she ever talked about.”

“That’s sad,” I said, “But things are little unclear. What made her decide to move to Earth, go to college, and apply for citizenship?”

“Well, after getting turned down, Rainbow was down in the dumps for a while. I’d never seen anypony so depressed. I got together with the rest of her friends and we set her up with a vacation,” Twilight explained.

“Where to?” I asked.

“Florida,” said Twilight.

I stifled a laugh. It sounded so…human.

“Anyway,” said the pony, “while Rainbow was there, she visited a place called Pensacola and went to an air show.”

“Is that where airplanes do tricks and stuff?” I asked.

“That’s right,” confirmed Twilight. “I don’t know what she saw there, but it made her want to join the U.S. Navy Blue Angels.”

“So…she gave up a pony flight team for a human flight team?” I asked. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

“This has never been done before by anypony,” Twilight told me. “To join, she needs to be a Navy pilot. To be a pilot, she has to be an officer. To be an officer, she has to be a citizen and have a college degree.”

“That sounds really complicated,” I said.

“Oh, it is. Rainbow and I have both been working hard to figure everything out,” said Twilight.

“I’ll do whatever I can to help,” I promised.

“Thanks. It means a lot,” she told me. “It’s good to see Rainbow has at least one friend on Earth.”

That wasn’t the word I would have used, but the multicolored pegasus had put me down as a contact on her application. I supposed we might be friends after all. Unwilling perhaps, but thrown together by circumstances and forced to make the best of it.

Twilight had nothing more to talk about, so we said goodbye. I found it somewhat humorous that after a simple phone conversation I liked her better than my roommate.

With no homework, I searched around on Facebook for friends to hang out with. I only managed to come up with one, Carol. She was another Animal Science major, and we hadn’t seen each other all summer.

After talking a little, we decided to go watch a movie. The theater was at the bottom of Chauncey Hill, east of campus. It was a long walk, but neither of us had anything better to do.

The movie was some forgettable rom-com. Still, it was nice to see a friend. As we walked back, Carol asked me the question I’d been getting from everyone. “So, what’s it like living with a pony?”

“Different,” I told her. After learning a little more about Rainbow through Twilight, I was a less inclined to deal any dirt on her. Friends don’t talk crap about each other.

The sun had set hours ago, and a little chill was starting to overtake the cloudless night. I said goodbye to Carol as we reached my dorm. I stopped to smoke before going in for the night.

Rainbow was sleeping when I got there. All six of her appendages were splayed out in different directions and her mouth was open slightly. She snored just a little.

I shut the door quietly and turned on the dim light in my closet. In the glow, I noticed a small pile of papers on Rainbow’s desk. They turned out to be job applications. If she already had money lined up to pay for everything, I wondered what she needed extra cash for.

Turning back to the closet, I grabbed my supplies and went down the hallway to have a quick shower before bed. I made a mental note for the morning to ask Rainbow if she needed help with the applications. Somehow, I doubted “Weather Patrol” would be impressive previous experience for any jobs around the university.