• Published 27th Apr 2012
  • 5,939 Views, 248 Comments

Robotic Stallion Big Lugnut - Hooves Like Jagger

A robot named Big Lugnut tries to live life like the normal pony he claims he is.

  • ...

XV: Piston

Robotic Stallion Big Lugnut
Author: HoovesLikeJagger
Chapter XV


"It's good to be back in Ponyville!" Big Lugnut announced as he stepped off the train. Considering how long he'd been awake, two weeks was a substantial amount of time to be away. He stepped out into the town, expecting to be greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of his home. Much to Lugnut's surprise, the town looked completely deserted.

"Hello? Anypony around?" Big Lugnut shouted in vain. Only the wind and a stray tumbleweed heard his call. "Where is everypony?" There was no answer for Lugnut's question. He wandered around, hoping somepony would appear. After a few minutes of no success, he came upon Sugarcube Corner. Since it was business hours on a weekday, Lugnut assumed that somepony must be behind the counter. As he opened the door, a bell jingled to indicate his intrusion.

"Oh, hey Big Lugnut!" Pinkie Pie greeted him. Lugnut heaved a sigh of relief, glad to have debunked any notion of the entire population suddenly vanishing. "You've been gone for a while, how've you been? Where'd you go? Are you hungry?"

"I'm fine, better than ever in fact! I went to the place they dug me up from, like a homecoming," Lugnut explained, walking up to the counter.

"So are you hungry?" Pinkie asked again. Lugnut had thought she was joking, but she appeared completely serious. Lugnut couldn't help but think it was a bit odd, even for Pinkie Pie.

"Um... no, Pinkie. I don't get hungry, and even if I did I can't eat," Lugnut reiterated.

"Are you sure?" Pinkie prodded. "You have a cupcakes, cake, pie, brownies, candy, me, anything you see here!"

"... Umm... what was that last one?"

"'Anything you see here'?"

"Before that."

"Me!" Pinkie squealed.

"Uh... why would I eat you?" Lugnut didn't pride himself on his ability to follow Pinkie's train of thought, but her line of questioning was even stranger than usual.

"Because it'd be fun, silly!" Pinkie Pie jumped over the counter and landed next to Big Lugnut. "C'mon, we'll go up to my room!" Pinkie put her head against Lugnut and, with what struck Lugnut as a burst of unnatural strength, began pushing him towards the stairs. Lugnut jumped away, freeing himself from being plowed across the store.

"Why do we have to go upstairs?" Big Lugnut began backing up towards the door. Pinkie Pie snorted as she giggled.

"Don't you know? We can't do anything naughty where somepony might see us!" That was Big Lugnut's cue to abandon ship. He turned and bolted out the door. He ran aimlessly away, just hoping to get as far away from Pinkie Pie as possible. When he stopped, he found himself in Ponyville Park. He looked around, making sure there was nothing pink in sight.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Big Lugnut sighed in relief. He did see pink in the park, but it was just Fluttershy's mane. He also saw the rest of the rainbow as Rainbow Dash was also present. "Hey!" he called out to them as he trotted over. Both of them looked over and perked up, taking to their wings and meeting him next to the fountain.

"Long time no see! Where've you been Lugnut?" Rainbow Dash greeted him.

"You were gone for so long, we were getting worried," Fluttershy admitted.

"I just went on a little trip into my past. Everything's all better now, so I'm back home where I belong." Big Lugnut recalled his harrowing experience back at Sugarcube Corner that happened only seconds ago. "Um, speaking of coming back. I ran into Pinkie Pie on my way here, but she was acting really weird.

"Pinkie Pie is always acting weird," Rainbow pointed out.

"Well, she was acting weirder than usual," Lugnut insisted. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy exchanged uncertain glances.

"How was she acting?" Fluttershy asked.

"W-well, she... uh," Lugnut struggled with his words. "She was... coming on to me." Despite the weight and severity of the accusation, neither Fluttershy nor Rainbow Dash looked phased.

"Lugnut, are you sure?" Rainbow Dash's voice was full of skepticism.

"I'm positive!" Lugnut asserted.

"Well, did she bring you close, like this?" Fluttershy put her hoof around Rainbow Dash and pulled her closer to demonstrate.

"Sort of."

"Did she embrace you like this?" Rainbow Dash spun Fluttershy around so they were facing one another. Both mares wrapped their hooves around one another.

"Well... no..."

"Did she try to kiss you?" Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash brought their lips dangerously close.


"Did she try and touch-"

"I've gotta go!" Lugnut found himself fleeing from an awkward and dangerous scene once more. Once he was far, far away from the park, Lugnut took a breather and looked around. He found himself standing before Carousel Boutique. In need of a refuge from the strange behavior of the ponies he'd previously encountered, he knocked on the door. Surprisingly, and to some degree of relief, it wasn't Rarity who answered the door but Lugnut's good friend Gibson Song.

"Lugnut! Long time no see buddy 'ol pal!" Gibson spoke.

"Gibson! You got your voice back!" Lugnut noted. Gibson nodded and smiled a little.

"You bet your britches I did! I am super duper excited to be able to talk again friend of mine!" Gibson's voice was full of enthusiasm, but his expression was as subdued as ever. In the light of all the strangeness he'd run into today, Lugnut ignored it. He was glad he'd finally found refuge from the other ponies' strange behavior.

"Mind if I come in?" Lugnut asked.

"Of course my good friend, me and Rarity were just having so-."

Big Lugnut ran away from Carousel Boutique faster than he'd ever run before. When he could run no more, he stopped. After catching his breath, he looked up at his surroundings. He had somehow ended up at the library.

"Nope, this ain't happening," Lugnut stated as he shook his head. He took off again, but this time he made sure he knew where he was going. He went up the familiar dirt road until he reached a familiar farmhouse. Not stopping for anypony to jump out and do anything lewd, he opened the front door and shut it firmly behind himself.

"Howdy Big Lug." The scene before Big Lugnut gave him pause.

"Hey... Applejack... umm... whatcha doin'?"

"Nuthin', just relaxin' here." Big Lugnut's eyes darted around the mare

"So... where's your hat and hair ties?"

"Don't need 'em."

"And... why is your hair wet?"

"Just got outta the bath."

"I see." Big Lugnut tapped his hoof on the floor nervously. "So... why is the only piece of furniture in here my mattress?"

"Big Macintosh moved all the furniture out and brought this down. I gotta say, this thing is comfy," Applejack observed, stretching out her limbs and patting the empty spot on the mattress next to her.

"Where is Big Macintosh?"

"He got tired and left forever."


"Out counting grains of sand."

"Granny Smith?"


"... Winona?"

"Flew south for the winter."

"So it's just me and you?" Applejack nodded. Big Lugnut didn't move. Big Lugnut couldn't move. He was paralyzed and unable to even form a rational thought.

"Big Lug."


"Come over here."



"Hey sonny, wake up!" Big Lugnut's eyes opened up. He was face to face with the blue mare who had so kindly stolen his childlike innocence. Considering where Lugnut had just been, it was a pretty big letdown.

"We've arrived at Ponyville Station. All departing passengers can exit at this time. Next stop will be Appleoosa Station."

"This is where we get off," the mare reminded Lugnut. The two ponies gathered up their things and got off the train. As a great relief to Lugnut, the moment he stepped off the train he saw other ponies. He saw other ponies acting normally. He silently thanked a higher power.

"I never got your name sonny." The blue mare looked up at Lugnut, shifting her rather large pack as she spoke.

"I'm Big Lugnut," Lugnut introduced himself, extending a hoof. The mare reached out and gave it a hardy shake.

"The name's Bee Bonnet, but most ponies just call me Bonnie. Maybe I'll see you around. I've gotta run and see my daughter so I can find out if there's a stallion somewhere in this town I need to throttle."

"Throttle? Do you mean..."

"It ain't got anything to do with anything I explained before. My, my... I can't tell if you're dense or just stupid," Bonnie laughed. Lugnut didn't much feel like laughing. Bonnie headed off in the opposite direction from Lugnut, looking up and picking up the pace a bit. Big Lugnut inspected the sky for himself, noting that the pegasi were gathering some pretty dark looking clouds. He wondered if Ponyville was due for a big storm today. As Big Lugnut stepped out of the train station, he heard a noise that nearly made him jump out of his shell.


Big Lugnut stopped dead in his tracks. The noise sounded like it came from pretty close by, so he looked around to identify exactly where it came from. Unable to confirm the origins of the noise, he decided to continue on his way. Before he could though, somepony tapped him on the shoulder. He turned to see a pony who, despite wearing his clever sombrero and poncho disguise, Lugnut recognized.

"Gibson!" Gibson beamed up at Lugnut, happy to see his old friend was back. "How've you been?" Gibson nodded a response. Lugnut waited for him to say something, but when Gibson just stared up at him in silence Lugnut was forced to ask a certain question.

"Can you talk yet?" Gibson shook his head. "B-but what about the concert?" Gibson just shrugged. Without the capability of speech, he couldn't explain anything further to Lugnut.

"Lugnut?" With perfect timing, Arrow Dash swooped down from the sky. He didn't land, but hovered close to Gibson and Lugnut. "Perfect! You're just the stallion I need!"

"Good to see you too..."

"No time!" Arrow barked, his stern tone making Gibson and Lugnut jump. "I need to fly out to Las Pegasus right now for a meeting. Would you mind swinging by the hospital to check up on my wife for me? I don't have time to go tell her what's going on."

"Sure, I guess I-"

"Fantastic!" Arrow Dash didn't stick around any longer, flying off into the blue sky just as a group of pegasi moved a dark cloud over it. Gibson waved and began walking off from Lugnut.

"Where are you going?" Lugnut called after him. Gibson pointed a hoof and Lugnut followed it with his eyes. He was pointing to Carousel Boutique.

"Okay, I'll leave you to that!" Big Lugnut quickly turned and headed in the direction of home. Gibson felt a little slighted by Lugnut's quick departure, but he let it slide and continued on his way to have a jam session with Sweetie Belle. Lugnut continued walking along until he heard a peal of thunder from overhead, signaling the start of a downpour. He was still a ways away from Sweet Apple Acres and he was feeling strangely weak, so he decided to head for someplace dry close by.

"I guess I'll do what Arrow was talking about," Lugnut mumbled to himself, heading towards the hospital. He ran double time through the rain. Each of the large raindrops thunked against his iron hide. Lugnut discovered that each drop carried a wet, cold sensation inside it. He was never happier to walk indoors once he arrived at the hospital. Never having been to a hospital, Lugnut wasn't sure how to go about finding Arrow's spouse. He saw a pony sitting behind a desk, which usually indicated they were in charge of the place, so he wandered over to it.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for a patient," Lugnut told the receptionist.

"Patient's name?" the receptionist asked without looking up.

"... Dash?" The receptionist leafed through some papers on her desk. After receiving the room number and instructions on how to get to the room, Lugnut thanked the receptionist and headed up the stairs. When he reached the top of the mere two flights, he couldn't help but realize how out of breath he felt.


The noise came again, immediately followed by a crash of thunder. The lights in the hospital flickered for a moment. Lugnut shook off his fatigue and headed towards Mrs. Dash's room. As he got closer, he thought he heard what sounded like yelling coming from down the hall. When he found the correct door, he discovered that the yelling was coming from within Mrs. Dash's room and he recognized both voices. He quickly swung the door open and barged into the room.

Sure enough, Big Macintosh and Bee Bonnet were staring each other down in the middle of the room. Fluttershy and Mrs. Dash were there too, but compared to the two other angry ponies they were just fixtures in the room. When Lugnut entered, Macintosh and Bonnie stopped fighting to look at him with shocked expressions.

"Hey there Lugnut, fancy seeing you again so soon," Bonnie noted. "What brings you here?"

"Mr. Dash asked me to check up on his wife for him. He got called away on business," Lugnut explained. Upon hearing the whereabouts of her husband, Mrs. Dash pouted a little. "What brings you here?"

"You know that daughter I was talking about?" Lugnut nodded. "That's her." Bonnie gestured over to Fluttershy with her head. The metaphorical gears in Big Lugnut's brain starting meshing, causing a light bulb to go off in his head.

"Fluttershy is getting married? To who?" The eyes of all the mares in the room fell on Big Macintosh. "Oh, I see." Big Macintosh looked incredibly perplexed. He marched up to Big Lugnut and asked a question that made Lugnut's spirit drop.

"Lugnut, where's Applejack?" A peal of thunder accented the dread Lugnut felt. The lights flickered a little bit, but all eyes stayed fixed on Lugnut.

"Uh... you mean she isn't here?" Lugnut asked.

"Whaddya mean? Lugnut, didn't she leave with you?" Big Macintosh got got right in Lugnut's face, furrowing his brow into a cross expression.

"What? No! I left on my own!" Lugnut shot right back, advancing on Macintosh until the two were butting heads. "Are you telling me Applejack left home?" Big Lugnut shoved Big Macintosh, causing him to falter both in stance and resolve.

"Ah... well, yes-"

"And you just let her go?" Lugnut stamped his hoof. Another crash of thunder caused the lights to flicker.

"Only because we thought she ran off with you!" Macintosh yelled back. "Besides, why did you run off in the first place?"

"I had to confront my past!" Lugnut admitted. "Why would Applejack leave?" When Big Macintosh didn't answer immediately, Lugnut's temper spiked.

"TELL ME!" Lugnut stamped both hooves, causing the hospital lights to flicker without the aid of thunder or lightning. The storm raged on outside, but the small hospital room was dead quiet.

"Uhm... excuse me," the timidest of those in the room broke the silence. "I think it would do Big Lugnut and my mother good to hear it." Big Macintosh snorted. Lugnut figured that whatever he had to say, he didn't want to say. At the request of his fiancee, Big Macintosh spilled his guts.

"Applejack left because I'm gettin' married," he put briefly.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Lugnut asked, watching his temper.

"Big brother getting married, seems like cause to celebrate to me," Bonnie pointed out. Big Macintosh went more into detail.

"Mine, Applejack's, and Applebloom's folks died some years ago. Sweet Apple Acres belonged to them, but when they passed away they willed it off to the three of us. That was not, however, the way their will intended things to be forever."

"What do you mean?" Big Lugnut hadn't known Applejack's parents were dead. On some level, he could sympathize with her; Big Lugnut's parents are dead as well.

"A family farm is just that, a farm for a family. If my folks were still alive, gettin' married would mean movin' out an' startin' mah own farm. Since they ain't, their will states that the first of their children to get hitched an' start a family would inherit the farm."

"I still don't understand why that means Applejack would run away." Big Macintosh grunted, frustrated that something that was so cut and dry to him was so confusing for Lugnut.

"One family farm supports one family, Lugnut. If I wanna start a family, I can't afford to keep anypony else around. You know how tight of a budget our farm has."

"You guys were able to keep me around," Lugnut retorted.

"Lugnut, ya didn't eat and worked fer free. It would've been more expensive not to keep ya. Applejack gets paid, eats food, gets sick, gets injured, and just costs money in general. She's stubborn, so even if she didn't wanna leave, she would have done it before her resolve got shaken. I don't think I need to tell you that she didn't want to leave."

"What about Applebloom and Granny Smith? Do they have to get kicked out?" Big Macintosh shook his head.

"Applebloom's too young to send off on her own and mah Pa would whip me if I kicked his mother out of the house his own father built. Applejack is an independent, well-established, and hardworking mare. She don't need to live on Sweet Apple Acres anymore," Macintosh admitted.

"But you said it yourself, she didn't want to leave!," Lugnut pointed out. "What would it take for her to stay?"

"Lugnut, have you even been listenin' to me?" Big Macintosh growled. "If there was any possible way she could stay here in Ponyville, I woulda done it mahself! There ain't though!"

"How could she stay!" Lugnut shouted.

"It ain't possible!" Macintosh insisted.

"It is possible! Tell me what I have to do!"

"Would you listen to me?! It ain't possible!"

"NO! Macintosh, three months ago I was a heap of iron at the bottom of a pit! Do not tell me what is and isn't POSSIBLE!" A thunderclap shook the entire building. The lights shut off completely, but only for a few seconds before coming back on. Macintosh still looked resolute, but inside he'd sided with Lugnut long ago.

"There is one way," Big Macintosh finally confessed. "And that would be to increase the size of the farm."

"By how much?" Lugnut asked. Macintosh snorted.

"It don't matter. It would cost money we don't have."

"How much?"

"I told you, it don't matter cause we-"

"No, how much money," Lugnut pulled off his saddle bags and dropped them on the floor. When they hit the ground, they made a distinct and unmistakable sound. He confirmed everypony's suspicions as he drew back the flaps one one of the large bags, revealing it was filled to the brim with bits. Big Macintosh didn't have to answer Lugnut's question because the expression on his and everypony else's faces could be read like a book. Big Mactinosh only had one remaining question.

"What exactly have you been up to?" Instead of hearing and answer, the room was shook by the loudest peal of thunder yet. The room went dark. Everypony waited for the lights to come back on, but after a full minute of waiting it was apparent that the power was out. Big Lugnut felt like he was back in Mephisto's Labyrinth.

"Oof," Macintosh grunted as his fiancee somehow found her way to his leg and latched on.

"Well... now what?" Lugnut asked.

"We wait until the power comes back on," Bonnie chuckled.


"What was that?!" Fluttershy shrieked.

"From the sound of things, we've got a little somepony who isn't going to wait for the power to come back on!" Bonnie groaned.


"Holy beloculus, Mrs. Dash! These are only your first contractions, they shouldn't hurt that much," Bonnie tried to feel her way through the dark to Mrs. Dash, following the sound of her labored breathing.

"I'm no expert, but would havin' triplets make it hurt more?" Big Macintosh suggested.

"Triplets?" Bonnie shouted. "Sweet Celestia's mane, you've gotta be kidding me! I've helped deliver twins, but never triplets!"


"Aw well, it's just one more foal. Kid, go and find a doctor or at least a light! Useless, you're gonna be the decoy dad! Stupid, I know you know about childbirth so you're gonna help me." Despite the urgency with which Bonnie delivered the orders, nopony moved.

"Which one of us is stupid?" Lugnut asked.


"Dangit, you're all stupid now! Fluttershy, get a doctor or a light! Big Red, you give Mrs. Dash something to strangle! And Lugnut, get your metal keister over here and help me get these foals out of her!" This time the orders were obeyed, even if they were obeyed clumsily in the dark. Big Macintosh and Big Lugnut did their best to assist Bonnie, but their basic knowledge of how childbirth progresses was a major handicap. Macintosh's job was simple enough. He gave a hoof to Mrs. Dash to squeeze the life out of and reminded her to breath. Big Lugnut's marching orders were a little more dubious.

"Do it!"


"Darnit! Are you Lugnut or No-nut? Your eyes are the only source of light we have, so you get your glowing head under there!" Mrs. Dash had been repositioned on the bed so her legs were spread eagle. It was too dark to see what was going on, so Bonnie commanded Lugnut to throw some light onto the business area so she could see if anything was happening. Luckily, Fluttershy returned with Dr. Stable who brought with him his glowing horn that made using Lugnut's eyes as flashlights pointless.

"Hello Mrs. Dash! This isn't really a good time for this to be happening..."


"Let's get to it then! Don't worry, we actually found a pony who's crazy enough to fly out in the storm to see if they can't retrieve your husband."


"Yes, it was your daughter Mrs. Dash."

"If you're done with your little conversation, I think she'd like to evict her children from her body," Bonnie cut in.


"I think you're right." Dr. Stable and Bonnie took over the operation, designating Lugnut to the secondary job of "foal handler". Seeing as there were going to be three of them, Fluttershy had also received the same title. Bonnie discouraged the idea of her squeamish daughter handling a newborn, but to Bonnie's surprise Fluttershy was insistent on taking the job.

After what seemed like an eternity longer of Mrs. Dash and the thunder outside having a battle of volume, the main attraction began.

"I see a head," Dr. Stable sang.

"Push it out!" Bonnie roared, causing everypony who wasn't giving birth's heart to skip a beat.

"Umm... Missus, I thin-"

"I said push!" Bonnie ignored the doctor and continued to yell like a tribal warlord. Mrs. Dash wasn't about to not push out the foal, so with a great deal of pain and effort the first foal emerged. Before Dr. Stable could swaddle it, Bonnie scooped it up and smacked it on the rear. The foal had been crying before, but the smack elicited a blood curdling cry from the pegasus.

"It's a boy!" she announced, finally relinquishing it to Dr. Stable. After he had it all wrapped up, he carefully handed the bundle of ear shattering lungs to Fluttershy.

"There's the second one," Dr. Stable observed, manually trying to determine the state of the mother.

"Push it out! This one is a fighter!" Bonnie called. It turns out she was correct, for the second one came out much faster than the first. Bonnie gave it a good slap on the rump, but it the wailing pegasus only squeaked momentarily in response.

"Ah, a tough guy. Here, you take him Lugnut!" Bonnie swaddled the second colt and handed it to Lugnut. Lugnut looked down at the tiny pony. It dawned on him that he'd never been a foal. He tried to imagine himself as one, but the smaller, robotic version of him he envisioned looked more macabre than cute.

"C'mon Mrs. Dash, just one more! Push it out!" Bonnie rallied Mrs. Dash, enjoying the whole process more than Mrs. Dash cared.

"Are we too late?!" Arrow shouted, entering the room with his daughter following closely behind. Both ponies looked appropriately flustered and drenched. Arrow quickly rushed to his wife's side, replacing Big Macintosh. "Don't worry, I'm here now honey!" Mrs. Dash responded by basically crushing his hoof.

"Hey Mrs. B!" Rainbow Dash greeted her friend's mother. "What're you doing here?"

"You're a bright kid Rainbow, I'm sure you can figure it out," Bonnie jabbed at Rainbow Dash. "Hang tight, I've got a present for you. Push!" Mrs. Dash put everything she had into one final push, forcing the final foal out. Bonnie took it and triumphantly repeated what everypony else could only assume was some sort of tribal welcoming into the world for the unsuspecting foal. The slap made the little filly scream, but anypony that had just been pushed through a narrow passage only to be struck by a complete stranger would scream. She swaddled the little pegasus and handed it to Rainbow Dash.

"It's a girl! Congratulations Mrs. Dash," Bonnie patted Mrs. Dash on the outside of her thigh. Still delirious from the pain, Mrs. Dash could only smile up at her husband. Arrow Dash sighed in relief, glad that the whole ordeal appeared to be over. As if to signal an "all clear" the hospital lights came back to life.

"Well don't that beat all," Big Macintosh groaned, looking down at his fiancee. She hadn't heard him. She was too busy coddling the new life in her hooves.

"Why hello there! Welcome to the world little guy," she greeted the newborn colt. Big Macintosh was suddenly taken in by the little colt as well. His coat was a dingy brown and his mane was streaked red and orange. Bonnie joined her daughter and soon to be son-in-law.

"Don't get too attached, he's not yours," she joked. "You'll have to wait for one of your own. Trust me, you'll like him or her even better."

"I kin hardly wait," Big Macintosh whispered, nuzzling his fiancee.

"It might not be as long a wait as you think," Fluttershy confessed in sing-song. The implications of her words made Big Macintosh's stomach sink a little, mostly because he suddenly felt Bonnie's cold stare. If it weren't for the newborn foal, there is a chance she would have throttled him right there and then.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh," Rainbow Dash silently chanted to herself. The little filly she was holding had the exact same color scheme as her older sister and mother. The filly blinked her eyes open momentarily, revealing she had her mother's golden eyes. Rainbow Dash excitedly showed the little foal to its mother, biting her lip from the excitement. Mrs. Dash just smiled warmly as she always did, too exhausted to do much else.

Now that the lights were on, Lugnut could see the colt his was holding more clearly. His coat was a light grey while his mane was a deep violet. He was the most precious and innocent thing Big Lugnut had ever seen in his entire life. He felt all funny inside.

Panic gripped Lugnut's system suddenly. He made his way over to Arrow Dash and handed the colt to him, but Arrow failed to detect the urgency invading Lugnut's eyes. Arrow Dash was far too flooded with emotions. He teared up a little, suddenly reminded of when he first held Rainbow Dash. He wished he could wrap all of his children into his arms right there in then. A smug smirk from Rainbow Dash made him feign a cough and regain composure.

"Time for names," he announced. He lifted the colt he had up. He looked down at his wife. She looked up and nodded. "Welcome to the world, Planet Diver Dash."

"There's a name if I ever heard one," Bonnie mused. Arrow and Fluttershy exchanged foals. Arrow took the next colt and repeated the wordless ritual with his spouse.

"Welcome to the world, Sun Spot Dash." Bonnie whistled in response.

"Geez Mr. Dash, you sure can name them," she chuckled. Arrow couldn't tell if she was joking or not, but he didn't care. He and his wife had decided on acceptable names a while back. Arrow exchanged foals with his eldest daughter. Rainbow Dash gave her little brother a pep talk as her parents pondered which name to bestow upon their newest, multi-colored edition to the family.

"Don't worry Sunny," Rainbow conversed with her little brother. "You're awesome, your name is awesome, your mom is awesome and your sister is awesome. Between you and me, your father is pretty awesome sometimes too." The foal yawned in response, unable to comprehend anything his sister had said to him. All he knew was she was vibrant and therefore exhausting to look at. Meanwhile, Arrow and his wife had finally decided on their youngest daughter's name.

"Welcome to the world, Jenday Conure Dash!"

"Starswirl's withers, I don't even know what that means." Bonnie scratched her head.

"Well, I think we should leave the family be." Dr. Stable ushered everyone who didn't have "Dash" in their name out of the room, making Fluttershy relinquish Planet Diver to his father. Dr. Stable noted that one pony in particular was having difficulty exiting. He closed the door on the happy family before addressing the problem. "Um, are you feeling okay Mr. Lugnut?" Everypony else turned to look at Lugnut.

"Uh..." Big Macintosh's mouth dropped wide open.

"Oh my," Fluttershy's heart jumped into her throat.

"Eh." Bonnie shrugged. "That's what happens when metal stays wet for so long. You should've taken that thing off before running around in the rain."

"No, mom! Lugnut is a robot! That's his body!" Bonnie became aware of how serious the situation now was. The four ponies stared at his sorry state, not knowing what to do. Lugnut's exterior was streaked now with rust, rust that appeared to be spreading as they looked on. Lugnut's head hung low and his breathing was labored.

"Wow, are you gonna be okay?"

"To be honest, I don't feel like it," he groaned. Lugnut's legs gave way, causing the iron pony to crash onto the floor in a heap. Big Macintosh and Dr. Stable rushed to his side.

"Lugnut, Lugnut, where are you right now?" Dr. Stable asked, completely unsure of how to treat a pony made of metal. Lugnut didn't answer, which nopony would mistake for a good sign.

"Stay with us Lugnut! Lugnut!" Macintosh called. Everypony watched as the purple light faded out of Lugnut's eye sockets.

"Lugnut? Lugnut!"