• Member Since 30th Sep, 2014
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Teyeson Bee

"Something random a day keeps the boring away." - Teyeson Bee


After having a falling out with Discord about a misunderstanding, the draconequus sparks the Mane Six's interest in his past with Princess Celestia. What really happened all those years ago? Well, after visiting the Princess, she tells them that there IS more to the past than just Discord trying to take over. There was something that happened much sooner than that. Something that the Six don't expect.

Celestia and Discord were best friends.

The Six sit back as Celestia unravels the untold story of how she and Discord met, their budding friendship, and how it all came to the moment of Discord's takeover.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 84 )

This looks intriguing. I shall be keeping an eye upon this.

I've done many things :trollestia::trollestia::trollestia:

Interesting so far! I'll be looking out for more chapters in the future.

Dammit, now ima get antsy.

...*slowly reaches for popcorn*

I think this story has the same earmarks as a Dislestia story I wrote, so I'll definitely be looking out for this.

:rainbowhuh: Now this is getting interesting. *pulls up chair* ...

this is sooo goood :D
wow this is amazing so far O_O
sooo excited for the next chapters

Hmm.. I don't think Royal Scroll will be happy to loose so easily...



Well if this story doesn't have 'Tragedy' written on it in big bold letters nothing does. Also, surely whoever named him 'Discord' must have expected something like what happened to happen.

Aaaaw! That was so sweet and sad at the same time! Keep writing!:pinkiehappy:

Oh yeah. That last sentence is the calm before the storm.

I can already tell this is gunna be good, but your remark of the head canon possibility of this has one, little, flaw. something people seem to forget. Discord never had a friend. he literally says "...and risk losing the only friend I've ever had..." in keep calm and flutter on. so, other than that, this story is moving well and I already know that I need to favorite it. so, imma go read the next chapters now... :rainbowwild:

I think I'm gunna like hating Royal Scroll. Let's roll him up and buck him to Tartarus! Yea or neigh?!... ... ... okay, maybe later? :derpytongue2:

Ah yes. Keep calm and flutter on. Oh the humanity of saying Fluttershy was the first friend Discord had. Would have made this story all the more possibly canon! Oh the humanity! :rainbowwild: A person can still dream! :raritywink:

I really want to thank you for writing this story. You inspired me to write a sequel to a Dislestia story I wrote a while back. In my version, however, Celestia and Discord's first meeting went different but ended similar.

"With all due respect Celestia-"
"Your Princess is SPEAKING!

Oh dang!! :pinkiegasp: You just got put in your place son!! :trollestia:

*sigh* and now here's the inevitable, where it all goes downhill :raritydespair: *sniff* I'll miss those two and their adorable friendship/Ship

Ah, I was wondering how you would get to Discord's claim of Fluttershy being his first friend... and I still am, seeing as it hasn't actually been explained :derpytongue2:

grrrrrr cantwaitneedmoreaaargh

Oh, yes. This will not end well at all.

"Excuse me Scroll!" my father bellowed, "I believe my daughter asked ME! Not you!"

YES! You rock Dad. :trollestia:

scroll needs his %$# kicked

I bucking hate scroll, and I hope he dies a painful death and lives in eternal suffering in the fiery pits of Tartarus.

,cried so hard with them :raritycry:
gosh am i excited for the next chapter

*sniff* I knew that this story was going to be sad, but that just punched my heart guts! :raritycry: I bet scroll hired someone to create the fire and place a burnt out rocket in there to frame Discord :pinkiegasp:

5704763 Possible, but unlikely. I mean really how do you plan on something like that? More likely someone had fireworks in their dwelling and Discord's set them off in a chain reaction sort of thing.

I still needed to choose which types of food I would want served, the choice of a band to perform, and what color of sashes I'd want hung in the hall. It was quite the stressful morning.

I can understand Celestia having to practice "walking" the day of her coronation, but all of this seems like it should have been decided weeks, if not months, in advance. Maybe if it was final approvals, but like a traditional wedding, this takes a lot of time to decide.

However, all of this is just a minor point in the story in what is the impossible decision Celestia has to make about Discord and the ponies of Equestria.

I agree completley with Fluttershy and Discord! Not a single one of the mane 5 was kind to Discord or trusted him in any way! All they did was give him glares and smile when he was gone! Glad to be reading this! Keep up the good work, TeyesonthePegasus!

Dude, AWSOME! I can't wait until next chapter!

soo ...... AMAZING aaargh *dead*

Celestia is so dramatic when story telling :rainbowlaugh:
Nice reintroduction of Discord

no, no please it Discord, Tirek then Sombra, please fix it, it doesn't work any other way


it doesn't work any other way

1. The show has never specified which events came first, so Sombra could have came first.

2. It may go in that order for you, but as this is Teyeson's story, he/she can make it however they want.

5757964 me and millions of others, seriously, everyone I met agrees with that order, plus when Celestia talked about Sombra, she said a thousand years, when she talked about Discord, it was over a thousand years


me and millions of others, seriously, everyone I met agrees with that order,

As I said, nothing concrete has ever been said by the show, and thus, it is your headcanon, headcanons can be different, obviously Teye's is different from yours, and you should respect that instead of asking him/her to change it.

pulse when Celestia talked about Sombre,

'plus' 'Sombra'

After looking up the MLP timeline on mlp wiki, it DOES mention Discord before Sombra. I did not know that. Huh...
Learn something new every day.
Then again, it could just be listing the events in the 1000 year void, without using a chronological order.
Of course, I didn't know so many argued about which came first; the unicorn or the draconequus.

5758735 I have checked and Celestia the show itself and is clear Discord was first, no head canon, just fact

5758735 I don't particularly care which came first. and neither should you, it's your story, what you say goes.

'1000 years' has always been the go-to for evil coming back, so I agree it's probably just to fill the void.

Please finish this story

Comment posted by Fanfic27 deleted Jun 15th, 2015

Definitely working on it. It's just a matter of finding the right words and descriptions. :unsuresweetie:

Now, I can give you two choices. Either you step down as ruler, or...we fight for the title.

Maybe it's because I just saw Rocky 1 and 2 for the first time last week, but now I'm imagining Discord in gym shorts and boxing gloves.

"FILLIES AND GENTLECOLTS!" the creature announced as he pointed to the corner opposite of Celestia. "In THIS corner, the most powerful entity of Equestria! The being of chaos! IIIIIIIIIIT'S DISCOOOOOOORD!" Suddenly, the sound of a roaring crowd rang out around me as Discord appeared at the corner, waving and blowing kisses. "And in this corner," the mini Discord continued as it pointed towards me, "the ruler of Equestria and the Princess of the sun; CELESTIA!" A wave of boos followed as the creature called my name. I just stood there in complete silence and utter confusion. Then, with a loud shout, the mini Discord shouted with all its might, "LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!"

:rainbowderp: Um...what?

"Alright Celestia," Discord said as he put up his fists. "Put 'em up! C'mon! Give me your best shot!"

Whoa, I can't believe I called that. Awesome! :rainbowlaugh:

I'm so glad that this is back on track now and am looking forward to more. :pinkiehappy:

I love this story! Was sad when it was put on haitus but glad it back!
I only wished Discord could gotten even with Scroll.

Look forward to the next chapter.

holly shit finally a new one :DD
so epic

Brace yourself, a wave of feels are coming :raritydespair:

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